
Podcast: Recorded Saturday, May 10, 2019

10 May 2019

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The release of the redacted Mueller Report has Democrats fuming because they want to know who’s about to be indicted for participating in illegal activity allegedly authorized by President Obama against Trump; Attorney General Barr is now investigatin...

Podcast: Recorded Saturday, May 4, 2019

4 May 2019

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The official cause of the tragic Notre Dame fire is suspect; Mueller Report cleared President Trump but now Attorney General Barr is under attack, because he refused to release the unredacted version of the report; Inspector General’s report of illega...

Podcast: Recorded Friday, April 5, 2019

5 Apr 2019

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Simon tells us Planet X information he posted on April 1st was the real deal, not an April Fool’s prank; Sacha Stone’s 5G interview with Simon was quite exceptional with astonishing information revealed about the dangers of 5G to all living things; ...

Podcast: Recorded Friday, March 22, 2019

22 Mar 2019

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There was a meditation by Connecting Consciousness for New Zealand and Australia after the shootings to refocus energy on a positive; shooting videos banned because elite hide answers in them they don’t want people to see; banning action will cause so...

Podcast: Recorded Friday, March 8, 2019

8 Mar 2019

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It is said military generals who support Trump don’t want the opening of indictments or military tribunals made public for fear of financial collapse, possibly influencing President Trump to opt for closed-door proceedings with no media coverage o...

Podcast: Recorded Friday, February 22, 2019

22 Feb 2019

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Simon talks about his discussion with Benjamin Fulford and how their info is similar although coming from different sources; One World Order must be stopped; President Trump has authorized audit of the Fed just as they issue a large number of money-rais...

Podcast: Recorded Sunday, January 20, 2019

20 Jan 2019

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A website has given the date of January 5th as when a new humanity will ascend into the 5th dimension and the Cabal will be no more, which can only realistically be understood as disinformation designed to cause people to drop their guard; Supreme Court...

Podcast: Recorded Sunday, January 6, 2019

6 Jan 2019

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Simon’s yearly Christmas morning psychic attack from the bad people comes approximately a week early this year, when upon awaking, he discovered physical damage to his hands; Bush Senior really deceased this time leaving a vacuum in the elite’s cont...

Christmas Special: Comparing Music Tuned to 432 Hz and 440 Hz

24 Dec 2018

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Musicians from several countries play a local piece with A tuned to 432 Hz and 440 Hz, and some to 444 Hz. Listening to both versions allows us to really hear and compare the different tunings. Listeners can actually feel as well as hear the difference ...

Podcast: Recorded Saturday, December 15, 2018

16 Dec 2018

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Rogue group trying to instigate conflicts worldwide, one between Russia and Ukraine, another between China and North Korea or maybe just an all-out World War III; passenger list of Malaysian flight 370 and raid on Deutsche Bank may shed light on widespr...

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