Latest News of 25 September 2024
Trump hält eine Rede in Georgia...
25 Sep 2024 – Simon Parkes Blog (
6 Millionen Simbabwer sollen Landrechte erhalten...
23 Sep 2024 – Simon Parkes Blog (
60% Exklusivrabatt endet am 21. September
18 Sep 2024 – Simon Parkes Blog (
Willkommen bei BioPhotonic
Bringt mit der ganzheitlichen Produktpalette von BioPhotonic Gleichgewicht und Harmonie in euer tägliches Leben zurück.
Künstliche Umwelteinflüsse wie elektromagnetische Felder (EMF), Luftverschmutzung und toxische Substanzen in unserer Nahrung und unserem Wasser lassen sich heute nicht mehr vermeiden. Mit zufriedenen Kunden aus der ganzen Welt und mehr als einem Jahrzehnt Forschung haben wir die Wirksamkeit der BioPhotonic-Technologie bewiesen. Um natürliche Bedingungen zu gewährleisten, müssen wir gegensteuern, entschärfen und entgiften.
Exklusiv für CC-Mitglieder: verwendet bitte den Code CC60 für einen Rabatt von 60% Rabatt auf die Produkte der EMF-Schutzserie zu erhalten. Der Verkauf beginnt heute und endet am 21. September.
Bitte schaut euch unser Video "Produkte im Überblick" an - es wird euch helfen, den Zweck der einzelnen Produkte zu verstehen und zu entscheiden, welches für euch am besten geeignet ist:
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Haftungsausschluss: Die BioPhotonic-Geräte sind keine medizinischen Geräte und behandeln oder heilen keine Krankheiten; sie bieten vielmehr ein ganzheitliches Mittel zur Verringerung von Stressbelastungen, zur Wiederherstellung der Selbstregulierung und sind für den Einsatz im Rahmen eines allgemeinen Wellness-Programms vorgesehen.
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Inspirational Tags
This website provides contributions from Connecting Consciousness in German language.
About Connecting Consciousness
Connecting Consciousness is a constantly growing global movement in which people join who recognize, that the development on this planet is not always aligned with the benefit of mankind, that global events are also embedded into other contexts than they are generally presented, and that the forces acting behind the visible level often have more dimensions thanare superficially apparent.
In more and more countries on all continents groups are forming which are connected by a unifying consciousness. Undogmatic - spiritually nourishing - mentally inspiring - emotionally supportive.
About Simon Parkes
Initiator and founder of Connecting Consciousness is Simon Parkes from England. He is a former elected politician, served a full term in office and has access to helpful sources of information due to his family background, among other things. His mother worked for the British security service MI5 and, as part of her work, wrote documents about UFOs that crashed here on earth and were recovered by American special forces. His grandfather worked for the British secret service MI6 and was very closely associated with the American CIA. Later he was a British diplomat at the United Nations. Simon Parkes has a lifetime of experience with extra-planetary lifeforms and went public with his story in 2010. In 2013 he was invited by the British Ministry of Defence to a secret British space radar station as a quasi confirmation of his background. Since then he has been taken seriously by the media as a connoisseur of various extraterrestrial races and beings. More about Simon Parkes and what he offers on his website.