
Podcast: Recorded on 12th August 2020

12 Aug 2020

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Podcast: Recorded on 17th July 2020

24 Jul 2020

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Podcast: Recorded on July 7th 2020

8 Jul 2020

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"Out of This World Radio 1150 AM" with Ted Mahr, July 4, 2020

4 Jul 2020

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Censorship is rampant in social and mainstream media; use of violence and criminal activity to intimidate and harm innocent citizens is the new normal in cities; local government officials are fining and/or arresting law-abiding citizens for trying to l...

Podcast: Recorded on June 19th 2020

26 Jun 2020

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Update Recorded Sunday, June 14, 2020

14 Jun 2020

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Ted Mahr’s “Out of This World” radio show in Bellevue, Washington has been cancelled because of pro-Trump views but he has a new show coming out of California, Simon to be his first guest on June 20 10:00 a.m. Pacific time, so freedom of speech ha...

Update June 14th 2020

14 Jun 2020

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Recorded Friday, June 5, 2020

5 Jun 2020

George Soros is funding Antifa who is organizing and bussing people to various locations to cause mayhem and havoc throughout America; Acme Brick Company with investors like Warren Buffett, George Soros and Bill Gates supplied bricks for rioters to thro...

Update Recorded Thursday, June 2, 2020

2 Jun 2020

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Protests, rioting, looting, insurrection going on in the U.S. is yet another attempt to remove President Trump and leave America in shambles; Cabal is attacking anyone or anything that questions their plans of forced vaccinations and 5G in the UK; Europ...

Update June 2nd, 2020

2 Jun 2020

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Protests, rioting, looting, insurrection going on in the U.S. is yet another attempt to remove President Trump and leave America in shambles; Cabal is attacking anyone or anything that questions their plans of forced vaccinations and 5G in the UK; Europ...

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