
Simon Parkes answers Questions from the Project Avalon Community

22 Aug 2014

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Passengers of Malayasian MH370 aircraft were a group of scientists working on black stealth technology and a group of bio-genetic scientists. Ukraine situation is a power play between NATO, America, Europe and Russia. Zionists have Israel by the scruff ...

The Measure of a Man

9 Aug 2014

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Insightful look at Simon Parkes and his relationships with ET/alien races and the larger picture of what’s going on here on Planet Earth. We cover ascension and how that factors in to the game being played by the Praying Mantis or Mantid race and ...

ET encounters with an elected Labor Councillor

3 Aug 2014

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Simon Parkes is an elected local Councillor for the Town he lives in and he claims to have had alien contact/experiences for all of his life, and that these experiences are still on going. While still very much active as a Councillor for the labor party...


17 Jun 2014

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Interview: Control systems on Earth

27 Feb 2014

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We discussed all manner of control systems installed around our planet. Simon also breaks down several types of alien or interdimensional intentions and attitudes based on knowledge they have imparted to him. While much of the elite would love to have S...

Questions from Project Avalon forum members & Answers

15 Dec 2013

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Simon discusses and expands on the future of Earth, the Mantid and Reptilian influences, his own role as one of many arbiters on the planet, our free will, our individual responsibility and the opportunities that lie before us, the part played by the Il...

Labour councillor Simon Parkes having an affair with aliens

25 Jun 2013

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Simon chats about his encounters with aliens including a sexual moment with a hologram when he was 5!

The Hidden World of the Illuminati

29 Jan 2013

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25 Jan 2013


Questions from the Hosts and Audience, January 20th, 2013

20 Jan 2013

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Alan James and Steven George are hosts on Irish independent radio, they refer to ‘TNS’ meaning Tir Na Saor, which is an independent radio station in Ireland. Simon appears only after many minutes have elapsed here. He is asked about his fami...

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