
Interview with Ted Mahr: Friday, November 15, 2019

with Ted Mahr on Out of This World Radio 1150 AM in Bellevue, Washington

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Out of This World Radio 1150: Current Events, Questions & Answers

Friday, November 15, 2019

President Trump at a political rally acknowledges there is a deep state; alternative media is needed to say what the mass media won’t; pace of humans awakening is accelerating; parts of Earth might be shifting to 5D as early as next July; Simon says places where there are portals and people who have visited or entered a portal at some point will likely transfer to 5D early; as we go into the year 2020 if you think about what 2020 vision means, it would suggest we will be seeing things more clearly; school shootings appear to be engineered with a political agenda, namely confiscate America’s guns; Nazis invited to U.S. under Operation Paperclip gives rise to mind control programs which are in use today; creation of United States Space Force could be President Trump’s attempt to bridge the gap between what the public perceives as a Space Force and what some of us understand as the Secret Space Program; Secret Space Program in Antarctica involves non-humans and slave labor; how shifting from 3rd to 5th dimension might be experienced; can we call on angels for help; dreams of spaceships and drones, what does it mean; Simon is asked if he was connected to King Solomon in a past life.


Ted Mahr: And with that I’d like to welcome my good friend Simon, Simon Parkes from England. Simon appears on Out Of This World radio twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month and Simon how are you doing today?

Simon Parkes: Hello Ted, very happy to be with you. I’m fine, thank you.

TM: Oh good, good. This is my first time in the studio in a number of weeks and it’s nice to be here. It’s nice to be here. The sun’s in the studio. It’s shining in and it feels so good.

SP: Well last time we did a talk you were coughing quite a lot, do you remember?

TM: I do. I do. I do, and that’s decreased about 90 percent now. I do cough a little bit but it’s almost gone. I realized I actually had a touch of pneumonia. I had bronchitis and then it went into pneumonia slightly, but I had a good doctor to help me out, lots of good medication and most important thing they tell me is to get lots of rest, which is what I’ve been doing and it’s something you told me years ago to get. I unfortunately, I didn’t follow your advice fully then, I got sick in ’17, and I got sick again now, so I’m going to incorporate some free time into my schedule and not work 24/7 like I have been doing. It’s not good for me and I don’t want to expire early frankly, so...

SP: Ted, the problem is that when many of us, you know, come here to do a job of work, whatever it is, we feel guilty if we’re not actually working, but the problem is that if we run our bodies down, then we do a disservice to the very people that we’re supposed to be helping, because we’re not effective and it’s this balance isn’t it, between, you know, taking a break, but also working as hard as you can, so you know, you sound loads better, so I think we’re gonna have a great show.

TM: Well thank you so much Simon. The energy here in the studio is wonderful. Eric, I couldn’t ask for a better producer. He’s always great and I can feel the energy of all my listeners too coming in, and feeling them, their love and support as well. It’s been a rough last three or four weeks, but I have no one to blame but myself so and, but I don’t have anything scheduled now for the rest of the year. I have something scheduled next year, but I’m intentionally slowing down my schedule, so I have more free time, and time to meditate and take better care of myself because if the body goes, you really don’t have much left, unless you’re a spirit, and then I have to have another psychic come in and do my show, so I wouldn’t want that to happen. But my goodness Simon, we live in exciting times don’t we. I reviewed the post on your web, wonderful website and then we have a bunch of questions that came in from listeners as well, and it’s never a dull moment, right now is it Simon? There’s always something going on, every week, every day almost.

SP: I think the point is that all of us, every one of us, all the listeners, everyone, we came here to be challenged. We came here to be offered opportunities and then from those opportunities, we either learn or we don’t learn. Now if you live in an idyllic paradise, you’re not going to learn very much because you’re not going to be challenged, so that’s why everything is being thrown at everybody, because we’re all getting these opportunities to decide how we want to react to it, what we want to do with it, and so this is part of what is meant to happen, and that’s why it’s so busy. That’s why it’s so challenging, because it’s a great chance for us to learn, and you know, develop.

TM: Well the Earth itself I think Simon is like a big school where everyone’s volunteered to come down here and we’re all here to learn lessons, and if you learn the lesson, then your group moves on, hopefully ascend and move on to the next level, and if you don’t, you just kind of go back and repeat first grade or second grade or whatever, but it’s a great learning opportunity, even I think when bad things happen, perceived to be bad things happen at the time. There’s always a silver lining in whatever happens and it’s always a lesson to be learned in whatever happens I think.

SP: I totally agree. l think that’s the point. We, I think in all through human history there’s been chances to learn, but I think now at this juncture of our development as a race we’re literally getting it thrown at us. and that’s why there are so many both good and not-so-good things happening.

TM: Yeah, yeah. Absolutely, absolutely. There’s all kinds of stuff going on and we asked for it. I think all of us asked to be reincarnated during this life and there’s a lot of spirits out there who wanted to be, who wanted to come into this life at this time to experience the ascension and to help with the ascension but they couldn’t come in. There wasn’t enough room for everybody, so it’s I think, it’s not a right but a privilege, and an honor to be alive at this time, even though I know that’s tough for many people, it’s still a good thing to be here. It feels good to be here so…

SP: Well it is and sometimes we forget just how lucky we are. Sometimes with the pressures of the world, the pressures of every day, we lose track of the fact that this is a fantastic place and every day we should be celebrating the fact that we are alive and we live, and you know, it’s easy to take for granted and sometimes, you know, you look at people on the sidewalk and they’re looking down on the sidewalk or they’re looking at their phone and they look cross or miserable, and I think sometimes people forget that they’re alive.

TM: I agree. I agree. You know I’ve been sleeping 12, 13, 14 hours a day for the last two-and-a-half, three weeks, and it’s only recently that I’ve been able to really get out. So I went to a coffee shop this morning sitting and having a cup of coffee this morning in this nice little shop Simon, it felt so good just to be around people and it was just nice to feel the energy. It was good energy all around me and little things, but I think people sometimes fail to see the larger picture of things, and instead of looking at life as being like a half-full of a half-full of glass of water they look at it as being half-empty. It’s always good to try to maintain a positive viewpoint even when times are tough.

SP: Yes I totally agree.

TM: Yeah.

SP: I’m glad to hear that you’re taking the time out to drink coffee Ted.

TM: Thank you.

SP: And not in a studio.

TM: No, no, not in a studio to wire myself up. No it was uh, no I had a nice time this morning. I intentionally took a break on the way up to the studio today, so if you look, if you look around every minute of every day always have lots of beauty around. You just have to stop and smell the roses, or smell the coffee as the case may be, but anyway you’ve had some amazing posts on your website. The first one you talked about the deep state and at a recent political rally President Trump use the phrase “deep state.” I think you’re right. I haven’t heard him say that before.

SP: It is interesting isn’t it. I think last time we ever heard anything like that it would have been Kennedy and then before him possibly Eisenhower, one or two others. The point is that it shows that this president is aware of a government within a government. A president you would never have heard Obama say that or Clinton or George Bush, and when you take the trouble and the time to listen to some of his talks at his political rallies he even attacks his own political party, which is very interesting because he says, and I was listening I think it was Louisiana he was at yesterday, or a couple of days ago, and he said that, you know, he said we took down the Bush dynasty. We took down the Clinton dynasty. We took down the Obama dynasty. Now of course George Bush was a Republican, which is the same political party as Trump. I’m not, you know, this is what’s absolutely unique here. You’ve got a Republican saying that another guy who was a president of the same party was actually an enemy of the people. That’s why we support Trump because he’s actually telling you the way it is, and he did use the word, the deep state, and it’s the first time I’ve ever heard him use it and it shows me very clearly that this guy, President Trump, understands that there is a government within a government and he knows he’s on the public face of the government, but he’s referring to the hidden government and that’s phenomenal, absolutely incredible. Now had you got, and I mean in America, had you got a half-decent democratic media they’d have jumped all over that, as I have. They would have made a huge thing about it, but they daren’t because it’s the deep state that controls 90-odd percent of the media.

TM: That’s why it’s our alternative media like my program here and your Connecting Consciousness programs Simon, I think are so critically important for humanity. That’s why my listener base has gone up into the multiple hundreds of thousands and has a worldwide audience, and you have a fantastic worldwide audience too, but people are hungry for the knowledge. They’re tired of being lied to. They’re tired of being manipulated and they just want the truth. Is that so difficult I wonder for mass media here in the United States to really talk about.

SP: Well I think the thing is that maybe many of the people who are employed on these radio stations or TV stations deep in their heart I think they want to be truthful, but you know, there’s only a handful of men on the planet that own 90-odd percent of the media, so if the guy that’s paying you tells you to shut up, then you shut up and that’s what’s happening, and this is the problem that I think many people are very decent but they are terrified. I mean look these guys on the radio and on the TV and on the newspapers, they report supposed suicides. They report murders and they do their journalism and they know who’s behind it and it might be, it might be that some of the people behind it are also quite heavily involved in the media, so you know, these journalists, they’re just being careful, and unfortunately they’re not brave enough to actually come into the light and say I’m gonna tell the truth, and this is what we need. We need these people to actually be brave enough and to walk away from the evil and to embrace the good.

TM: I have to share this with you Simon. You know a million years ago when I was a teenager in high school growing up I remember the media in the U.S. and it was controlled somewhat but not like it is today, and there was a lot more independent journalists who were courageous and they weren’t afraid to go out and ferret out the truth. Now that tradition seems to have gone away. It’s not the same as it used to be. This is I’m talking maybe 40 years ago or so.

SP: Yeah I agree. I think where you saw the media being controlled was things like Vietnam.

TM: Um-hum.

SP: There was a direct threat to the system shall we say, and then you saw the media closing ranks, but in terms of freer journalism, I think there were more opportunities for men and women to get to the truth than there are now. For instance, you know, if you take a company making soap powder that cleans clothes, well forty years ago there might have been seven or eight companies doing it, but now there’s probably just the one, so when you boil down or you distill down to just a handful of people, their control is nearly absolute, and so I really think that in order to get a change either these people at the top have got to change themselves or the people at the bottom have just got to throw off the shackles and say frankly we’ve had enough of it, so one of the two is going to happen.

TM: Yeah I agree totally Simon, but I think what’s gonna happen is that people are gonna gravitate toward truth, because Susan Miller has said in my show, a wonderful astrologist from New York City back in April of 2014, she said this was a time of truth, that things that are true will be become self evident as being true and those that are false will become evident as being false and fall by the wayside, and that trend is still continuing now, and it’s going to continue for hundreds of years so, and the Cabal or the negative forces can’t stop it. They can’t change it either. It’s inevitable. It’s an evolution that’s happening here on the planet, and with that will become, will be responsible journalism.

SP: It’s interesting when we look at the third dimension, this reality...

TM: Oh yeah.

SP: ...and we look at how it’s changed. I was just chatting to (cough) excuse me, a few people not so long ago and said over the last 30–40 years the pace of change has been phenomenal, and although in one way perhaps it might not be so good, in other ways it’s been better. Over the next three, four, five years the pace of human consciousness, the rising, the changing is going to be so fast that even I or you, looking at it today perhaps couldn’t predict the changes that are going to come in the next few years for good, and I think it’s very exciting. So I still have my happy hat on. I still have my happy hat on because although things are difficult and obviously we’ve had that shooting, but you know, people like you and I Ted have always said that the outcome is good, but we’ve got a rocky road getting there.

TM: Yeah. Absolutely, absolutely. One thing I want to share with you, I’m in telepathic contact with my friends from the Hollow Earth and I asked them, it wasn’t really a theoretical question, but I said they said that some parts of the planet will be shifting into 5D earlier than others. One of those will be Mount Shasta. That’ll be July of next year, and that’s really moved up by several years from what they predicted even the last couple of years, and I said to them, well let’s say somebody’s driving from San Francisco or Los Angeles and they’re going up to Mount Shasta and the mountain itself has shifted into the fifth dimension. What will it be like driving a car from third dimension into fifth dimension, and they said that you’ll just, you’ll have distortions of time and space. You’ll feel a lot lighter when you get there. You’ll be able to communicate telepathically. All of the colors will be far more vibrant like reds of red roses will be far redder than other colors in the third dimension, but it’ll be very different and much lighter kind of density. I know you had a post on it which was very intriguing about a transfer from third dimensional Earth into the 5D. I’m planning a trip actually next July, July 1st to the 8th, and you’re welcome to come along Simon to Mount Shasta and at that point if everything holds true, then the people of Telos should be walking around us at Mount Shasta when we’re there, and we won’t have to go down to see them. They will come up and see us, because we’ll be in the same dimension.

SP: Yes I put a post on saying that a number of people have asked me about, you know, similar questions and I was gonna have a go at it when, you know, we do our podcast probably tomorrow or Sunday.

TM: Okay.

SP: The thing is that I mean I agree places where there are portals or places where there is sacred through flow of energy will transfer first. Now what is interesting, and you haven’t touched on this but maybe I could, is that people who have visited or entered a portal, it doesn’t matter if they are no longer in that locality, they will transfer early as well. So let’s say somebody who goes to visit Mount Shasta and then goes back to New York City, they are more likely to transfer early because they have connected with a portal.

TM: Oh how interesting, because I’ve had people on my trip this year from New York City.

SP: Okay.

TM: I’ve had them from... oh this brings up a very interesting question. I’ve had them from Washington D.C. actually, and they work in some government agencies so it’ll be interesting…

SP: Well say they know what I know and then they’re sick of the politics and they want to go early. I’m being quite serious.

TM: Yeah, yeah, yeah, so it’s gonna be very very interesting what’s going to happen. Oh my goodness this brings up all kinds of interesting questions. Well for those of you interested in going, I’ll be going to Mount Shasta twice next year, early July and the end of August. It should be a really incredible out-of-this-world time if you’re interested just send me an email. Actually the July trip is already starting to fill up, you know, like eight–ten months ahead of time, but that’s fascinating. Of course there’ll be laggards in the planet, probably places like North Korea, not to single North Korea out, but a place with a lot of negative energy, and also cities and areas which people aren’t very enlightened, but eventually President Kennedy has told me that the entire planet will shift as well into this, into this new fifth dimension irregardless of the slowness. Eventually everybody will come up to speed.

SP: Well the planet is the planet whilst it’s okay I think for, you know, some parts to go ahead first, no part should be left behind because it is one entity. It’s one organism. It’s one point. The only point you’ve not touched on literally, and I’ll have a go here, is that those people who are beyond saving those people who are incredibly evil I can just say that there’s no way they’re going into the fifth.

TM: Right, right, right and those have a special planet already reserved for them from what I’ve been told by my friends in the Hollow Earth Simon of a lower dimensional, third dimensional planet like Earth, earth-like planet, a sister planet to Earth, and it’s in the same orbital path as this planet but on the other side of the solar system, and they’ll be going there to work out their own karma for many thousands of years. That’s what I’ve been told, so it should be interesting. It should be interesting.

SP: Yes I agree.

TM: Yeah absolutely, absolutely. Do you think places like Glastonbury and Stonehenge will be going, will also be shifting among the first places into the higher dimensions over in the UK Simon?

SP: It’s places with portals and I think that as we approach these transference times those people that are in the know will flock to these portals and they will stand and hold hands, and literally that’s what I foresee. The question is how people are going to be alerted to the change and I think there will be a subtle color change around the portal area. There’ll be a bit like Northern Lights, you know, an aurora borealis some sort of changing in the color of the air around this location and I think that will act as a visual stimulus for people to go, so I think those that are in the know, if they live within traveling distance of a portal and it becomes active, then I think people make a beeline. Now depending on what we’ve got in terms of government, either government will attempt to put soldiers or police around to stop people going to it or they’ll just say well let them do it, and that I haven’t seen the future of that yet, but certainly there will be locations all over the planet that are what we say in Great Britain early doors. I don’t think you have that saying in your country, but it means first off, so you know the door is open nice and early and I think that that’s what’s going to happen.

TM: Yeah, yeah. I agree with you Simon. I know that from my experience at Mount Shasta, I’ve been going there since 2015, that every year there seems to be more and more miracle healings. It gets easier and easier to interact and talk to not only the Sasquatch which they like to be called [Shatru]. Sasquatch means wild man. They don’t like that term. I don’t blame them, but it’s easier and easier to talk to [Shatrus], also easier and easier to talk to Adama and the people of the Hollow Earth. They just come right through and I expect next year in July that if we do shift, and I think we will be shifting into the fifth dimension that they will simply be walking around us there at the campsite.

SP: Right. What’s interesting it’s not that their power is becoming stronger. It’s the reality that we are in as our reality begins to move towards it, resistance that they have to push through becomes less and less. So they could spend more time in this reality.

TM: I want to thank my friend, good friend Rick in Seattle for mentioning this to me. He called me up and we were talking about lots of different things and he said Ted think about it 2020, what does that mean for vision, and I said well you can see clearly, and he said that’s what’s gonna happen next year is that as we shift into the higher dimensions people are going to see things even clearer than they do now, and I thought oh what an amazing insight, and I thank you Rick for pointing that out. I wanted to share it on the show today.

SP: Well I think you’ve got a lot of listeners Ted and a lot of people want to write in because there aren’t very many shows that are consistent, and I think people will, if they appreciate the truth and they appreciate an honest answer, then people will, you know, they will get involved and that’s why I think your radio show has grown and grown because it’s clearly... it’s got a vision and it sticks to it.

TM: Yeah, well thank you. Thank you Simon. It took me many years to get to this point to realize my sole purpose, to realize that I had another life time in Atlantis where I was trying to turn things around and stop a deep state cabal back then 12,500 years ago from destroying the planet. Me and I and others failed, but we’re back again. Everything, history does repeat itself except this time we’re gonna win. The things are changing and the dark forces are on the run and as President Kennedy has told me many times, it’s the destiny of this planet to become a beautiful, peaceful and harmonious place that’s going to become a true paradise. It’s gonna be, we will be facing challenges I agree with you in getting there, but we’re well on our way and things have speeded up in a good way, not a bad way, but a good way.

SP: Yes.

TM: Yeah, yeah. I want to talk a little bit, we’ve got a bunch of questions too, but I wanted to just touch base quickly on these school shootings. I don’t believe they’re random. I think many of them are engineered to do what they do tragically, to hurt people and I think there’s a political agenda between all of them. Many of the shooters are either mind-controlled or they’re on mind-altering depressants like prozac and the long-term effects of those drugs are very harmful. What do you see from your side Simon on these school shootings?

SP: There has been for a while and it’s still growing and you should see this with the attempt to impeach the president. There’s a real drive to literally take away the Second Amendment, and so in a way that this particular, let’s just call it deep state because that’s what the president calls it. The only way the deep state think and feel that they can do this is not democratically trying to argue the case, but by trying to shock people and say look if nobody had any guns this this wouldn’t happen. When I make point, you know, first of all I’m going to say that people really did die in this incident. There are a number of people who say that all of its actors and nobody dies. That frankly isn’t true. There are real casualties. People really do die. That’s not to say there aren’t actors, but there is usually some very tragic occurrence. But in this case it’s a young child because he’s not 18. There’s a young child, his 16th birthday, that’s the information I’ve got. You may have more up-to-date information, but I understand it was his 16th birthday who goes in and stands still. Now this is typical mind control, stands in one place and fires at anything that moves and then coolly, calmly puts the gun to his head and shoots himself. Now that isn’t even the actions of a very distressed person. That’s the actions of somebody who has been completely switched off from emotion. Now back in the ’70s we call this, you know, hypnosis but, and I wrote on my website that because we understand the military and we understand secret societies and we understand the very large multicorporations who use mind control to maintain their control over individuals. This is a classic case of that, and I did say on the website that a number of these shooters are victims of the people above them. Now I don’t want the audience to say that I’m... I don’t mean to be misunderstood here. The person who does the shooting is guilty of the shooting, but the person who’s been mind-controlled probably didn’t ask for that. They were probably somehow ensnared or trapped and then had a mind-control program put in, so frankly they don’t know what they’re doing. So the people we want are the people at the very top who are the ones pulling the strings, and so you know, everything’s a tragedy. All of it is a tragedy, and it’s purely and simply because a small group of complete lunatics, complete crazy crazy people, have this un-understandable agenda to kill people in the thought that somehow it gives them control over the population. So these are the very people who will not be going to the fifth dimension Ted.

TM: Sure. Do you think they’re even human or what do you think about that?

SP: I think most of them are. I think most of them have lived an incredibly rarefied life. In other words, they’ve been tucked away in some mansion somewhere or some island and then they’re brought into the mainland, into the continental U.S. and they have again a very isolated upbringing. These are the elite and they’re so detached from ordinary people that they don’t get it. It’s not a pleasant thing to do but in history sometimes we have to learn harsh realities, and if you were to study the time of Nazi Germany and these people who ran these awful prison camps, these people had had the mind control done to them, so that they could see all of this horror but it never affected them. Now if we understand they had that in the 1940s, we shouldn’t be surprised that they have it today.

TM: Sure, sure, because many of those Nazi scientists I’m sorry to say came to the United States under Operation Paperclip and infiltrated our military-industrial complex, so many of the techniques that they learned in these concentration camps came to the U.S. in a country like which is shocking, but if you do, if you research the history of Operation Paperclip you’ll be shocked to realize that many of these Nazis did come to the United States and they integrated themselves long ago into our military-industrial complex as well as universities.

SP: Well we can add to that and make it a bit clearer and say they were invited. They were given dual nationality or they renounced their German nationality and accepted American. They were given passports. They were paid federal employees, and you looking back on it, maybe it’s hard today to understand, but here’s the reason why rightly or wrongly the American government did it, and they did it because (coughs) excuse me, when they recognized the level of technology the Germans had they were prepared to turn a blind eye to whatever might have gone because they wanted that technology. Your people, the American people, for years and years were kept out of the European or the international system. It was a way of isolating and what happened was the Second World War crept up on America and American politicians realized that never again could they afford to be on the sidelines. America was going to be the number one country and never again be caught out by a war in another place, and that’s where this all comes from, and so if you stumble upon a cache of the most wonderful, from their perspective, wonderful technology, most of it weapon-grade, what do you do? You don’t give it away to your enemy. You keep it, and so Operation Paperclip was the political, I beg your pardon, it was the physical reality of a political decision to make America rule the world, and that’s what that all came from. Just to finish off, when my mother was doing the work she was doing, and typing out all the documents in relation to UFOs that had crashed all over the Earth, but had been recovered by specialists, American teams, you know, these were German scientists who had been tasked with back-engineering, and these were a group of scientists who were either in Berlin, the British or American part of Berlin, occasionally the German scientists who were in America, so you know, it wasn’t just a lot of bumbling old men in white coats. This was an absolutely well funded, the only group that wasn’t well funded was von Braun believe it or not, the what became the Saturn 5 rocket. Their projects were not funded because that was all part of a deception program to end up with the 1969 moon rocket. I mean I remember talking to a secret guy some time ago who said that, you know, that the [38:37][bribe] back then their teams were even arguing about the furniture, couldn’t get the money for the furniture, couldn’t get the money for having a proper heating system or a proper carpet, whereas you go to the other groups that were on the UFO alien technology the money was being thrown at them, and it was not even coming through Congress. It was being, as it is now, it’s being diverted, so it was a fascinating time, but it was all brought about by the realization that German technology and alien connection was far ahead of anything the Americans had guessed.

TM: Right, right. This brings in to another subject this little tangent. I hope you don’t mind me going off on a little bit of a tangent with the Secret Space Program, which I’m told is well funded because it goes outside of the normal channels and people really don’t... Congress doesn’t have any, the American public and the people of the world really don’t have any ability to track it at all and the reason I brought it up Simon is because when I was flying back from India last month on my connecting flight from New Delhi to Seoul, sitting next to me was an Indian engineer who worked for an aerospace firm in India, and I asked him, frankly he was going to a big conference in Korea for the military-industrial complex, and I said what kind of work do you do and he just casually says oh I do a lot of work in space, and I said well do you know, you must know about the Secret Space Program. He says oh yeah it’s well-known among us engineers. We talk about it all the time. That’s a lot of our work, so there’s a lot of people out there I’m sure that have a lot of information about the Secret Space Program, which of course of course started with Nazi help after World War II.

SP: Well that is why President Trump is trying to get the public, to move the public interest where perhaps in the future it might be easier to give the truth, and you know, you now have the United States Space Force, which is, you know, in our now constitutionally, it’s another arm of the United States military. So he’s trying to push the agenda so that it becomes acceptable to talk about the space force. Now that of course is different from the Secret Space Program, from the public’s perception, but I think that President Trump is trying to bridge the gap between what the public understand as a Space Force and what we understand as the Secret Space Program. If we accept that in 1943–44 the Germans had the ability to fly spacecraft but did not have the ability to weaponize them, then we should not be surprised if there was already some connections with the moon, possibly Mars, but certainly they would have had the ability to travel that far, and then with the losing of the war their best bet was Antarctica, so you know, America literally fell into a crock of gold in terms of technology, which put them at the time about 50 years ahead of the Soviet Union and anywhere else, and again I make the point that when the Roswell spacecraft crashed in ’47 the elite in the American military already knew what this was. They were already waiting for it. This was no great shock for them. The shock for them was keeping the public out of it. That was that how do we control this? How do we lock this down? That was the biggest thing and anybody who’s researched the Roswell program realizes that they already, this is the Americans, already have specialist teams ready to go to collect these. There’s no desperate running around picking up the phone. Can we get this man from here? Can we get this person from here? They’ve got these teams ready with the equipment, and you know, Major Corso, who was told to, and I quote, “Take your German scientists with you.”

TM: Sure.

SP: So you know that means that before 1947 the American military had been collecting damaged and downed craft.

TM: Sure. Absolutely, absolutely. I have to mention this to you too Simon. Of course I have read the books recently by Dr. Michael Salla on the Secret Space Program, and as well as on Antarctica, and one of his criticisms of the program is not only the secrecy, but the use of slave labor that the Nazis used during World War II in Antarctica and they still use today, because it’s become incorporated into the Secret Space Program by his estimates and Corey Goode there are approximately between 10 to 40,000 people being used as slaves in Antarctica, and he said this is absolutely not right and he’s looking forward to the day when there’s complete disclosure and help for these poor people too.

SP: You asked me about the space program about human, non-human, the group in Antarctica are not human.

TM: Um-hum. Okay.

SP: So it’s a non-human group there and that is the standoff that’s occurred for many many years between successive American governments and this group, because if this group was just a pure human group, then there would have been some sort of arrangement, some sort of battle that would have been won by the American government, but they’re not human, and that’s why there’s slavery down there, and you’re right, it’s because it’s the same ethos the Germans, and look at the Secret Space Program uniforms. There are many Nazi symbols that are on the uniforms and on the markings in the buildings. So yes, it didn’t die. I mean when, you know, I remember in 1979 before my mother died, she told me that Arnold Schwarzenegger was going to be the next president of the United States, and that was in 1979. Now [he] never made it to that, but he made it to the second most strongest position, which was governor of California, so an Austrian was already identified in 1979 to be President. In other words Germans and Austrians were already being maneuvered from I would say the late ’40s into positions both in the military and political ready for this sort of cultural takeover.

TM: Um-hum. Interesting, interesting. Boy this brings up lots of different issues. Simon, do you mind if I go to a couple of questions?

SP: Sure.

TM: They keep coming in. Thomas in Vancouver, Canada, thank you so much for listening today Thomas. He wanted me to just run this by you, a topic of changing, shifting, from third dimension to fifth dimension. He likens it to a healing session, where one person, where a person shifts into a higher dimension, maybe a higher light body at the end of a Reike or energy healing session, and he says maybe this will help people understand how it’ll be next year. It’s an event. I think many of us have waited tens of thousands of years for and I’ve been told Simon that there are many extraterrestrial groups watching planet Earth right now, because this is the greatest show in the universe right now. It’s what’s happening now on planet Earth.

SP: I think that I’m to put a nice 3D touch to it. I want you to imagine lots of extraterrestrials as we call them, all in their spaceships ringing the Earth all with a popcorn out sitting there watching the greatest show on the galaxy, and that’s exactly what this is, the greatest show, and it’s not about, it’s not in doubt, but it’s a once in a not just a lifetime, but in anyone’s lifetime, it’s an event that nobody wants to miss and how lucky are we. We’re not the audience thank heaven’s sake, we’re down here. We’re here and part of it, and that’s why it’s really important that every man and woman plays their part for good to just help nudge it along a little bit and not just sit in the sofa and make comments and say oh I can’t do this. I can’t do that. Let’s just get off the sofa. Let’s just do some good.

TM: Um-hum. Absolutely, oh I couldn’t agree with you more Simon on that. This is from Bridget. She’s written a question about angels. Simon how prevalent are angels among us, and do they take on human form, and can one call upon them for help?

SP: Right. I have a slightly different take on it.

TM: Um-hum, okay.

SP: I actually think there are good angels and bad angels, which actually sort of backs up what the Bible says, but there certainly are entities who operate at the 12th dimension, which means that they, these are the good guys. They cannot be corrupted and generally speaking they don’t wish to associate on Earth, but in times of a special oh how do I put it, a special need, a special time, they will. They’ll just do a one-off thing and go. They won’t stay here and, you know, work day in and day out. They’ll come here and do one pinpoint thing and go. Can you call on them? Yes you can, but you have to be very clear what you’re calling on them for and you have to believe in them. If you only half believe they won’t come, so you’ve got to totally believe, and then yes. A number of people who’ve been saved at the point of death or whatever it might be because at that split second somebody came to their aid, but they, these guys don’t stay around to be thanked. They’re so evolved they don’t need a thank you. They don’t need that adulation. They will just do it and go, so the answer is yes, absolutely, but there are also, as in everything on a balance, there are negative angels whose job is to hinder and make life difficult.

TM: Sure. Right, right. You know that’s how I started my radio show, where I was approached by a homeless man in a library here in Seattle and he came up to me. He addressed me by name. I didn’t know him, and he said two things. He said Ted you need to start writing books and have your own radio show, and I looked around to thank him, and poof gone. Another two months later another man in another library came up to me, said the same thing then disappeared, and then I thought huh, the angels are trying to tell me something so, and I listened, but if that happens to you my friends do pay attention because they often have important messages for you.

I have a question from Mrs., I hope I pronounce this right, Anaz from Germany, big fan of the show and big fan of you Simon. She had a dream where she was lying on a bed next to a window and she looks outside and she sees a small circular UFO object in the sky and then it comes forward. It stops right outside of her window and then it releases a drone telling her to get, to go outside and this is a... it’s a long email so I’m trying to paraphrase it.

SP: Sure, sure, sure.

TM: And then it goes right into her brain. It felt very painful and then it releases something in her brain and then she flies outside, she flies out the window and then the event ends and she said what does this all mean, so that was her email. It’s longer, but I paraphrased it for you.

SP: We’re either looking at a screen memory, in other words she’s been given something that is not just easier to understand, but is not emotionally challenging. I know she might think that was emotionally challenging, but to see the pilot of a spacecraft standing in your bedroom is probably more emotionally challenging for most people than a drone. I think that, I’ve always said this to people. Don’t for one minute think that a spacecraft that has traveled goodness knows how many zillions and trillions and quadrillions of miles to come in here to see you and do a little funny dance in the sky and go away again. I’m, you know, that’s not the case. That’s what you’re remembering.

TM: Um-hum.

SP: In most cases there’s another action which has been wiped from your mind. Either something comes into your bedroom or your sitting room or wherever you might be, and has a dialogue with you or you are taken from your location to the spacecraft and then returned, so what she’s saying there is a classic abduction, but the method of the abduction is brand new to me. This drone business, I have no concept of that in the mind and I’m aware of many drones these spacecraft use, but not that, so I would dearly like this lady... I’m gonna open the books up again in about two weeks to see more people want to have a chat with me, and if she is in a position to she could just, you know, book and I would love to hear that story in detail, because that is not just a dream. That’s real. That’s really happened to her yeah, and that’s very exciting and if we can work and find more information for her that would be great.

TM: Okay, okay. Great, great. Finally we’ve got about at two minutes left. I have a quick question from Dena. Does your extensive experience have anything to do with a past life connected to King Solomon, directed to you Simon.

SP: Right I was invited by, two minutes you say…

TM: Sorry my friend, yeah it’s…

SP: I was invited by the Freemasons on three occasions to speak in their, one of their temples about the different lodges on education. I chose to talk about King Solomon because the temple, it’s something they understand. Well all I can say is that on one occasion we went out for a meal afterwards and the guy and the Freemasons who were videoing it and it was for the public. The public could come in. It was fine. He took me aside and he said to me, just off the cuff, he said you know King Solomon wasn’t a good man, you know.

TM: Oh how funny.

SP: I know he wasn’t, so the only way I can answer that is that there are certain people in very elite positions who seem to think that I at one time inhabited that person’s body.

TM: Interesting, interesting Simon. Now we’ve got 45 seconds or 50 seconds for you...

SP: Right.

TM: wrap up your wonderful interview today.

SP: Oh well it’s fine. It goes so quickly Ted because, you know, you and I get on very well, therefore conversation flows. I’ve always had a highest regard for the American audience. I know this goes out to many many countries, but the reason that I took you up on this offer, what seems like a long time ago now, was because it was a chance for me to speak directly to the United States of America, a country that I have a great connection to in that sense, and so all I can say to you is that, you know, the happenings around the world are happening more in America than anywhere else, and you know, it’s just literally about people keeping calm like a guy on a surfboard who’s riding the waves. Just stay on that surfboard ladies and gentlemen. Don’t fall off it and just stay there and then it’ll work out.

TM: Simon thank you so much my friend for coming on today. I really appreciate you and have an early Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family my friend. [Tape Ends 55:53 1st Hour]

Transcribed by GSC November 22, 2019

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