
Friday, September 13, 2019

with Ted Mahr on Out of This World Radio 1150 AM in Bellevue, Washington

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Out of This World Radio 1150: Current Events, Questions & Answers

Friday, September 13, 2019

Simon says his intention to come to the States in the near future is still in the cards; President Trump now has money for U.S./Mexico fence to be built; disagreements between Bolton and President Trump result in their parting of ways; President Trump cancels meeting with Taliban after American soldier is killed with car bomb; it’s obvious American media is on message, so they are incapable of reliable reporting; media attacks Trump because they can’t control him; when Earth governments block attempted ET communications, the crop circle becomes a workaround with a coded message to the people and it’s the people’s responsibility to decode it; task of future governments should be to enable the people; why did head of MIT resign after revelations of his close affiliations with Epstein; depending on who the winner of U.S. presidential election is in 2020 will be pivotal moment for whether humanity moves forward or backward in its development; in attempt to delay Brexit, the powers that be have maneuvered Boris into the position of asking Europe for extension; progress on stopping 5G is mixed; CC meeting occurring on September 15 in London; Trump may have information on how to negate the harmful effects of 5G in America; Ted offers to arrange a ride for Simon from England to the U.S. on a Pleiadian craft; if President Trump wins a second term he may introduce UFO disclosure in progressive steps; is now the time to get a jumpstart on buying real estate on Mars; thin Martian atmosphere most probably an obstacle to surface living; possible scenarios causing Mars lack of or very thin atmosphere; can Simon teach deprogramming techniques to select people; whereabouts of the Lyrans.


Ted Mahr: And with that my friend Simon is on the line, and I’d love to bring him on. Simon how are you doing today.

Simon Parkes: Hi Ted. I’m really good. I’m very pleased to be back with you again.

TM: Oh good, oh good, and again I know we’re a week late, but happy birthday. Happy birthday.

SP: Thank you, thank you yes. I don’t feel much older.

TM: Really, okay that’s good. That’s a good sign. That’s good. That’s good. Well it’s funny because when I got your email about being on the show today and you couldn’t come on last week because of your birthday, I said oh Friday the 13th. This is a lucky day for him, so I’m glad you could come on.

SP: Well I just went away for a day, so I wasn’t around, so it wasn’t that I was, you know, not wanting to talk. It was just literally I couldn’t have got to an internet site.

TM: Oh that’s okay. No it’s good to take time off. I should do that myself every five or ten years, take a day off. That would be good for me I think, so anyway my goodness Simon, there’s all kinds of things going on isn’t there? I’ve got about, you know I’ve got all kinds of topics laid out here as well as questions from my listeners, so but is there anything you’d like in particular to start off today’s show today?

SP: Well just I suppose to say it is still my intention to come to the states either the very end of this year or the beginning of next year, so that’s still very much on the cards, so I look forward to trying to meet as many people, you know, as I can when I get there. In terms of the news, it’s quite interesting isn’t it that we know that the Supreme Court some time ago authorized the money for the Trump Fence between the U.S. and Mexico, and just recently of course the Pentagon has scaled back a lot of its projects and released money, so now I think it’s just about the six billion mark. So in other words now, President Trump has got all the money he needs to not just start building but to complete it. So, you know, whatever happens in the election in November of next year, that fence has got to be built because between the Pentagon and high court, the Supreme Court, you know the money has been put there. That’s a very important point because of the key campaigning points that Trump had all those years ago now it seems.

TM: Right, right, well I don’t know. I think if you cannot control your borders you really don’t have much of a country, but it’s going to be interesting, and I think you’re right. I think he’s probably going to finish it in time for the, you know, irregardless of what happens in the elections. And I think most people support his decisions as well, so it’s going to be interesting. Recently as you noted on your website, John Bolton, the U.S. National Security Advisor was sacked by the president. He apparently got into some arguments with President Trump and now he’s lost his job.

SP: I think the problem is you see that it is the hottest job in the White House. The National Security Advisor, I mean this is the 3rd one that’s been fired. But it’s not because President Trump is crazy. It’s because it’s the hardest job. Now the insiders at the White House have been saying the problem with Bolton was that he wasn’t really communicating with the president. A number of insiders have said that basically he would just go off into one of the side rooms and do something and forget to tell the president what he was doing. And then, when the president found out, there would be a bit of an argument. And I put on my website and I put exclamation marks, one argument too many! So it’s of no surprise to anybody who is in the know that he’s been fired. The problem is that it is the hardest job and, you know, you really need somebody a very special talent to be able to hang on to that job. So I’m not surprised, but it’s not because Trump has done anything wrong. It’s simply because Bolton decided he’d play the game himself. And you can’t do that because an advisor is there to advise. The president or the boss, whoever it is, is there to made the decision. So, you know, as an advisor you give advice. If your employer doesn’t want to hear that advice, you’ve done your job. What Bolton was doing was getting into an argument and that’s not what he was paid for. So I think it’s good that he’s gone and we will see where we go from here.

TM: Sure you have to have people you rely upon. I remember during the John F. Kennedy administration, I can’t remember whether is was Dean Rusk or Allen Dulles, but the chief negotiator with the North Vietnamese and terrorists back in early 1963 changed some key wording that John F. Kennedy had written for the negotiators in Paris to try to reach an early peace agreement with then the North Vietnam. And it was either Dean Rusk or Allen Dulles changed the wording, so that there’d be a more continued, and they could have reached a peace agreement during that time, so you have to have people who carry out your interpretation of, you know, what you want to do instead of going off on their own on things.

SP: Yes and that’s very well said.

TM: Um-hum, um-hum, the book that, incidentally that historical incident came from a book written by Dr. Michael Salla, excellent researcher who writes many good books about UFOs and ETs. The second thing that was interesting is that when an American soldier was killed in a car bomb, President Trump abruptly cancelled his negotiations with the Taliban. Any updates on that Simon?

SP: Yeah, it’s a shame because the media were trying to say that it was because the Taliban were doing this or doing that and the reality is that if Trump had gone ahead with any sort of peace deal or any sort of agreement, then the media would have immediately said but they’re still killing American soldiers. So he had no option but to pull the plug. You can’t have an American soldier die on Monday, and then sit down with the same people on Tuesday and try and make a peace deal. It makes a mockery of it. So President Trump didn’t have any choice. He had to pull it because to have gone into any meetings after that would have not only been disrespectful to the families of the soldier that was killed, but the media would have absolutely gone mad. So, you know, what could he do? He had to cancel it.

TM: I think what’s going to happen, this is my own gut feeling Simon and I’d love your opinion on this too. I think they will come back to the negotiating after some time has gone on. I think this is becoming a time of peace where war and conflict and fighting is becoming very antiquated, but that’s my... I hope they can reach a peace agreement, so I wish them well.

SP: I think they have to. We’ve seen that with China. You know, again the media were saying you know America is losing the trade war and Trump is this and Trump is that, and the reality was, and I did say this weeks ago, no, America will win it. And even China has come back to the table, and in the same way this insurgent group, this rebel group in Afghanistan will have to come to the table because they don’t have the resources of the United States, and so if they want a peace deal, they won’t get it through the bomb and the bullet. They’ll have to get it through the ballot box. And that’s what will have to happen.

TM: You have to remember too that much of the major U.S. media, well it’s controlled by, I think six corporations control more than 90 percent of the mass media in the United States and with that corporate power, much of it is shared with the military–industrial complex, so they have a vested interest in making bombs, military hardware, so the more conflict in the world the more money they make. And I hate to say this but I don’t trust the U.S. mass media in the United States, and they always managed to bias the news one way or the other. So it’s not completely objective, and it’s not in their interest to promote peace because they don’t make money off peace. They make money off war.

SP: Well I’ll tell you what’s really funny. I think it’s funny, is that it seems to me that President Trump is the first president that’s been attacked by American media while he’s still in office. If I look back at all the other presidents, they were all at the time praised for how wonderful they were and then within just a few short years they were attacking him. I remember when President Obama was in, he was a golden boy. He couldn’t do anything wrong. Everybody loved him, and now we’ve only had a few years and now the truth is coming out. So it’s quite refreshing actually to have a president where the media is not all sucking up to him and falling over him, because we are beginning to understand that the media are on message. And with President Trump, they don’t like him because basically they can’t manipulate him.

TM: Right, right, and he cannot be controlled either, that’s the thing. My friends ask me sometimes what I think of President Trump and I said, well he can be a mixed bag, but the one thing about him irregardless is that he’s not controlled, so that can be a real wild card as far as his actions go.

SP: You see Ted one of the reasons, there’s many of them, but one of the reasons the media don’t like, the U.S. media don’t like President Trump is that he speaks directly to the people on Twitter. Now in the old days the president would call in his favorite news channels and he would sit down and he would give them top stories. He would give them the first break. He would give them the in news. Now Trump doesn’t do that. Trump ignores them all and he goes straight to the people and he cuts out the media, and that’s one of the major reasons the media are angry.

TM: Oh I see. Interesting. This is something I heard from my friends in the Galactic Alliance some years ago. The reason why, in the same kind of vain, kind of same kind of argument Simon that crop circles occur is that when they can’t get through a government, or the government starts blocking their messages, they go right around the government and they’ll put crop circles in in various countries, so people start asking, what is this all about, and they try to send benevolent messages. The benevolents do this anyway. I don’t know if you’ve heard that, but that’s what I heard several years ago.

SP: Ted it’s up to me, as far as I’m concerned, it’s absolutely true, and I’ll take it a bit further than that. There are groups of people in, not many countries, in some countries… it’s not so prevalent now. When, you know, we went through the 31st of December, 2012, that’s the key turning point, but prior to that benevolent ETs were communicating with groups of people in different countries via crop circles. So what would happen is they’d come into a crop circle, they would get a photograph of that crop circle, and then they were able to decode the message to it. So in other words, a lot of this was anti-government. So the government didn’t have the key codes to decipher a crop circle, but these groups of people in different countries did. And so it was one way of a message being sent to people on Earth that could not be hacked by the government.

TM: Umm, that’s fascinating. You know in my conversation with Nostradamus he has told me that large centralized governments here on planet Earth will become far less important in the future because most people will know how to act, but there will be a government but it will be a smaller government and their task or their main job will be to interface with extraterrestrials off this planet.

SP: I think what’s important is that we’ve seen a move away from big government. We’ve seen a move where people don’t want government sticking its nose into what we are and who we are and telling us how to live. And that’s a real theme that’s building and I think that what we need is just a government that enables, a government that just makes things possible for the people and then the people can go and do it. So rather than telling the people what to do I believe a government should make possible so that people can do what they want to do.

TM: Well that’s absolutely true Simon and I think most people on this planet want freedom. That’s the basic human nature. We want the freedom to ascend, raise our vibrations and also create a beautiful paradise on Earth. That’s what John Kennedy has told me many times, that it is the destiny of this planet to become a beautiful loving and kind planet, not one that’s full of war and conflict, but one where people live in harmony.

SP: Yes you know and a place where people really appreciate the beauty of the place they live in, whether it’s their own town or whether it’s the countryside or wherever it might be, for people to really appreciate how lucky they are, you know, anyone in America who is doing reasonably well or Great Britain think my goodness I could have been born in Africa. I could have been born in this place or that place, and you know, to just be thankful for the fact that if you have your health you’re really lucky; if you have a job you’re really lucky, and to make more of it, be more happy. Don’t be miserable.

TM: Um-hum, uh-hum, yeah absolutely, absolutely. Instead of looking at the glass that’s half empty, look at the glass that’s half full of water.

SP: Yes.

TM: And so, yeah absolutely, absolutely. Well that’s why I like talking to you Simon because you always, you talk about world issues, but you’re not a doom-and-gloomer, you know. You’re always looking on the positive side of things, which is good. And I guess that brings me to my next topic. You had a post about Epstein again, and the head of MIT has resigned because of his links with Epstein. Do you think we will have more of this sort of revelations coming out where Mr. Epstein’s associations and his business dealings will come out and implicating more people in government and in politics?

SP: Well that was very interesting Ted. (I’m just going to let the cat in Ted because it’s scratching.)

TM: Oh that’s fine. Yeah, let’s all say hi to Simon’s cat now. So that’s good.

SP: The news, the official news, all the official news did on that was basically said that MIT research labs had taken some funding from Epstein’s foundation, and as a result of that the head of MIT resigned. That’s absolute nonsense. There are loads of big corporations and companies that have taken vast amounts of money from Epstein and they don’t resign. So what I put on my website was that the head of MIT had a very close connection to Epstein and that’s why he resigned.

TM: I see.

SP: Now what we’re going to find, you’re absolutely right Ted. What we’re going to find over the coming weeks and months is more people having to go down this road because the information is going to come out. So I think it has just started. I think it’s going to be quite shocking how many people had close connections.

TM: I think November will be a key time. I know free will can change everything, but I have a feeling the next couple of months—this is September, October—the next two months or so, especially culminating in November before the end of the year it’s going to be a very interesting time of truth.

SP: Yes, yes, you know, I’ve said the 31st of December, 2012 humanity made the choice it was not going to go backwards. What we have now is the new dawn if you like, and it’s still not clear on what day or what year that dawn will come, but I think we’re beginning to gather a bit of a roadmap as to roughly when these things will happen because of the changes that are occurring. And regardless of one’s politics, the election, not this November, but next November and who wins that election in the United States will be a pivotal moment for the development of humanity.

TM: Oh absolutely, I think absolutely, absolutely. I guess this brings me into my next question is about, we’ve had several questions about… we don’t get much information here in the U.S. It’s controlled, and you know, if you want to listen to like sports and the weather forecast, it’s good for that, but beyond that we don’t get a lot, except if you know, the cartoon channel is now more popular than CNN. But, I wanted to ask you about the Prime Minister Boris and also what’s happening now. There’s several different stories coming out. What’s going on from your side of the pond there?

SP: It’s very complicated and I don’t want to bore people with it because it’s complicated. Very basically the old guard who want to keep Great Britain in the European Union have done everything they can to try and keep Britain in and Parliament is on holiday now for six weeks. At the end of that six weeks Boris will have to go to Europe and say that the Parliament of Great Britain wants an extension to the delayed bill so that we can’t leave Europe too soon. But Boris has actually said, God bless him, he said he would rather die in a ditch than go for an extension.

TM: Oh my God. Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.

SP: What’s, you know, I don’t want to go on too much, but what is actually incredible here is that Britain has a traditional history of sorting out its difficulties quietly and behind the scenes.

TM: Sure.

SP: So it’s very American to actually have this fight in the public. So maybe Britain is becoming more American, but certainly from my perspective, I’m very disheartened and sad that there are so many people who are failing to grasp the concept of the opportunity to leave Europe. I’ve always been clear. I don’t want to be part of Europe. I felt that it was a deliberate one-world government, so I want Britain to leave, and the other thing I will go on and say this because as an ex-politician then I can say this, you know. When there was an election, if I won or if I lost, and as long as it was legal, and we could see that the votes were legally cast and counted, I would never go, and nobody would ever come to me and say I don’t think you should win. Let’s have a rerun. Let’s have another go at it. You just don’t do that do you?

TM: Right, no.

SP: You have an election and you accept the result. But what has happened in Great Britain is 17 point, whatever it was, one million, as opposed to 16 million voted to leave, so there’s a majority of about 1.3 million to leave Europe.

TM: Um-hum.

SP: So why are people now saying we don’t like the results? We want another election.

TM: Right.

SP: This is fundamentally undemocratic. That’s the point. And the reason is Ted that there are these people who are part of the Cabal, part of the deep state that don’t want Britain to leave Europe simply because, and it all comes down to money Ted. When Great Britain leaves the European Union, every other union country will have to pay more tax. It’s [as simple as that].

TM: Oh.

SP: Because when we come out, we’re no longer paying in to the pot, so other member states will have to contribute more, and that’s the only reason they don’t want Britain to leave.

TM: I see, interesting. I heard this story a couple of years ago from some friends in the UK Simon, and maybe it was just a rumor, but people got very upset when they perceived that the EU and Brussels was telling people how much electricity they could use to boil a pot of water to make a cup of tea. Did you hear that? That’s what I heard anyway and they were very upset with the tightening regulations from them.

SP: I think they were talking about time, but they didn’t have much effect in Britain. I’ll tell you what did have an effect though. We had before this horrible European Union, we had lots of good farmers in Great Britain, and I’ll give you an example: guys growing apples. So trees growing apples, and we had lots of farmers and the British supermarkets would buy those apples. Then the European Union came in and said that an apple had to be a certain shape and a certain color. They did it with apples, and if it didn’t match that shape, then the supermarket was not allowed by law to buy, so what was happening...

TM: Oh no.

SP: Yeah, you had one or two individuals, not in Britain obviously, somewhere else who would then mass market stuff to the supermarkets because they were all about the right size and the right color, and all the little farmers in Britain were out of business. And I hope that when Britain leaves Europe all of those small families, husband–wife, brother–sister, son–daughter, they’ll get back on their feet and there will be a resurgence in Great Britain of small families getting into business providing services back and products back to Britain because there’s no Europe telling them they can’t do it. I’m old enough I saw all of that. These youngsters, God bless them, who may be in their twenties and thirties, they’ve not, they don’t know. They’ve not seen what happened. So this country was completely turned on its head because the laws were changed. And so yeah, let’s go back and let British people become innovators and captains of industry. Why should it all come from Germany and France?

TM: Right, right. I have friends in Zurich, Switzerland who tell me that the Swiss government now is trying to work behind the scenes to subject the Swiss people to the same kind of onerous regulations from the EU that they’re now free of. They’re not, the EU laws don’t apply in Switzerland from what my friends tell me unless they acquiesce and approve it, but the people in Switzerland probably don’t hear much about it in press, are very upset about that development and they are complaining to the government now that they don’t want the same kind of strait jacket on...

SP: Right there’s an absolute correlation here. It’s because what Europe is desperate now is to try and find more people to pay into the pot.

TM: Oh, okay.

SP: Because if Britain leaves, they want to try and bring someone else in. Now, you know, Switzerland is not going to in because Switzerland is the bank of the world in terms of money, so they always want that independence, but what we’re finding I think is European pressure now trying to get everyone into Europe. I mean Britain paid in more than nearly any other country. It was a staggering amount of money that Britain was paying in, and in fact a joke about Britain in Europe was we were the treasury. They called us the money house or the treasury. I’m not surprised that other countries are coming under pressure from Europe.

TM: Wow, that’s interesting. I want to go back to your earlier comment that in Britain you, that people there, the government tends to sort out their difficulties privately and not in a public way. I saw a film last year on Winston Churchill during the, in the summer of 1940 when of course when the Germans were bombing London and other cities and there were, you probably know a lot more about it than I do, but I remember then in the movie anyway they talked about how there was this argument between Winston Churchill’s government and other people who wanted to go in with a peace agreement with Hitler and other people were saying no, includingWinston Churchill, that we can win this and they started out of course of quietly behind the scenes, but that reminded me of that movie and what was said and what you said earlier.

SP: It’s one of those things where it’s a fifty year, what we call a D-notice, like the letter D, dog, delta, it’s a D-notice. There’s a lot of this stuff which has not been allowed out in public, and it’s simply because we think is that some members of the British Royal Family were trying to get Winston Churchill to do a deal with Hitler, and that’s not being released publicly because it would do the royal family a lot of damage. My grandfather, after the war, met with Churchill, and my grandfather was in government, and what my grandfather said in his opinion was that Winston Churchill was the best leader that we’d had in wartime, but he was absolutely awful in peacetime and my grandfather said that he would go into 10 Downing Street and one of the other officers, which I think was the Admiralty. I think that grandfather said that Churchill liked the Admiralty and Churchill had a parrot, a big parrot, which he called, I think it was Captain. I can’t remember exactly now. Captain, and the parrot wasn’t in the cage and it would just fly around room, and grandfather said it was absolutely impossible to have a conversation with the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill because this parrot would be flying around.

TM: Oh, no.

SP: Now when you think about Britain it’s this eccentric oddness, but what we’ve got at the moment is just diabolical, and I’d rather have Winston Churchill and his parrot than the situation we have at the moment.

TM: Well I don’t know why it’s so difficult for elected leaders to simply carry out what the people want. I don’t know. I just don’t, well, you know.

SP: Because the elected leaders are old holders of office. They’re not holders of power. When I was a City Councillor the correct term would be I held office. I did not hold power, and the difference is when you hold office, your power is constrained by the office. So basically it said you can do this, and you can’t do that. Now when you have power there’s nothing you can’t do, but when you have office, it’s well you can’t do that Mr. President. No you can’t do that Mr. President, and no you’re not allowed to do that Mr. President. So, but people have got the wrong idea about politicians. They actually don’t have power. Now the people who have power are the multi multi-billion dollar corporations because they are not representing to the people. So they don’t have office. They truly have power.

TM: Right, right. Well that’s very interesting. I guess that leads me to my next question actually, and I have some friends who are active in the campaign against the new 5G network in Britain. They said that they’ve gotten as of last month 10 City Councils to vote specifically against the new 5G network in the UK based upon the fact that there’s a provision in the Town Council or law there that if Councillors in the town for example approve of 5G network and people are harmed or get cancer from the network that they’re personally liable for it. What’s been going on with that? Do you have any updates on the 5G situation, Simon?

SP: The greatest success is in Australia. We have a very very active Connecting Consciousness group, you know. I’m sure many of your listeners know that some years ago I set up Connecting Consciousness and this Sunday we have our AGM meeting in London.

TM: Wonderful.

SP: We’re hoping for about 170 people to be able to attend. Some are coming from America. Some are coming from Canada. Some are coming from I think it’s Trinidad and Tobago. It is really lovely that people are traveling all that distance just for one day. We have a very active group in Australia and they have been able to utilize domestic laws. Now I think I’m right in saying they’ve had a great success. Something like 5,000 cell masts are having to be taken down.

TM: What! Really, my goodness, that’s wonderful.

SP: This is in Sydney. They managed to ban it, 5G in Sydney in Australia, and we’re having some tremendous success because the Australians have a domestic violence law, and we’re using that to say that 5G is bringing violence into the home.

TM: Oh my goodness. What a novel argument.

SP: And so we are having some success, and really to be clever each group has to use the law in its own country, and all you need is a lawyer who says well hey I’ve got children. They see the scientific evidence and they say I don’t want my children [exposed]. And what we get, we’re getting lawyers coming up and saying hey I’ll do it for free.

TM: Wow, that’s great.

SP: Fight court case for free, and so in some areas it’s awful because they are just walking like sheep into it and other areas they are fighting like crazy. So it’s an interesting mix.

TM: I have to tell you many of my friends who do support President Trump are perplexed by his executive order he signed pushing for 5G a couple of months ago. Does he know something we don’t Simon, or is there something there that, I don’t know, it’s hard to know.

SP: I think, well, right. His advisors, obviously the president, whoever has the greatest advisors in the world. Absolutely, and the advisors which are predominantly coming from the military have made it very clear the advantages of 5G and the disadvantages of 5G, and I know for the last two years he’s been looking at how in the United States the negative part of 5G can be negated. So I’m not at all worried about anybody suffering from 5G in the United States. I am more concerned for every other country in the world.

TM: I see. Interesting. Okay, well thank you so much for sharing that. I wanted to tell you, getting back to my trip to Mt. Shasta here last week, I just got back last night. We were able to contact the Pleiadians again and there’s an admiral in charge of there’s something like there’s over two million of their Pleiadian ships now orbiting the planet, and they’re here to help us. But they don’t help of course until we ask because they respect free will. But what I was going to ask, and it’s kind of a, sort of in joking but not really in joking to ask you this question Simon, but with the increasing vibrations of the planet and if you want to come to the states at the end of this year or early next year, it might be possible if you want, I might be able to put you in touch with this Pleiadian admiral actually, and he might be able to give you a ride in one of his craft from the UK to the states. Would you be interested in that if it could be arranged?

SP: Oh yes I’m always interested, and just for your audience sake because many people will struggle to comprehend how there can be two million craft. A lot of people who fully accept what you and I talk about will just shake their head and say that’s not possible. There can’t be two million and what I just need to say is that I don’t want people to have a concept of two million craft or with crews on. The vast majority of those ships will be drone ships. These are automatically robotic ships and maybe there’s a crewed ship, which will control a number of these drone ships.

TM: Oh.

SP: So when we talk about two million, there are not two million all with live crews in. There are a large number of robotic ships, and the human race, the higher human race is used for these, so I just wanted to put that point in, Ted.

TM: I see, okay. Well thanks so much for telling me that. I know night before last we went up to the top of Mt. Shasta and we could clearly see, we were able to contact telepathically the Pleiadian admiral in charge of these ships, and it was funny because we asked him to go left. He went left. We asked him to go right. He went right. Then he did a little gigue for us in the air. We asked him to come down and visit with us but he said he was busy on maneuvers that particular evening, but… and then somebody jokingly offered a beer to him and he said we have our own libations. We don’t drink Earth beer. But anyway, it was fun to contact him and I see him in the skies all the time. Once you know what they look like they are easy to identify.

SP: Yes I sometimes struggle between an Pleiadian craft and the Lyran craft, but for every Lyran craft you see, you’d see twenty Pleiadians. The Pleiadians are far more in your face. They’re far more, I don’t mean aggressive in a nasty way, but they break cover. The Lyrans are quite shy and retiring. You won’t see their craft so much, but yes, if you’ve got connections with somebody, I could do with a lift.

TM: Okay, all right. I’ll ask the admiral for you. He just came in and he said he’d be happy to do it. He just needs the coordinates. Now listen, anybody who works for the airlines, I don’t want to upset anybody with the airline companies because they’ll start losing revenue if people start boarding Pleiadian UFOs from place to place on the planet, but hey, you know, it’s just a matter of time before I think this tech… we already have the technology and the Secret Space Program, so I think it’s just a matter of time before this kind of technology will be used for transit.

SP: Ted, I mean, you know, even the most sleepy people can begin to perhaps appreciate that when President Trump talked about the Space Force, and now it’s in legislation. Now it is an active, a real arm, just as the navy is. It’s an active force, and I’m absolutely convinced the whole point about this is if President Trump wins the November election, perhaps two to three years, after that election victory, there will be hangar doors opening, and there’s very interesting craft, but what President Trump will do is he won’t say hey we’ve had these for twenty or thirty years, he’ll just say, hey we’ve had this Space Force for three years and we built these in three years. So I think it’s a damn good excuse from his perspective to start opening out advanced spacecraft and then he can then say we are going to go to Mars in these craft.

TM: Um-hum.

SP: So we already know that humans are on Mars, but what he’s doing is he’s legitimatizing the road to truth, so once you do that, then it’s an easy way to say oh, yeah, we’ve got a base on Mars. Hey you know the Space Force, which we’ve had for three or four years, well you know we got up there and we didn’t do any publicity. We didn’t want any et cetera, et cetera, so I think what Trump’s doing, it’s disclosure through a very clever route.

TM: Interesting, interesting. I just got an email from a listener. I’ll ask it I guess. He’s asking about the real estate market on Mars. Do you think now would be a good time to invest or when do you think the market opens up?

SP: Well, I think it’s early days yet. Just as Arnold Schwarzenegger made his money down with California beach houses, you want to look for certain people suddenly taking day trips on the Virgin Space Shuttle when Branson gets up and running to Mars and then, you know, the real estate office settling up. But you know, listen, that’s how markets work. If there’s a market then we’ll try and do something with it.

TM: Right.

SP: I think Mars will be more appealing than the Moon.

TM: Um-hum. I’ve heard, Corey Goode talks about this that there’s actually an atmosphere on Mars that you can breathe, but it’s kind of like being [at] 9,000 feet here on the planet, where there’s not as much oxygen, but there is oxygen there.

SP: I actually agree with that. I would say it’s worst than that. I’d say that the level of oxygen is quite thin. We know a very long time ago there was a most tremendous explosion which basically striped the atmosphere off Mars and dumped most of the Martian water on the Earth.

TM: Oh.

SP: You look at Mars and ever since the times of H. G. Wells. When H. G. Wells wrote that book, “The War of the Worlds,” in 1898, and he talks about the canals on Mars, and we’ve always talked about water marks, but they had oceans, but that water was stripped with the atmosphere. Large parts of that went to Earth. You know, we know that it can support life. There is no questions of it, absolutely.

TM: My Galactics tell me there was a war approximately 500,000 years ago, and I’m sure you know more details on this Simon, but I’ll just run it by you, which between the Galactics and the Reptilians, the Reptilians ended up blowing up Mars and, not blowing up Mars, I’m sorry, blowing up Marduk, which is a large planet in the current orbital path of where the asteroid belt here is on the planet. So you have all these pieces and parts of this planet still circling around the solar system in that area, and when that planet blew up, the force of that explosion hit Mars and it ended up tearing up much of the atmosphere and pockmarking one side of the planet.

SP: I can agree with some of that, and then I’ve just got my take is somewhat different Ted. In essence it is the same. It was a Pleiadian suicide ship that decided that they’d agreed that this outpost, it was a Reptilian outpost that was based on Mars, and the Pleiadian suicide ship detonated some form of advanced weapon. Unfortunately the information I have is that the weapon was far too powerful than was required, and that explosion literally took off the atmosphere from Mars, or most of it and the water. The Reptilian base was destroyed, and a lot of the pyramid structures that were on Mars were weathered by the huge sandstorm dust that was created by this and that’s why these structures on Mars look as if they’ve all run or they’ve been melted or weathered. It’s simply because of that explosion. Now what is interesting was that you talk about Marduk. It was a piece of that which at 65 or 66 million years ago crashed into the Earth and destroyed the dinosaurs.

TM: Oh.

SP: As far as asteroid, it was part of the Marduk planet, which was then the Kuiper belt, the asteroid belt, and that’s, you know, what caused that. So our history is fascinating, absolutely fascinating. And either the elite just don’t get it or they’re terrified to tell us the truth.

TM: Well I think this is a time of truth and I think the truth will come out certainly eventually. And, it’s very hard for governments and people to keep secrets nowadays. They keep just coming out all over the place or so, but this is I think this is [00:49:33][?kun cod da ment?] with our ascension into the fifth dimension, which is a dimension of truth where my friends tell me that in the fifth dimension you can just read each other’s minds, and you can’t really hide anything because it’s just there.

SP: This is the absolute point. You’ve hit the nail on the head Ted. This is the point. This situation with Epstein didn’t come out five years ago. It didn’t come out ten years ago. It’s come out now because human consciousness is outstripping, it’s outstripping evil. Evil can’t hide things fast enough. Human consciousness is uncovering it. And look at all these bad actors that are being, you know, caught out simply because they are no longer getting away with it. Now we need to ask ourselves, why in the past did they always get away with it, and why are they not now, and it’s not unfortunately because the police force have got better. It’s the consciousness of humanity that’s no longer accepting lies.

TM: You hit that right on the head, very profound and good answer. Thank you Simon for sharing that. That’s absolutely right. I just got a question in from Deana, and could I ask it Simon. We have a couple of minutes left.

SP: Yeah, sure.

TM: Yeah, the question is, can Simon teach us deprogramming technique to select people so more people can do what he does?

SP: Yes.

TM: Well actually I’m sorry it’s from Julio with another name, anyway it’s from Julio.

SP: The answer is yes I can. I’ve always been very careful. I do have obviously clients and I see them and there’s only one of me, but in order to speed up the work, yes absolutely, but I can’t teach deprogramming in the same way as 50 people could go to a university and they learn it, because unless the person has psychic capabilities to start with, they can’t deprogram. There are those people who understand and, you know, they’ve researched it and they’ve got that, but when they’re working with somebody they become a counselor. They can’t really deprogram because they don’t have the psychic connection and what they’ve got is they run through sort of a syllabus. They run through an agenda like a counselor would. But when you deprogram somebody you actually have to do psychic work to remove the programs. You can’t just do a counseling, so you know, there may be some lovely people who want to do deprogramming and what they would probably be best off doing is supporting people who have been through a deprogramming, you know, scenario.

TM: I see, interesting. We’ve got just under three minutes left. I have one quick question, Rosemary from New Zealand. Where do the Lyrans live now and would they take us for a ride?

SP: Ha ha, bless them. The Lyrans would, the Lyran home planet was destroyed by the Reptilians when they were both in the fourth dimension. So the Lyran home planet was in the fourth dimension, was destroyed. Fortunately the Lyran people had space travel and they just left every which way. Their people, their consciousness evolved up into the fifth, and now they are in the sixth, so the home planet is destroyed but as a people they are now in the sixth dimension, whereas the Reptilians are stuck, trapped in the fourth, so while the Lyrans went from the fourth to the fifth to the sixth, the Reptilians haven’t moved an inch.

TM: It’s interesting isn’t it. We’ve got two minutes left. Just briefly, the Reptilians from what I know think that they’re the be-all and end-all of evolution in the universe, but actually they are stuck. I think they are stuck in what’s called an evolutionary cul-de-sac in the fourth dimension, so...

SP: We call it the lower fourth.

TM: Lower fourth, okay.

SP: The lower fourth dimension, whereas the Sirius is in the middle and higher fourth. So there are human groups in the fourth dimension, but they are moving, evolving. It is the lower fourth where you’ve got a lot of Greys, not all of them. A lot of Greys and the Reptilians now, which are stuck, and demonic forces, and this lower fourth is beginning now to press into our reality. As we’re moving upward, they’re moving downward, and we are having a bleed through, and so that’s why people are now having these experiences.

TM: Oh interesting, interesting. Simon we got about just under, just about a minute left and I want to give you the rest of the time to wrap up your wonderful interview today.

SP: Well I want just to say that we will be filming AGM Connecting Consciousness in London on Sunday. It will go onto YouTube. I do hope that people have a chance just to watch some of that. We have a 170 people. It is not a conference. It is members coming together to work where the organization goes. I like to hear what the membership says. I want them to feed into me how they think should develop, how we should go. So those of you who are coming from Canada and the U.S., thank you very much indeed. Make sure you come and say hello to me. You are going to travel a long way to see me. I’m gonna make time to talk to you. Thank you.

TM: Wonderful, wonderful. Well we didn’t cover everything Simon but thanks so much for coming on today. It’s always wonderful to talk to you my friend.

SP: God bless to you and the listeners.

TM: All right Simon, and again happy birthday.

SP: Thank you.

TM: Hope you had a good birthday.

SP: Bye-bye.

TM: Okay, bye-bye Simon.


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