
Lecture at Repcon Conference, May 29, 2016

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Don’t Mention the Reptilians

Repcon 2016, Bury, Manchester, May 29th, 2016

Miles Johnston gives a Repcon 2016 brief report featuring a short interview with Simon starting with a clip of Simon discussing his early childhood and ongoing experiences as a contactee with the Mantids and their agenda; Miles asks what we are dealing with in terms of human/alien war; unacknowledged abuse TIs are experiencing from both human, human/alien and alien technology; the Hadron Collider: its purpose, its similarity to Die Glocke, reasons for its location, and its need for presence of the creative mind; global economic woes coming; disclosure: presidential candidates talk about it until they are elected and then suddenly go silent; consequences to Earth of Planet X or some other object out there; Peter Paget’s statements about UFOs; two factions of the elite warring among themselves over how to handle humanity; media buyouts have the object of having only one voice for entire English-speaking world.

Miles Johnston: Welcome to the Repcon 2016 Report. I was able to get there late on the, very late on a Saturday night after doing a gig in Norfolk, a long drive up the A1 on a very quiet bank holiday weekend. Okay the Bases of the Repcon 2016 Event was the first of its kind for the organizers and it was a very North Manchester. Now that means it’s really easy to get to folks. It involves basically getting on a train or a car and the important thing is it’s beside the tram. Manchester has a really good tram system and it’s right beside the Premier Inn and that’s where the speakers were staying. A very crowded weekend it was, a bank holiday weekend. And the actual event was in the beautiful Fusiliers Museum, which is a beautiful venue, lots of pubs, nightclubs and things, ideal for a conference, very well organized, good people, very nice venue. The people who spoke was Ellis Taylor who opened. James Bartley, I think James is actually staying in the country, I’m not sure. James Bartley, very good indeed. Ellis, excellent, and Simon Parkes delivered a very very astute presentation once again and he was going to be speaking at my conference in August but unfortunately that isn’t possible. Frank Willis, now Frank is a soldier and he was able to explain how during Vietnam he, I believe he mentioned something about cloned soldiers in the Vietnam War. So this was a very forward thinking, very ground breaking event, lots of new information which we do need to get hold of folks, so this is my brief report which features a short interview with Simon Parkes outside the hotel the next day on a Monday, and thanks to all concerned they will be having another event in November I understand, and good luck to them, and let’s over to a brief report on the Repcon 2016.

Simon Parkes first came to the public notice through the Ammach Project, which I recorded at its opening event in Nottingham way back in 2011. Simon spoke about Reptilians and his mother being a Mantid ET. We then interviewed him with Joanne Summerscales in his home in Whitby in North Yorkshire, where he gave a four-hour interview. The first three hours was with Joanne, and then the third part of that was joined by Winston Keech, where they mentioned how they were able to get access into each other’s minds and they joked about how Simon and Win were able to put up a firewall to stop mind invasion by unwanted individuals.

The fourth part of that interview was conducted the next day where Simon did a regression with Joanne, who Simon later said, about a year or so later, he later told me that Joanne invaded his mind about forty-five minutes in. This is one of the first indications that there were some very nefarious actions in place and another agenda by Joanne at the time. Now Joanne prelaunched herself as The ET Newsroom in 2016. We give her good luck to that if that’s what she sticks to, looking very glamorous and looking very well indeed.

Joanne Summerscales: Okay thank you very much everybody. I know you have come from various places and we’ll hear about that in a minute, but this is a really special event, and I hope of course the first of many more to come. I just want to say a little bit on housekeeping. The loos are just out there to the back and so is the door. We need to get [laughing inaudible] I’m not going to do my best [inaudible] but we’ll be having tea and coffee soon.

MF: Hang on I just want to do a final check, a check on a check.

JS: Okay, a check on a check on a check.

Simon Parkes: Hello my name is Simon. I’m 51 years of age. I’ve been around these creatures for 51 years of my life, or rather these creatures have been around me. I didn’t go seeking them. They came to find me. I don’t know whether it is something that’s run in the family. My mother used to work for MI5 and she worked on documents that dealt with craft that had been downed. Whether she had any contact or not I really don’t know. I’ve had two memories that have always been with me. One was in 1971 when I was eleven-and-a-half years old, and I call that the day that changed my life. The memory that I’d always had I can remember the UFO and I can be remembered going up into the ship, but it was only the last eight to nine months that I’ve got my memories back and I haven’t had regression. I haven’t gotten back through dreams. It literally comes back through something I’ll do at home if I look out the window and see something or I’ll hear something and it will spark it and I’ll go down and write down and drawn down very quickly what I remembered. I’ve always considered up to November 2010 that I was an abductee, but end of November I got a memory back where I’d actually made a bargain with them. I actually made an agreement, so from that moment onwards I don’t consider myself an abductee. I consider myself a contactee. And one of the other memories I had I was three-and-a-half years old and a creature which I’ve always called my smokeman, and I understand is actually called a shadow being just literally walks right through the wall, not a very nice thing to do to a three-and-a-half year old, but since then I’ve had something like 500 separate memories that have come back, and I’ve left my memory book at home, sorry Dave. I have documented all my memories and my drawings, so it’s something that I’ve learned to live with. I’ve come through the very dark tunnel when you suddenly realize that something is going to come and get you. I don’t know if anybody has read any books of Whitley Strieber, but in the book Strieber talks about how he looks through wardrobes and he opens drawers and he looks under the bed and I never had that, but during the time that I became self-aware I was literally going and locking the front door five or six times, but I didn’t know why I was doing it, or if I wanted to go to the loo at night I used to run from the bed to the loo and run back again because something was going to get me but I didn’t know what it was. But because the memories I’ve had have been largely positive, because I haven’t been badly treated by them, I’m in a position where I feel that I am able to talk and I can be quite strong about it. I have met people who do not have such interesting and pleasant memories and for them it’s much harder to speak. You go to the bookshelves, you know, and you buy a UFO book, everyone’s an ambassador aren’t they, or this, that, and the other, and you think well it’s brilliant, but there are an awful lot of people who don’t have good experiences and they’re not going to write books about it.

JS: Can I just ask the type of beings you’ve had interaction with, how you describe them or whether there was just one type or whether there was several?

SP: It was Dave Hodrien who actually told me the names of the creatures. I described them to him. In England they’re called Mantid. In America they are called Mantis, and Mary Rodwell at the ACERN Institute in Australia calls them Manta, and I see all three sorts of Mantid, the doctors, the pilots and the masters with the purple cloaks. Tall Greys, the little Greys, there are two sorts of little Greys, the original race of little Grey and then the little Grey that’s half biological and half computer. Reptilians, mostly the soldier types. They’re the ones with the blacky green skin, some crystal beings of very high density, high resolution, a whole range of creatures, but it is the Mantids that come and get me. It’s the Mantids that hold my hand. It’s the Mantids that will sit and have conversations with me. When I first started to get my memories back I would just get snippets of memory and snippets of conversations but now I can recount whole sections of conversations, and it’s very clear now what I’m supposed to do. I think everybody who is an abductee or contactee thinks well why me? What is it about? Some people never get the answer. I’m very fortunate. They made it clear to me what it’s about. So because I’ve not been abused, we, you know, I should think most people would have been on the operating table but that’s not gratuitous violence. That’s just them doing what they need to do. That’s not designed to hurt me. But I haven’t been hurt outside of that.

JS: Have they communicated at all about this testing, this tables, biological testing and what that is to do with?

SP: Well yes, but what they’ve told me, first of all they are looking for pollutants in my body to see how I have been affected by the changes in the atmosphere. Also if there are diseases they will cure them because they have told me that they are going to keep my body healthy, but I’m sure others will talk about it. It’s all about genetics. It’s all about the DNA. That’s what they’re really interested in.

JS: So are they interested in that as to the betterment of humanity or are they creating another race, are they… that we hear happens, hybrid term frequently used. Is that in your awareness?

SP: I can only tell you that the faction of extraterrestrials that deals with me. I know for a fact from what they’ve said there are different groups all signed up to different factions and each faction will have its own way of doing it, but they’ve all signed up for the same agenda. Yes, I mean I’ve had it explained to me in terms of, I don’t like the word hybrid because it’s a nasty dirty word for a wonderful piece of life, but yes I think that is the whole crux of the matter.

JS: So did… is that in essence then their agenda or was that a different element altogether if you see what I mean?

SP: You could ask a hundred people and they would, I’m sure they would all have different agendas. My own take on it is that it’s absolutely the agenda.

JS: The agenda for the bettering of the human form.

SP: No.

JS: Am I right on that, no?

SP: No.

JS: Sorry.

SP: It’s okay. Right. This is not your Earth. This is not your Earth. It never was and it never will be. These bodies that we have here, these are not through a process of evolution, and Charles Darwin and his Beagle and the rest of it. Extraterrestrials can’t survive in this dimension for very long because we are a low dimension, third, 3.3. You’ve got time as well, I suppose. But a hybrid body which is part from the Earth and extraterrestrial body can survive, and it’s about souls. It’s about what you put in to those bodies. Extraterrestrials want to learn to experience again. They have very little feelings. Not all of them, some of them have feelings and sensations but most don’t have very well developed… they’ve lost them. So they can come to Earth, they can survive on Earth in what you call a hybrid body, but there won’t be an invasion. The spaceships aren’t going to land. The human race has got to evolve, develop, and move on. And I know this might go on YouTube so I’ll actually make a plea to all what I call the shepherds. Those are the people out there whose job will be to help humankind evolve, get them off the planet, get them off, move them off quickly because you are holding up the agenda, okay.

JS: Thank you, well that was a dramatic note to finish on and I…

SP: Small I pass across? (mic)

JS: Yes, would you mind?

MF: So I was able to get a very short interview with him the next morning and this is that interview where he gives an update on his status and situations which are happening currently in 2016. Okay Simon, welcome to Repcon 2016, the very first one. What do you think about the conference et cetera.?

SP: Hello Miles, it’s lovely to see you and chat to you again. I thought it was a really good conference. It’s the first time Chris has put it on and it attracted a full house. There were great speakers and good energy, so…

MF: There’s a very good venue here.

SP: It tis, yeah.

MF: It’s Fusiliers Museum.

SP: Good for parking.

MF: Do you think having a conference like this at the Fusiliers Museum is a code from the establishment that this is the right kind of thing to talk about now?

SP: I think what it does do is it focuses your mind on the war. Fusiliers is a museum honoring brave men and women but we must always understand that many people give their lives for a cause which doesn’t actually benefit them.

MF: I think one of, we did have a soldier at the end, that soldier who’s mentioned.

SP: Yes.

MF: What do you think we’re dealing with in terms of this war, the actual war?

SP: We’re fighting for the very survival of humanity for the ability for humans to be what they always should be to break free. Maybe we have a cosmos here in the sense that we have the museum dealing with the past, the dark energy, death and yet we have speakers talking about the positive future, so it’s making a choice to leave the old ways and to embrace the new ways.

MF: There’s a huge message there. How do people who are in a desperate state, I mean I’ve had messages from people this morning very heavily targeted. There are people suffering a lot from this kind of targeting. There’s basically two types of the… there’s the abusive covert technology people who are believe it’s all a sort of human-derived abuse of technology and they can’t make the leap to the alien side, and then we’ve got the alien side, people who have made that leap. How do those targeted suffering people, how do you think they can deal with that?

SP: Well first of all it may seem very glib, but it doesn’t actually matter whether it’s humans or aliens because what they are doing is wrong so that the first element to come from. What they are doing is wrong and they have no right to do that. But from a technical perspective what we need to know is whether it’s humans and aliens or humans on their own or just aliens, because that dictates the technology they are using, and then we need to understand their agenda, why they are picking on that individual. What are they seeking to do? So by working with an individual I or someone else will be able to find out what was going on in their case and then give them some methods to protect themselves and defend themselves.

MF: Are there any first-aid kind of methods that you can mention that would help on these individuals?

SP: No, simply because to do so would be to alert people how I help people.

MF: Yes.

SP: And that’s not going to happen, but there is a sticking plaster. There is an immediate first-aid that would buy a week’s worth of protection or grace, and then that can be followed up with something.

MF: Okay, you don’t want to say that.

SP: I can say that but I’m not gonna say what it is.

MF: Okay, fine.

SP: Yeah.

MF: Because this is very very important because obviously at some point we’re giving away secrets which nobody else is listening. We are here at Bury and right beside the tram station.

SP: Yeah, it’s wonderful.

MF: But the main thing is that maybe next year, it’s dead easy to get to. You just take the train to Piccadilly Station here at Manchester, take the tram up here. We’ve got the hotel and then right beside the hotel there is a pub, sorry is a venue, but it’s a great place, wonderful energy. Right. The Hadron, at the UFO Academy, you made a statement, you made a speech about the Hadron Collider.

SP: Yes.

MF: And there was the “Daily Express” there and other newspapers were there and that went public.

SP: Yes.

MF: So that’s in the public domain.

SP: Yes.

MF: Now I’ve been talking to another guy called Dan MacBolen and his team from the states who were doing, vectoring in on the Collider. I don’t think I’m saying anything that’s not known, but you had a team, have a team that targeted that. Do you want to talk about that?

SP: Yeah I can talk generally about it. Two years ago it came to my attention that somebody was attempting to ride the natural energetic wave of the Earth. And if you can imagine a surf rider, a surfboard rider, who’s on the top of a big wave, so that the object, one of the objects of the Hadron Collider was to boost the energy. I’m gonna use my hand here. If the Earth’s energy is like this (makes a wave motion), they were going to use it to propel upward, so on the upswing of the sine wave of the Earth, force it upwards to penetrate into the 4th dimension to open a portal and to try and establish some form of communication to bring things in. That was just one of the things they wanted. Now that, of all the things that they had planned, was in my opinion was the greatest threat to the ascension if I can use that loose term, the ascension of humanity. So that was something that I felt needed to be looked at, and I will say that not internally to the Hadron Collider but externally to the collider, there were black magicians who were remote viewing to protect the installation and remote viewers and there were three diversions that we caused and so these remote viewers couldn’t be everywhere at once so there were three separate, and the evidence is there, because on their own website they show that the machine shut down five minutes after the worldwide group meditation.

MF: The basic essence of the Hadron Collider is not the collision of the particles. It’s the contra rotating magnetic field energies.

SP: Yes.

MF: Which is fundamental to what the Germans were doing with the Nazi Bell in the 1930s.

SP: Yes.

MF: And that creates some kind of scalar field, which then can pulse using the Earth’s magnetic field and then all the energetics of the solar system. Is that a very crude technical…

SP: I think what we would add into the mix here is that what’s actually buried at CERN, the alien artifact that is originally buried there and that’s why the CERN Collider, although there are geological reasons why it’s based there. That’s why Shiva the god is based outside. There’s a big statute of Shiva outside, chaos, the god of chaos. The Nazis were working on an offshoot of Pleiadean technology which we could also mix with the Aldebaran group, and so Die Glocke was a primitive form…

MF: Oh yeah.

SP: …almost like mercury swimming around a flask.

MF: Yes.

SP: But what we have here is a much more of a nonliquid energy. The difficulty for it is that there is an entity that has probably entered that device and is living quite happily within it and is causing those who control it some problems.

MF: Now they’ve recently asked for artists.

SP: Yes.

MF: The random artistic mindset or the creative mind, because I understand that a lot of people in the historically previous versions of the Hadron, but this is a multigenerational technology.

SP: It is.

MF: A lot of the administrators and people at the top levels died early but they had the heart, the mental heart psyche was collapsed.

SP: When you’re dealing with the creational force then you need not just scientists but you need people with creational ability around you, and so sometimes somebody will remote review or they will use astral projection and then they need an artist to demonstrate on a cad or on just traditional paper what they’re seeing. Some things will not be photographed. Some things just cannot be captured, but the human consciousness can capture that and then a good old-fashioned man or woman with crayons or… will draw it and then that can be oil painted, and then rendered and then maybe models made of that.

MF: Yeah.

SP: So that’s what they are trying to do because there is no technology digitally that is capturing this information.

MF: Which is a problem for these creatures because they want total hive mind control of a pathological demand controlling every thought. This is a dilemma for them.

SP: Well it is what the whole object is to bring everything under an enslavement just like an ant’s nest and of course humanity is indomitable. It doesn’t work to those rules, and they’re being frustrated at every turn.

MF: Five things you want to say.

SP: Five. Well normally it would be three or six.

MF: Three, oh well three or six.

SP: Well first of all I must say about the conference. I know we’ve introduced on that but it was a great privilege to speak. Thank you for Chris for giving me the two hours. Some really lovely questions from the audience. It shows that people are awake.

MF: A very awake audience.

SP: Yeah and what is traditional here I think is that the north of England seems to have the jumpstart on the south.

MF: Yeah.

SP: Whether that’s because the community spirit is stronger here, whether it’s because it’s just tougher here, I don’t know, but you find lots of venues in the north and very few in the south. Miles it could just be it’s so damn expensive to get a venue in the south going.

MF: Yeah well I’ve been, that’s basically my personal problem for the last… anyway yeah.

SP: Yeah, so that’s that. I think that’s fair that we would talk about that. For me what’s very important is the situation that’s just around the corner for us. I do predict a bit of an economic situation fairly soon. I think that the Americans could well go to silver-backed currencies. I did mention that in the conference that they have the historical history here for the 1880s with the silver dollar. The Americans for the last fifteen years have been stockpiling silver. They have enough now to produce silver-backed currency literally coins as they did. We know the Chinese now have one-third of the gold of the world now in China.

MF: Do they own Britain?

SP: Well they certainly own things like toll bridges and ports and certainly huge amounts of high-end property in Central London. They don’t own Britain but they certainly have a say in financial institutions. So I would just say to people be aware that there is a situation economically occurring, and I’ve given the target date for October–November of this year where you may see a bit of a difficult situation. And of course we have the presidential election in November and what I go on to say is that the old school is Hillary Clinton which is basically steady as she goes with pull the wool over your eyes.

MF: Well I’ve seen her change. She’s definitely thrown a few extra things in it.

SP: She’s had to.

MF: Yeah.

SP: Because she’s been told that she has no chance of winning against Trump unless she broadens her opinion.

MF: And both are talking UFOs.

SP: Yes they are.

MF: In fact I mentioned this. There’s a lot of press on this.

SP: Yeah, but you see this is exactly what Obama did just before Obama was elected. Unfortunately lots of good minded people suddenly said hallelujah vote for Obama because he is going to disclose the UFOs. Now he may well have wanted to do, but as in all of these cases Miles, they get into office and they’re told you can’t do that and if you try and do it you’ll end up like Kennedy. So it doesn’t mean that they are bad people. It just means that they have good intentions but they’re not strong enough to force them through.

MF: It’s out of their paygrade.

SP: Yes and it’s out of their knowledge as well. So I honestly think that Trump has a very good chance of winning the Presidency, and I predict if he does within three months there will be a number of states in America who will get close to wanting to leave the Union and I predict California and Texas.

MF: What about thermo issues around the Gulf of Mexico and Hadron, the lava things and the effects of this planet X gravitational wave?

SP: I have always been very cautious about Maldek or planet X or anything like that. I do believe that there is an object out there, but I’m not convinced that it is planet X, but I do believe that something is being projected and there is something behind the projection. And I think that the Vatican has quite a lot to do with the manipulation of it.

MF: Also I’m sure you’re aware of British agent, former British agent Peter Paget has made some statements that the whole UFO things are real and he’s I think floating an awful lot of new information. Many in the UFO community may be aware of it already but it’s been based on the fact that all UFO people are basically wackos, but when you deal with somebody with the kind of level of clearance that Paget has got and I know I’ll be making further statements in the summer, what do you feel…

SP: I think he’s been, I think he’s been sanctioned to do that. I’ve always said and I know Miles that you personally believe in this that the elite are at war with themselves. There are a half of the group who want the truth to come out and there’s another half that don’t, and for three months or six months of the year one group is in ascension and then the other group drags it back and so the pendulum swings. At the moment the group that wants a little bit more information out there is in the ascendancy. There is no doubt about that so people have got to go public while that energy is still positive.

MF: You want to say further…

SP: Just basically that if everyone stays strong because I’m expecting the internet to come down very soon. I’m expecting the mobile phone and cell net to come down, and Facebook. What people don’t really know is that CNN, the big American media corporation, has made three attempts to buy the BBC. They weren’t successful last time.

MF: I’ve heard that definitely, yeah.

SP: Yeah.

MF: At least BBC World.

SP: Yeah they wanted World News because what they want is to shut everything down so you have one news company in North America broadcasting to Australia, Canada, North America and Great Britain.

MF: And certainly Sky News is to become Fox.

SP: Well that doesn’t surprise me because they’ll want to bring all under…

MF: Fox prevented Sky News even though it’s owned by Murdoch, Fox blocked Sky News’ licensing in the United States.

SP: That I didn’t know.

MF: That’s ten years ago at least.

SP: I didn’t know that.

MF: So even though they were owned by Murdoch but then Murdoch’s knocked them out. Maybe he’s not got money, also who owns Murdoch?

SP: ’Tis actually right. So, you know, that’s their object is one loud speaker, one megaphone for all of the English-speaking world.

MF: Yeah. Okay well thank you very much. Any one last words before you depart?

SP: No just nice to see you Miles.

MF: It’s good to see you too.

SP: Looking good.

MF: Yeah.

SP: And very best of luck with your conference. Now when is your conference?

MF: My conference is the 12th, 13th and 14th of August.

SP: Good.

MF: And the website is back up at the moment.

SP: Good.

MF: Maybe we’ll get a couple of tickets sold. Well thank you very much.

SP: A pleasure.

MF: And may your God bless you, is that right?

SP: Well I don’t know but Good on you.

MF: Okay, thank you very much.

Transcribed by GSC October 26, 2018

Proofread by CH February 22, 2019

Proofread by DS May 6, 2019

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