
Interview with Ted Mahr: Friday, October 18, 2019

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Out of This World Radio 1150: Current Events, Questions & Answers

Friday, October 18, 2019

President Trump announces America is not the policeman of the world; America and Russia working together come up with a ceasefire agreement to de-escalate the Syrian/Kurds/Turkish conflict; Ukrainian debate may lead to a wider public view of situations on the periphery that need to be exposed; U.S. Marines Corps put on standby over illegal impeachment proceedings; President Trump reduces membership in National Security Council because he discovered the names of three people who were actively being a traitor to the U. S. Constitution; 5G coming tested or not, but so are protective devices against 5G; Mexico is a failed state, divided into four sections, being run by various drug cartels; big corporations like Monsanto act like governments and make laws that cross borders causing massive unemployment as happened in Mexican agriculture, most probably an experiment to see how people and countries would react; after listening to Sacha Stone/BiBi Bacchus talk about money reaching the people, a listener wants to know how we get it... FYI: it’s not a cash handout; how does one get rid of attachments; incidentally the church is phasing out exorcisms; Simon feels Brexit will eventually happen; question to consider for the 2020 U.S. election: do people want gun confiscation in America by Democrats; 2020 win for Trump may depend on exposing the biased, corrupt, propagandizing media.


Ted Mahr: And with that I’d like to bring on my good friend Simon. Simon how are you doing today?

Simon Parkes: Hello. Can you hear me Ted?

TM: Oh yeah I can hear you fine. I can hear you fine.

SP: I told you’ve got a cold. I’ll tell you what your trip to Machu Picchu should be sold out. That will be really exciting.

TM: Oh well thank you, yeah it’s starting to fill up already, and I got a message the other day. It was about, oh about three weeks ago that they will be bringing me into the Hollow Earth from Machu Picchu in January, and they told me where to go to do it, so if people want to come with me I think it’s fine. They can come with me and we’ll walk into the Hollow… there’s an entrance to the Hollow Earth right at Machu Picchu, so they told me where to go so anyway it should be pretty amazing. And you’re welcome to come too Simon but if you like.

SP: Well thank you Ted, thank you Ted. Anyway are you actually back home now or are you still traveling?

TM: Oh I’m home. Yeah I’m home. I’m home and it’s, but you know flying across the world from India it’s like a flying petri dish, and you get, you know, exposed to all these germs and everything and then I was told to take it easy and I didn’t. I should take better care of my body so, but I’m feeling better. I slept 15 hours last night and I’m feeling better today, so anyway I’m sorry about that. I just closed my eyes for a short bit and then I realized I was late for the show today so anyway I’m glad…

SP: Everything’s fine Ted. Don’t worry, everything’s fine.

TM: Oh good, good, good. Well what an amazing time we live in isn’t it Simon. My goodness, all these things going on. I’ve never seen so many things happening. It seems like it’s happening all at once.

SP: Yes it’s getting more exciting. I put a message out on my website saying that for the last, I don’t know, 30–40 years we’ve been told that the, you know, America was the policemen of the world. That’s always been the pattern. And it was so interesting. I was listening to a recording of the president talking in one of his rallies in Texas. It was only just a few hours old and he actually specifically comes out and says we are not the policemen of the world. And that was incredible because that’s the phrase I’ve been using and I was saying that what the president is doing is he’s basically withdrawing from conflict. And he no longer sees America’s role as the arbiter in war. Now that’s a key change because ever since the end of the Second World War to my knowledge every president except Kennedy of course, but every president saw America as not just the [06:37][?protecter?projector], but basically the whole point of America was to, you know, go in and decide the fate of other countries, so that’s very interesting listening to that talk, and I thought we all learned a lot from that.

TM: Well it’s always an interesting thing when I go up to Canada from here and I compare and contrast the Vancouver, Canada with Seattle newspapers, and a lot of the newspapers here in the states are focusing on conflicts and military budget but you go to Vancouver and they are just focused in on living. That’s because they only spend like 9 percent of the GDP on the military. Here in the states we spend 57 percent of our GDP on the military. So but yeah, it’s a sea change. Yeah it’s definitely a sea change.

SP: Yes and the other thing was it very interesting that President Trump said we’ve now got so much ammunition we don’t know what to do with it, and I thought that was very interesting. So they’re stockpiling ammunition, although they’re not going to have any wars. It is interesting because America still has to be in my opinion anyway, has to be the most powerful country on the planet. It has to be, but if there is a political change and that does appear t be the case, it means that other countries can’t look to America to bale them out. Always in the past countries have turned to the United States and said get me out of this situation or go and do this for me. Well if that’s not the case anymore it means countries have to, you know, be a little bit more thoughtful about what they do because big brother isn’t necessarily going to come and help them.

TM: Right, right. Well, and also too I don’t think we get the whole story in our media here about what’s really going on over there. I always thought, think that we only get part of the story and it depends on how the major media wants to slant it, so, you know, that’s something I’ve always thought too. So… (coughs).

SP: Bless you.

TM: Yeah thanks, thanks, thanks Simon. Well how do you think this conflict in Syria will shake out with the Kurds and everything?

SP: Well I think there’s been an... unfortunately the established media either missed it or more likely they didn’t really understand what was going on, but what you won’t find in the newspapers or on the television is that President Trump did a deal with President Putin. What happened was this much is known publicly that Putin spoke to the Turkish Prime Minister or President and said that Russia would not allow the Turkish military to come into conflict with the Syrian military. So immediately that tells both sides that unless they want Russia intervening, they better not start fighting. So this is all a deal between, they’re very clever, between Putin and Trump because then Trump comes in the day after and says I tell you what boys, I’ll broker a deal for you, and this is their way out because Russia has now said if you two fight we’re going to put Russian troops in. So here comes President Trump with the vice president and Mike Pompeo and said let’s organize a ceasefire, and so of course both sides jumped at it because what they didn’t want was Russian troops going down the no man’s land. So they’ve got a three or four day ceasefire and we’ll see where we go with it, so there’s been a very interesting work between Russia and America to contain that situation. Now most public don’t read that because the papers aren’t covering it, but that’s interesting that America and Russia working together to de-escalate the situation. That’s what I find really interesting.

TM: Right. Yeah I thought that since Trump has a good relationship with President Putin in Russia that something else was going behind the scenes, but we don’t hear that in our media of course. We only hear like part of it so, that’s great.

SP: Well that wasn’t reported in Britain either. I mean that’s the sort of thing that neither Putin or Trump want because of all this business about, you know, the investigation about connections between Russia and America. The last thing they want is to publicly come out and say that, but what I hear privately in the sense that I was told privately is that both Russia and America works together, you know the good cop, bad cop, so Russia comes in the strong arm. If you don’t do this I’m gonna do that, and then America comes in and says let’s sit around the table and talk about it, a very clever approach and it’s worked.

TM: Sure absolutely, absolutely. I have to ask you this Simon. What’s your take on this whole Ukrainian fiasco that the major media here in the U.S. has been trying to stir up?

SP: Well again I think the media and certain people fell right into the trap. The president actually wanted this debate. That’s the whole point here. Certain people think that they jumped on the president when it’s actually he was the one that kicked it off. He wants the debate because he actually wants an investigation, and he wants that because what they tend to do is they take an investigation one way and then it gets moved down another way. So no, President Trump actually wanted this because it’s the only way I think that it could come out into a wider public view. There’s a lot of stuff on the periphery that needs to come out, so….

TM: Yeah, well good. Well good. This is an old post you had, a little bit, it’s from October 3rd now, but I think it’s certainly worth talking about it, is the U.S. Marines Corps is on standby.

SP: Right.

TM: What’s happened? What’s happened since then. That’s quite serious.

SP: Yes, but it’s all a game of bluff. What happens is that when the, let’s just call them people who are not overly keen on your Constitution. Careful Ted, you’ll give yourself a coughing fit.

TM: Yeah, sorry.

SP: When they sit themselves off to perhaps push the boundaries a little bit too far, then the military sends them a warning to say, you know, you’re getting a bit dangerous and close here, and they’ll do these things. You see there was a talk of what you guys tend to call a hot coup. That’s a very American word. We don’t have that in Britain. I like it though. And the military were talking about a hot coup in terms of somebody was trying to, you know, remove the president unconstitutionally. Because what the military have said is that they don’t have any problem with an impeachment as long as it follows the constitutional ground. That’s what they said. So they don’t have a problem, but they do have a problem when it’s not legal. Now I’m sure most of the listeners know that this impeachment inquiry is not actually an impeachment inquiry because it hasn’t officially started. You know that to officially start the inquiry it has to go through and be voted on and its not, so this is actually, and the speaker of the house, Nancy, pulled the vote. They were going to have this vote and she pulled it. So what I’m saying is that anytime something gets a little bit too near to the fireplace, then the military then flex their muscles, and they just put troops on standby, so what they did was they sent a warning shot to the people who want to get rid of your Constitution basically, and they said we’re putting all these Marines on standby. We’re calling up reserves. Now what they did was publicly they put out that it was just part of the swap over holiday period training. That was just a cover. The reality was it was a very serious warning, and you’re right Ted, it was a very serious warning, and the only time the most you’ve ever done this was during the, just before the election period 2016 when they put the national guard on alert.

TM: Oh.

SP: So what happened was that the bad guys backed off considerably, and now they’re coming back again, but that’s just a tug of war isn’t it?

TM: Interesting, interesting. Well thanks for explaining that Simon. We don’t get that in our media. We don’t get any of that in our media. I think you know, I think that this is the time of the light forces winning over the dark, and so I don’t any of the shenanigans or the schemes by the dark negative entities will succeed. I really don’t. I think we have to be vigilant and keep, you know, keep working, but I do see a bright beautiful future for us.

SP: Well it is difficult because in a country like the United States that is so dependent on immediate news and only news that lasts 30 seconds because that’s the way it is now. It’s very difficult to discern the truth and the Minnesota, I think it was Minnesota rally that Trump was at he got the highest turnout. These stadiums, obviously they can hold a lot but his security advisors advise him how many people they should let in you know.

TM: Right, right.

SP: And at the Minnesota one he got 20,000 people in, another 20,000 outside who couldn’t get in, and yet according to American news President Trump is trailing in the poles.

TM: Of course.

SP: I don’t understand because his rallies are incredibly popular. The last time I saw anything like that was Kennedy, President Kennedy.

TM: Sure, sure.

SP: So I don’t understand how the polling is showing President Trump so low, and yet when you see these rallies they are absolutely packed solid. It doesn’t make sense to me.

TM: It was some years ago now. It must have been in, whenever Obama was president, I forget, ’08, in that timeframe when there were more than a million people who demonstrated against Obamacare. They didn’t want this forced insurance scheme. More than a million people protested against it in Washington D.C., and the major media here didn’t cover anything of it. Nothing. All they could say is how much support it had and it got in, but nobody wanted it, but so they controlled the message you know Simon, so you have to be...

SP: This is the problem. I mean democratically or constitutionally how do you deal with newspaper or television editors who are deliberately skewing the news, and the only way you deal with it is if you can tie, link some of the key people to corruption, and if they can do that, can tie some of these moguls, these magnets, these guys to corruption, then you are going to cut the head of the snake off, and I think that that’s possibly the way it might go. You might find some of these big big big corporations having their head chopped off.

TM: Right, right. Well I don’t, for example, I don’t see how CNN continues because the cartoon channel here in the United States has more viewers than CNN, and so they must be pumping money into it to keep it afloat, because it doesn’t… nobody watches it anymore. It’s basically propaganda and it doesn’t have really any news on it.

SP: I agree. I agree. Well look at Jeffrey Epstein. Nobody [19:25][worked out] where his money was coming from and yet he was receiving huge amounts of money and apparently didn’t work. So somebody somewhere has got access to a big machine that prints money. It’s probably under the ground somewhere or electronically sends money, and I’m sure to goodness that’s exactly what’s happening. Somebody somewhere is creating money and sending it to their followers, and that’s how they buy them. That’s how they keep them going.

TM: Interesting, interesting, yeah. My friend says the television is the “tell you vision.” It tells you what kind of vision you have. So he’s funny when he says that, but this relates it to. You had an interesting post on the National Security Council where President Trump reduced membership on the security council having been told that some members were actively working against him. I know during the Kennedy administration, for example back in the sixties, there were people actively working against President Kennedy. For example the Vietnam talks in Paris where President Kennedy wanted to get out of Vietnam, but the military industrial complex wanted to continue the war so that, you know, it’s... we all know what happened unfortunately to our dear President Kennedy, but I’d love a followup on that, what else is happening with that.

SP: I think that President Trump actually got the names of three people who were actively, you know, being a traitor to the American Constitution, and that’s the word I’m going to use, and so what he did was he just refused the numbers attending. For people who are outside of the United States, probably don’t have a clue how it works and I fully understand that, but the National Security Agency is one of the secret intelligence agencies, and above it supposedly is the National Security Council, which is made up of these top individuals who look at a strategic level around the globe what’s happening, so anybody who is on the National Security Council has the highest clearance or nearly the highest clearance, and so to have somebody in there who was not playing the game properly, that was a great great terrible thing and that’s why quite rightly the president had to reduce the numbers to keep them out.

TM: Okay. Yeah that makes sense. Yeah that makes sense. You had another post recently Simon about 5G, President Trump and 5G. I’m often asked why I think President Trump has the inside track regarding 5G. There are many reasons. One that stands out is [in] regard to the Kennedy family. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the nephew of JFK. He is a big spender against 5G, would love some more information on that.

SP: Yeah, well it is interesting you know, but sometimes these things cut across boundaries whether you are a Democrat or Republican, and you know if you’ve got the science and you talk to the right people you begin to form a picture, and yeah he’s definitely fully aware of the lack of medical trials that have been undertaken on 5G. To my knowledge there has not been one single medical trial about the effects of 5G on the human body anywhere in the world. And I, you know, like many others have been very concerned about this. And I’ve been fortunate enough to be talking with a guy who has some interesting contacts, and we’ve been approached to my organization, Connecting Consciousness. We’ve been approached if we would be willing to distribute some technology that is a very good defense against 5G. Now we won’t actually be making any money because we won’t be selling it, but we will be distributing it, because the organization only wants spiritual organizations to deliver it. Now what I can tell the audience is that the technology that this anti-5G device is portable. It’s like a USB stick, and it’s been made in Russia. Now that may or may not surprise people, and I want to give you the history on this. In I think the mid-80s or late-80s, there was a terrible nuclear disaster in Russia, a Chernobyl power station melted down. Now the Russians, and people laugh at the Russians and they really shouldn’t, because the Russians have some top notch scientists, and the Russian military said we can’t get into Chernobyl to clean up the site because of the radiation. So they got their military scientists to produce a technology which was portable that actually pushed away radio activity.

TM: Oh my goodness.

SP: Yeah.

TM: Oh my goodness. Wow!

SP: This is the 1980s. This same group of scientists, understanding the worry of 5G have tweaked this technology, so now this actually pushes away the 5G. It creates an umbrella, a bubble of energy.

TM: Oh my gosh.

SP: Now these scientists don’t have a factory. They don’t have a, you know, because no big corporation is going to back them, and they just make them by hand, so they’re only talking several hundred, you know, a week. We’re not talking thousands here. About two years ago Ted, Russia Today television came to my house here and did an interview with me and you know it was changed into Russian so of course there was no point in me watching it.

TM: Right.

SP: But I didn’t realize until a couple of weeks back that it was incredibly successful in Russia. And it has been shown eight times in the last two years on mainstream Russian television.

TM: Really?

SP: Yeah, and I’m told subsequently that everybody loves my cats. Now the Russian scientists saw this interview. The Russian scientists saw this interview and said this man Simon Parkes, we want him to distribute our anti-5G devices because he’s from a spiritual organization, and that’s how it came about. Isn’t that incredible?

TM: Hum, that’s wonderful, what a nice story. My goodness, my goodness. Will it be available on your website Simon, or how can people order it?

SP: Yes, what we’ll do is I’ll make an announcement on the radio shows and I’ll put it out and it will have to be (yawns: excuse me) have to be on a first-come first-serve basis. I think each unit is about two hundred, two hundred bucks, something like that.

TM: Okay.

SP: And they are free energy devices, which means they do not run by solar power or wind power. They’re about three inches long by a half inch and they run off the natural electricity of your body. So it’s Tesla, back engineered Tesla technology, and if you carry it, it produces a defensive shield of about six to nine feet around you. If you plug it in, it’s a USB stick. If you plug it in to the computer, it produces fifteen to twenty feet shield, and if you get four of them and you put them in the corners of your house, it will not only protect you, but any animals or birds or anything within something like fifty–sixty yards radius. So it’s coming from a non cabal, non deep state place. I’m incredibly, I’ve been… I’ve spoken to the scientists, some of them. There’s some scientists from Switzerland. I had a conversation with them. I’ve seen some of the data, and I’m very proud and amazed that you know, my organization, Connecting Consciousness, is going to be allowed to distribute it. What will happen is I’ll just carry a link on my website. Then people will click on that. They’ll go straight to the organization working with the scientists, and they’ll by direct. So you won’t be paying me. You’ll be paying the guys who are making it, but they don’t want negative energy on this product. And then I believe when I’m up and running they’re going to go to David Icke and they are going to ask David Icke if he would do the same on his site.

TM: Oh excellent, excellent.

SP: So, you know, that’s where we go with it but we’ll make an announcement when we know things are a big clearer.

TM: Well if, you know, some of these crazy governments are able to put in 5G, I mean people’s health are going to be affected. I know that when they tested 5G earlier this year in Brussels and in Amsterdam all these birds died and people got sick and had all these health problems, so yeah I think they recently tried to do a 5G test in Seattle and had the same problems. They cancelled it because of the problems.

SP: Well the thing is that the elite, you know, because people aren’t asking the right questions. We asked the right questions on your radio show Ted, except the elite have children. They have children and they have animals, and they’ve got, it’s not the same technology. It’s not coming from where I’m going to get mine from. But it’s the same technology and all of the elite, their wives, their brothers, their sisters, their children are all going to have this, and I’ve even been told that their devices, they have even decided to sew them into the collars of their dogs and cats, or their horses.

TM: Really? Oh my goodness.

SP: Yeah, so we’ll do the same. No we’ll absolutely to do the same. So you’ve got a beloved animal, cat, dog, or horse. Then you’ll get a system to clip yours on because it’s good enough for that lot. It’s okay for us. You know just because they’re trillionaires and you know, full power and all the rest of it, it doesn’t mean that we, the ordinary people have to go without. So if they can do it, we can do it.

TM: Right, right, right. Well… (coughs)

SP: Bless you Ted.

TM: Oh thank you my friend, thank you. Thank you. I’ll be okay.

SP: Good, you have to be, Ted, you have to be. You can’t stop now.

TM: Thank you Simon, I appreciate that so much. You know it’s funny, the other Friday I was in India and you tried to reach, I know Eric tried to reach me and I slept right through it. I was so tired I slept right through it and then I woke up toward the end of the broadcast, and I said, oh my goodness, I slept right through it, but...

SP: Well it’s very funny because when we couldn’t get hold of you again tonight, Eric said well look, to me, will you go on and just talk, and I said oh no Ted wouldn’t like that. We’ll wait for Ted.

TM: I don’t mind you talking Simon if that happens again, so anyway, but it’s nice to be awake. I’m glad you waited for me.

SP: Of course.

TM: You had this post with Guzman Lopez, fascinating post. Basically, is Mexico a failed state? It’s...

SP: Yes, absolutely. It is and I mean I’m trying, you know, we don’t want to be political, so my organization, Connecting Consciousness, is not political, so my post didn’t say oh yes, and that’s why President Trump is building a fence or a wall. I didn’t say that. All I did is tell the truth, and the truth is that Mexico, and I mean maybe even many of your listeners don’t know this Ted. I don’t know, but do they know that Mexico has been divided up into four, the whole country Mexico, is divided into four parts, each one run by a, it’s a bit like in the days of the untouchables. Four parts of Mexico divided into drug cartel barons, so the drug lords have divided the whole country of Mexico into four parts, and they run those four parts. Now what happened is that the police got shot up, so they sent the army in and they arrested the son of one of these big leading drug barons so there was a big shootout and the police basically released this guy. He wasn’t a kid. He was a guy. They released him because they felt there would be civil war and the drug barons would bring the government down.

TM: Oh my goodness.

SP: So I put a post out saying look, you’ve got this on your border. I’m talking to the United States now. You’ve got this country on your border, where the president of Mexico authorizes his own police force to release a criminal because they can’t contain the situation. Now you’ve got that on your border. You’ve got… I don’t know. I mean I’ve seen maps of Mexico, literally they are all drawn up, these drug barons fight over, a bit like Chicago back in the 1920s, so can you imagine that in Mexico, and these drug barons are the ones who are trafficking people. They’re the ones bringing migrants across. I don’t blame the migrants. I think the migrants are victims. I want to go after these trafficker bosses, these big kings, and these guys, and the government in Mexico has just literally caved in to them, so I will say it. I didn’t say it on my website, but no wonder so many people want to put a barrier, because there’s absolute evidence of what’s going on in Mexico.

TM: This is an interesting take on what you just said Simon. I’ll run it by you. A couple of years ago I heard a rumor, well not a rumor, but it’s what Monsanto did in Mexico in the 1990s, that they introduced, mid to late 1990s they introduced GMO corn and GMO crops down there and mechanization for many agricultural enterprises in Mexico, and what happened is that it created massive unemployment in the agricultural sector, so that people who did work on the farms now no longer did because they were now mechanized with GMO crops, and so they didn’t have any work, and so their choices were either to work for the drug cartel or come over the border and find work illegally in the United States, so I don’t know if you’d heard that, but that’s what I’d heard, but one factor for that.

SP: Yes and the other, I had heard it, and the other point is that, of course they are not called Monsanto anymore. They changed their name, but the other interesting geopolitical point for them was to see how that would put pressure on the government, because if you can do things like that you can pressurize a government, and it was part of an experiment I think to see what would happen and how other countries would respond. You see people perhaps don’t fully appreciate that some of these big corporations consider themselves a government. The point, they don’t see themselves as a company to sell products and make money. They see themselves as an organization that influences and makes policy, not just in their own country, but take their policies into other countries. They make rules and laws just like a country themselves, and that’s a really important point to come to terms with.

TM: I’ve been reading a series of books recently by Dr. Michael Salla on the Secret Space Program and what’s been going on in Antarctica, and what amazes me is that companies act just like that. Many American and German companies act like their own separate companies, or separate governments with the secret space program doing all kinds of things. That much of it is illegal, but it goes on and it’s another example of what you just said.

SP: Well in, and I’m sure lots and lots of people listen to this will have an understanding. That in many jobs a boss, a top person will say to you, listen I don’t care how you get the results for me, just get the results, and if you do something wrong or illegal [36:28][unintelligible] and the boss says, well I didn’t give him permission to do that, so you get fired.

TM: Right.

SP: Now that’s happening. Governments are turning to these agencies or these arm’s length organizations and they say we don’t want to hear about it.

TM: Right.

SP: Don’t tell us about it. You go out. You do what you do, but if it comes to court, we don’t know anything about it, and that’s what’s happening. Governments, of course they know, but they are putting distance between themselves and these people.

TM: Right, interesting, interesting. I’ve got some questions from listeners Simon if it’s okay, or are there any topics you’d like to talk about?

SP: No, no. That’s fine. I mean, you know, just whatever any questions, just bring them on.

TM: Oh okay. All right. This is from Bonnie. She writes Bibi Bacchus spoke of a video of Sacha Stone and his conversation with B. Bacchus about getting back our money. Could you explain that? She… I looked for the post and I couldn’t find it. I wanted to look at it but I couldn’t find it today.

SP: Did you say getting back our money?

TM: Yes, referring to getting back our money.

SP: I think we need to tread carefully simply because I don’t want to raise up people’s hopes or expectations.

TM: Sure.

SP: There have been a number of initiatives to see if certain amounts of money that is just sitting, sitting in somewhere special could be released and given to the people. Unfortunately some people on websites ran away with this, thinking that it meant that everyone was going to get a cash handout. That’s not what I understand this is about. This is about a certain organization saying that it doesn’t want to fund the government because it doesn’t trust the government, but it would fund nongovernment organizations or charitable status organizations or any organization that was prepared to do some good work, but wasn’t able to do it because the official government wasn’t funding them. So it’s not to be seen as a cash handout on the sidewalk, more to do with organizations who are detached from government being supported and funded, and that I think is what that refers to.

TM: Oh I see. Okay, all right. Okay. I’ve got another question from Sandra and she asks about how to get rid of attachments.

SP: Well there are lots and lots of different attachments. It could be a demonic-type thing. It could be an alien thing. It could be something from your own military. And it could be a physical attachment or an energy attachment. So unfortunately I can’t answer the question because I don’t know what attachment [she is] referring to.

TM: Sure. Yeah she doesn’t explain, yeah.

SP: That’s okay. However, sadly, and I mean that, sadly probably maybe a third of all the clients that I deal with do have some form of demonic picked up either from Ouija board or handling some sort of ancient artifact, something like that and you know a third of my clients have that, and I can do that. I don’t do it in one go. I only need one session but I give the person homework to do, and they go away and do that. So the church has stopped doing it really. I remember talking to a pastor thirty years ago and he said that he’d got called to a house. He’d gone in and he thought he’d exorcised this, you know, this spirit, and he said to me the damn thing he said followed me back home. I had to get pastors from the local district to come to my house and we got rid of it, but he said I’m not ever doing it again. Now what we’ve seen over the last thirty years is the church that has traditionally, you know, pushed out these spirit things, they don’t want to do it anymore because they’ve just not got the upper hand anymore. I’m just being totally honest with you, that unfortunately there has been so much corruption within some of the churches that the, that that fighting spirit, that reason for being in the church in many places has gone, and so they don’t now have those people with the same spirit to uphold decency that they did, you know, thirty–forty years ago.

TM: Oh I see. Interesting. I’ve been told Simon by my spirit friends on the other side that as the planet raises its vibration, there are negative entities who are trying to stay on the planet but they can’t, and so they’re grabbing upon, grabbing really anybody or anything they can to stay here. Have you run into the same thing with people?

SP: That makes perfect sense. I absolutely totally agree with that. The only other thing I’m going to just add is that as we transfer from the third to the fifth, we naturally begin to pass through the fourth.

TM: Okay.

SP: That’s where these things reside.

TM: Oh that makes sense.

SP: That is why we are getting more of them simply because we are passing through their world, but we’re not passing through like you would walk through a coffee bar. We’re passing through as if you were in a motorcar and you were driving through a down. So in other words, we, in most cases they can’t touch us. They can see us but we’re moving too quickly because of the vibrational frequency change, but occasionally, you know, we do have that contact so we can expect an increase in these reports until we clear this lower fourth energy field.

TM: Interesting. Wow! Thank you for sharing that. You know we get just little bits of Brexit over here. We don’t get much news over here, and what do you think ultimately will happen with Brexit, Simon? Do you think it actually will happen finally?

SP: Yes it will. The latest news is that having for months being told that the European Union would not accept the deal, they did, the European Union has accepted the new deal that the British Prime Minister has put forward, and tomorrow is Saturday. It is only about the third or fourth time that the British Parliament has ever had a sitting on a Saturday, but they’re going to earn their money. They are going to go in on a Saturday and they’re going to vote on it and it will be one of the most important things since 1979. So I shall be listening live or watching live because it could be one vote in it, literally 650 lawmakers, one vote in it. So if he gets the deal then Britain will leave the European Union with a deal. If he doesn’t get the vote, he loses it, he’s going to call a general election. They won’t give him an election because they knew he’ll win, and then this country will stagger on for probably another four or five weeks, six weeks, then we will have an election, and then he will win that. So one way or the other Britain is most definitely leaving the European Union.

TM: Uh-huh, interesting. Huh, interesting. We’ve got about seven minutes left Simon and I always enjoy, really enjoy talking to you Simon and your perspective on things. What do you see happening in the short to medium term this year for example, the rest of this year happening in the states and other countries.

SP: Well you know it’s only one thing that really takes that and that’s the first week I think is it, the second week in November 2020 when you have your election.

TM: Okay, sure.

SP: I think that is the most important thing because if a different political party becomes the president I think there will be a very interesting agenda. One of the first things the new, or it will have to be Democrat wouldn’t it?

TM: Right.

SP: One of the first things the Democratic president would seek to do is to unlock the Second Amendment because they are absolutely determined to take firearms, guns off the American people.

TM: That’s true.

SP: So what you would expect if a Democrat wins in 2020, one of the first policies will be to literally ban handguns from the American citizens. I mean I know in California, I think I’m right, you can only have ten bullets in your gun.

TM: You’re kidding. Wow.

SP: No, no. I think it’s [in] an automatic gun you can only have ten rounds, ten shells, but if you would go to Texas, you can have seventeen. There are some states that limit, already limit the amount of ammunition you can carry, and they were trying to do this bit by bit by bit, but you’ve got some of these states like Arizona and Texas that, you know, are very very much part of the Second Amendment. And what I’m saying is absolutely privately I have been told by people who know that one of the key points for the Democrats is to take away the guns from Americans. Now to me that’s a vote loser, but maybe I’m wrong. May be American people want to give their guns up. Maybe...

TM: No I don’t see them giving their guns up. No they have an inherent distrust of government, and there’s a reason why we’ve got the Second Amendment, so...

SP: But I hear you Ted, but that’s going to be an official policy for the Democrats so they must think it’s a vote winner, surely.

TM: Yeah, yeah.

SP: So maybe it’s a vote winner in California. I don’t know.

TM: Yes, yes.

SP: All I can tell you is that is an absolute policy and what they might try and do is hedge the question, fudge the question, as we say in Britain, get into power and then just pass the law through Congress and the Senate and then that’s it, so it’s a very important situation, and the election is the only thing that matters in terms of domestic policy now in the U.S.

TM: Do you see President Trump getting elected, re-elected for a second term?

SP: I think it’s absolutely hinging on the media. I think if President Trump can legitimately show some form of corruption within the media, I think he’ll have no problem. If he [47:44][inaudible] I think it will be very close. What I think he’s looking for is something big to happen, which really focuses the minds of the American electorate and then they have to decide which side of the fence they’re on. He wants a landslide because he wants to take back the house. He already holds the Senate. He wants to take back the house. That’s a big ask, because of the mid-terms the Democrats have a big majority in there.

TM: Sure, sure.

SP: So I just don’t know Ted at this stage. It’s too early to call.

TM: Simon we’re got about two minutes left and I want to give you the rest of the time to wrap up your wonderful interview today.

SP: Oh that’s very kind of you Ted. Yeah, I missed not being with you last week.

TM: Oh yes thank you.

SP: It’s a shame but there is a lot happening. There is a great deal happening, and I think that whether we like him or not, love him or hate him, President Trump has a good relationship with Putin, and as long as your president, yours because I’m not American unfortunately I wish I was, but as long as your president has got a good relationship with the Russian president there will be no war. There’ll be no cold war. There’ll be no hot war.

TM: That’s good.

SP: And I think that’s very important. You don’t want somebody in the White House who is seeking conflict.

TM: Sure, absolutely, absolutely. Well Simon thank you so much for coming on today. I’m sorry I overslept first few minutes of the show but I woke up in time, I woke up in time.

SP: Don’t be silly, no I said, look you do overwork Ted and you know that I’ve said to you, you do overwork.

TM: I know.

SP: You need more of a vacation.

TM: Yes, thank you, I will.

SP: Okay.

TM: Yeah I will. I will, I will take a break, yeah. All right my friend. Well Simon thank you again so much again for coming on today and please on behalf of all my listeners pet your cat for all of us. Say hello to the cats.

SP: Speak to you soon, take care, bye-bye.

TM: All right, take care Simon. All the best, bye, bye. That was Simon Parkes, my good friend coming from England. [Tape Ends 50:00 1st Hour]

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