
Friday, September 20, 2019

with Ted Mahr on Out of This World Radio 1150 AM in Bellevue, Washington

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Out of This World Radio 1150: Current Events, Questions & Answers

Friday, September 20, 2019

President Trump’s request for Federal Reserve to cut rates results in a quarter point cut; President Trump has spoken with both British and Australian prime ministers about Iran, which could possibly lead to a limited attack on Iran, maybe of cyber origin; is financial downturn in the future; the controlled mainstream media only tells you what they want you to know and usually with a twisted slant; cabal knows that if they wish an event to happen and they put the idea out and group consciousness picks it up, then the physical event they wished for will either be created or magnified; some big event may happen in the October–November timeframe; humanity ascending to fifth dimension means that other groups will also move up a notch to keep the balance with exception of those in the lower fourth dimension, so we’ll pass through the fourth dimension; healing from lyme’s disease reported at Mt. Shasta; lyme’s disease has evil connections with fourth dimension and that’s why doctors here can’t heal it because they’re using third dimensional medicine; Iranian tension and possible ways to deflate it; if Netanyahu loses it will be big blow to cabal; people demonstrating for more freedom is happening worldwide; no information has been made public about James Comey’s placement of spies in White House; excessive use of pesticide in New Zealand and the worldwide rollout of 5G is all part of an evil plan to poison/control the planet; a biofield device is in the testing stages to block the harmful effects of 5G; animals have souls and after they pass they come back to find their owner/companion.


Ted Mahr: With that I’d like to bring on my good friend Simon from England. Simon how are you doing today?

Simon Parkes: Hello Ted. I’m very well, and very pleased to be back on your show.

TM: Oh good, good, so good to have you back. Boy there’s a lot going on and as I mentioned just before going on air, when it rains it pours doesn’t it Simon, all kinds of things going on.

SP: Yeah it’s a saying that we share don’t we in both our countries. When one issue begins to take fire, then another one starts and another one, but I think that is just the truth, you know, in finding these things out. In other words, I’d much rather that we had five or six things come along, because then we can see them and judge them. If we only had one or two things then you’d ask yourself, well what else is taking place that we can’t see.

TM: Right, exactly, exactly. I know President Trump had a meeting this morning or today with the Australian prime minister in Washington D.C., and I kept trying, I was listening to it this morning Simon, and I kept trying to read through the lines for any hidden messages. I couldn’t pick anything up but I don’t know if you’ve had a chance to look at that yet, but you do have a post on your website called financial backing where President Trump has been asking the Federal Reserve to cut rates, and they only, I think they just, what did they do, just do it by...

SP: One-quarter.

TM: Yeah, which is almost nothing. What’s the inside story about what’s happening there Simon?

SP: I haven’t, first of all I haven’t picked up with the Australian meeting, but of course Australia and America are very close, so President Trump would see the Australian leader as a very important ally. I think that there are real possibilities of a limited attack against Iran and I know that President Trump has spoken to the British prime minister on this, and I’ve no doubt that the discussion with the Australian prime minister were exactly along those lines, so I am expecting a limited form of attack by the United States against the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. The Iranian ground to air missile system, so that’s probably not too far in the field.

The Fed have been asked by President Trump for a very long time to cut rates. They refused to. In fact they were continuing their program of squeezing money into the economy and we know that last week the European Central Bank announced that there was a crash coming and the European Central Bank, which is the main bank that oversees all of the banks in the European Union started to print money and put it out. And yesterday the Federal Reserve put something like seventy-five billion dollars into the Repo Bond Market. Now the bond market is a very good indicator of world health, and the fact that the Feds put in excess of seventy billion dollars into that gives you some indication of the danger that the world economy is in. The Fed did cut interest rates by a quarter. Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. They should be cutting it by a whole percentage point, and shouldn’t be concerned if it takes it into negative, and there are a number of countries that have run in negative interest rate. And so the president is not asking these things because it is election year next year, he’s asking it because his advisors clearly know more than the Fed because the president has been asking them to do something quickly for a financial stimulus. They’ve done it now but only because they can actually see that the world is beginning to slip back into a Lehman Brothers 2008 crash again, so it’s very serious and we’re watching it very closely Ted.

TM: Well I remember you talked a couple of months ago Simon about how there are negative and positive forces who for various reasons either want to keep the economy going or crash the economy, and of course the Fed, the Federal Reserve is not Federal, and it is not Reserve. It was created in 1913 of thirteen private banks and they have their own, they’re for-profit institutions, which make money off the United States, and they issue money that many people think illegally and by violation of Article VII of the U.S. Constitution, which says that only the U.S. Treasury can issue our U.S. currency, but I think it’s important for people to realize that they are not our friends.

SP: Well we should ask ourselves when did the Titanic sink, and you know, there was a very important reason there was some key people, bankers on the Titanic. Actually it wasn’t the Titanic that sank. It was its sister ship, but that’s another story. But there were a number of bankers that were very against coming off the gold standard, and at a forthcoming meeting these people were prepared to vote to keep the gold standard, and these people died in the Titanic, and therefore when the vote came through, it was a vote to come off the gold standard. So you’re right, the Fed was designed as part of an overall plan, not just to make money, but to make money on an incredibly grand scheme. Now in terms of the situation of the economy, it’s not actually being crashed or potentially crashed by the bad guys this time round. This is just purely the state that the world economy is in. This is the point. Normally you’re absolutely right Ted. The bad guys will crash it like Wall Street in 1929 because they want to buy up lots of corporations at rock bottom prices. But what we’ve got at the moment is a fundamental disconnect between the people who have money and their belief that the system can keep rolling along. So in other words, in the alternative media or the truth media for the last twenty-five or thirty years people have been warning about this, but actually now those people who are not in our movement, but they’re incredibly wealthy, they’re actually coming to the same conclusion. That’s what we’re seeing now.

TM: For people who follow the silver and gold market, silver has gone, I think it’s a five- or six-year high. I’m not sure what gold’s doing, but is that indicative of the kind of financial stress that the markets are in right now?

SP: Well it’s very interesting because wealthy individuals buy gold. People like you and me Ted, if we were to buy precious metals, we’d probably buy silver. So when we see the silver price spiking, it means that the bottom range of the market are trying to invest in silver, which means that people who are close to the news, and that is people who listen to your show Ted, they’re the ones now who might be investing in silver. They can’t buy a ton of gold but they can buy a fair bit of silver. So what that is an indicator is that the large market of people who are following the news are investing in silver, so it means from the top to the bottom there is a move. Now the gold prices are artificially altered, so let’s say there was a run on gold, they would be able to try and hide that from the public but they don’t have the same control mechanism over silver. There are six men who control the gold price. This is not fully understood, six men sitting around a table and they decide what the price of gold will be. Now every other commodity, the price is decided by the amount that is sold or the demand for it, but gold is not run like that. So silver is a true reflection of people’s confidence. Gold is not.

TM: Interesting. I know that junk silver, pre-1964 U.S. coins and pre-1965 Canadian coins is a very good buy for silver if you are interested in buying silver.

SP: Yes I think in the U.S. you go 999 parts silver or 950 parts. We’re interesting, and we obviously as you guys and Canadians and Australians and the Indians fought the First World War. British coins, all silver British coins were 925 parts silver. After the first war they were devalued down to 500 parts silver. Then after the Second World War, all the silver was taken out and they were replaced by copper nickel. Now I did a little experiment a little while ago. We have copper coins in our country. We call them one pennies and two pennies, and I laid them out from about 1980 out to about the year 2000, and then I passed a magnet through them. Over the first load of coins nothing happened. But as it got to the more recent times all the coins flew off the floor and hit the magnet, which means not just in precious metals, but anything now, they’re putting in junk metal because there’s such a shortage of rare earth or rare materials that it appears on the [15:07][thing]. You have in our case the Queen’s head on one side with something on the other, but it looks the same, but actually speaking it isn’t, and if you look at very poor countries, their coins are made out of aluminum or zinc. And so a real indicator of health is the quality of the coinage that a country has.

TM: I have to tell you this story Simon. It’s a funny story. After I graduated from high school in the ’70s I went with a group of students to Germany and especially East Germany, East Berlin, and I’ll never forget, we had lunch and I had some change. They were, all the coins were aluminum coins, and a wind came up and the wind blew all the coins off my hand and we all started laughing because it was almost worthless.

SP: I’ve got a little collection of paper money between the first war and the second war from Germany, where there was hyper inflation, and I use it when I do my, sometimes when I do my talks or my lectures. This is real money and it’s billions of dollars, billions and there’s one true story just to highlight it where a guy in Germany in 1923, he goes to a cafe, and he orders a coffee. He drinks his coffee. He reads the newspaper. When he goes to pay the bill, the price of the coffee has doubled.

TM: Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness.

SP: And that’s hyper inflation, and you know, that’s the real nasty eater of people’s wealth or their savings. People who did really well out of it were people who took the loan say for 10,000 dollars out of the bank and then by the end of this inflation, 10,000 dollars bought you a cup of coffee. So you just went into the bank and you paid the 10,000 dollars and your loan was cleared. So there were certain individuals who made absolute fortunates out of that financial situation. Ordinary people suffered terribly, but those people in the know who planned for this, they were in a position to make, and that’s the way it is on this planet, that knowledge is power. And those who have advanced knowledge will actually, even if they’re not manipulating the system, they will be ready to take advantage of the system. The rest of us who are kept in the dark, we’re just the ones who suddenly have the pressure put on us. And that’s what’s wrong and needs to change.

TM: That’s a very very good point. I guess that’s one reason why the major media outlets in the United States and elsewhere are controlled aren’t they, so they can control the information.

SP: Yes, and not just control it but actually give counter information. So it’s one thing to counter it and we had our fantastic Connecting Consciousness meeting in London.

TM: Oh yeah, how was that?

SP: Well that’s coming out on YouTube in a few days, Andy and Katarina are working very hard to put this video together, and that will come out, and I made a reference in there when, and everyone who uses YouTube will know that you go on Youtube and you look for a topic and the heading says, “All You Need to Know,” about whatever topic, and I did speak for a few minutes on this and I said how arrogant for an organization to tell us what we need to know. It’s really what we want you to know. We’ll tell you what you think you need to know. Don’t ask any questions, we’ll just tell you what you need to know. And I said, you know, don’t tell us. Let us ask our own questions. Let us find what we need to know, and, you know, that’s the situation with media. Media is now saying yes, but you’re really busy, and busy people don’t have time for in-depth news, so we’ll just give you the highlights, and what they’re doing of course is they are manipulating and giving you stuff that’s absolutely either lies or is of no use whatsoever, and that’s what I’m trying to wake people up to, the fact that the media they are being given is actually deliberately being twisted.

TM: I have to tell you this story. It’s from the Vietnam war in the early ’70s, and I used to like to read these different news publications, read the papers, news mag… Newsweek. It’s gone out of business now and Time, and all those publications could do Simon is tell about how great the Vietnam war was for the economy, how we were winning the battle for “freedom,” in Vietnam. This was in 1972 and ’73 and how we were winning in Vietnam. Of course by 1975 we’ve lost and we had to leave Vietnam, but I’ll never forget that, and ever since that experience I never trusted the mass media again in the United States.

SP: It’s funny isn’t it how the media is. I mean my, one of my all-time favorites is the original Star Trek, and if you compare the original Star Trek with everything that came from it, and Star Trek was a huge product as many things were of the Vietnam War. So it was shoot first and ask questions afterwards, and you know there were many many references in Star Trek to fighting for what you believe in and carrying your gun, and the media shouldn’t just be seen as the newspapers or the news channels. It should also be seen as what is coming out in songs, what’s coming out in literature, what’s coming out in the movies. And that’s why individuals who are very conscious might write an anti-war song, or they might do anti-war paintings. So that comes from the hearts of individuals, where the mass of the corporations are and reinforcing their best friends who are of course very elite people who are arming the aircraft, putting the guns on the ships, so we really see humanity dividing into two groups, those who want to profit from pain and misfortune, and those who actually want to stop the pain.

TM: Um-hum, interesting. I’ll never forget. It was about nine years ago now Simon, but there was I wish I knew the title of it Simon, but it was a song about how the world was becoming radioactive, and it kept going about, it kept repeating radioactive, radioactive, radioactive. That was in 2010 about six months before Fukushima happened. Then it happened, and I thought oh either they were prepping us for it or maybe the person had some intuition for what was going to happen in the following year.

SP: Well I haven’t heard that. That’s incredibly sinister Ted. What those in the cabal, what they understand is that if you put a theme out and that theme can be taken by the group consciousness, you either create or you magnify a physical happening. So it’s well understood that in an advert for a political party or an advert for a washing powder, if you repeat something enough times enough people will believe it. So if you put out something like that and it’s taken up, people don’t really, many people don’t really understand the power of the consciousness can actually have a physical effect. So I see that as manipulation by the cabala to try to feed into the group consciousness a happening that they wished to create and they wanted the human consciousness to okay it. That’s how I see it.

TM: Wow fascinating. Well as you know Adolf Hitler, that was one of his platforms, was to do the big lie and his theory was that if you said it loud enough and long enough people would believe it.

SP: Yes and he once said that when we win nobody will question us.

TM: Um-hum, um-hum, oh really, interesting. This is a quick side note. I’ve been doing research on what really happened to Herr Hitler after World War II and from the books and information I’ve got, he actually escaped to South America and lived there until at least 1965.

SP: It’s one of the biggest secrets. I know 9/11 is probably, you know, the most recently big secret, but it’s on the same principle in the sense that if you were to know the truth, it would implicate governments. Everyone assumes from the stories that Adolf Hitler committed suicide in a bunker. My own grandfather who worked for the CIA and the British MI6, and my own mother who worked for the NSA and MI5 both were absolutely convinced that Hitler was not dead and was living in Argentina, even to the extent that we know that one of the, Eva Perón, that one of her special houses built by the coast had a submarine pen, literally, and to this day if you can go there you will see in the big swimming pool, the big lake, a submarine pen. And this was where the Nazi submarines were coming and doing it, and the deal was that when Hitler arrived at Argentina, he had all the torpedoes taken out of the tubes, and the tubes stuffed with jewelry and gold. All of the torpedo tubes were stuffed with money, and he gave half to the Peróns and he kept the other half and that was the deal for his protection. And there is a whole fascinating story here. No Hitler was not killed or did not die. He escaped along with a few other close friends. And his dog was not poisoned and his wife was not murdered either.

TM: According to the information I discovered, Eva Braun actually passed away after living a long life in Argentina somewhere around 2002 or 2005 at the age of either 90 or 94.

SP: She outlived Hitler.

TM: Um-hum, yes.

SP: That information that I have was that Hitler’s personal doctor finally administered an injection to kill Hitler because he’d had enough of him, and that was I think was in about ’65, something like ’65. It’s very hard to get an exact date but around that time.

TM: Well, all these things Simon which people have no idea. I don’t want to dwell too much on it today because I’ve got other things to go over and some questions but we’ve talked before about this fall... I’ve been told by several psychic friends that this November could be a pivotal time for disclosure regarding 9/11 here in the United States.

SP: I think so, simply because it is the November before the November election, and I think that, you know, we are looking for something quite enormous to really tip human consciousness onto the right road and full speed ahead. So I genuinely don’t know what that will be, but certainly from the 25th of October onwards into November, I’m hopeful that something big is going to be disclosed.

TM: I had a long conversation last night with Zorra from the Hollow Earth Simon, and he said that the ascension timetable actually has been speeded up, and originally about a year ago he said that parts of the planet would be shifting into the fifth dimension by the end of 2020 or approximately December of 2020 and now he said that’s been moved up some months, between four to six months faster because of your work, my work, and all the light workers working hard on this planet to make it a better place so I asked him whether we were doing well. He said you’re doing fine and people are making the right choices for a better planet. So, thank you for your work Simon. You’re helping.

SP: Oh, you know, that’s just so excellent because, you know, we do this don’t we Ted because we just desperately want the truth. We desperately want fairness for everybody, and we just can’t stand to see situations that are not equitable. And if the work that I’m doing and others are doing is just moving us along a few more inches then that’s great, because it means it’s worth doing it. I don’t ever go to bed at night and say what am I doing? Why do I do this? I’ve never ever felt like that because I know why I’m doing it. But it’s just great to know that from a practical point of view it is having some effect to move this along quicker, so that’s great news.

TM: Yeah, yeah, no he was very positive last night. He was very pleased about humanity’s progress. And he also said that when we shift into the fifth dimension the people of Telos and the Hollow Earth will shift from the fifth to the sixth dimension, which I hadn’t even thought. I thought they’d stay, but he said there’s going to be an en masse shift for different civilizations going up one notch in terms of dimension.

SP: That’s really great because you’re about the only person who’s bringing that topic up. There are twelve dimensions. I know there are a lot of subdimensions.

TM: Right.

SP: There are twelve major dimensions, but a thirteenth is being prepared now because if we are moving up, the top becomes compressed. If you say to a living creature, you have reached the epitome. You have reached the top, well then there’s nothing to strive for and the true creator has no beginning and no end, so consciousness and different dimensions have no end, so the thirteenth is being created. Now as we move up everything is generally kept in balance. As we move up, they’ll move up. Here’s the crunch. Here’s the crunch, that the beings in the lower fourth as it stands will not move up, so as we move we move through them. Now there will be some dislocation to the human consciousness as we pass through the fourth dimension. But we’re not stopping there. We’re just passing through it. And as we move up then some of the other groups also move up to make way. It’s a very very exciting time.

TM: Well I’ve been going to Mt. Shasta now since 2015, and everytime I go the vibrations get higher and higher, and it gets easier and easier to contact the people of the Hollow Earth. Almost everybody, I think everybody that came with me, we all went in on the astral level, and then I was told last night by Zorra, he said that when I’m at Machu Picchu in January I will physically be able to walk in with a guide so I’m looking forward to that.

SP: I think we’ve seen great things happening with your groups because if we look back over the time you’ve taken them more and more exciting things have occurred. People have had these miracle healings and I know because I, some of the people that you’ve taken are my clients.

TM: Oh.

SP: Oh yes Ted. They book me some months afterwards not to talk about that but other things. And, you know, they’ll say oh I went with Ted Mahr, you know, to Shasta or I did this, did that, and they’ll tell me their own experiences and, you know, there are people who listen to the show say oh well, you know, Ted says this and Ted says that, but actually, you know, I spoken to some members who go on your trips and they absolutely confirm what you say.

TM: Well thank you. Thank you Simon. That really makes me feel good. There was a lady who was on the trip about ten days ago, and we were doing a group meditation at the entrance to Telos on Mt. Shasta, and she suddenly started crying, and so her husband said could you please talk to my wife what happened, and I talked to her and she was spontaneously healed of lyme disease that she’d had for the past twenty years, fifteen, twenty years, and she’s been a...

SP: Well I am excited about that because lyme’s disease isn’t just a straight forward disease. I think lyme’s disease has some evil connections with the fourth dimension. Now it’s very interesting. One of the reasons that doctors on this planet are having a hell of a hard time to cure lyme’s disease is because they are using medicine from the third dimension, and I think that lyme’s has its fourth dimensional connection. Now the Hollow Earth is a fifth-plus, sixth dimension, around that level, so therefore the frequency is greater and therefore it can heal, so that’s very interesting Ted.

TM: Yeah, yeah, and she’s very happy. I know that I had an exposed nerve on the back of my teeth and it caused me some pain and discomfort, and it’s… I still need some dental work but that nerve is completely healed now. I don’t have pain now, nothing. And so, but it’s an amazing place and it’s getting easier and easier to contact the people of the Hollow Earth. Every time I go there it’s just very easy to talk to them because I think the vibrations of this planet are rising very rapidly, and people’s consciousness...

SP: You’ll have to run coaches you’ll be so busy Ted.

TM: I guess so. I guess so. Yeah I guess so, but I’m so pleased that when we were there we all asked for healings and they come right through. They come right through. There was a fellow last year who had Lou Gehrig’s disease, and he must have been in his mid to early seventies and he’d had Lou Gehrig’s disease for the last fifteen years or so, ten, fifteen years, and it’s the kind of disease where your nerve system starts to shut down. You can’t walk anymore and eventually it kills a person. It can kill a person because your heart stops functioning. Well he used to be an athlete and he was given one of these spontaneous healings, and I’ll never forget him suddenly standing up and running about a mile-and-a-half, two miles, back to where our cars were located, and everybody was totally amazed and he’s healed now. Yeah, he’s still healed now. Yeah, yeah. Well getting back to the third dimension, back to the third dimension here, what do you make of this conflict with Iran. Do you think they’re, you had a post about B2 bombers were deployed from Britain to attack Iran. I don’t know if there will be a conflict or not. What do you think might happen?

SP: Well I think what’s happening is that B2 bombers that are flying from Britain are not actually the ones that are gonna take part in any attack in Iran. They’re just filling, it’s a rotational thing, they’re filling slots in U.S. air bases as a mirror and might be used. I’m not saying that this has been authorized. What I’m saying is that the military have said to President Trump if you wish to do a strike, there are certain things we have to put in place. And President Trump gave the authority not to attack Iran, but he gave the authority so that the military were in a position that if that was what happened they weren’t then scrambling around trying to move assets around the map. So what we’re seeing at the moment is the assets being redeployed. President Trump has spoken to the prime minister of Britain and to Australia. He doesn’t need to talk to France or Germany because they are not part of the Five Eyes Group. In the same way they’re not confidential sources. The prime minister of Britain is very close to the president and so is the Australian leader. I think personally that what President Trump might do is go for a very savage cyber hacking attack on Iran. I think that’s what he’s going to do, and I think that they will put in some very strong defense systems around the oil fields. The problem for the president is that oil corporations are saying that they want to be protected, and President Trump has got to decide whether the best way to protect them is by having military escorts or whether to take out, you know, the Revolutionary Guard, it’s the Iranian Revolutionary Guard who are responsible, and I honestly think it’s a 50-50 call at the moment because it might be that, you see remember that America now produces more oil than Saudi Arabia.

TM: Really. My goodness.

SP: That’s why President Trump can stand there and say making America Great Again, because there is more oil coming out of America now, millions of barrels a day than is coming out of Saudi Arabia. Now that’s never happened before, but that is the genuine case. So America is not so dependent on Saudi oil. Therefore Trump is not under such pressure to launch an attack. If you think back to the oil crisis in 1974, the West was strangulated by the OPEC Saudi oil arrogance because that’s where it comes from, so Trump’s got more cards in his hands than people think, but I think it’s very tempting for the White House to have a short surgical strike. I do think that it is likely at some point that a very quick campaign from the air will be launched.

TM: Interesting, interesting, and President Trump seems to go, he likes to, I’m sure he would be good at poker because he’s got a good poker face, and he pushes things to the absolute max, like with North Korea.

SP: He’s not a warmonger. He doesn’t want war. That’s the point. Time and time again there was a [38:01][rounding] that tried to push him into a conflict, and he’s ended up sacking them. So we know that he’s not, he doesn’t want a war but this is different because a huge sprawling oil refinery has been attacked. It has reduced the output of oil from Saudi Arabia by fifty percent, half. Now no president can really set back and watch oil reserves being held to ransom like that. So, you know, this is the difference and I think that there will be a response. The question is whether President Trump will be satisfied with nonmilitary sanctions or whether he’ll feel that the eyes of the world are on him and he looks weak or America looks weak if he doesn’t do something, and I think that’s the concern, because if Iran feels it can do this and get away with it, then what will it do next. That’s the argument taking place in the White House and the Pentagon at the moment.

TM: How interesting, interesting. Of course there’s the Israeli election as well. Would you explain. You had a good post on that Simon. Could you explain a little bit about what’s going on and what do you think will happen?

SP: Well, it’s quite amazing really because most governments have laws that say a leader can only stand for office for a certain time. You know in your own country the president does two terms of office if he or she is reelected for a second term. They do two terms and they don’t, and it’s interesting that President Trump was joking the other day that he would do a third term of office, which caused some eyebrows to raise. But Benjamin Netanyahu, who is currently the Prime Minister of Israel was seeking his fifth term of office, so he’s very greedy, and for the first time his Likud party, which is not an orthodox right wing, but it’s a very very right wing party scored the same votes. I haven’t checked them tonight. They were running neck in neck with the opposition party. Now if that’s the case and he has exactly the same number of votes as his main rival, I can tell you that the main rival will probably be able to secure backing from the rest of the parliament and that will be the end of Netanyahu and there is a court case waiting to start against him. So if he loses office, I think he’ll be in court, so this is a big game changer because if this guy loses in Israel, it is a huge blow to the cabal, a very huge blow.

TM: Wow, interesting. Well this is a time of truth, and things that are true are becoming truer, and the cabal, I know we have talked about this before. They’ve lost the war. They keep losing different battles and this is yet another battle which they will probably lose as well.

SP: Yeah, I do think so. I think that we’ve made these jokes before Ted, I mean who would be a prime minister of a negative government. Who would be a president of a negative government because we can’t hide the truth from the people anymore. It’s not the good old 1970s when you could do all these horrible things and nobody batted an eyelid. And so, you know, the great thing is it’s only beginning to bring good people out, because bad people think well I can’t get away with what I used to do, so I don’t want to do that job anymore. And a good person says, well I don’t want to hurt anybody, I just want to do good for people, so I’ll put my name forward and I think what we’re seeing is slowly but surely the bad people are being filtered out from office, so a long way to go but I think the process has started.

TM: And I think the process has started as well in Iran. Their government is that, what would you say, is that a cabal government, a negative government as well?

SP: It’s 50-50. You’ve got the president, you see, and you’ve got the spiritual leader, and that’s the, you’d say okay well, the guy who is the churchman wouldn’t be involved in government, but that’s not the case at all. The spiritual leader actually has quite a strong say and you’ve got a cabal on one half and you’ve got a fairly okay government on the other half and there are changes occurring. People are seeking freedoms. People are demonstrating, and I think we’ve got a world movement coming forth now where people actually want more freedom. We’re seeing that in many countries.

TM: Right, right, yeah. Absolutely. And this is an old post that you had but I had one of my listeners write an email about it, about James Comey, how he inserted two spies in the White House when he was director to spy on the president. What’s happened since that, I think you made that post several weeks ago.

SP: Right, it’s more than two. I mean there were two that were known of, and there was, I don’t know if it was Freedom of Information. It came up under, there are a number of court cases at the moment that are going through, and it was referred to within one case, basically there were number four spies placed in. One guy was put in there just to spy on the president. The question is, you see, President Trump needs the machinery of government to function. He needs that. So if he goes mad and tears it all down, how is he going to function. So it seems to me what’s happening is a lot of these things are being sorted out behind the scenes. Washing your clothes in public doesn’t always go down very well, and I think that a lot of these things that are made into court will have to become public, and clearly if two and two can be put together, anybody who has recruited somebody to spy on the president will end up in jail. That goes without saying. The arrogance that these people thought that they could spy on their own president, and for goodness sake, you know, you have a Constitution and you have Founding Fathers, and how crazy must it have got in America where a person thought it was okay to spy on the president in the White House. And that shows you why there has been such a huge shift in the United States away from central control and, you know, to a more open society. And I think that this battle is still being fought in America. It’s still got a long way to play out.

TM: Right, right. Going onto another subject, I have a client in New Zealand, Rosemary and she just emailed me a question regarding the International Tribunal of Natural Justice has been invited to New Zealand in March of 2020 to hear testimony about the poisoning, what she writes, poisoning of New Zealand with deadly pesticides. Have you heard about that situation in New Zealand Simon where they use excessive amounts of pesticides on the people and the land there?

SP: Yes, they are also doing it in some states in Australia. It’s because of the way that the environment is there, the weeds can grow quite rapidly, but to my understanding it seems to be a very huge program of spraying, on roads, on the sidewalks. It’s always… I’ve spoken to people who live there and they’ve said it’s very excessive. The Commission of Natural Justice is a very powerful organization. I’m familiar with some of the people who sit on that. I think it’s quite useful. There’s so much going on. There’s some real good stuff being done to stop 5G. There’s stuff to do with poisoning the planet. I see it as all part of the same thing, which is a great central consciousness of evil that is trying to control the Earth, and that we have this other consciousness now of positive humanity, which is taking it on, and this is what we are seeing. We’re seeing a battle now in public view.

TM: Sure, sure. There was an excellent interview that Coast to Coast had last night here in the United States with a fellow named Matt Landman who went into the scientific details of studies that had been done on 5G and how it’s carcinogenic. It can cause infertility in men and women, and he thought it was a population control device as well as a weapon. It’s actually a weaponized system originally formulated by our Pentagon, so it’s not really about communication as much as it is about control and population control.

SP: Very very quickly because the organization I created, Connecting Consciousness, has a great guy who coordinates for me in Australia, and he’s had some fantastic results in using Australian law to take 5G down and Sydney now has no 5G in it to my understanding. There’s been some excellent success there. I’m hopefully meeting a group of scientists, an individual, I’m not going to use any names. An individual has come to me. There is a device which a group of scientists has created which is a small pocket device, which is an electro biofield, which will be absolutely invaluable for protecting individuals from 5G. I’m being sent the empirical science. There are three million dollars worth of trials taking place now with people. I’ve been invited to a presentation next week. It’s going to be launched, and my organization, Connecting Consciousness, has been asked once I’ve okayed it and Ive seen the evidence whether I would be a conduit to, you know, provide these to people. I won’t be selling them, but I will be in a location where somebody says hey I want to buy that product and I can arrange for that. The reason Connecting Consciousness is being asked to be one of the outlets is that we can’t be corrupted. We can’t be bought out.

TM: Sure.

SP: So, you know, I’m absolutely delighted that these group of people have come to me and to my organization to distribute something that could really save humanity. So once we have more information, I’ve been to this conference, I’ve had a look at that, then I’ll be advertising. So far I think the price will be about two hundred bucks for the unit. You plug it in at home and I think that it produces a biofield of about five, six, seven meters, and it’s portable. You can carry it in your pocket, and it produces a protection field of about, you know, two yards, three yards, something like that. And I’m really excited that this is a method that we can have both in the home and our children can have and we can have and we’ll be protected, so if the evidence that I’m presented with convinces me, I’ll put my name to it.

TM: Wonderful. When I was in the UK in June Simon, a few months ago, I met a wonderful man. I don’t mind saying his name because he’s been on my show named Simon Fox. He shares your first name with a company called Comspace and doing the same thing. If you like I’ll send you his contact information.

SP: Yes please. Look what’s happening is that people all over the planet are rising up with consciousness and they’re either rediscovering old technologies or they’re creating new technologies because we’re not going to get these from the corporations. The corporations won’t give these. So what humanity is doing is they are kick starting small groups, individuals, entrepreneurs, scientists, and it’s coming from the ground upward, and that’s what’s so important here, because this organic breathe of fresh air is untainted, and that’s I think is like a huge title wave and I don’t think that the evil forces can stop this.

TM: No I don’t think they can. I don’t think they can. I know the, I was so pleased to get Zorra’s comment last night from the Hollow Earth that we are on the right track and we’re making the right decisions. Simon we’ve got about four minutes left, give or take a few seconds, and I wanted to ask you, I always love asking this question, what do you see in the short, medium, and long term for Earth?

SP: I can’t believe an hour has gone by so quickly. It’s absolutely phenomenal. We just shoot through this don’t we. We get on Ted and you know it’s a great thing to do.

TM: Thank you. I always enjoy talking to you too.

SP: I think that, sorry Ted, I just think that every week now there’s a challenge, but the wonderfulness that humanity finds is overcoming the challenge gives me great hope for the future, because we are bombarded with these very dreadful terrible stories, and then we get something really wonderful that comes up, so I think that in terms of what we’re looking for now is we’re looking not the negative stories. Let’s look for the good stories and let’s see what we can do to get behind those good stories and give them that positive push so that we can counteract all of this negativity by really building on good stories, so if you’ve got something good happening in your neighborhood, get in there and support it, whatever it might be because every little you do pushes the bad boys back.

TM: Well thank you so much for saying that. That’s why the great spirits contacted me about four or five years ago, they said that we have a beautiful bright future ahead of us. There’s a lot of good things happening on the planet, and humanity needs to know that we’re on the right track. We’re not going to have a World War III or Armageddon, and we are making the right choices.

SP: I agree.

TM: Yeah, yeah. Absolutely, absolutely.

SP: I suppose I had better say goodbye to you hadn’t I?

TM: Well we’ve got a few more minutes. We’ve got two minutes left Simon.

SP: Okay.

TM: We’ve got two minutes so I was gonna, oh this is an important question from one of my listeners. How are your cats doing? You haven’t mentioned them during the hour. They okay? They’re worried about, they want to make sure they are all right.

SP: Oh absolutely, absolutely yes, absolutely fine. The white cat is still his royal regal self.

TM: Okay.

SP: And still knocking pictures off the walls when he doesn’t get fed or goes up onto the bookshelf and then uses his claws to pull the books down onto the floor. They drop five or six feet on the floor.

TM: Oh my.

SP: And his character has always been that and I remember one of the very first interviews I ever did, I was doing an interview and he started to drink my coffee while I was doing the interview, and I wasn’t aware of it, but the guy who did the film kept it in. It’s one of my very first ones when he was just a kitten. He was only six months old, but he was already looking for stardom. He was determined to get onto the… even back then.

TM: Oh no. Does he drink espresso now or just, just...

SP: No he’s more into… he likes cheese. He likes Camembert cheese and he likes Brie cheese, so he likes cheese and at two o’clock or three o’clock in the morning if I go down. I often do. I don’t always sleep through, and he always comes down. I have to cut him a slice of cheese. Yes it’s quite a close relationship here.

TM: Oh how wonderful. I’ve always been told Simon that cats and dogs are part of our furry circle of friends of love around us. And even when the pass they stay with us and you meet them on the other side when eventually, when you pass.

SP: I think the problem is that because of the way the world is people are not taught the truth about animals, because they do have a soul in them.

TM: Oh, yeah.

SP: It’s not just humans who have a soul. Animals have a soul as the Buddhists won’t kill an ant for the same reason.

TM: That’s right.

SP: And what I’m saying is that animals do physically die but the soul will come back. And they will come back and try and find you so if you have a cat, twenty years later, you might find a cat from the pound or the rescue shelter and that will be the same animal that’s found you.

TM: It’s happened to me before. Simon thank you so much for coming on today my friend. It has really been fun talking to you. Hope you have a wonderful day. Please stay tuned for our next hour friends.



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