
Paranormal Peep Show, Thursday, September 19, 2019

with Andy Chaplin and Neil Geddes-Ward (

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Paranormal Peep Show with Andy Chaplin and Neil Geddes-Ward

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Simon prefers to call his dealings with nonhuman entities experiences, and he explains that many experiencers have experiences through a mind link not physical contact; Simon gives a short history of his childhood growing up in a British Intelligence family, MI5/NSA, MI6/CIA; the discussion turns to reasons and numbers of UFOs that are downed yearly; Simon discusses his experiences with off-planet entities; the physical location in a room the entity chooses when it appears determines what type it is; do different nonhuman groups have different agendas concerning Earth; where does absolute pure evil come from and why do some entities choose that path; what is the age of human race in our current form; can the master/slave environment we are now in be changed; 250,000 years of genetic experiments reveal some mammals have traits found in reptilians, i.e., the eye of a cat and snake are the same; do UFOs in our skies come from other solar systems, other dimensions or both; why do the jinn exhibit malevolent behavior against humans; was the jinn’s dislike of humans related to human sacrifices performed by the Aztec, Incas and other ancient cultures; the many sacrificial cultures on Earth were established by one man who moved from location to location and was given a different name in each place; describe the physical characteristics of Enlil or Enki; Simon is asked about the regularity of his meetings with the Mantids; what is the Mantid agenda; how would you describe the fifth dimension; what is the difference between the spirit world and the fifth dimension; how would humans in bodies experience the fifth dimension; Epstein arrest is the key to bringing down the massive corruption in high places; as long as the media continues to hate Trump it means he’s on the right path; reasons for Lufthansa and British Airways to stop flying to Egypt; fake news is worldwide, even in Egypt.

Andy Chaplin: Hi folks you’re listening to myself, Andy Chaplin and Neil Geddes-Ward on the Paranormal Peep Show on the Paranormal Radio UK Network. Neil how have you been?

Neil Geddes-Ward: I’m fine and it’s Paranormal UK Radio Network, but that’s close enough.

AC: That’s close enough.

NGW: That will keep Irene and Mark happy.

AC: Irene has been doing this for years and she fluffs this like the same thing.

NGW: She does indeed. She’s always tripping herself up with it and I always laugh when I listen back to it, and she...

AC: [overtalk] I think as well.

NGW: Yeah, yeah and she [overtalk]

AC: …the host for like six or seven years.

NGW: Yeah, yeah. I mean we know what our names are and I think that’s enough really to get the show across on the air as it is. Anyway how are you?

AC: Yeah not too bad, I’m recovering from the heat wave so it’s been a tad hot in the UK. I’m more of a temperate person really. I don’t like freezing cold, but I don’t like the sultry temperatures we have had.

NGW: Yeah spring weather. I prefer the spring.

AC: Or autumn. Halloween of course is nice.

NGW: Yeah.

AC: Halloween is my Christmas I think definitely.

NGW: Are you preparing your events for October, the Halloween festivals and things like that?

AC: Yeah, I mean October is a very busy time for us. It’s like the peak time of year. August kind of winds down a little bit. October is definitely my favorite time of year. It’s definitely the busiest and also the spookiest as well, which I’m quite enjoying.

NGW: You get lots of Gothic types come to your events around that time, or is it they are not really interested in that sort of thing maybe.

AC: Oh yeah, yeah. I mean certainly our readers dress up to it and I dress up for it and we kind of overkill on the whole pumpkins and cobwebs and all that kind of thing so yeah, we really do get all sorts coming. We get the young, old, male, female, Goths, non-Goths.

NGW: So you might have heard of Whitby then?

AC: Yes, yes, there’s a Goth festival up there apparently.

NGW: That’s exactly right and our next guest is actually in Whitby as we speak. That’s where he is calling in from.

AC: And he is actually one of the people that is kind of on my top list of people to interview, so I’m actually quite looking forward to this. I have actually referred to him in previous shows on and off to do with his, not exactly channelings but kind if his information as I suppose we call it, but we’ll find out how he gets his information in a little bit, so welcome to the show is Simon Parkes.

Simon Parkes: Well hello Andy and hello Neil, and that’s a very good linking introduction you did.

AC: Oh I’m professional at those. Anyway how are you Simon this evening?

SP: Very well, thank you.

NGW: Good, good. Okay, well you seen Simon, you’ve got the benefit of seeing Simon, is it your Awake and Aware Conferences?

AC: Actually yeah with the ones in Watford at the High Elms Manor, fantastic location, fantastic people, always have an amazing time there and Simon Parkes has been on my paranormal radar I suppose you could call it for quite a few years now. I actually forgotten how I got into listening to you Simon. It must have been a random link and it might have been when you were with the JayPee radio, but the information kind of resonated with me and your presentation I think is quite humble and kind of down-to-earth, which I liked because there’s a lot of—in this field of I suppose you call it the spiritual or the ET or the UFO world—there’s a lot of egos flying around and you don’t have that ego and I quite like that, and I was also quite fascinated with the experiences that you’ve had because you would, you’d probably describe yourself as a contactee rather than an abductee, and maybe you could go into what the difference is between that.

SP: Yes I prefer the word sort of experiencer because many experiences are not abductions or, you know, taken to a spacecraft or taken to an underground base. Many of the experiences are where an interdimensional being or an extradimensional being will appear in your front room or your kitchen and then mind the link with you, give you an experience, you know. Many people think they’ve gone to Mars and they really feel they have gone to Mars, but actually they haven’t. They’ve had 30 seconds with a nonhuman entity and the reason for that is it’s much more cost-effective to go into somebody’s mind and give them an experience, let’s say for Mars, than it is to take them to Mars, because you know, there are so many other agencies that are watching the situation, and every time you take a human from the Earth and take him or her somewhere else, there’s a chance of being intercepted, so I would say out of every ten experiences that everybody has on the planet maybe seven of them, they’re not quite what they seem.

AC: Hmm, so I mean this, we thank you so much for coming on the show Simon. It’s really great to have you. For this particular show, we’ve got Simon for an hour, so I would say to listeners please do go on to Simon’s website for the full rundown so that would be Simon Parkes with an E and then dot org. (simonparkes .org) Is that correct Simon?

SP: Thank you.

AC: So we’re gonna have a kind of like a cut short version, not because we’re not interested in the information, but literally the time factor, but if people do want to find out the extended version I would say definitely go on the website, and indeed there’s been many many other interviews with Simon going into much greater detail. But Simon, for people who are completely new to yourself could you give us a short rundown in where you’re coming from, how you came into the information that you’ve come into, and your early experiences if possible. It’s a lot to ask I know in a short time.

SP: Sure I mean if this radio show is well received and your audience, you know, want that then I’m happy to come back and do another hour at a later date.

AC: Fantastic.

SP: Let’s see how well it goes. Yes of course for those who have not even heard of my name, I grew up in what we would call an intelligence family. It doesn’t mean the people were intelligent. They worked for the intelligence services. My mother was British and she worked for what we call MI5, but really she was working for the National Security Agency of the United States. My grandfather who was also English or British, he worked for MI6, but really he was working for the CIA. So my mother was a single parent and I was just the one child, (coughs) excuse me, so when I grew up, I grew up in an environment where this was the norm, and my mother’s job was to—she was a fantastic typist—this is before computers and word processors were in the civilian sector, and she was a phenomenal speller. Her ability to spell words is quite incredible, and her job was to type up documents that had come from German scientists from the western part of Berlin. Remember now we’re talking about 1966 so that’s a West Germany and an East Germany, so these were German scientists who actually their statehood, they were managed by MI5, because if they had remained German they would have been sent to the Nuremberg trials and they would have then been either imprisoned or executed, so because these scientists were so important, and the Americans had nicked most of the scientists and the Russians had nicked the other group, the British were allowed this sort of rump of scientists left, so they were actually owned, if that’s the right word, by MI5 so that Western Germany could not prosecute them for Nazi crimes.

So there was a small group of scientists in western Germany, and when anything that the American scientists, the Germans, couldn’t work with through work pressure or specialism, then this task would go to the scientists in West Germany. They would do the work and then this document would come all the way to Britain and my mother was tasked with typing out the document, so the document would arrive in German and she would have what we call an old dictaphone. It’s an old foot pedal control tape. You have earphones and then you, you know, you’d hear one sentence in German and then one sentence in English, and her job was to type it out all in English, and then when she’d done that she would take the document to Brighton Railway Station, and then she’d hand it to to an agent, and this, all of these documents related to crashed UFO craft that had come down all over the Earth and had been retrieved by the United States of America. These documents pertained to that, so I grew up from a 3d perspective if you like in a very interesting intelligence-led environment.

AC: So roughly speaking this might be impossible to say… you say there’s multiple UFO crashes. Everyone kind of thinks of Roswell as the main one. I mean how many per year roughly would you know might be crashing all over the Earth that we’re unaware of?

SP: I would say that Roswell is the most important one, not because of the crash, but because of what it was all about. So I’ve always said that Roswell is the king or queen of the of the UFO world. I would suggest that there are probably between six and twelve recoverable incidents every year.

AC: So the next question would be and it’s quite an obvious question, if these are beings with high technology what’s bringing them down and how are they allowing their ships to be brought down?

SP: Well in the case of the Roswell it was deliberate. That doesn’t really answer your question. The humans now have technology that can bring down some races craft. They have it now. Sometimes very occasionally it’s it’s an error that’s incredibly rare. Normally the crafts are crashed because they’re fighting above us and one side shoots down another and that sort of remains comes down on the Earth. So the vast majority of crashes on the Earth are literally because one race is fighting another race and the gravitational pull of the Earth brings it down.

AC: Wow. So the race isn’t is an interesting one because Simon you’re one of the rare people who have actually met different races. Tell us about your early experiences with the Greys and the Reptilians and the Mantids.

SP: I think quite a few people have that experience but for whatever reason most people who have these experiences are, and I you know it’s very hard to quantify, but they don’t have the… they’re not allowed to engage so they’re very much the the victim and the aggressors. That’s the pattern that we’ve seen ever since the 1950s and before and from I’ve always said by the grace of God go I, for some reason I’ve been in the position where you know I’ve been more able to ask questions and have answers back. Now whether those answers are true or false I’ve always been quite cautious but I’ve had a dialogue. So it’s allowed me to build up a picture, and again I’m not saying that picture is entirely accurate, but over what, 50 plus years of experience, I haven’t changed that vision. That vision or that picture hasn’t changed in interaction. Most of the interaction will be with what we call in Britain the Mantids, what the Americans call the Mantis, and on what we all call the Reptilians. I have met the Greys. I don’t particularly like them.

AC: I remember you saying that. Is it because of their, that because they’re kind of like, you said that like biological robot like. There’s no soul in them or is there another reason or is there just a negative vibe about them?

SP: No I think you’ve hit the nail on the head because most of them don’t have a soul. They’re like an artificial intelligent machine, but I think there’s a little bit of revulsion here because you see these creatures were originally humanoid. They sold their soul to the devil they as part of their deal. This is the route they went down and so you know technically they were humanity and they’re not really now, so they’re a bit of traitors really to humanity, and I feel desperately sorry for them because they are trapped in a position of their own making, but nevertheless I’ve ever since I was what three or four years old, I’ve never really warmed to them. I’ve never really taken to them.

AC: And I seem to remember you saying in previous interviews that you had things kind of holographic images that the beings would create for you, the more I’m thinking like a tiger or giraffe or something.

SP: Oh what you’re reminded of, what you’re thinking of there is 1963, and I had measles and it seems incredible now, but I was about three years old, three-and-a-half years old, and my mother said I’m just gonna leave you and I’m gonna go to work, but she knew that I would be quite safe, and then an incidence occurred where an entity sort of approached, and to cut a long story short wanted to put an implant into my hand and asked me permission to do that, and I asked was it a good thing or a bad thing, and the entity replied well if you want the senior alien to know where you are every minute of the day then it’s a good thing, but if you don’t want them to know where you are it’s a bad thing, and I said well I wanted this being to know where I was because I felt protected so I said I’ll do it. And what was incredible was that it was a like a ball, a small marble and it split in two, to what we would now call an implant, and inside was a miniscule type implant, and somehow the skin on my hand literally peeled back and there was no blood. That’s what’s incredible, no blood, and this really frightened me, and just as today a doctor when he or she gives an injection to a child will say to the child look away, what this entity said to me was, “Oh look at the animals that have come to play,” and when I looked there was I think a cheetah and a giraffe. Now of course they weren’t real. It was just in my head, but so that wasn’t a real, that was just an image given to me so that I didn’t see this thing going into my hand.

AC: Hmm and this is kind of like a recurring thing because Neil you probably remember the Kinsella’s and I can’t remember if it was Ronnie or Philip, so I don’t know if you’ve heard of the Kinsella’s.

SP: I haven’t, no.

AC: They’re wonderful. They’re kind of like the psychic craze, but they’re not negative. They’re very positive, from Bedfordshire two medians very very mediumistic and psychic. Actually I think it’s more Philip that’s the medium.

NGW: Philip is the medium. Ronnie will always say that he hasn’t got any ounce of psychic ability whatsoever but he has had some very interesting experience all the same.

AC: Hmm. Are the both of them are experiencers and one of them had an experience of seeing a very evil looking grinning Cheshire cat on a ceiling when they were quite young.

NGW: That was Ronnie’s experience, yeah.

AC: That was Ronnie’s experience. What do you reckon that would be Simon. What would be the point of that?

SP: Oh it’s classic and what will happen is that this is what we’d call a jinn. They’re usually in the corner. They go up into the ceiling into the corner. They best be described as like piranha fish with the sharp teeth, but what will happen is that these entities, they’re interdimensional entities. They exist between the third and the fourth dimension and they will go into a child’s head and if the child has just seen, you know, a cartoon or a film, they will pick out from that child’s head an image and superimpose that, so you’re talking about Alice in Wonderland here, so let’s just say that this this young person as a kid had seen Alice in Wonderland on the TV or the cinema and that Cheshire cat had made quite an impression, the entity is able to go into the mind banks, your memory banks, of your organic brain, find that image, superimpose that, because they don’t actually want to frighten you. They don’t want to show you what they look like so they will go for something that you have recently seen, so that’s what that was.

NGW: Yeah Ronnie actually pretty much came to a very similar conclusion actually and I think what it was prior to that he said that he felt he was going to have this operation by an entity and he didn’t want the operation, and I can’t remember the timeframe, but it was not long after that he said he saw this Cheshire cat face grinning at him in his bedroom, but they both had some kind of ET experiences, and I know Philip, his twin brother, has a theory to do with the the Greys themselves, not totally necessarily the whole race of Greys but maybe a fraction of them and we’re talking about these soulless creatures that he believes they’re trying to somehow interfere with the human race, whether this ties up with your stuff I don’t know Simon, but he’s got a theory that they’re trying to regain their connection to the Godhead by blending their genetics with ours in a sense of stopping themselves becoming soulless creatures. I mean that’s it in a nutshell, but Philip can explain it a lot better than I can.

AC: Hmm.

SP: Well first of all just for clarification if the Cheshire cat is in the corner of the ceiling sort of eight–nine feet up that is a jinn. If it’s hovering at about two to three feet, floating in the air then that is a holographic projection.

AC: Oh, I’ll have to ask him.

SP: So yeah if you ask where he saw it, if it’s up in the corner that’s a demonic entity. If it’s sort of two to three foot off the ground then that’s a holographic projection to take his mind off whatever they’re doing. I don’t quite buy that with the Greys. I think that’s been quite popular for a number of years. My experience is somewhat different and I’m absolutely convinced that the vast majority of the Greys are working for the Reptilians and the reason that the Greys are used is because they’re humanoid. They are much smaller. They seem less offensive, and therefore they are able to work with humans in a much more cooperative way than a seven-, eight-, nine-, ten-foot Reptilian, so the Greys are used as the middle man, and what they’re trying to do is to obtain a semi-organic body that can maintain a soul that can survive in the third, fourth, and fifth dimension. So it’s something that’s been going on for hundreds of years, because they know the future. They obviously have the technology. They’ve seen where humanity is going and they are absolutely desperate to ascend out of the third dimension through the fourth, because they’re trapped in the fourth remember, and they want to ascend from the fourth into the fifth, but the Earth is not going to have that because you can only ascend into the fifth dimension if your frequency is of the right level, the right frequency, and at the moment the Draconis Reptilians and the Greys with a soul in are not ready to evolve, so they’re trying to beat it. They’re trying to go through the back door. That’s what this is all about.

AC: This is get where it gets really messy Simon because you probably can concur with this. I suspect there are many species, many races with many different agendas. It’s not just like a negative agenda or a positive agenda. There’s probably multiple ones. Would you agree with that?

SP: Yes remember also that from a human perspective we judge good and evil or right wrong from our perspective, but…

AC: Yeah.

SP: So what we think is evil or wrong they think is absolutely perfectly right, so when you just distill it down you’ve got negative, positive, and in the middle.

AC: Yeah I think you’re right. Where do you think that… this is something that I’ve been pondering for a while. Where do you think that absolute pure evil comes from? We’re talking the people that do like medical experiments in Auschwitz and people like that that have no empathy, no care whatsoever, and just enjoy killing and genocide. Where is this coming from?

SP: It’s coming from the fourth dimension, no question of it. We would call that the lower fourth where there’s been a combination of some form of agreement between demonic energy and a Reptilian life form, so a demonic energy and a Reptilian consciousness have come together and that is often what produces some of the most horrific things that we can imagine.

AC: And what’s their kind of like their purpose or why have they chosen that path do you think?

SP: They’ve chosen it out of arrogance because they believe that they’ve reached the top of the tree, the pinnacle of evolution. If you look at a snake today that snake is many many millions of years old you know in terms of its lineage.

AC: Yeah.

SP: And hasn’t changed at all, so their argument is that the reptilians have created a form that doesn’t need to change. So they look at mammals; that’s what we are, and they see it as weakness. The fact that we have to alter and change, whereas I personally think that we’re very adaptable and you know if you take a snake in the desert and you suddenly turn it to Arctic conditions that snake will die, but if you take a human, and as has happened in the past and suddenly flip the temperature around humans can survive, so I think that our very survival abilities is linked to our adaptability, but the Reptilians are very arrogant and think the opposite.

AC: Yeah interestingly we’re kind of the only species that in our naked flesh, we’re not really adapted to this world, so every animal that you can think of is either adapted to as you say the Arctic or the desert or the rainforest or whatever, but we need clothes. You know we can’t even really survive out in the woods in England without clothes. We would die of hypothermia overnight, so we, you know, we haven’t got fur. We’ve got hair but it’s not enough to kind of keep us warm. It’s… do you think this is because this theory of mammals or some kind of humanoid creature that was here and was kind of adapted to this Earth being interjected by another alien race? Do you think that’s why we’re not fully adapted to the Earth?

SP: Yes absolutely I mean we were adapted to the Earth but we were adapted to one geographical location. In the Bible we call it the Garden of Eden.

AC: Yeah.

SP: When the Reptilians artificially altered humanity, and I want to make it clear that humans have been on this Earth for a very long time but the group that’s prevalent at the moment Homo sapiens sapiens that is the product of the final experiment and humans were adapted to a very amiable climate, to a very warm climate where you didn’t need clothes. It was literally not barren rock. It was a pasture, a green grass, so humans were adapted to a very small geographical area and when humans then moved away from that area into the hostile world that we described, that’s when humanity had to suddenly decide how it was going to cope, and as you said make clothes or or make a fire or live in a cave or do what have you. So we were taken from a very protected, I don’t mean that in a good way; we were taken from a very controlled environment and when humanity broke free it then had to survive.

AC: How old do you think the human race really is in our form in our current form not kind of like…

SP: Two hundred and fifty thousand years in our current form. If we were to go back probably about three hundred and thirty thousand years before that we’re talking very much a sort of a I don’t like the way to monkey, but very much a subhuman. You see if aliens have been arriving on this planet over the last five million years, let us say that a group lands. They find some small monkeys maybe a foot in size climbing around the trees, and they look at it and they say well this is the most promising thing. So they do a little bit of genetic work and they go away and then half a million years later a completely different group of aliens arrive, and they see what’s been achieved and they say well we’ll do a bit more. So it was like that until the last Reptilian Task Force arrived and instead of the great experiment, what the Reptilian group said is well these creatures can work for us, and that’s when it became a master/slave environment. It was also the fact of course that humanity contained twelve strands of DNA and the Reptilians do not have twelve strands of DNA, and they very much wanted that. So there was this not love-hate relationship but they saw humans as a resource that didn’t see them as something to wipe out. They saw them as something to control.

AC: Like a farm.

SP: Yes exactly like a farm and it’s been totally like that for about two hundred fifty thousand years to this very day.

AC: So is there any light at the end of the tunnel with this crazy situation?

SP: There is, but for full release it’s going to require humanity to make some pretty tough decisions which at the moment they’re not really in a position to do. For instance we’ll go to a supermarket you will find long aisles of a meat, beef, lamb, whatever you want, and it’s just packaged, and all the Reptilians do is they say well you humans, you eat every lesser life form, so why can’t we eat you? So if humans tomorrow stopped eating meat, the energetic pressure that would place would completely destabilize this top-down environment, so as long as humans in a critical mass keep eating meat then anything else above us would think well we can do the same.

AC: Kind of putting the devil’s advocate hat on, personally I’d much prefer to look after animals and treat them well, and ideally I’d like to be like a theoretical vegetarian or theoretical vegan, but I do kind of like appreciate that this world is a kind of dog-eat-dog world and animals, even if you take humans completely out of the equation, animals would still eat animals. Cats would still eat mice. Dogs will probably still eat rabbits. What I’m kind of trying to say is if Source, let’s take God, Source, whatever you want to call it as being love, why would something of love create a world and environment of such carnage within the animal kingdom?

SP: Because it is only the human race that has guilt. It is only the human race that has a consciousness that knows good and evil. Every other animal lives to survive. They don’t make the choice. They’re not tested. They’re not questioned with making that choice therefore they do neither good nor evil. They exist. But humanity was given the consciousness to know the difference between right and wrong and that is where the test is. The test is with humanity not with the lower animals.

AC: Right, however would we would it be kind of like a monkey wrench thrown in to say there are some killer whales who play around with seals for fun before killing them and somebody said I can’t remember if it was yourself actually that cats actually play with mice to get high on some kind of pheromone that makes them go, you know, like catnip. Would you say that that’s kind of, you know, a sadistic nature revealed?

SP: Well if you’re going to do genetic experiments 250,000 years ago on humans, you don’t just go and experiment on humans. What you do is you take the lower life-forms and you test it out there and you’d have to test it on a mammal, (coughs) excuse me, so you test it out and once you’ve got what you think is right then you move to your primary source, and if you look at a cat, a domestic cat it is a mammal and yet it has the same eye as a snake.

AC: Yeah.

SP: And no single vet has ever effectively explained to me why a mammal should evolve a snake eye. That’s not where the it ends. If you think about a snake, a cobra, it hisses when it’s angry, so a cat hisses when it’s angry. A snake actually has a sensing organ, not on its tongue so much, but on the roof of its mouth, and when a snake puts its tongue out it’s actually wafting air against the sensor on the roof of its mouth so that it can get a picture, and a cat has exactly the same organ on the roof of its mouth, and the cat doesn’t stick its tongue out, and if you are a cat owner you may have seen your cat open its mouth and it’s doing the same. So there’s absolutely no way Charles Darwin could sit down if he were alive today and explain to me how a mammal has all the traits of a reptilian, and I believe that the domestic cat was experimented on prior to humans. Now what happens is that when a mammal is terrorized it releases a pheromone, and unfortunately the Reptilians are… they look on it as a drug and when they did all these experiments with domestic cats they passed that trait across. So a cat would terrorize a mouse because when a mouse is terrified it releases a pheromone hormone which gets the cat high, and killer whales, I’m not quite clear on that, but it is along the same similar line. That is why killer whale, it’s not really a shark. It doesn’t make sense why is a killer whale so vicious and angry. When you look at those animals around it and they’re not like that at all, and that’s again is because there’s been alteration.

AC: Hmm this is one of those talks that could go on for hours and hours. Neil what have you got to jump in?

NGW: Yeah I was just thinking back to, you know, we talked about the Reptilians and the Greys in the various dimensions but we also talked about the different crafts that have come crashing to Earth because they’ve been having fights above the Earth’s surface. Now just to make this clear to listeners and myself of course, are we talking about crafts that are coming from other solar systems in space or is there a mix of other creatures coming from other dimensions in crafts to the Earth?

SP: Yes that’s a very good question the answer is both. Anything that comes here in real time is an extraterrestrial. I know it’s not fully understood by people who are not into the subject, but let’s say for instance the tall whites which is a group that a guy called Charles Hall, a couple of…

NGW: Oh yeah.

SP: Now they’re extraterrestrials. They take something like 25–27 years to get here, but a Reptilian does not travel in the same way. A Reptilian will open a portal, so they’ll come here in about a second, so they are extradimensional entities because they are traveling extradimensionally. So a tall white is an extraterrestrial and a jinn or a demon is an interdimensional entity because it lives between the third and the fourth dimension, and so these are the technical terms used rather than just the word alien.

NGW: Right, cool. Andy?

AC: I was going to say now on to the subject of the jinn. Simon I think I’ve heard you say that there was a race of beings before humans that were kind of booted off into another dimension and they were a bit pissed off about that hence they’re being quite negative towards humans. Could you elaborate on that a little bit?

SP: Well the entity that we today we call a jinn in a thousand years time it may be called something completely different, but that’s the term we’ll go with simply because the Muslim race through their Quran book used the term and they’re the most accurate of any human race on earth with their information on it, so I choose that name because it’s the accurate one today. These beings were semi-organic. They were part energy, part organic, and they did live on the Earth before humanity, and what we don’t understand is that when you put a hundred people in a room the collective consciousness, although you can’t see it, some people are quite sensitive. They can feel it. Well when you multiply it and multiply it and multiply it, it becomes actually like a barrier, a wall, to any creature that is not fully organic. So these creatures were literally pushed out of our understanding, our reality, but human consciousness was a bit like a bulldozer pushing the snow and then it sort of stops and leaves a line of snow and then goes back and pushes some more, so these creatures never get pushed into the fourth dimension. They got wedged between the third and the fourth. They believe that humanity deliberately dispossessed them of their Earth. They consider the Earth theirs and as a result of that ever since then they’ve been looking at ways of getting back to the Earth and causing trouble for people.

AC: So would this be the time period roughly between kind of like the dinosaur period and say early man?

SP: No. This would be quite relatively new as this would be, well we’re talking about human consciousness. Until the final upgrade, which is about two hundred and fifty thousand years ago, the human being could not contain any soul other than a third dimensional soul. So you have higher dimensions, people talk about Pleiadians or Andromedans, those souls could not have inhabited the human form prior to that because the makeup of the body was not right. That’s why they had to live in dolphins and whales because of those creatures spirituality was at such a level they could maintain those much higher pulsing vibrations. Now we’re talking about literally two hundred and fifty thousand years ago or three hundred thousand years when the human race for the underground work were created, so anytime from literally three hundred thousand years to about a hundred and twenty thousand years to the start of what we would call Cro-Magnon man, that is when I think this these jinn creatures were expelled from our reality.

AC: Hmm, would there have been, because I’m trying to get my head round this. Would there have been a point where the early man like was small in number and walking around with the jinn and would recognize the jinn?

SP: I think only psychic people would have perceived them unless the jinn actually wanted to be seen. I think that what we should understand is that one moment these creatures are here and the next minute they’re not. In other words when a critical mass of humans on the planet the great consciousness awakening occurred, it doesn’t matter whether you’ve got 50 people in Newcastle or 600 people in New York, around the planet this consciousness reached a critical level at which point anything that was not of the same frequency was expelled. So we can’t actually say that early people were walking around with these creatures. What we can say is these creatures would come through into the reality to try to torment, or you know, have a go at whatever they found.

AC: And would this be linking into things like the sacrifices the Aztec, Inca, and that kind of thing, sacrifices? Apparently there was one week where something like 80,000 people were sacrificed in a week after building a pyramid in [?Tenochtitlan], okay, so I probably pronounced that wrong but that the one of the most famous kind of Aztec-type villages or towns had this pyramid, 80,000 people in a week would that be a jinn or would that be a Reptilian influence?

SP: That’s a Reptilian influence. What would happen is that and did happen was that senior royal members of the Reptilian family would have hold sway over a particular group for a 100 years, 500 years, a 1000 years, sometimes longer, and then they would go and they would set up another group, so the group that went to talk about the Mayans, the Inca, and the Aztec, that was one of those Reptilian lords, and he took with him the sacrifice culture which he’d had in ancient Egypt, which he had had in Babylon, Sumeria, and that’s the culture and he just brought the technology with him, which is the pyramid, and this is the same guy that then the last time we can track him would be to the Zulus in Africa, took the not the pyramid culture, but the same and a more advanced sacrifice fighting culture. So you’ve got one entity with a different name, because each group of humans give this entity its own name, but in reality it’s the same one with the same same vision.

AC: Would this be in your previous experiences with Anu is that the same being?

SP: Well it wouldn’t be Anu. It would be one of the sons of Anu, Enlil or Enki.

AC: What do you think Enlil or Enki would actually look like? Are we literally talking kind of walking lizards standing up lizards or dragons?

SP: Okay it’s a bit derogatory to refer to them as lizards, but it would be very honorable to call them dragons. The Draconis Reptilians believe rightly or wrongly that they have evolved from dragons. That’s exactly where they believe they came from, and they vary, I was… it would be 1965 or 1966 when I was actually physically standing next to one of the sons, so it’s incredibly hard because I would probably been about what, four foot tall and I was exposed to the culture when you’re in this type of environment you’re supposed to put your hand on the shoulder, so the eldest son puts his hand on his father’s shoulder. The next youngest son puts his hand on the left shoulder of the older son, and I couldn’t do that because I’m just four foot tall, so I could only reach the kneecap, just above the kneecap, so these creatures get to be what nine foot, nine foot tall.

AC: Amazing, and how kind of regularly do they show up in your life? Is it kind of like a weekly thing, a monthly thing, a yearly thing?

SP: Well not at the moment because I went through a period where I rejected… I had to make a choice and I rejected them, and that was about what five years ago, and since then I haven’t had a single experience with them, although the what we call the Mantid or Mantis, that’s probably a monthly thing now. Other experiences occur, but prior to me rejecting this Reptilian experience it was more regular, and as a boy it would have been I, you know, I’ve got hundreds of memories and I’ve put them down as drawings. It must have been weekly or at least fortnightly.

AC: So for want of a better word the Mantis or Mantids are on the more of the positive side you think?

SP: They are simply because the agenda that they’re following for themselves is more beneficial to humanity.

AC: Have they told you what their ultimate objective is, their goal first of all interacting with you and secondly for humanity as a whole?

SP: Well the two are linked. They wish to go to the fifth dimension, bottom line.

AC: How would you describe the fifth dimension?

SP: A place where the word Satanism doesn’t exist, a place where the word pedophilia doesn’t exist because the energies that we give those names to have no home there, a place where we don’t need money. Money doesn’t have any hold, a place where we are not service to self but service to others.

AC: Is this what we would call the spirit world or is that something else?

SP: No that’s totally different.

AC: Oh, okay.

SP: Your spirit world is where a disincarnate body has not yet ascended. It’s not yet found an organic body and therefore is, for those who have the gift, can be through mediumship or can be channeled, because they can, they’re still in the capability of reaching into this world and another world, so they’re between the two worlds, but once they go into a physical body then they don’t do that, because then they’re back on the Earth or back somewhere and they’re living either in an organic form if they’re up to the sixth dimension, but if they’re beyond the sixth dimension, remember that the seventh dimension is the cutoff point between the physical and the non-physical. So let’s say somebody dies and they go to the ninth dimension, then you could channel them because they’re not actually in a physical world, and it’s very easy to come down the ladder channeling information. It’s very hard to go up so that’s why people who are genuine channelers receive information. They don’t give it. They receive it because we can take information coming down. We can’t push it up the ladder. It’s very hard.

AC: So in kind of layman’s terms, in terms of how we as humans in bodies would experience the fifth dimension, would it literally be a case of you would wake up one day and all of the George Soros’ and Jeffrey Epstein’s and Harvey Weinstein’s would just not be in our reality, or how would it be, how would the fifth dimension actually be?

SP: It’s one of the hardest questions. It’s the transference from this reality to that reality, and I don’t have the answer for that. I’ve speculated for years, you know, do we have suddenly to make a choice, do we suddenly get offered a choice and we have to make that choice or the life we’re leading now is that making the choice for us? I think what I come down on the side of is that the evil people will suddenly disappear, as they are doing now and suddenly you think well actually what happened to this person or what happened to that person, and over the last five to six years the good people have got better. The bad people have got worse and the group in the middle are being forced to choose which side of the fence they want to be in, and this is part of the selection process.

AC: I mean it’s all coming out isn’t it? It’s like really it’s like a Twilight Zone. You’ve got the, as I say the Jeffrey Epstein island and I don’t know if you’ve seen the pictures of the island, but it’s literally like some “eyes wide shut” type temple. It just looks like a satanic, you know, sacrificial type building and you got all of these people, and even like celebrities like Brad Pitt and I think who is it, Corey Feldman, the Goonies guy, basically saying that Hollywood is run by elitist pedophiles, and you’ve got people talking about clones as well within Hollywood. It’s just bizarre. I mean if I think back to like the 1980s or the 1990s when life was (in quotes) “normal,” to like how it is now? It’s just like, it’s just complete woo-woo land.

SP: I think that’s why Jeffrey Epstein was arrested because he is the key, the key stone. He’s the major player here and the question is will he play ball? Will he provide information which leads to some of the biggest names ever to come forward and be prosecuted or will he decide to be quiet and not, so there’s no coincidence that he was… you see the thing was that he’d done a runner and he’d left all his diamonds. He literally left all his diamonds in his safe and a very clever operation was undertaken to make him believe that he had two days grace, so he landed and the agents actually stormed the airplane. He hadn’t even got off the airplane and this is important because they made sure his feet didn’t touch the ground, so he didn’t actually touch American soil because he was on a Saudi Arabian passport, and you know, he’d come back for his diamonds. Gold is no good because it’s too heavy. You can’t carry tons of gold with you. It’s not negotiable, but these were small one carat diamonds and up, and literally I’ve been told there were literally handfuls of diamonds in his safe and this was what he was going to come back for, to buy his escape, buy his freedom. So he was very cleverly captured. The question is now whether he’s going to be prepared to sing like a canary or not.

AC: Well apparently he’s been injured in his cell, and in other words they probably tried to take him out. I would imagine if he was him, he would probably say if you’re gonna take me down I’m gonna take the whole house of cards down with me.

SP: Well he’s been told he’s facing 45 years in prison. I have been told that if he cuts a deal with them he’ll do 10 years in prison and then he’ll have a complete name change, ten million dollars and be relocated somewhere, so he’ll be on a protection program, so it’s whether he thinks it’s worth just doing 10 years or whether it’s worth dying in prison. He will decide what he wants to do.

AC: How do you feel the future is for Trump? I mean that’s a big question isn’t it? Is he on the right path or is he kind of like slowly being engulfed in the the cesspit that he’s trying to drain?

SP: No I think that the only days I will be worried is when the national media start being nice to him. So as long as the mainstream news hate him, that’s because they don’t control him. You think of every other president bar Kennedy, the newspapers love them.

AC: Yeah.

SP: And that’s because he was part of their agenda, you know, and I mean I don’t want to bring politics into it but one of the, too much, but one of the reasons rightly or wrongly, one of the reasons that Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party in Great Britain, is hated is because he’s not controllable as well. He’s not come up through the approved route. It doesn’t matter whether you vote Conservative or Labour or Democrat or Republican, these previous leaders were all part of the same group, and so the status quo didn’t care who was in. They got what they wanted, but Trump wasn’t part of that and neither is Corbyn, so sometimes when something is happening that is bringing individuals up who were not part of the club, that’s why the state controlled media are turning on these people because they fear them. No, Trump is not being blown off course. Trump is having to steer a very difficult situation. It’s not anything as easy as people believe it is, and I’m very frustrated. I want him to get on and knock heads together and go and do it, but you know there are a number of nuclear weapons knocking around which, you know, nobody really has control over, and so, you know, you do have to be careful, and the submarine incident that we saw recently was a warning that, you know, that there are still these very evil elements about. I think Trump’s doing the best he can under the circumstances.

AC: This is an interesting one Simon. I don’t if you touched on this. Apparently Lufthansa and British Airways have stopped flying flights to Egypt. What’s going on there?

SP: Yeah it’s probably more to do with the lack of democracy going on. There’s been lots of times when people have gone to visit for the pyramids and they’ve had armed guards with them. It’s nothing new. There is a report which is not in the normal media. There’s a report that somebody’s got hold of a surface-to-air missile and is threatening to shoot down, so they’re flying certain routes and flying other routes keeping separate from it. You know we don’t think of these missiles on the back of a great big tank or tractor. These things are portable. They’re man portable and they can go up to about what, fifteen, twenty thousand feet. Some of them are not as effective as that, but the reality is that when there’s a credible warning that there is a real potential of one of these, then the civilian airlines, they don’t say anything, they just divert their aircraft.

AC: It’s interesting because a friend of mine who you’ve actually met at High Elms is half Egyptian and she went to Egypt recently, and how’s this for fake news? She said Egyptians kept coming up to her and asking why do the British and the West, why do they hate Egyptians, and she was like what are you talking about, we don’t hate Egyptians, and they say but we’re told that you guys, you hate us. You hate the Egyptians, and she said no, no that’s not the case at all. Their media in Egypt is telling their citizens that the West and Europe hate Egyptians. I mean that’s, you know, the epitome of fake news.

SP: I haven’t heard that. That’s new to me.

AC: It’s bizarre.

SP: You’ve told me that and I totally believe you, so I don’t know what the game is. There’s going to be a subplot going on there, and there’s going to be some game that’s to do with political trade or a political action or somebody didn’t scratch somebody’s back, so I would think that’s got more to do with the money than it has to do with anything else. AC: Just to put it out that if we do have any Egyptian listeners we do not hate Egyptians that’s all. Do not believe your media. It’s just, it was quite eye-opening actually. You know we think that fake news is just kind of like a modern thing within the West, with certainty the U.S. media and the British media, but it seems to be kinda like a worldwide thing.

SP: Well I think when a small group of people manage a very large group they will use any tools of the trade at their disposal if they believe that that group will want to dispossess them. You know we saw it with Adolf Hitler, you know, in Great Britain. The war started in September 1939 and within three to four weeks Winston Churchill had brought in rationing. You couldn’t get anything except on what was called back then the black market, but Hitler was so frightened of people coming to power in the same way he did that he didn’t do that, and you could go in December 1942 into a German department store and you could buy perfume. So sometimes rulers are so concerned that the mass of people will rise up against them that they will use a carrot stick approach. That’s what Hitler did. He did a carrot stick approach, and many of these leaders do exactly the same with their people.

AC: That’s a whole new topic in itself. Neil I think have we wound to the end of our…

NGW: We have reached past our hour with Simon, so yeah I’m afraid, I mean like you say could go on and on there’s so much more. I would love to ask questions and I’m sure that maybe we’ll get an opportunity to do that at some point. I’d just like to say thank you very much indeed to Simon Parkes for sparing an hour of his time which is obviously very valuable to the Paranormal Peep Show this evening and we hope our listeners have enjoyed it.

AC: Yeah. Thank you Simon. We’ve had an absolutely fascinating conversation. I’ve wanted you on for probably about two or three years now so I’m very very grateful that you’ve come on.

SP: Well I’m very grateful that you asked me and you know I’m pleased to do it and if the response to this is positive and if people have enjoyed it they’ll let you know, and then you know, hey we can just rebook can’t we?

AC: We can, okay.

NGW: And Simon once again people, if they want to find out more about you, they can go to your website if you want to give that out.

SP: Yes they can. It’s Simon Parkes dot org (simonparkes .org), and if they would like to join Connecting Consciousness there’s no fee to pay. You just click on the icon and you just sign yourself up, that’s fine.

AC: Are you doing any talks or have you got any books going at the moment?

SP: I don’t go into books because I feel at the moment the way to reach the public is by direct face-to-face work. I think when I retire I might write a book. I have some deep held plans, things I want to do, build a healing center. I very much want to do that. I want to change the way that government actually works and relates to the ordinary people. I have a very strong vision about what’s fair, what’s right, and what’s wrong. I don’t get interviewed on BBC anymore because they tried to make a fool out of me and it failed, and so they don’t invite me anymore. I still do some, you know, conferences and if people write to me I’ll have a good look at it, and if it’s something that I could, you know, contribute towards then I would accept that.

AC: Brilliant, that’s great.

NGW: Okay thank you very very much indeed, and you’ve been listening to the Paranormal Peep Show and myself, Neil Geddes-Ward, and Andrew Chaplin, and you’ve also been listening to Simon Parkes.

Transcribed by GSC October 3, 2019

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