
Friday, August 16, 2019

with Ted Mahr on Out of This World Radio 1150 AM in Bellevue, Washington

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Out of This World Radio 1150: Current Events, Questions & Answers

Friday, August 16, 2019

Chat about Nostradamus and his very accurate predictions up until 1960s, after which his accuracy drops off, possibly because of timeline changes; Epstein’s painting of ex-president Bill Clinton in the blue dress and red stilettos, glass eyes, and the peculiar chess set; ponderings on what really happened to Jeffrey Epstein; lack of substantive news in America’s controlled mainstream media and effect on advertisers; possible outcome of Hong Kong riots; difference between a Russian nuclear cruise missile launch and a nuclear cruise missile explosion; was Great Britain’s massive power outage an inside job and was it related to Brexit; what’s behind recent downturns in the stock market; is there an update on the possible Clinton arrest attempt; will the Area 51 march happen in September; 5G will be implemented in most countries and will cause many people to have health problems, and it’s that that will cause people to have to rethink it, however some tech devices are in the process of being developed which hopefully will give people some personal protection; good things coming out of the U.S. soon.


Ted Mahr: Simon welcome back to the program. It’s so good to talk to you again, and our connection is very clear today. That’s wonderful.

Simon Parkes: Hello Ted and it was really nice to hear Michiko. I don’t know how you people remember dates and times. I don’t even remember what I did yesterday, so I was greatly impressed. It sounds a very busy schedule.

TM: It is. I remember talking to Nostradamus about 4 years ago and he had, he was back, the year was December of 1540 Simon, and he was sitting in front of this big oak desk and he had ripped up all these quatraines about World War III happening on the planet during this time in history, and then he pulled out this blank parchment with a quill pen and he said, “What kind of world are you and your friends going to create?” And I said, “Well we’d like to create a world of peace and harmony without war,” and he said, “Well, you better get to work,” so that’s what keeps me busy, so I try to remember all my dates and everything. Sometimes I forget. I try to write it down, but I try to remember everything too. So, believe it or not, if you eat lots of eggs, eggs have lecithin helps memory, so anyway I do eat eggs, so...

SP: I think what impressed me with Nostradamus was that, you know, people say if you write enough things then at some point, you know, you will predict the future. But in Nostradamus’ case I thought what was outstanding, I think he was only about a year or two years out with the 2nd World War, and you can correct me because you will know more than I do Ted, but Adolf Hitler, didn’t he say Hister. Did he?

TM: He said Hister. That’s correct yeah.

SP: I mean so nobody who is just trying to make things up would have any clue that somebody with that sounding of a name many hundreds of years later would be responsible for a war so, you know, no matter how many tricks or lies the establishment put through, there are people in history who truly do see the future, and I think he was one of them.

TM: Yeah I agree. I agree and he truly cared about humanity and one thing he has told me too is that, you know, it’s time is not fixed in the future because of our free will here on the Earth, and it can still go lots of different ways, but Nostradamus in a way tried to guide people away from a future World War III or Armageddon and on to a beautiful bright future and all of us here, all of us lightworkers including you certainly Simon and my show and so many millions of lightworkers here on the planet, we’ve all made a difference and we’ve changed the course of what was of World War III. It’s not going to happen now. Instead we are on a different timeline with a really beautiful bright future ahead of us. Of course it’s not to say we don’t have challenges, but we’re on the right track and I’m that confident humanity will continue to make the right choices to create a really beautiful and harmonious planet.

SP: Ted what I think is interesting is, that when, I mean I’ve only cursory looked at the Nostradamus subject, but what I thought was interesting was that he appears to be remarkably accurate up to about maybe the 1960s or ’70s, and then I believe his accuracy drops off, and I think that’s because the planet became more spiritual, more spiritual than he counted for, and so some of the predictions that he’s made for the future I think are not accurate simply because he was looking at the timeline that was less effective than what we’ve created at the moment.

TM: Right, right, and President Kennedy... yeah.

SP: Because he, beg your pardon, because he predicts a 3rd World War, but I think he was looking at the timeline that didn’t include all the effects that have occurred in recent times.

TM: Right, right. We’re writing our own history right now.

SP: Yes.

TM: But since that time when I first visited him about four years ago. Since that time when I visited him he was busily scribbling again, but it’s on good things happening on the planet and about things related too, like doubling and tripling of longevity of our lifespans, getting rid of disease, having free energy, people truly living harmoniously with war or conflict or fighting, so those are the things he’s writing about now. I should probably sit down and talk to him sometime soon and see what he’s written so far, but...

SP: Yet I think Ted when he was writing in the 16th century he’s having to revise it because the Earth and the humanity have taken a turn for the good, which he probably didn’t calculate was going to be that strong. So what he was working on was the energies that he could read at that time, and now that things are looking better he’s probably thinking well, I need to revise my more recent update, and I think that actually I see that as very positive.

TM: Well the one thing too, and I want to thank professor, my good friend Professor Albert Einstein for introducing me to Nostradamus and of course President Kennedy and his brother Robert F. Kennedy as well, but I think what’s happened is that they didn’t count on a person like John F. Kennedy coming into the picture in the early ’60s, and you know President Kennedy he says he’s still the U.S. president; he’s still president on the other side in the spirit world and still tirelessly working for peace. Jack Kennedy told me last year about the peace agreement or a year-and-a-half ago, the peace agreement he was working on behind the scenes with Kim Jong Un in North Korea and President Trump. He said to keep it quiet until it’s solidified and then he gave it the green light a couple of months ago to go ahead and talk about. I can talk about it now but last year when he was working on it he said just keep it confidential, but he’s tirelessly working on the other side now with other countries for world peace, and you may ask well how does he do it? He goes into the subconscious mind in the dream state with many of these world leaders and sometimes the leaders can actually hear him consciously during the day and they know about him, and he is helping on the other side. He’s helping.

SP: Excellent, very good.

TM: Yeah, yeah, but it’s not something, you know, I think that President Trump does talk to President Kennedy, but it’s not something he’s going to announce on the media. They’d think he’s crazy, but you know, I wanted to let you know President Kennedy is working behind the scenes. And I have to tell you I looked at your website and I laughed when I saw the… we’ll have a little fun beginning this hour about the Bill Clinton bizarre painting. Where on earth did that show up? Anyway is that the new White House painting or...

SP: No, no. You know it wasn’t. Well what happened was that when the federal agents started to sort of break in to a number of Epstein’s mansions, they actually found this in one of the rooms.

TM: Oh my goodness.

SP: The question is whether ex-President Clinton really did put on a blue dress and red high heel shoes, which is very similar to what Monica Lewinsky was wearing.

TM: Really? Interesting.

SP: Oh yeah. That’s why I say, you see, a blue dress and red high heels. That’s what she used to wear. Now whether, the question is, and only the artist who painted this could tell us whether really Bill Clinton, ex-president did put on a dress and high heel shoes or whether the artist was just ask to paint it out of his imagination.

TM: Right.

SP: But on my website I said look, regardless of that the question must be asked, what sort of a bizarre relationship was it between an ex-president and Epstein that a man would have a painting of an ex-president in his house dressed in a woman’s dress?

TM: Right.

SP: What sort of relationship did they have? And that question actually needs an answer.

TM: I just asked a question to my guides and they said you don’t even want to go there. So I’m not going to go there on the air. Maybe afterwards.

SP: Well I absolutely agree but I tell you what ex-President Clinton used to make an absolute pile of money going around giving talks and after dinner speeches to all of these sort of highfaluting clubs.

TM: Right.

SP: He won’t get a single request now to do anymore talks, because people will see that. I mean look, we’re all very open and I don’t mind cross-dressers. I don’t have a problem and I don’t think that Democratic politicians are cross-dressers or liberals are cross-dressers. It doesn’t matter, but the fact is that there has to be an answer to why a person would have a painting of an ex-president like that. Now what I can also tell the listeners, which is a bit weird is that when you walked into this mansion that Epstein has, he had imported hundreds of glass eyes from Great Britain and set them in the ceiling of his house. He also had a stuffed lion and he had a stuffed Chihuahua. He also, this is where it gets, you know, we begin to see what’s going on here, at the bottom of his staircase he had a very large chess set and each piece of the chess pieces were modeled after a member of his staff, whether it was the maid or the butler, they were all modeled after them with their faces like it, and all in scantily dressed clothes. Now I’m not making this up. People who know me know that I don’t make stuff up. So if you go into Epstein’s mansion, you will find a large chess set and all the pieces are modeled after his staff, all in semi-naked positions. Now for God’s sake, and I mean that for God’s sake what’s going on here? So I hope answers are given Ted because we need them.

TM: Well if Rod Serling was alive today I’m sure that this would be good material for a new “Twilight Zone” episode. They actually had a Twilight Zone episode about, I don’t know, twenty, thirty, back in the late fifties, early sixties Simon where people during the show, of course these segments would turn into mannequins and they would come back and they would find them as mannequins. But yeah, I’m sure the truth will come out somehow. All this leads me to my next question. A lot of questions coming out Simon about Jeffrey Epstein, whether he was actually murdered. Several psychic friends of mine have remote viewed the situation and they say he is in a safe house somewhere talking. I’ve had other reports, and I’m sure you have lots of information too Simon about how he was found with his neck broken indicating a homicide. I don’t think it was coincidence that the guards just disappeared for three hours, and I think reading somewhere that the security cameras were also turned off, so what have you heard Simon? What really happened do you think to him there?

SP: Well I can confirm that the security cameras were turned off, and I confirm that the night before he was taken off suicide watch. I can also confirm that at least one of the guards was not a regular person. He was just suddenly brought in. I can so confirm that he wasn’t killed. He was wheeled out in a chair. He had handcuffs on, not behind his back, but in front, and he was put into a vehicle which was guarded by Marines. Marines guarded it. Now I don’t think he’s in a safe house. I think he’s either on a ship, literally on a ship somewhere, sitting out in the ocean or he’s [in] some underground base. Whether we like it or not, he probably will be given a large amount of money, a change of name, and will be probably put somewhere in South America. I think the deal here is that he’s probably passed them some information, which they wouldn’t have been able to get from anywhere else. So to answer your question, I do not think he was killed. I think he was removed to protect him from his own side basically.

TM: Interesting, interesting. Well as Susan Miller who is an excellent astrologist said on my show about four years ago Simon, she said in the spring of April of 2015 I’ll never this, or 2014, five years ago. She said this is a time of truth and things that are true will become more self-evident and reveal themselves to be truth and there’ll be no secrets, and those that are false will also be revealed as being false, so in this period is going to last for many decades. This is a time of truth for the planet, and so I know the truth will come out, somewhere, somehow. Somebody will talk and we’ll find it in the mainstream media eventually. We’ll see, you know.

SP: I think it’s a problem because for thousands of years the planet has been lied to, so we can’t just expect to go from that to truth in just a matter of a few days or a few years. I think it will take time, but I think that the process that we’re on now cannot be stopped.

TM: Right, no I agree. I agree and all of us, and I want to thank all of the hard-work you do Simon to raise consciousness and bring truth to the world, because without you and shows like mine, people would be totally in the dark, but things have changed, and it’s getting much better. I know that. I can feel it getting much better.

SP: I’m shocked at just, you know, people know that I’ve got the highest regard for America. You know it’s my favorite country, and that comes across and I don’t try to hide it. I’m just so shocked at the lack of news, real news that the people of America are given and it’s just totally disgraceful that the most powerful country in the world is so meager with it’s news, and I just don’t get it.

TM: When I was in college back in the ’70s and early ’80s, we actually had journalists in this country Simon who worked hard to ferret out news for the public. There were all kinds of shows on television and there were lots of good journalists, even The New York Times and Washington Post that really worked hard to bring out news for the people, for the people not only in this country but for the world in general, but there’s been a change gradually over the years, so now it’s really weird, but many of the same stories you find in one paper will be reprinted verbatim in other newspapers and it’s like the news has not really gotten free. It’s gotten very very controlled, no different than the old Soviet Union, where you had pravda which meant the truth, or know especially which meant the truth, and it’s really no different than those controlled populations, but it’s a different kind of control, but I agree with you. This is where alternative media like my shows and your program come out because people want the truth. They’re tired of being lied to and they want information, you know, and so that’s what I know both you and I try to do, is to ferret out the truth and then let people decide what they want to believe.

SP: But Ted what again I don’t get is that these people are very powerful and they see their ratings dropping, dropping, dropping, but they don’t try to change it. They just carry on with the same old thing, until to be frank they’ll be irrelevant, people will not listen to them any longer.

TM: Well with all due respect to CNN, I mean I used to watch it, but the ratings for CNN have dropped below what people watch for the cartoon channel here in the United States, and I’ve watched, every once in a while I will turn on CNN, not very often, but I look at the advertisers and I thought why don’t they advertise on alternative media or other programs because they’re not getting the coverage that they used to, and yet they are still hanging on. I don’t know. I think you’re right. I think that the mass media outlets, which are losing market share eventually will become irrelevant. They will be sort of like a joke, so people don’t really pay attention.

SP: I think because the advertisers are probably not allowed. There’s some rule that says they’ve got to stay with the dying group, but at some point their sales will be effected and they will look and see, you know, who’s actually securing large numbers of listeners or audience, and they will change and it’s just market forces. At some point it will happen Ted.

TM: Yeah. Well it’s a little bit like the turn. I’ve seen it in this country recently Simon where, as an example, Hunt’s Tomatoes Ketchup for years, for recent years, ever since they’ve been using genetically modified corn syrup in the ketchup, people complained. They didn’t like it. They didn’t like using ketchup and they saw their market sales start falling because people were waking up about it. Now guess what they’ve come out with? A brand of a really good organic tomatoes without any carcinogenic GMO-tainted corn syrup in it, and so eventually the market will catch up. It’s a, and what you were saying a minute ago, it’s a little bit like horse and buggy manufacturers and the car manufacturers, and the year is not 2019. The year is 1919, a hundred years ago, and it’s like the horse and buggy manufacturers are still advertising on the major media back then in [18]19, but the car manufacturers were catching up and were just around the corner where they… there’ll still be horse and buggy’s out there, but the advertisers won’t cater to them anymore because the market’s changed, and I think people, eventually even mass media will wake up to the fact that their market has changed. They’re not selling products anymore. They’ve become irrelevant. People don’t pay attention to them, so they’ll have to change or go out of business. It’s simple.

SP: And I think a good example of that was a film a few years old now called “Eye in the Sky,1” and for the audience who is not familiar with it, it was a film that talked about Nazi’s, Germans, living on the moon with flying saucers and all the rest of it.

TM: Really?

SP: Yes, “Eye in the Sky.” If you can get it, get it, and that film was banned in Great Britain. They banned it, but of course, it’s a global market, and I like many others, we went on a certain auction site and we bought it from other countries. I think I bought mine from Australia or somewhere, but the point is that you can’t just say, no you can’t do this or you can’t do that, because people will find a way around it, and what happened with “Eye in the Sky,” was that Hollywood refused to fund it because of the topic, and so they did it on a kickstarter. So they actually created a Hollywood blockbuster through self-financing, and that’s the point, that there’s enough people out there now who will turn to the alternative or the truth, and they’ll support it, so that’s why I said I think it’s a dying breed.

TM: Right.

SP: I do think these other people are going to become insignificant, and I think in the next five years, there’ll be a huge change between what we at the moment call the establishment and what we call the alternative, and I think it’s going to swap around and the alternative will become the norm and the establishment will become the crazy lot out on a limb.

TM: I couldn’t agree with you more. Very, very sharp and astute and profound point Simon. Thanks so much for sharing that. I know my listener base has skyrocketed over the years, and it’s a nonprofit program supported by donations, and I’ve been going strong now for six years, and I really appreciate everyone’s wonderful support, because I know together we can create a much better and happier world, and people want the truth too. They’re tired of being lied to, and that’s why I like your work too, Simon. It’s not easy doing this, but it’s fun, and I’m that you’re doing what you’re doing.

SP: Thank you, but I don’t know that it’s fun Ted. I think what else could we do Ted? This is what we have to do. I think it’s fun because we enjoy getting the truth out there, but the process to do it is not always fun is it? It’s quite harsh and it’s quite demanding, but it’s a pleasure to do it. I think that’s how I would put it.

TM: Absolutely. This is where your heart is and my heart is there too. And, I guess this leads me to my next question. I’ve had several questions come in for you. We’re getting to Hong Kong. I’m glad for the people of Hong Kong that the riots have calmed down, but I don’t see… I see the long-term trend for more democracy in China. I don’t see the Chinese government being successful in stopping everything in Hong Kong. What do you see happening there Simon?

SP: About two or three days ago, I think it might be two days ago, I put an alert out on my website saying that there was a real danger that the Chinese Mainland Military were going to invade.

TM: I saw that, yeah.

SP: Okay, and it’s interesting that today in the establishment newspapers, there are pictures of large numbers of Chinese troops, tanks, and trucks all getting ready. Now I think this is posturing and politics, and I think that that’s why President Trump, now your audience may not be aware, but President Trump sent a Tweet to the Chinese President offering to meet him, and it was a sort of tongue-in-cheek, sort of a jest, but the point was that he was basically politically saying that America would not stand by idly if China invaded Hong Kong. The problem is for the audience that legally Hong Kong does belong to China, but there are certain safeguards because Britain, Great Britain used to own Hong Kong, and then Great Britain transferred Hong Kong to China. There were safeguards written in that meant that the Chinese people living in Hong Kong had more freedoms than those on the mainland. Now that has always been a bone of contention for the mainland Chinese, but nevertheless to break that would be horrendous, so that’s what’s happening at the moment. President Trump has sent a Tweet to the Chinese president offering to meet him, and both sides as you quite rightly said Ted, both sides have calmed down because if the Chinese did invade, all of the lawmakers in Hong Kong would be sacked, because the Chinese would say we don’t need you anymore. So both sides, both demonstrators and government are now desperately seeking a way to cool it.

TM: Yeah, yeah. I remember having a conversation with Adama actually, who is the high priest of Telos at Mt. Shasta last year, and my friend Jason from Vancouver was with me, and I asked him, we asked Adama about the changes in China, and they said that there is all kinds of good things happening now in China as far as like changes go leading it to be a more democratic country, that there are a lot of good people in China who want this to happen. It’s a slow process, and I asked him what the timeframe was and said it was between one to three years, depending upon our own choices. So I, myself, am just watching and waiting and I hope the country can find a middle ground that respects human rights and gives freedom to its people, and where people are truly happy, you know. So… and I’m confident they will, and I they will make the right choices, but I’ve been told again and again recently Simon that there are many changes happening in China, good things happening in China for the people and for the world, but you don’t hear about it of course on the media, but good things are happening.

SP: See I would agree with that Ted. I don’t have many Connecting Consciousness members in China, but I do have a few, and when I have spoken to them, I have to say that the Skypes have never been cut off. They’ve never been interfered with, and they’ve always been of the highest quality, so I take that as a positive sign.

TM: Right, right, right. Well I wish the Chinese people well in making the right decisions, and you have to remember too that the vibrations of this planet continue to spiral upward, and then that cannot help but help people raise their consciousness, raise their consciousness, raise their vibrations, and to make better choices toward a beautiful planet based on peace and harmony. I know that may sound, you know, overly optimistic, but I do see some good times ahead for the future and China as well. I know it’s coming. Ah boy, what an interesting time to be alive isn’t it Simon, all kinds of things happening. What about, if you don’t mind me, oh I’ve got some questions, but what would you like to talk about? We’ve got about twenty minutes left.

SP: Oh no, Ted. Let’s do the questions, otherwise the audience will say, you know, they don’t want to write in. Let’s take their questions.

TM: Okay, well this one is regarding this nuclear cruise missile in Russia. What was really going on as far as you know what was happening with that? Why would, for example why would one listener writes, why would President Putin test a nuclear cruise missile when people think that he is a man of peace, why do you think, do you think that there’s a problem with his government like we have here in the United States, where there’s lots of different factions within the Russian government, and one faction decided to send off this cruise missile and test it, or...

SP: No, the test missile was never supposed to be launched. They were testing the engine. It wasn’t actually supposed to leave the testbed for launch. They were testing the engine of it, the engine that blew up basically, so it wasn’t the warhead that exploded. It was the engine, but with engine, when the engine exploded, it ruptured the metal shell of the missile and there was some contamination, but not, nothing, you know, really serious, but there was some contamination, but the missile you see, the strategic talks are quite difficult to understand, but basically if you don’t fire a nuclear missile, it doesn’t break any treaties.

TM: Oh interesting.

SP: Yeah, if you don’t leave the ground you haven’t broken any treaties, so the whole point about this was that it was to test the engine because the scientists want, you know, there are lots of questions about velocity and you know, et cetera, et cetera, so that’s what went wrong. It went wrong on the testbed.

TM: Um-hum, interesting, interesting. I have another question. It was, I was actually talking to Q the other day and he said for the UK, your country to have all these massive power failures, it had to be an inside job because if it was like one transformer and maybe a town or part of a town didn’t get their electricity, that was one thing, but to have such a coordinated attack on an entire country is a very different matter. Do you have any information more on that, what happened with that Simon?

SP: Well I would agree with that. I mean what I do know is that one of the, there were two, I call them power stations. There was one standard power station and there was another one which is a wind turbine, so a wind farm. They both got instructions to turn off, so some days before hand, it may even only have been a day or two days beforehand, but they were both told to kill the power and turn it off. So what on earth did they expect if you knock out two big generating factories, what do you expect? Now it’s not what, it’s very difficult because we’re not engineers, but you don’t have to have a huge drop, something like 50 kilowatts they’re talking about. If it just drops one kilowatt or one point below it, there is still electricity coming through but it is no longer even. It modulates up and down and that causes all the issues. So there was absolutely no way that was a coincidence. The question that I don’t know is what was the message? What was the message that was being sent, and that isn’t clear at the moment. So yes, it wasn’t a coincidence. It was deliberate.

TM: Maybe it was a message to the government saying that if you leave Brexit this is what we’ll do, because I remember you said it was related to Brexit. Would that make sense?

SP: Yeah, but we don’t know which side of the fence.

TM: Okay, um-hum.

SP: Because if you look in your own country there have been power cuts, but that’s been done by the good side because one of the perhaps one of the offices or places that lost power was perhaps an installation or a place that the bad guys were in. And unfortunately it’s not easy just to target one block. You sometimes have to take quite a lot out, so what I’m saying is both the good buys and the bad guys use the same methods sometimes, so it’s not clear who was behind this.

TM: I have a question from a listener. Thanks so much Don for sending this in about the stock market. He asks is this recent downturn in the U.S. stock market an attempt to ruin the economy of the U.S., and I know you’ve spoken about that before where both the bad guys and the good guys want to ruin the economy but for different reasons, or they want to keep it going, I’m not sure. What’s your take on that? Who’s behind this? What’s behind this recent downturn?

SP: Excuse me Ted, right, well on the back of the trade war that America is now dealing particularly with China but it’s not exclusively with China, but on the back of that the bad guys have got in in an attempt to put pressure on the Trump administration by shorting out on the Dow Jones. So in this instance it’s the bad guys trying to put pressure because you’ve got the prime reason. You’ve got the election coming up and one of the big key points for President Trump is to say with some justification, the economy is doing really well. I mean everytime I’ve looked at the employment figures coming from the states, they’ve just gone up and up and up and up. And in my country that’s one of the biggest bellwethers is how many people are in work. So Trump has got quite a strong platform but I guess the bad guys are thinking if they can put a dent in the stock market, it undermines Trump saying how strong America is, so no doubt that it’s anti-Trump people trying to bring the economy down.

TM: Um-hum, interesting. Okay, okay. This was from an old post. Another listener is asking about, maybe we asked about this last week but a possible Clinton arrest attempt. Any updates on that?

SP: We did and I said that I have two pieces of information. One, where somebody was really not prepared to talk very much to me, and one where they were a little bit more open, and I think that, you know, when we think about an arrest attempt we think about lots of agents banging on a door, but what I was trying to get across was that it was more to do with somebody probably in the Pentagon more than the White House I think, saying can we go with this? And the person saying, well we haven’t had the okay from upstairs yet, so it was a very serious attempt to start the arrest procedures, but it wasn’t agents banging on the door. It was at a higher level, but nevertheless it shows that it’s happening. I’m no doubt that at some point this will be the case, and the very fact that the authorities have leaked that photograph of Clinton dressed up as a woman, they could have hidden that. They could have just not released that to the media, but they did release it and the reason they released it is because this is an ongoing situation for the good guys is that they do believe that ex-President Clinton has some serious questions to answer, and this release of this painting picture is just another nod towards the fact that it’s not going to go away.

TM: What’s funny is that that other picture you have on the left side with Bill Clinton looking to the left, looks like he’s shocked. Where on earth did you get that picture? Is that photoshopped, or was that a true picture of him?

SP: It’s very difficult to know with these things, but it’s doing the rounds in the official line, and what I can tell you is that, you know, even if it is photoshopped, what it’s saying is that it’s a big topic, and anybody who knows anything about the U.S. administration, knows that they don’t play things unless they are intending to run the long distance with it. You know, we’ve got elections coming up and I think that, you know, this will be a very serious vote loser for the Democrats, I really do. I think that it’s, you know, Clinton was a big money man. He could go out and he could bring in lots of donors, lots of money, and he’d be wheeled out particularly actually in the Southern States. He would often go out to the Southern States and speak. Well he’s not going to do any speaking now. Absolutely no way. So, you know there’s more to play out. Let’s see where we go with it.

TM: Sure, absolutely. Yeah, yeah, thank you for sharing that. You had a post and I’ve been following this for some time about storming Area 51. I think they’ve what, targeted September, is that right? I don’t remember the date, but over one million signatures on the Facebook page to storm Area 51. What do you think is going to happen? Do you think people are really going to try it?

SP: I hope not. I’m being serious, you know. People would say well Simon, you know, you believe in this. Surely you should be the head of the organization. You know you should be out there with my billboard and I should be leading the charge. The point is that it is not right to put ordinary servicemen and servicewomen in the position where they could be ordered to shoot on the citizens, and that’s the point that I don’t think whoever started this petition up hasn’t actually thought it through, because the ordinary soldiers who are guarding these facilities will be given the order, so this is not the way to do it. The way to do it is at the higher level. Remember there is only one time in history to my knowledge where this occurred, and that’s when a president who was denied access to Area 51 had a very close relationship with a military division in the U.S. They were personally loyal to him through whoever the commanding officer of that division and he actually on a phone call said if you don’t let me look around, I’ll order this military unit to attack you, and they let him in, and then he got the tour. So that is okay, but I do not believe I would like to see an angry mob trying to force their way into Area 51. The reality is they wouldn’t get in unless you’ve got the right equipment, you’re not going to get in. From a publicity point of view I think it’s great, but you need to have the cleverness to then say okay, let’s come to the table. We won’t march on you if you come to the table and, you know, in public we have a meeting and we talk about Area 51, but unfortunately there isn’t that part coming up, so there’s the threat of the march, but there isn’t second part, which is let’s open a diplomacy now, and that’s missing.

TM: Sure, right, right. Okay, all right, well thanks for sharing that Simon. I appreciate it. We’ve got about eight minutes left, and I’ve got a question that came in about the future of 5G. Do you think it will be implemented throughout Britain and Europe and the United States and other parts of the world or do you think people are able to stop it or at least get some safety studies done so that people aren’t harmed by the new technology?

SP: I think it will come in and I think that it won’t be closed down. I think it will come in. It’s a terrible thing to say, but there will be lots and lots of people going to the trauma rooms, to the accident and emergency rooms. I think people will not be going in to work because they’ve got nosebleeds or they’ve got headaches and I think it’s that which will then cause the system to have to rethink it. I don’t believe that in many countries they will stop it. We know in Poland they have and we know in Sidney in Australia they have banned it.

TM: Oh really. Excellent.

SP: Yes, and there are other places, but there are most countries that are absolutely under the control of a particular group, but I do believe that the public pressure will bring that about. I also can tell you that there are some technological devices coming down the pipe which individuals will at some point be able to obtain for a very reasonable price, which will give you personal protection from 5G, so I’m planning that. Unfortunately they are going to roll it out, but within a short period of time they will have to go back on that.

TM: I see. Okay. Okay, good. Okay, good. Well I’d like to see it stopped. I don’t think the technology is safe yet, and before they implement it I’d love to see some safety studies done, or at least put in some safeguards. I’ve heard all kinds of horrible stories where they tried to implement 5G and birds die, and people have all kinds of problems, possible cancer effects, so it’s not worth, you know whatever telecommunication system the benefits are, the effects, the harmful effects far outweigh any kind of limited benefits from it.

SP: I think Ted you’re right. I think the point is to my knowledge, there is just no definitive medical study that’s been done. You know there was, some years ago, some figure that was given which is a safe figure, but I don’t think they’ve ever stuck a person in front of one of these beams for twenty minutes and then measured it. I mean I certainly wouldn’t be putting myself forward as a guinea pig. But you’re right, there just isn’t any empirical evidence. There’s no medical evidence. So you know, when GlaxoSmithKline want to sell a drug, they’ve got to go test it through the right procedures, they test it. It comes out safe. It’s marketed, and they sell it. Well where’s the evidence that these waves have been tested? And you’re right, Ted, they haven’t.

TM: Right, right. It reminds me of nuclear power back in the ’70s and ’80s, where there was such a push worldwide to build these nuclear power plants, but everybody, I mean if there was a nuclear accident, well we’d lose, it’s the whole China syndrome. We’d lose half the planet to radiation. And that Fukushima, by the way, is still a problem. Much of the radiation has been cleaned up by the Galactic Alliance, thank goodness for their help, but they’re not, and I don’t think there’s any more nuclear power plants being built worldwide. It’s too dangerous a technology and this 5G system, it reminds me of the same thing. It’s a headlong rush by many governments to build these systems without proper safety standards or safeguards for the population. And in places where they do successfully build these things, people are going to have tremendous health problems, cancer and mental effects, all kinds of problems working that it’s going to be stopped.

SP: You see Ted the problem for Japan of course was that they were a net exporter before that disaster, and then they became a net importer. Now you may be aware because I know you have very strong connections out there, but they are on the verge of turning back on a number of reactors, which have been turned off because of public opinion, but they are going to sort of refire them up and get them going simply because Japan is suffering economically, and they want to be more self-determining with their power, so you know, that might be something you could have a little look into, but I’m hearing that they’ve got to switch back on a number of these nuclear reactors.

TM: I know the government of Japan, it must have been about three years ago, two or three years ago Simon, they enacted a law saying that they could fine and imprison any journalist for criticizing TEPCO or the nuclear power in Japan, so they forced the media in Japan to keep quiet about Fukushima. Of course I can talk about Fukushima on my show, but if you’re in Tokyo and I had this station, according to their laws I couldn’t say anything against nuclear power or Fukushima in Japan.

SP: Which is dreadful because...

TM: Yeah it is.

SP: We assume that Japan is one of the democracies.

TM: Um-hum. We assume, yeah. Right, right, right. And many people I know in the Fukushima area are, what’s the right word for this, they don’t want to face the issue. It’s something that they would just rather not talk, because I’ve tried to get hold of people there to do interviews and people just don’t want to talk about it. They would rather ignore it. So Japan needs help, I mean dealing with this situation. I know that the Galactics have stepped in and cleaned up a lot of radiation, but there is still radiation there. There was a Facebook post I saw about a month ago where TEPCO planned to dump millions of gallons of radioactive water from the crippled reactors right into the Pacific. I don’t know what’s happened since, but that was their plan anyway. I couldn't think of a more crazy thing to do frankly. I just can’t imagine, but that’s what they were planning on doing. We’ve got about 30 seconds left, 40 seconds left Simon, and I want to thank you so much for coming on today. You’re welcome to have 20, 30 seconds to wrap your wonderful interview today if you like.

SP: Thank you Ted. I will. I normally say no, but I think I will this time.

TM: Okay.

SP: Because I want to push it on to a good note. I’ve always believed in America. I always think that America ultimately makes the right choice, and regardless of whether you are Republican or Democrat, whatever, I think America’s moving in the right direction, and I think that the next few months will see some very good things coming out of the U.S.

TM: Good, good. Thank you Simon. I hope you have a beautiful and happy weekend and thank you again so much for coming on my show today Simon. We really appreciate it.


Transcribed by GSC August 27, 2019

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