
Friday, August 9, 2019

with Ted Mahr on Out of This World Radio 1150 AM in Bellevue, Washington

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Out of This World Radio 1150: Current Events, Questions & Answers

Friday, August 9, 2019

Power outage in Great Britain interferes with Simon being able to reach Ted’s show, thus a shortened interview; President Trump may call for a deeper true investigation into 9/1l; back to back mass shootings in public places in U.S. are most probably not a coincidence and gives excuse to call for all gun confiscation; Pakistan and India conflict over Kashmir appears to be escalating; President Putin releases coded message saying to solve some of Earth’s problems one has “to go up and deep down,” probably a reference to recent Russian submarine incident; discussion on Jeffrey Epstein; update on unconfirmed attempt to arrest a Clinton; is there any way to stop chemtrails; will Hong Kong demonstrations bring changes in China; thoughts on angels.


Ted Mahr: My friends I’ve interrupted this recording that I did earlier. We’ll play it next week on our next show, but good news Simon’s on the line and I’m so happy, so glad to talk to him. Simon how are you doing today my friend?

Simon Parkes: Hello Ted. You probably don’t know but there’s been the most huge power outage in Great Britain that we’ve ever seen. That’s the reason I couldn’t get hold of you. All the traffic signals stopped working apparently. The airports have been closed. The trains have stopped running. It’s absolutely phenomenal. It’s nothing to do with domestic houses. They’re all fine. It’s all businesses have been hit. It’s absolutely incredible so the main news are covering it, so the establishment news are covering it and we had the power cut here but we’re back on now, so somebody is sending a message, you know, to somebody basically giving a warning. So I say we’ve had trains and airports all closed down.

TM: Um-hum, oh my goodness. Are you guys, are you okay where you are, I mean do you have...

SP: No it’s fine. It’s normal houses, only a very few have been affected. It’s mainly, I mean it’s the traffic signals. You know, that’s the first time in British history that the traffic signals have all stopped working in major parts of the country. The airplanes have been grounded and the trains have not run, so you know, we’ve had power outages, but we’re back on now, but the mainstream news is carrying it so it will be very interesting to see what excuse they use for it.

TM: Yeah I wonder if they’ll blame it on a weather balloon like they did Roswell in 1947?

SP: I just don’t know, but I think it’s to do with Brexit. I think that the different forces are fighting each other. Anyway here I am Ted. Here I am.

TM: Great! Welcome. Welcome, I’m glad you’re okay. I got a lot of worried emails from last week saying is Simon okay, and I said I don’t know. I hope so. So we all sent prayers to your [30:36][unintelligible].

SP: Thank you, thank you very much.

TM: So it’s great to talk to you. Well you know we could talk about a million different things. I prepped on all these different topics, but I guess… what would you like to talk about first off Simon? There’s lots of things we could, but what would you like to focus in on?

SP: Well there are just literally so many things aren’t there Ted. I mean where on earth do you start? I think we are looking at a real opening of questions around 9/11 at government level. I really do believe that President Trump has given the green light to some form of investigation, a true investigation into 9/11, and I think that there are some very big changes on the way. So just from the domestic point of view, I’m very excited about that. It’s just so much going on. I mean that, I’m sure we’ve got the power cut. I’m sure that’s why Britain’s been hit. There is such a great deal happening right across the globe at the moment, the things that are playing out, so I, you know, I don’t know where to start. I think the best thing really Ted is for you to perhaps look at some of the questions that you’ve got really.

TM: All right well one thing I wanted to tell you. I spoke off the record with Q recently and he said that this November would be focused in on the 9/11 investigations and there will be tremendous revelations of people with household names that people would have never suspected that they had been involved in that, and some of those people will be facing some prison time for their involvement, and it’s good. It’s the truth finally coming out about what really happened on 9/11 and it dovetails what you said, so this fall is going to be a very interesting time to be alive here on this planet.

SP: Yes I do think so. I think that... I hadn’t heard November but I certainly heard that there was going to be some sort of investigation into 9/11 but I hadn’t been given the date in November Ted.

TM: Yeah I wasn’t told more than that. That’s all I was told, but I’ll get more updates from Q as they come out.

SP: Sure.

TM: Well quickly another set of tragic shootings Simon here in the United States. You wrote that there can be no coincidence that one terrible shooting has followed on the back of another. And I agree with you. You’re right, I don’t believe in coincidence and we should look for links and driving forces behind this so we can begin to understand Who, What, Where and When, and what I mentioned earlier on my show, I went over some of the posts on your website earlier a few minutes ago. There is always a call for more gun control after these things happen. But, I’m not sure if that’s the answer really because I think there is a hidden agenda behind these shootings and I don’t think there’s just one lone gunman. The gunman’s usually killed, and it appears that he typically a he, a man, a young man acting irrationally and acting by himself, but I don’t, I think there’s a lot more going on but I don’t know what exactly.

SP: I think you’re right. I think it would be very hard to know exactly what’s happening. What was interesting was that the established, or some of the established media immediately started saying that the gunman was probably a white supremacist or he was a QAnon supporter but then when they dug in they found that he was actually a socialist, a communist.

TM: Oh really, oh wow!

SP: Yeah they found one of them was, you know, very very left, very sort of strong socialist, so that’s why all that comment stopped because they were trying to, you know, trying to paint him as someone who was fired up to be anti-immigrant or you know to be a sort of a racist person, but when they looked into it they found that actually one of them at least had a very strong socialist background so that stopped all those arguments. I think what President Trump has been saying is that he doesn’t want to stop people having guns but saying, you know, there’s only an arbitrary, there’s only a very cursory check into people when they get or sell a gun, so he’s now saying that he wants a very proper check, and I think what will happen is basically if you want a gun you’ll probably have to go in and then maybe two or three days delay now. I think that’s what they’ll do so you’ll go, you’ll still get your gun but you basically won’t go to the store and pick it up for two or three days while they do checks on you. I think that’s how he’s going to handle it. You see the problem is that some of these people obtain guns illegally. Some of them obtain them legally, and as Trump has said you know, it’s about the mind of the person. If someone has mental issues it doesn’t matter whether they’ve got a gun legally or illegally. If crazy, they’re going to do these things. So it’s not so much about their political motivation. It’s basically what’s going on in their head at that moment in time.

TM: Right. That’s absolutely true. Well I’m sure you know the story about the Kennedy assassination, that the U.S. State Department did a press release worldwide the day before, a day or two before the assassination on November 22, and they had a canned story regarding Oswald, that Oswald had a canned story about how he was a single gunman firing from the Texas School Book Depository and he’d been arrested and that President Kennedy had been murdered. The problem with the press release was that it had all the details, the supposed details about assassination but was released a couple of days before the actual event, and with instructions for U.S. Embassies around the world to release it on the day of the assassination. So the U.S. Embassy got that in Auckland, New Zealand Simon, and they released it all right. They released it on the 22nd of November, 1963. The problem was that on November 22nd, it was actually November 21st in the United States and President Kennedy was still alive. And then the Christchurch, New Zealand newspaper published that press release on the front page of that paper and you can still get a copy today from the libraries there, and has all the details, so I don’t put too much credence in what the official explanations for, you know, for this shooter was in Texas.

SP: What was I think is shocking is that that information is there in the public domain, and yet so many people either are not aware of it or they shake their head and they won’t take it on board. I mean so much true information is there, it’s a shock to me how people still are buying the old story. It’s incredible. It really is and it’s a great shame that people are frightened, I think is the right word. They’re frightened to embrace the truth because it means they have to leave their old life behind them. So, all of their world that they have built up, all of the belief systems they have, they know that once they cross that river, there’s no going back, and I think that’s what keeps people from breaking free, the fear of change.

TM: Right, you know I couldn’t agree with you more Simon, but that’s why I love talking to you because you’ve got lots of common sense and you always have an interesting perspective on things. Let’s go to India. Of course there’s been a Kashmir re-dispute there between India and China for decades now and you had an interesting post on your website. You write with the status quo between the U.S. and India now changed because of India’s closer connection to China, the situation with Kashmir has also changed. Fearing that Pakistan will become encouraged to exert more influence, India has put its part of the Kashmir in lockdown while Pakistan has expelled Indian diplomats. Do you think that this is going to lead to more conflict there?

SP: There’s a real possibility that it will. You see the last few years India has enjoyed a very privileged position with the United States and there was a big deal, a financial deal, and India decided that it would go with China rather than the U.S.

TM: Right.

SP: And from that moment onward, I’m not saying that America is cozying up to Pakistan. That’s not the case at all. The special deal that had existed between America and India, President Trump cancelled.

TM: Right.

SP: And that then lead the Pakistanis to think, okay if the United States is no longer protecting India, perhaps Pakistan can begin to exert some influence. So India had a general election and they made Kashmir a part of their general election campaign, so they could say they had a mandate. But I think unless it’s handled very carefully, and unless cool heads are involved, there is a real chance of another conflict. I mean they had three conflicts since the creation and I do think we are heading towards… it’s never a war in the true sense of the word. It’s always a border conflict, but nevertheless I think we’re aiming, you know, that’s where it’s aiming to go.

TM: Well I hope they can solve their differences. I know it’s been going on ever since Partition in 1947, and that’s a shame really to spend all that energy on fighting constantly.

SP: Yeah.

TM: But yeah, so thank you so much for bringing that up. You had another post here a week or two ago on coded remarks from President Putin and you write, this is President Putin’s remarks. You write, “There are a lot of problems on Earth, so to diminish their amount one has to go up and deep down.” What do you think he meant by that?

SP: It was clearly a coded reference to it seems an age ago; it seems years ago; it wasn’t. The situation with the submarine that we had, you know the Russian submarine, and he was sending a coded message basically in relation to that talking about going deep down, as in a submarine going deep down.

TM: Oh I see, okay.

SP: He was saying there were a lot of problems he was relating to the difficulties between the people who are good and the people who are bad and saying that, you know, there are problems deep down. He’s making a reference to the submarine situation.

TM: Uh-hum, how interesting. Very interesting. Jeffrey Epstein, I mean you wrote some posts about him. You had a post about he’s cooperating now with investigators and he was also found injured in his cell. What’s happening now with him, Simon from your sources?

SP: I have been told he’s cooperating but I’m not convinced he’s cooperating fully, and he’s facing 45 years, 45 years in prison, but he could be given a deal for 10 years, and then he would come out and be given a new name, a new life. It depends. The names that he could put out, it depends whether the federal authorities already know what he could tell them or whether he can provide new names or whether he can provide evidence to convict people who are already well known. I think it’s the quality of his information. You see Epstein was a mover and a fixer. He was the go-to guy. He was the one who could make things happen, so he didn’t have a specific role within an organization. His role was to, you know, you went to him and he made things happen for you. He did all that, so he really will have met a wide range of people and have a great knowledge. I honestly truly think there are some people on this planet that believe they’re above the law. Let’s face it, for the last 50 years in modern history these people have been above the law, so it’s not that they’re stupid. It’s that they know no different. There’s only been one game in town, so they’ve always got away with it. They have no fear and suddenly things have changed and they can’t understand it. They can’t understand why they are not being protected. They can’t understand why the good guys aren’t frightened of them anymore. And that’s the sea change. The tide has turned and that’s… a lot of these people who’ve got some very bad history behind them, they just don’t know how to react because they’ve never been in this game before. They’ve never been on the losing side. They are on the losing side now. I think that they are finding it very difficult to know what to do, and this indecision, we’re seeing throughout all walks of life because these bad people are in positions of power. They’re [44:39][inaudible]. Don’t think they’re not. But the organizations they’re in are all over the place. Look at the attack presently on the Dow Jones. This is not just about a trade war between America and China. It’s about very evil people trying to hit the American economy, and trying to damage the economy. So it’s on every front at the moment there is something occurring. That’s what I meant by it’s very busy at the moment.

TM: Oh, yeah, absolutely, absolutely Simon. I guess that brings us to another one. Another issue is Bill Clinton that you wrote in your website, said sometime ago you got unconfirmed reports by an attempt by federal agents to arrest one of the Clintons. What’s happened since then?

SP: Right. I was very careful because the information I was given came from two different sources. One person wasn’t even prepared to say anymore than just, you know, one line, but another person was a conversation, and it looked as if somebody in an office, someone in an office had gone to somebody and said, “I think it’s time. Can we do it?” And, put all the papers down on this person’s desk.

TM: Oh wow.

SP: And the other person said, you know, “No I don’t think we can. We’re gonna have to check on this. I don’t think we can.” So it wasn’t so much as I said, it wasn’t so much that a federal agent jumped out of a motorcar and put his hand on his shoulder and said, you know, “I’m arresting you.” It was more that the buildup now within, whether it’s the Pentagon or I don’t know where it is, but basically people are pushing for an arrest of one of the Clintons or both of the Clintons, and what information I’ve got is that there was this attempt, and that attempt doesn’t mean that there was a fight, you know, on the sidewalk to try and get him. I think it’s a fight within the halls of power, within the offices of power. Someone is saying we’ve got to do this. It’s time to do it, and another person is saying no it is not yet time. But what I said was regardless of what it is, it shows there’s a real need in somewhere to get this done. In other words they’re not pushing away from it. It’s a hot topic. We just watch this space because, you know, I think that the last time one of the Clintons put any Tweets out was something like twenty days ago now. It doesn’t mean they’ve been arrested. It just means that they are keeping a low profile. And remember that when Jeffrey Epstein was arrested, a few days later Bill Clinton made an unprecedented press release saying that he never really knew him.

TM: Right.

SP: So I think there’s some very very worried people everywhere.

TM: Sure, sure. It reminds me of Bill Clinton’s statement back in 1997 when he said he did not have sex with that woman referring to Monica Lewinsky and everybody of course believed him. Bill Clinton always told the truth. So...

SP: Yeah it is interesting. What I would say on that, I do remember that time quite well was that the only reason that Bill Clinton faced impeachment didn’t he?

TM: Um-hum.

SP: The only reason that that was allowed to happen was because the real people in power at the time, Bill Clinton had upset them, because they knew what had been going on. They knew all the history of Clinton and so did Hillary. They knew exactly what was going on.

TM: Sure.

SP: But as long as Bill was doing what the wanted, they were prepared to cover it. Now it was when it was to do, I won’t go into too much detail, but it was to do with drug trafficking. When Bill Clinton decided he wanted to do something, which was against the people above him, that’s when they threw him out, and they said okay you’re not going to do what we want you to do, we’re gonna sink you. So when these people get thrown to the mob, it’s only because somebody wanted to do that.

TM: Sure, sure. Wow, interesting. I’ve gotten a bunch of questions in and we won’t be able to cover everybody, but real quick this is Michelle from Ireland, she wrote me some time ago. She writes that I live in Ireland and I’ve seen one day this summer without chemtrails when it’s been a beautiful blue a rarity. In Ireland in the past when I was growing up we had lots of blue skies, but not now. Is there anyone we can contact to investigate our complaints about happenings in our airspace for chemtrails?

SP: Not really because the problem is that most of the civil aviation, the civil organizations who are tasked with airspace are not familiar with what’s going on.

TM: Okay, okay. Sure.

SP: So, but you know the big question for me was a lot of these aircraft are producing chemtrails and in 90 percent of the cases the pilots of these aircrafts have no clue.

TM: Um-hum.

SP: Absolutely no clue what’s going on, so what is the point? It’s a bit like in the 1950s, what’s the point in phoning the local military base and saying hey I’ve seen a flying saucer.

TM: Yeah.

SP: What’s the use of it? While the system is corrupt what I think is better is that small groups of people, community groups, they go to their local media. That’s a much better way of doing it. Taking photographs and saying this isn’t a natural phenomenon. [50:46][unintelligible], and if you bombard your local newspaper and you bombard your local station, at some point they are going to give it coverage and I think that’s a much better way of doing it.

TM: Um-hum. I couldn’t agree with you more. I couldn’t agree with you more Simon. Another question has to do with changes in China. Of course there has been… we don’t here much about this here in the U.S. I don’t know if you get more information about this in the UK and Europe Simon, but there’s been reports of these huge demonstrations in Hong Kong going on now I guess for several months, and that there has been other good democratic changes within China itself. Have you had any reports on that, any information?

SP: Yes. Originally it was because it looked like China was on the verge of deporting people from Hong Kong to China. And the Hong Kong people thought that they will never come back again. So it was a demonstration initially about this particular piece of legal legislation, but that then expanded to take in the dislike for the leader of their government, and that has become a fundamental fight for, as they see it, for the freedom of the values that they have in Hong Kong. Remember that perhaps your listeners won’t really appreciate this, but you see Hong Kong was owned by Britain. So Great Britain owned Hong Kong and China always said it was theirs and that Britain had stolen it. And then some years ago, Britain gave, quite rightly actually, gave Hong Kong back to China, but special laws were written which allowed the people in Hong Kong to have more freedom than the people in China. So it’s been a real problem for China because although Hong Kong is ruled by China, it’s ruled at arm’s length. And I think that the Chinese have been over time looking to try to standardize the rules right across there that the Hong Kong people rather like their freedom. It was that thing (bless you) that [caused] a big upsurge because the people who have had freedom don’t want to lose it.

TM: I have one more… we don’t have time for everyone’s questions, but we have enough for one quick one. My question for Simon from Bridget in Seattle has something with angels. Specifically how prevalent are they among us? Do they take human form? Can you call upon them for guidance?

SP: The answer is yes to all of that.

TM: Okay.

SP: I mean I’m not a great believer in the Bible, although there’s a lot of truth in the Bible.

TM: Right.

SP: I do have a Bible here in the house actually. The point is that let’s just call them angels because I can’t think of a better word. They are more amongst us now than they have ever been before.

TM: Wonderful.

SP: Because they appreciate that this is the time of change. You’re very free to call upon them as long as you are calling upon them for goodness and not and you’re not calling, you know, I call on an angel to make my neighbor fall down the stairs. We can’t do any of that. But if it’s a severe attack, you call out in truth and love, then it will be answered yes.

TM: Wonderful. Simon we’ve got about 20 seconds left, but I want to thank you so much for coming on today. I would love to have you on again anytime soon that’s good on your schedule.

SP: Well, power outage, you know, allowing.

TM: All right. Well maybe we’ll try next Friday. I’ll send you an email but if you are free I’d love to have you back on my friend.

SP: All right Ted. Now I’m determined to get back as they say in the good forces always come through so we did get half-an-hour in.

TM: Yeah we had some good commentary and I want to thank you so much for coming on today. Well if you like we’ll try for next Friday and Simon I hope you have a beautiful weekend. Thank you again for all your wonderful work.

SP: Thanks to you and thanks to the listeners. Speak to you soon. God bless.

TM: Thank you Simon, bye-bye.


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