
Friday, July 5, 2019

with Ted Mahr on Out of This World Radio 1150 AM in Bellevue, Washington

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Out of This World Radio 1150: Current Events, Questions & Answers

Friday, July 5, 2019

Because of the gravity of the submarine situation, President Trump didn’t speak on domestic issues many people were hoping to hear about; so-called submarine accident was more likely a firefight between different factions for control of the submarine; the black triangle UFO was seen in the midst of the 4th of July fireworks display, which would qualify as a bit of a disclosure; small eclipse and influx of high-frequency energy; Earth’s magnetic field parted to allow this energy to bath the Earth and then the Earth’s magnetic field returned; 6.4 earthquake in California had amazingly little loss of life; to go or not to go to that light you see when you permanently leave you physical body; are the Annunaki responsible for the human karmic recycling treadmill; possible scenarios involving the Federal Reserve and currency readjustment; China and America are in a battle to decide who will run the planet; pros and cons of out of body, remote viewing, and astral traveling; Pleiadian music and diet preferences; Billy Meier contact was with Pleiadian splinter group with old-fashioned embargoed spacecraft which is what they gave Hitler; each alien civilization has different space technology; Reptilian technology which incorporates telepathy with technology left a frequency open that AI could come in on; this is the current war–organic versus nonorganic creatures­–humans versus robots; it is important we stay human and organic.


Ted Mahr: And with that I’d like to bring on my good friend Simon Parkes coming to us live from England today. Simon how are you doing today?

Simon Parkes: Very well, thank you Ted, and can you hear me okay?

TM: Oh I can hear you just fine, just fine, just fine Simon.

SP: With you being up a mountain I wasn’t sure whether I had to shout.

TM: Well if we have any transmission problems today my Pleiadian friends said they’d help us out and they might be able to either beam you to Mt. Shasta where we could both broadcast from here or up to Seattle or maybe I could come over to England just for the broadcast, so they said they’d help if we need it, so...

SP: That’s very good, thank you.

TM: So anyway the vibrations here at Mt. Shasta are very high, and when you some into the area you can feel yourself sometimes almost getting kind of giddy. It’s sort of a little bit like, what’s that gas dentists give people, laughing gas before they pull out all your teeth.

SP: Nitrous oxide.

TM: Right, right, and cause you more pain than the Spanish Inquisition. It feels like you’re on nitrous oxide here breathing it. You just feel kind of floating around a little bit, so we’re all floating around here today, but anyway it’s a beautiful place Simon and I hope someday you can come and visit.

SP: Yes one day, but I won’t bring any of my lovely chocolates or sweets or biscuits because I know [steal them] don’t they?

TM: They what, I’m sorry Simon I couldn’t hear you.

SP: I say that they take them don’t they. They’ve got a sweet tooth up there.

TM: Yeah they did. We’ve had a lot of trouble with Sasquatch. Yesterday we went to a sacred lake called Heart Lake to do a swim and to do prayers and meditation. Oh the views were so beautiful. We could see for miles and miles like the song that starts my program, and then when we got back we discovered that they had stolen the basmati rice, and then they tried to hide it in a pile of sticks and… Jason what did they hide that in, pine cones and other stuff and it was in a pile right, dug into the earth around some plants. Yeah we found that today and then the other day they had quite a… they ate all of this lady’s corn that she had for her and her family. They didn’t like the sweet potatoes though, and they tried coffee this morning but they spit it out, so I guess they didn’t like the coffee. But we posted signs and hopefully, you know, Keep Out, No Trespassing. Hopefully they read English so they’ll leave it alone today, so I hope that’ll be good.

SP: What you’ve done is you’ve made a comment on that. I mean that’s... but they’ve always I think Ted if I remember back to last year, was it the chocolate bars they were taking last time?

TM: Yeah last time they were the taking chocolate bars, yeah, yeah. But then I guess they’ve got a Sasquatch dentist who warned them against, about getting cavities, so they’re following their advice now. They’re not eating anymore chocolate, but they’re sticking to the, you know, the safer things like starch, rice, corn, that kind of thing, but anyway I guess what I could do is leave out chocolates for them. We are leaving out the cinnamon rolls for them with the white frosting, and we put them out last night and as of this morning, they had, my friend Jason, Jason you’re the cinnamon roll expert here. Have they eaten any cinnamon rolls yet?

Jason: No they’re still fresh.

TM: Still fresh.

Jason: On the rocks.

TM: Okay well they will probably be gone by the time we get there. Maybe we should put some sauces out for them like Teriyaki Sauce or Soy Sauce, see if they’d like that. It’s tart, but I don’t know. But it should be fun. I’m sure by tomorrow we’ll have more stories too. But anyway, Simon I’ll be more serious now. We’ve had no announcement from President Trump on anything, not even a little something with respect to the Federal Reserve. What do you think is happening with respect to that?

SP: I did my podcast today, recorded it, which will go out tomorrow, and it was my first topic. I said I know that there will be an awful lot of people who will be bitterly disappointed because they were hoping for some announcement even if it wasn’t going to be very direct, for some hidden words, and what I wanted to say to people was look this submarine situation was so serious that all bets were off. In other words, whatever President Trump had written or was going to say had to be changed. So it’s no coincidence, what was it two days or so before Independence Day, this submarine situation broke, and I think that that’s really changed what he’d planned to do.

TM: Okay, okay, could you explain a little bit more about that for people who aren’t familiar with what’s been happening with that Simon?

SP: With what, with the potential for the President or do you mean with the submarines Ted?

TM: With the submarines yeah, with the submarines.

SP: Okay. I put more posts on my website than I have ever done. I put up seven or eight posts as the information was coming in. Basically the world’s media are selling an accident within a Russian submarine as purely and simply as an accident, but we know that it wasn’t an accident because the vice president of the United States was called immediately to the White House. In Russia President Putin called his Ministry of Defence to an emergency. In Europe the European Union called their Chiefs of Staff together. In Great Britain the code word is Cobra and that’s a special meeting of ministers to discover what’s happening militarily. So right across the Western world, governments were in lockdown. Now you do not do that if it’s just an accident. The Russians don’t lead the world, they’re not far off it with their deep sea submarines. It’s almost from a human perspective, you can’t comprehend. The submarine can go down something like, you know, 30,000 feet. I mean it’s just, you just can’t imagine the pressure on the hull, but nevertheless they have a submarine that can go down this deep and it’s job is to basically either cut communication cables or to lay devices next to the cables so they can hack in to messages. You see if you cut a communication cable everybody knows it’s cut, but if you are capable of listening in or eavesdropping and the other side doesn’t know it, then that’s very handy, and this is what the Brits did to the Germans when they cracked the German Enigma code. So they have this small relatively small submarine that can go this depth and we know that a phenomenal number of officers, something like seven or eight captains on this boat. There were three members of the crew who were highly decorated, and there was one interesting person who was a civilian. That civilian was either a technical expert or was a spy. What we know is that the official news is there was a fire in the battery compartment of the submarine and a number of sailors were killed. It is a nuclear powered submarine. There has been talk of an American submarine that was sunk in a fire fight. I don’t buy that. I’m not getting any information to confirm that at all. What I think, what my information is telling me is that there was an attempt to take over the submarine. In other words, there were people planted in that submarine.

TM: Oh.

SP: They somehow got into the submarine. There was a fight to control the submarine, and the legitimate, the Russian Navy gained control of it. Now that’s the only thing that would mean that people like vice president were immediately called back, because if it was an accident you don’t go into an emergency, but if there is a potential for a mutinous submarine, now the first thing that the intelligence will do is say does the submarine have nuclear missiles. This one did not. The next question is does it have nuclear-tipped torpedoes. This one did not. So the next possibility, is there a nuclear bomb in the submarine and this is a suicide mission, because if that was detonated at that depth off the East Coast, then a tsunami would be the result of a nuclear explosion, which would swamp the East Coast. Now that’s why America reacted the way it did, and President Putin got on the phone straight away to President Trump and said we gained control of it. Now the only people who would want to steal a submarine and do harm are the Cabal, or the rather nasty people, and I think that this happening just a few days before the announcement that the leaking was done deliberately just before Independence Day, and the bad guys leaked it, and then the good guys then had to put a spin on it, and that was deliberately to derail the potential messages that President Trump was going to give, so there you go.

TM: I see. Thank you so much. Yeah, thank you so much for explaining that Simon. You always have these incredibly interesting insights as to what is going on. And again thank you for explaining that.

SP: Now the other, there’s one more [insight] that is a bit more exciting.

TM: The negative forces are just delaying everything, okay.

SP: Yes. That’s what it is. It’s not stopping. It’s just pushing… what do you guys say, kicking the can down the road. It’s just literally delaying it, but...

TM: Kicking the can, yeah, um-hum.

SP: There’s something exciting here. When you get back home Ted, and your audience can do this tonight or tomorrow. Look at some of the pictures of the firework display. There’s a fabulous firework display over the national mall. Look at the pictures and there’s one particular big, big firework that goes off. There is a UFO. It’s a triangular craft that appears and I’ve got some blowups of that. It’s not a trick. There genuinely is a spacecraft there with the firework display. Now we do have a link because during the speech, which I did sit through. I made sure I watched it live, President Trump makes a very dramatic point about the Space Force. He says we’re just about to have this force, and all eyes are looking up at all the different helicopters and aircraft, so it’s no coincidence that whenever all the eyes are up at nighttime to the firework display, there is undoubtedly a triangular spacecraft is there, and others as well, so I think that that was also there, is what Trump’s calling the Secret Space Group, but he’s calling Space Force. I think they were there, so there was some disclosure, but not the disclosure people wanted. People wanted to hear that John F. Kennedy Jr. was coming up. They wanted to hear that the Federal Reserve… none of that, and that I think is because of what happened in the submarine.

TM: Interesting. When I was writing my book a couple of years ago Simon, “Messages from the Masters,” I was in touch, I have been in touch with the Galactics now for, I don’t know, three or four years, and they said that they saw several firings of nuclear-tipped missiles both from the previous Soviet Union to the United States and vice versa, from the U.S. to the Soviet Union as well, many times. I don’t know, I can’t remember now, eight, ten, twelve times, and let’s say the Cabal had been successful, they had taken over the submarine, they are able to shoot off a nuclear weapon, do you think the Galactics or the good guys, the ETs would step in and stop any kind of nuclear holocaust?

SP: I’ve absolutely no doubt they would because there’s too much investment in this Earth to let it be destroyed. It might well be that they were already having an involvement. That’s why, you know, the good guys were able to gain control of the submarine, and you know, it’s a bit highly suspicious that there was a fire. On my website before the official news broke I said that I had been told that the media were going to be ordered to carry the story that there was a fire in the engine room. Now I wrote that, you can check on my website, before anything broke, and then the next morning they said there was a fire in the battery compartment. So the world’s media have been given a story and they don’t have any other information, so they’re gonna run with that. I actually believe there was literally a small arms firefight in that part. You see you have to understand that the metal of those submarines are incredibly strong and probably could resist a bullet, so you potentially could have a traditional firefight with small arms and it’s not like firing in an airplane where you could puncture the aircraft. So, but it’s been contained, but the problem I think is that as a person said to me, “Does this mean the Cabal are winning?” And I said, “No it doesn’t, but it means the cards have all been shuffled and have been redealt.” And, that’s where we are now. We’re now going into a period where we are having to find our way again I think.

TM: Oh, wow. Well let’s say some prayers and good wishes to the good people and the governments of the world, and lightworkers around the world to stop any kind of nuclear holocaust or engineered conflicts. I know most people, the majority of the people in the world want a beautiful planet and peace and harmony, and they are tired of fighting, and I’m glad things have been gotten under control, but like you said, the cards have been reshuffled so we’ll wait for the next, see what happens next. So, according to my galactic friends, this is the biggest show in the universe right now, what’s happening here on Earth. There’s no other planet where the stakes are so high and where we play a really pivotal part I think a pivotal part, a very important part in the evolution of this solar system and this universe as well.

SP: Well we had a small eclipse and very importantly, we had an influx of very important energy, and people who are reporting on it, in my opinion, are using the wrong terminology. They’re saying that the Earth’s magnetic field collapsed. That’s because they are interpreting graphs. They’re interpreting, you know, imagery. The reality is the Earth’s magnetic field did not collapse. It parted to allow this energy through, so the Earth over the weekend bathed with a very unique high-frequency energy, not just high frequency but of a certain frequency that we’ve not had before. I had a, and it’s unusual for me to have a big headache. I had a headache over Saturday and what have you, and there are lots of people who have gone through this major shift, and I think it’s a lot of people who have been asleep, unaware, unawake, and I think now they’ve also been triggered. So that’s a very powerful thing and just to calm people down, the energy shield returned to the Earth very quickly after the wave had passed through. So I look on this as coming from the galactic center.

TM: Okay.

SP: I don’t think this is coming from aliens. I believe it’s galactic center. I think it’s part of the evolution, the program, and don’t worry if you were down in your basement. These waves will pass through concrete, steel, so it doesn’t matter where you were, you were gonna get them. Now how you develop is how you choose to develop, so you have now received the key codes from the galactic center. If you choose to evolve, you will. If you choose to stay in this paradigm you will. So it’s very exciting. So on the one hand we had this rather downbeat stuff about the submarine, but on the other hand we had this really exciting inrush of energy.

TM: Hum, wow! That’s amazing. Okay, okay. Well it’s certainly an exciting time to be alive Simon, and yeah, it’s never a dull moment right now, never a dull moment. And we’re out, I’m out in California right now and of course we got news, you had this on your post, a 6.4 earthquake happened down in Southern California, but such a little loss of life, and I personally think, I’d love your opinion on this too Simon, but I think we’re being protected by higher forces here.

SP: Yeah, yeah.

TM: Because it could have been a lot worse and a lot more damage done that we got.

SP: Yes. I think the damage was more than the loss of life. I think that 6.4 we could have expected a great deal more. The official people are saying well it’s because it wasn’t near the cities. That’s not really true because an earthquake has an effect over a wide area. I certainly think that there was something beneficial, muffling or damping down the effect of it, and I did make the point in my message on the website, I said it’s really amazing that it’s been such a little loss of life. But I and others have predicted these quakes in the California region, and there’s going to be more to come, and let’s just hope that whoever’s looking out for everybody still continues to look out for us all.

TM: Yeah and I think they will, yeah. I really think they will. We come so far and I think the Supreme Being, the entity who created all this has a big steak in all of this and God if you will, the Supreme Being is not going to let us destroy ourselves after coming so far for so many thousands of years to get to this pinnacle, you know, this point in time. I’m having, it’s very interesting, I always realize I’m in a ley line and sometimes in a vortex, a dimensional vortex, a time vortex, because what happened Simon, the clocks started showing different times, both on my watch here and also, I don’t have my computer with me, but on different iPhones and Androids around here all are showing different times. Let’s see, okay, there’s another time. One shows 2:27, another shows 2:26, another shows 2:24–25, so anyway now it’s speeded up, but at any rate, have you ever had that happen to you Simon when you are in a place and the time starts varying between different time instruments?

SP: I’ve not had it like that. I’ve had it an occasion where, oh about 2010, I’d come down about, I don’t know, just before midnight, and I made myself a little bit of cheese on toast, 2:00 o’clock in the morning [24:02][I think night it was], and I made myself a little bit of cheese on toast and I thought I made myself a hot drink. I don’t think I did now, and then I looked at the clock and one-and-a-half hours had gone by, so what I’ve had is what people...

TM: Oh wow!

SP: missing time. It’s not quite missing time, but I’ve often had a place where I think maybe I’ve had fifteen minutes or twenty minutes, and then when I look at the clock I’ve lost an hour-and-a-half or two hours. I think well where the heck has that gone? And so I get that a lot but I don’t have a situation where I have different time pieces giving me different times. That’s because you’re on an energy field I think, where you are at the moment.

TM: Um-hum, Right, right, and it’s funny but you walk in that kind of energy field. I’ve also run into time dimensional shifts where I walk like twenty feet or thirty feet any which way, time literally slows down or speeds up. There was one place in my foster mother’s place in Oregon years ago where I went and time slowed down two-and-a-half hours on my cell phone versus just my regular clock and then when I left the area and I drove off to back home, the time, it came up, by two-and-a-half hours back to what my clock said, so it was just, anyway it was an interesting experience so where the time just...

SP: It’s funny Ted because there are certain places on the Earth where these phenomena that we can’t easily explain do take place. But they also take place around people, and it’s not about the location, it’s about the individual, so it can be geographical fixed in a set place. Sometimes these energy fields move around; they move around the Earth, but it’s also about a person. A person can from time to time...

TM: How interesting.

SP: ...trigger something you see.

TM: Um-hum, um-hum, um-hum, yeah. Yeah, yeah, well that’s an interesting comment. Thank you for sharing that Simon because I’ve wondered myself about that. I wanted to let you know that [26:08][?Mar ri es and Ah Deed] are here with me. They’re from the Connecting Consciousness group in Germany and they’re saying, Guten Tag. That means hello.

SP: Delighted. I’m delighted that some Connecting Consciousness members are there. The problem now is that I expect them to write a small little report to share with their Connecting Consciousness members in Germany.

TM: Okay.

SP: And maybe they would do that and that would be really helpful to share it, so thank you to them for going.

TM: They’re listening now. I’m about 15–20 feet away from them right now. They’re listening right now. They’re saying thank you. It’s [Mar ri es and Ad Deed]

SP: Yes.

TM: Also we met a wonderful, yeah, yeah we met another wonderful gentlemen named Urlich. He was quite a character in the Frankfurt/Cologne area, but he was also a member of Connecting Consciousness. I know that Urlich is listening today as well in Germany. He’s a great guy, but we’re tentatively planning a conference in Dresden, Germany November 2nd and 3rd. I don’t know if… you’re welcome to come if you like Simon. We can discuss that off air, but I just wanted to throw that out if you like.

SP: I think it’s very important that Germany gets some highlighting because it’s the center of Europe and there’s more excitement coming to Germany’s way, so the more spiritual stuff that goes on in Germany I think the better.

TM: Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. We were in Dresden recently giving spiritual presentations and a lot of very spiritual people in Dresden. Of course Dresden suffered horribly in World War II, was bombed at the end of the war, a lot of firestorms, but there’s a lot of the city has been rebuilt. There’s a vibrancy there, and there’s a lot of spiritual energy in Dresden itself. It’s a beautiful city, a very beautiful city. And I guess this leads me into my next question. I had a question from Susan in Vancouver, Canada, came to me last night. She asked about the light and it’s very interesting. I think you talked about this before where so many people say that after you pass on Simon a light appears and you go through the light and you meet your relatives on the other side, then you have like a life review. You have a big party that you’re back on the other side. Then you have a life review and you plan on your next life. But she was saying to me last night that it’s actually a trap, that to get you in the revolving cycle of karma here on planet Earth so you don’t escape. Would love your comments or perspective on that.

SP: I think about five or six, maybe longer now, I took us into this discussion as a community really, and I did get a lot of [stick], as we say in Great Britain to start with, and then actually others came out and began to back me up. And first I’d preface it by saying we know what Hollywood is, so let’s not do what Hollywood tells us and whenever we see a film about death or angels, we’re shown a corridor of light and some angel at the end of it, and it’s not unlike a moth that is drawn to a bright light. Humans have eyes that operate in the light, don’t do so well in the dark, so we fall asleep at nighttime. So if you’re in darkness and you’re offered light, your programmed reaction is to move towards the light. This is the point. This is the trap. This is the trick. And I know that there are many many religious people who, you know, when they pass on they are expecting Jesus or Mary or somebody to come and collect them. And I came out in public and said look, I’m afraid that in the vast majority of these cases this is just a hologram. And what I teach is that you say I want to go back to Source, and when you see the light appear just turn your back on it, because you see when you pass on you don’t know you’re dead. You don’t know you’re dead until you try to move your body, because you’re not dead, but when you try to move your arms and legs and they don’t move, you think oh my goodness me, I’m dead, but you’re not. You just physically can’t move that body anymore any longer. And then something will appear and says come with me I’m going to take you to the light and you say no, I want to return to Source and either you’re going to be successful and you’ll get to Source and then you can choose where you will go or I’m afraid they wear you down and then you say oh I just can’t do this anymore and they just recycle you. So just say I want to go to Source.

TM: Ha, interesting. This is opening up a discussion that I thought about before and I want to thank Susan for her question yesterday. It brings up a lot of issues. I’ll have to talk to my spirit family on the other side too to see what they say, but thank you. Now from what I’ve heard is that the Annunaki of course fiddled with our genetics many thousands of years ago to create like the slave species so we would mine gold for them and extract other resources. Do you think this is part of it, part of that to keep us locked in into the endless cycle of karma here on the Earth?

SP: No, no, no. Absolutely not. The Annunaki are much more recent. The trap that we are talking about is much more ancient. The Annunaki were also trapped in this. They couldn’t escape either. This is the whole point. The Annunaki were not the creatures that made us mine gold. The Annunaki were not the creatures who crafted humanity, Adam and Eve. The Annunaki were a split race, half human–half reptilian. They were the shopkeepers. They were the managers. They were left in charge of the Earth while the real bosses disappeared off their planet X or whatever you want to call it, 26,500 years [ago].

TM: Are you still there?

SP: Yeah I can hear you. Hello, hello, hello.

TM: Okay good. I lost you. I lost you...

SP: What bit did you hear last please?

TM: I lost you there Simon. Good you’re back. I heard you I think I heard, we started, you started asking, you said that the Annunaki were a split race and then I lost you after that.

SP: Okay, all right. Let’s try again. So the Annunaki were split, half human–half reptilian, and they were not the creatures that created Adam and Eve, humankind. The Annunaki were the managers. They were the shopkeepers, the real bosses, full Reptilians went…

TM: Ah interesting, okay, uh-huh.

SP: ...went off to their Planet X for their 26,500 year journey. The Annunaki were the ones who became the pharaohs of Egypt. They were the ones that became the leaders of Babylon or Sumeria, but the real power base was off the planet, and the Annunaki today have degenerated into the leaders of this Earth. So the very powerful men are descendants from that. But that’s generated in the sense that they have turned their back on the orders they were given and they now are just running the planet for themselves. And that’s why the Vatican has the infrared telescope, which of course the Vatican calls Lucifer looking out to see the return of Planet X, because these bad guys are very worried that when the bosses come back, they have to account for what they’ve been doing, so there’s a lot of issues going on within the elite and that’s one of them.

TM: Well that’s fascinating Simon. Thanks so much for sharing that. As always you bring out the most interesting points. Thanks for sharing that. You had another post on your website about watching the Fed. Many people think that the Fed actually, the Federal Reserve of the United States, it’s not Federal. It’s not Reserve. It’s a ponzi scheme run by about thirteen different banks, which issue the currency of the United States, but they have no legal authority to do it under Article 7 of the Constitution. Only the U.S. Treasury can issue currency. This is a scam that has been going on since 1913. What do you think the Fed is up to and what do you think eventually will happen to the Fed?

SP: Well if we think back of our history when the supposed Titanic, big ocean liner sank, we have to remember some of the very important people on that boat who lost their lives, very powerful money men were actually wanting the gold standard. They wanted to keep the gold standard, and with their voices silent, then America moved from a gold standard to a paper system. John F. Kennedy wanted to go back to a gold standard. A number of people have and have paid the ultimate price. What do I think will happen? I think ultimately you guys will go back to some form of a new economy, whether it’s a gold standard at this stage I don’t know. But I certainly think that there is no collapse coming. The information that I received is that there is no collapse, but there will be a readjustment of how it works, and I was hoping for something along those lines regarding the Federal Reserve.

TM: Okay, interesting. I’ve heard. Last year I heard rumors about a silver standard, not a gold but a silver standard because silver is quite plentiful and the U.S. government has a lot of silver in which to base a currency.

SP: Yes, but what’s happened is that President Trump has used the last two years secretly and has bought on behalf of America a huge amount of gold. So America now is in a much stronger position than it was three, four, five years ago. So if America wanted to return to a metal standard as it stands, it would have to be a combination of gold and silver and you would have to find a value between the two. But what I’m saying is America is financially stronger now than it was three, four, five years ago. Whether that means a return to the gold standard, I don’t think that they are there yet, but I think the stability within the markets now is such that some debate regarding the work of the Fed or the role of the Fed has got to be happening. I mean President Trump is putting the Fed under huge pressure to drop interest rates. The Fed of course want higher interest rates, and we’re watching that play out now.

TM: Um-hum. Well that’s very interesting, your analysis. There is some rumors for years that the bank, the thirteen private banks in the Federal Reserve have gotten rid of the gold reserves of the United States in the past. I’d love your opinion on that Simon.

SP: Well that’s exactly true. And you know they did it in my country. We had a man who was in charge of the money and he sold off huge amounts of British gold at a rock bottom price. It’s the same in America, so much so that America was nearly bankrupt to the extent that it couldn’t pay its own bills. That’s not the case now in the sense that America is in a much stronger position, but I don’t like the word enemy, because enemy is not a good word, but the financial enemy of the United States, the real enemy, for want of a better word, unfortunately is not who you would think it would be. It is China. China and America are locked in a, not just a trade war, but absolutely locked in a battle to decide basically who’s going to run the planet. And what will amaze many people of my age, who of course were brought up on Cold War stories is that if push comes to shove, Russia will join with America against China, not in a war. I’m talking about trade. Russia and America are very strongly agreed that China cannot be allowed to economically run the world.

TM: Hum, fascinating. Well I appreciate that prospective, especially after the last, I don’t know, how many years nonsense we’ve had in the U.S. media about this so-called Russian influence on the U.S. elections, which was false, but thanks for pointing that out. We appreciate that so much Simon. I’ve got a question that just came in about how can we learn astral traveling and is it possible with this to visit our star family?

SP: Right. Astral traveling, well you see we’ve got what we call out of body experience. We’ve got what we call remote viewing, and then what we’ve got we call into the astral. Now whoever has written this doesn’t know what they’re talking about because if you wanted to connect with your star family, it is through the astral. The point is the astral is not the terrestrial. The astral you only see in black and white. So if you have an experience and you’re seeing in color, you’re not astral traveling. You could be remote viewing or you could have an out of body, so if we are astral traveling, what that actually means is that our physical body stays in the third dimension, but our consciousness can, and it’s only a very few people who can do this, can move up into higher dimensions. If you go back to Atlantis and the divine feminine women that ruled Atlantis, they were capable of astral traveling, and they were, they got it off to a T. They could really do great things. We’re still a primitive state again because we are having to relearn what we’ve forgotten. But if you set the intent and you are very clear where you want to go, let’s say the Pleiades, for want of a better word here, then you know I teach people to get a star map out of the Pleiades, put it on the floor, you know, stick it on the ceiling or the walls. Familiarize yourself with the star pattern. Focus on that and then do some astral traveling but always also, it is very important, have a picture of the Earth because if anything goes wrong you’ve gotta be able, you’ve got to focus on the Earth and say that’s where I’ve gotta come back. There are a lot of bad people as well as good people out there, but when you leave your own support of your realm and go somewhere else, you’re gonna have to mix with the big boys. So always have a photograph of the Earth on the wall, so if anything goes bad you can say right, that’s my home. That’s where I’m going back to. So it’s one of the things that I teach that you can have the star constellation that you’re looking for but always have a picture of good old home.

TM: Wow! That’s really good advice. You know we’ve been very fortunately during our trip here. Last night we were visited by a Pleiadian Commander in the astral. We could see, we sorta could see his outline there at the campfire. I think he’ll be around tonight. Is there anything, is there any message you’d like to give him or any questions you’d like to ask, and then I’ll get back with you what he says Simon?

SP: Not really. No it’s okay.

TM: No.

SP: If he’s Pleiadian, you know, he’ll know what he’s doing.

TM: Sure, sure, sure. Well they were up there protecting us last night and we sent them lots of love and light and then we asked them to do a dance for us so they started zig zagging a little bit in the sky.

SP: They do. They like dancing. The Pleiadians actually like dancing. It’s interesting. Not only do they express it in their craft, but they do little dances when they’re physically here, so the Pleiadians and all these 5th dimensional people are the ones who have the most childish, and I don’t mean that rudely, I mean the most excitable, the most happy, the most clean, and they’re the ones that will do a little jig or a little dance, and often they’ll do their dancing in their little craft yes.

TM: Oh how fun, how fun. Do they like music, and is there any particular music we could play for them tonight around the campfire?

SP: Okay so the frequencies that we call music here don’t really attract them. However crazily enough Pleiadian people on Earth like things like heavy metal and rock. Now I don’t understand that, but that, so maybe there’s a frequency there, but Pleiadian people generally… Pleiadian people don’t usually like classical music, so they like the...

TM: Really?

SP: Yeah, generally, and they like that dynamic range. Pleiadian people like the oomph and the pow. They like that because they’re dynamic people and they like to get things done, so, I, you know, perhaps they’re [43:40][really] like us. You could ask one and he or she would say they like this and one would say another one, but although the Pleaidian people I’ve met, they’re quite into dynamic music, not very restful music I’m afraid.

TM: Wow. Okay, okay, great. If you don’t mind I’ve got another question about diet.

SP: Sure.

TM: I mean if a Pleiadian person was here in Mt. Shasta, I assume they don’t eat meat right? They vegetarians or do they eat some meat? Do they bless the meat first?

SP: No they don’t, the ones I’ve met or heard of, they do not eat meat at all, no.

TM: Okay.

SP: No.

TM: Okay. Okay, interesting. Mostly a vegetarian diet, is that right, vegan or...

SP: Yes, but remember there’s a splinter group of the Pleiadians, a splinter group, Aldebaran or Aldebaron, depending on how you pronounce it, the same ones that Billy Meier saw. Now they do eat meat. They are offshoots from the Pleiadians. They look sometimes more like Nordics, but they are offshoots from the Pleiadians, and I believe they tend to eat meat, whereas the true root stock of the Pleiadian people have evolved out of meat eating.

TM: I guess this brings me to another question my ownself. I visited Billy Meier’s Star Center outside of Zurich, Switzerland back in November of 1994. It was an interesting visit. Billy wasn’t there, but I met with other people there at the center, and I got a bunch of photographs of Pleiadians who visited with him. Is he dealing with the main Pleiadian...

SP: No.

TM: I know he’s had...

SP: No. No he’s not.

TM: ...good contacts since 1942 I think.

SP: No. absolutely not. No.

TM: No he’s not. Okay.

SP: No. I mean these people came to him and said they were Pleiadian. They said they were and he took them at their word, because why wouldn’t he. The point is, the answer for all of this, the answer is in the spacecraft. If you look, and you can get some pretty good genuine pictures on the internet of Nazi spacecraft 1944–1945, and there are the SS random and there are some… they keep taking them down, but people keep putting them up. They are some leaked documents from the SS showing them. I’ve got a copy here. Now if you look at their spacecraft and then you look at the spacecraft that Billy Meier was seeing, they are identical. It’s not the Nazis coming to visit Billy Meier. It’s the technology is very similar. These spacecraft are very very ancient looking. They’ve actually got rivets in them believe it or not. So they are, they’re using what the American people would call antigravity. That’s not an accurate term but that’s I think most American people would understand the power part. It’s an antigravity power point, and zero point energy some people call it. However, because this factional group is not part of the Pleiadian group, they’ve been embargoed. So this factional group, which are a splinter group, have had thousands of years of embargo, so their spacecraft are old fashioned. That’s the bottom line. And these were the spacecraft they gave to Hitler and this factional group has been wanting to interact with a number of people ever since, so it’s a fascinating story.

TM: Hum. Well thank you for explaining that. I wondered. I saw those pictures too. I wondered why there were rivets on it. The other thing too is that there was a new craft that came out supposedly to Billy Meier’s group in 1976 that had a series of like spears on the top of the, it was still circular, but on top of the UFO, and in the book that I read about it, “UFO Contact from the Pleiades” by Wendelle Stevens, that craft was able to travel interdimensionally through different time portals and in different dimensions. But of course if they have an older technology...

SP: Well that’s a different, that’s a completely different spacecraft.

TM: Okay.

SP: The Pleiadians did not have portal technology, this splinter group did not have indigenous portal technology. They had it through others who made it available to them. The craft you are referring to was a gift to them from somewhere else. They also had mother ships. So they were and are an interesting group, almost for hire, so one faction could say we would hire you to do this job. We’ll hire you to do that job and we will give you this technology to see that job through. So they have a strong connection to Sumeria. People who have channeled what they thought was ancient Egypt or ancient Sumeria have actually found it’s the same group. They use the same form of Sumerian text.

TM: Wow, really, fascinating. Fascinating. Their language, when they speak, have you heard their language? I’ve heard it sounds like native American.

SP: There are groups that look native American. I would be very surprised if that was the case because this splinter group is 4th dimensional, and unless they look like native North American people, they wouldn’t have that culture. So if they’re sounding like it then I can’t answer that Ted. I don’t get that myself. I think that they are very humanlike because they’ve been excluded from their own Pleiadian people, so they had to go find their homes elsewhere, and so Earth is a very interesting home so they’ve become more human in their concept, still telepathic, still [49:59][overtalk], but they are for hire, whereas the Pleiadian people, the true, are not for hire. This splinter group is for hire.

TM: Are they, and you just mentioned they are in the 4th dimension, is that correct?

SP: Originally you see Pleiadians [were] like us. They were in the 3rd dimension and they evolved over millions of years into the 4th and then the 5th. The Pleiadians sit just about above the central energy band within the 5th dimension. But when this split occurred, it occurred before the Pleiadians hit the 5th dimension, so what you’ve got is you’ve got this splinter group who are 4th dimensional and the Pleiadian people who are 5th dimensional. That is why the technology is so remarkably different between the two groups.

TM: Oh that’s so interesting. If I may ask does the technology for space travel, does that vary according to different civilizations. For example, the Reptilians, what kind of technology do they use? Is it the same, similar or different structure?

SP: It is different. If you think of the United States of America, God bless it, it will have a policy to sell equipment to its allies, and depending on how friendly an ally you are, you’ll get better equipment, so if you’re not very friendly, you’ll get equipment that is 10–15 years old, but if you’re [51:18][overtalk], you’ll get stuff that’s like two or three years old. Well the Reptilians are the same. They will share that information or that technology with those they trust, and those they don’t trust, it’s more primitive, so each civilization, if that’s the right word for it, has its own technology. The problem that why this doesn’t work so well is because Reptilians can’t create. They’re not like humans. They’re not creators. They are fantastic at replicating and copying, so what the Reptilians will do is copy the technology they find, which means it’s not often, it doesn’t necessarily work with what they’ve already got. So they have this sort of pockets of technology, standalone technology. Where they are brilliant is nanotechnology. They are excellent at making things micros size, the chip, they’re very good with the chip and they’re very good with telepathy, so what the Reptilians are excellent at is having telepathy work with technology, so computers or chips that respond or enhance or build on a telepathic communication system. So that is why artificial intelligence found a way into the Reptilian culture, because the Reptilians were connecting computers with psychic capability and that left a frequency which AI could come in on.

TM: Is this the push now behind AI especially in a place like China?

SP: This is the war. I can use that word because I mean it. This is the war and if you’re organic, you’re on one side of the railroad lines. If you are nonorganic you are on the other side of the railroad lines. Every organic creature is on the same side when it comes to this battle.

TM: Interesting. I think I have mentioned this before but I was in Peru about a year-and-a-half ago in the Lima airport and there was this huge, I mean a sign that was 30 feet long and 10–15 feet tall, rectangular sign with a guy holding a cellphone from Huawei in China. The guy looked like he was straight out of the Borg, half human and half machine and it said the future is AI, but David Icke says that China has been a Reptilian playground for decades, and… well we’ve got, boy we’re having such a good conversation today Simon. We’ve got about a little less than a minute. I wanted to let you know that so you can warp up your wonderful interview today.

SP: Thank you. Think about Arnold Schwarzenegger and the “Terminator” films. Here was the case where Hollywood spun a story but the director, you know, he had a view, I think he went on to make things like “Avatar” and other films like that, but they were being shown a nightmare scenario. This is the point. Hollywood, this is 1991, the “Terminator” film, were showing us a nightmare scenario, half man, half robot. We weren’t being sold it as this is way for the future. We were being shown it as this is terrible. This is evil. And what’s happened is that message has just been changed to oh well this is a good thing now. So the fact of the matter is...

TM: How interesting, interesting.

SP: We’ve got to keep human. We’ve got to stay human, and we’ve got to stay organic. It’s very important.

TM: Thank you Simon again. Thank you so much for coming on to my show today. Have a wonderful weekend my friend. I’ll look forward to talking to you again soon.

SP: Thank you, God bless.

TM: Thank you so much Simon. All right.

SP: Bye.

TM: Bye-bye, cheers.


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