
Discussion with Benjamin Fulford, February 2, 2019

with Benjamin Fulford

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Discussion with Benjamin Fulford

Sunday February 2, 2019

Benjamin Fulford starts interview with Simon by asking him about his off world experiences; Ben and Simon mutually agree most of their time today is spent dealing with problems that affect the average citizen on Earth, such as the sacrifice of children; discussion of the current state of battle for the planet; it seems the central control center of the puppet masters is Switzerland; some indictments have been opened and acted upon but behind closed doors instead of allowing the people to witness the good guys taking action; everyone agrees the current system is not working but which path to take seems to elude the planners; Ben wants to set up a Planning Agency to plan the planet’s future, which could work under whichever faction wins; in moving to a new system we have to ease people away from money and profits gently; harder to distract the public with false flags now since there’s access to never-ending news choices at the tip of one’s fingers; bankrupt America needs China to buy real stuff from them so they can pay their bills; Pope Francis/Jesuits seem to be blocking Ben’s Planning Agency; what is the Venezuela story; the P2 in Vatican City worship the black sun, aren’t Christians, and take orders from Switzerland; May could be the time of change from one energy to another; government shutdown delays scheduled tribunals; Dow Jones losses a deliberate threat to the U.S. military; we’re in a shift from the old paradigm to a new emerging paradigm that wants control of the financials taken away from the elite, but the new paradigm is not strong enough yet to win the struggle; the public doesn’t understand they are paid slaves under the current situation so they remain passive to change; should there be a Jubilee, and if so Simon feels that for it to be successful there needs to be education before the redistribution.

Benjamin Fulford: Okay so I might as well start. This is Benjamin Fulford about to interview Simon Parkes on February 2nd, 2019. Now let’s start Mr. Parkes with a very simple question. If somebody’s never heard of you, how would you introduce yourself, like very briefly. Who do you represent, what are you doing, what are you activities.

Simon Parkes: Well I probably don’t represent anybody except myself. However I hope that some of the views and ideas I have are beneficial to humanity, so perhaps in a way I’m trying to represent, you know, that aspect of humanity. In terms of myself, I suppose I came to fame or infamy by going public with my off planet experiences and my parents coming from a security background, and then I think that developed to becoming fully aware that the truth wasn’t being released to the general public and so those connections that I’ve made over the last eight years, I was able to access that and start trying to get the truth out to people so that’s really what I’m about.

BF: Okay now when you say off planet, can you be a bit more specific?

SP: Yes, as long as I can remember … (coughs). Excuse me. Ben I’ve just got a bit of a cold. That’s why I didn’t do my Ted Mahr radio show last night.

BF: Right. Well then we won’t be too long then I suppose.

SP: No I’m all right. That’s okay. I’m talking about interaction with Mantids, Draconians, or Draconian Reptilians, Feline group, some of the Greys, I don’t like Greys at all. Some of those, a whole range of these beings ever since I was very very little.

BF: Okay here’s a question for the people who are operating in like what we call the 3D, like myself. Is that, if I walk down, say a London street, okay I’ll be able to see some Asians and some Africans and stuff and I can tell they’re real because you can see them every day, but most of us we don’t see Reptilians or these Greys or whatever, you know, shopping at the duty-free store or anything like this. So why is that?

SP: Well I think actually if you went to Vegas you’d probably see them there come out of Area 51 probably on a bit of a holiday jaunt, but generally you don’t fully see them, although some people report seeing them, simply because it’s been generally agreed that humanity is not in a position yet to accept this truth. Now I disagree with that. My point of view is that humanity needs to be told everything. We need to trust humanity and let them make the judgment, but at the moment there is this view that the vast majority of people are children, therefore they’re just not ready to do it, so these things do go out. They do go in disguise. They are heavily guarded or chaperoned, shall we say, and from time to time very psychic people do see things which they report and they even get as far as the newspapers sometimes.

BF: Okay well that’s another question. I hear a lot of people say that when you’re dealing with aliens, it’s not like getting on a rocket ship or getting in a warp drive and going the rate times the speed of light to another star, but rather it’s like changing a channel on television or a different spectrum of the electromagnetic frequencies that they inhabit. What’s your view on this sort of stuff? [3:59]

SP: Well I think there are what I would call real extraterrestrials, real ETs, and these are the ones that live in the same timeframe that we do and Charles Hall, who was a weatherman in Area 51, he talked about what he called the Tall Whites. Now as far as I know these are actually real ETs which means that they take maybe 25 years to get here, so they are operating without being disrespectful to them; they are operating a very primitive craft actually, and those arrive here maybe twenty-five years but the Mantis or the Draconian Reptilians, they arrive via, the ones I’ve seen anyway, they arrive via portal, so they are able to bend time, so when they arrive they don’t take 25–30 years to get here. They arrive far far faster than that.

BF: Now then the other question for a lot of us is why can’t we go to the spaceport and get a ticket on a rocket to another planet or to the local portal you know, and go to a different planet. Clearly we’re under some form of quarantine.

SP: Ah, well the two, you raise two very good points here, for the same reason that I can’t go and buy a lot of gold on the market because I’m not an elite person, so therefore I don’t have access to the elite part of it, but the other section is that there is a quarantine around the Earth. There’s a double quarantine. There’s a quarantine that the Reptilians put on the planet because they didn’t want anyone else coming in, and then recently the good guys put a quarantine around the planet to stop the bad guys coming in. So we know recently that a probe has landed on the farside of the Moon, not an American one, and although it’s very primitive, it’s the point that that’s sending. They obviously got permission to put an unmanned probe on the farside of the Moon, and they are sending a huge message to the United States of America and everyone else saying that whichever group they’re in connection with, has given them permission to start doing stuff on the farside of the Moon. So there’s a great deal going on. Ordinary people don’t have access to the information. They don’t have access to that, but those who are either in the special group, the military, or the secret societies, they do have access, or at least if they don’t have access Ben, they’ve got knowledge.

BF: All right. Well all right look, as you know I don’t usually write or talk about this sort of stuff because I’m trying to communicate, you know, who are of the more narrow framework.

SP: I don’t do that much now either for the same reason.

BF: But I will mention a few things that I’ve personally dealt with on this level since we are having this interview. Now you talked about the Chinese and the Asians having ET contact. I was taken by members of a Japanese secret society that some people would equate with like a Yakuza crime gang but they’re not really, but anyway they took me to a special temple in Ginza, and it was filled with solid gold altars so-called with strange alien writing on them. And these people told me they did contact with extraterrestrials, and they did it by ceremonies, but I personally did not, you know, contact, see any such extraterrestrials when I visited this place. However, also when a member of the Rothschild family and also the Royal British family arranged a meeting with some gentlemen from a group called the Dragon family in Singapore, and he said if you want to talk to China this is as high as it goes, and the person was an Asian Royal, and this person also claimed they had contacts with extraterrestrials and they had extraterrestrial support and that if necessary they would, you know, put the planet up under a strict, you know, rule if we, you know, didn’t stop our, you know, destructive ways. Now the other time I have encountered such, again it’s always second-hand, okay?

SP: Right.

BF: But there’s one more time, the arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi whose nephew was recently apparently horrifically murdered at the Saudi Consulate in Turkey. Jamil Khashoggi, the Washington Post columnist was his uncle, you know, Adnan Khashoggi was a very famous arms dealer which came up in the Iran Contra scandal. Well he sent a very beautiful young woman to one of my public meetings and she sort of basically told me she’d been sent by him and she was a honey trap, okay, a very beautiful one too, but anyway she told me that she had had her womb experimented with and been subject to all sorts, you know, strange treatments by beings that resemble what you read about as the Annunaki, large humanoids. Again this is second-hand. I didn’t see the Annunaki. I just. . . but the lady connected with a famous arms dealer told me they have experimented with her, so that’s another, you know, these little things that I don’t usually put out there because they don’t fit my, you know …

SP: Sure.

BF: … what I’m trying to do, but since you are on that area I share with you what I’ve learned and reporting. …

SP: Ah, that’s nice. I think to be honest that when people move in these off-grid areas then they will come into contact or they will have information that comes their way, which is not for general. But yes, the last few years I’ve concentrated more on the need to try and to wake people up simply because my stories, whilst I’m sure they are very interesting, it doesn’t from a point of view of the world, it doesn’t actually take us forward, but trying to give people a head’s up or warnings that I’m picking up on, and a counterbalance to what’s coming out in the newspapers. That I think is more helpful during this very crucial period. For example I don’t want to be known as the go-to man on this, but somebody had found something on the dark web about three–four weeks ago now which purported to be an audio recording of a very high current American politician torturing a child. And this had been got on the dark web and sent to me, so I managed to send it on to somebody who then, it went to Langley and had a look at it and came back. It only took two weeks. I was very impressed with that. It came back and said that it was confirmed that this was this American politician. They had done a voice print check and it would be added to some criminal charges that were in the production of.

BF: Yeah I’ve seen the video or at least a very short part before I, you know. . .

SP: Yeah it’s an audio.

BF: Hillary Clinton yes?

SP: No, no.

BF: No, okay?

SP: No not Clinton. This is another one.

BF: A different one.

SP: Yes and it’s just an audio recording of a child being tortured.

BF: Ah that was Podesta then.

SP: Ah, yeah, you’re on the right lines there.

BF: This stuff’s out there, you know, a lot of us are getting the same stuff. Okay, now there’s another one. I, you know, again I deal with this first hand. I have, you know, come across a group of people who worship what we call Baal or Molech or Set or Satan and who carry out human sacrifices, and there’s plenty of whistleblowers coming out now. There’s lots of evidence and are these people you. . . why do these people carry out these sacrifices? Are they actually contacting an entity or getting power from an entity like they say they are when they do this stuff?

SP: Depending on the ritual. There’s several rituals. One would be to keep the group together. You have a disparate group of people whose only connection is through this religion. I’m going to call it a religion just for the ease of this conversation. So part of that is to maybe remind these people that they are under the control of and part of and they owe their allegiance to this. There are different types of ceremonies that bring forth an entity. You know yourself that the Rothschilds, perhaps once a year, will form a big circle. A big heavy chair in the side is kept and then the entity will come in there and take a report from each person around the room. The other one is literally about drinking blood and two types of blood. There’s menstrual blood and there’s also children’s blood because of the chemicals that it will give. Some of that will reduce aging. Some of it is very important for some of these beings that exist in a different format within a human being, so there’s loads of different rituals, and depending on who is officiating, what the purpose is, what the star planet connection is at that time. You know the heavens is very important. So yes, absolutely it’s a fundamental part of their, not just their belief, but their control system.

BF: Okay, now is this, I mean they still seem to be in control of this planet, but they also definitely appear to be losing control of this planet. What’s your understanding of the current state of the battle for the planet Earth?

SP: Well that’s a really really good question isn’t it and I ask myself that, not every day but probably once a week, mainly when I see these rather ridiculous people writing things on the internet saying the battle is over. We’re all in the 5th dimension. Everything’s fantastic. Then I go out and I see things which just fly in the face of that. I think there’s been a huge shift away from total control, and if we go back ten or fifteen years ago the planet was in a very very very cotton-wool condition. We are now in a situation where key individuals, I’m not saying key individuals have been taken out, but what I am saying is key individuals are moving aside. Key individuals are either retiring, leaving the planet for want of a better word, or just retiring, and there aren’t the numbers coming forward to replace them because nobody wants to be the guy who gets shot at. Also there are a number of people in medium managerial positions who are now jumping ship deciding that this is not the way forward anymore. The top group are still there. They are still in control but the amount of control they have is no longer total, and if they’ve looked into the crystal ball lately they know that their days are numbered and yet like an ostrich they hope that by one more, a little bit like Adolf Hitler isn’t it, the secret weapons. Don’t worry we won’t lose the war. The Russians may be knocking at the door but we’ve got a secret weapon here, and that’s what they’re doing. They’re just hoping that something is going to come along. Rather than sit around the table and say, okay let’s negotiate this. Rather than doing that they are still going down fighting and that’s not brave. That’s just stupidity on their part.

BF: Where and who are these people and who are they?

SP: Well the majority of them are in Europe believe it or not. They’re not in America anymore.

BF: Hum.

SP: I think it was Donald Trump who said there was more evil in Europe than there was in China or Russia or anywhere else. There’s a lot of truth in that. There’s a lot of European families who can all connect to one family but they’ve all set themselves up and they have become demigods. They have actually lost touch with anything around them and they just think they rule like a king, so Europe has got a number of families. America of course has individual people now, not just groups but individuals. They’re fractured. They’re individuals, some of the major organizations that we would, like the Rothschilds we would hold up. Actually they’re looking to reposition themselves, certainly the Rothschilds, definitely trying to reposition themselves. And then of course we have a small faction of a Jewish group, maybe from Europe, not from Israel at all, as a Khazarian area who have their own vision of what the world should be like. So yes, it’s groups, but it’s also individuals now.

BF: Yeah I know that there’s one concentration of the Calabrian prince in Italy. I know Milan and Northern Italy is another and of course a lot of the trail leads to Switzerland and in particular I’ve noticed a huge complex that used to be controlled by Marc Rich in Zug, Switzerland where it seemed to be the origin of this thirty years of, you know, we’ve got a new grand type of stuff that was in all the world’s news reports for like thirty years originated from there, and that they were controlling both the Iranian and the Israeli politicians while making it look like they were, you know, mortal enemies. And they seem to be losing that plot too. What’s your take on that, I mean …?

SP: Well I’ve always said to people ask yourself why Switzerland is never invaded. Why does nobody ever declare war on Switzerland, and it’s not just because that’s where the banks are. It’s because that’s where the powerhouse is and people who are declaring war or fighting know that when they come out of a war they’re gonna, under this paradigm, they’re going to need that organization. They need the support or the cover of that organization and so that has actually almost been in a political war with Strasbourg in Europe that considers itself the country or the center of Europe. So you have these sort of interesting power plays between politicians in Strasbourg and the old blood, if we can call them that, in Switzerland. And, the puppet masters have to have some location, and I think that things are playing out now where a lot of these organizations were manipulated are now saying we don’t want to play the game anymore. The people are still there. They’re still there in their power and position, but maybe their influence is reduced dramatically. Well that’s my take on it.

BF: Yeah, I mean I did notice, okay we had a lot of royals abdicating in the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, and now in Japan, and then we had a pope quitting. What do you know about this?

SP: I used to do pictures of the pope, it was just about the old pope. It was about to give ground and I showed pictures of him and it showed how his physical body was deteriorating and changing. There are only so much things you can do to an individual like that to keep them actually taking over and working. If you are threatened with a legal prosecution or not in the typical sense have been taken to a court shall we say, but in a different form, a lot of these people are told to resign and we won’t take action against you or leave your position, because I had this on the radio show where I was saying I do understand. There are some indictments that have been opened and they’ve been acted on but not in the public eye, and I understand that but I want public involvement, because if it’s all done behind doors, there’s no confirmation for the public that the good guys are winning. It’s no good key players suddenly disappearing off the Earth as if by magic and yet, you know, people are still going to pay their taxes, they are still going to

BF: Yeah, well …

SP: … by the system. So Ben what I’m saying is, what I’m asking for when I do my radio shows to the people and to the universe at large is for people to begin to see the good guys practically taking action.

BF: I couldn’t agree more. I mean we all want to see them, you know, in handcuffs in a Nuremberg-type style tribunal, with the whole world knowing exactly what they did because otherwise they’re just gonna, you know, replace one secret controller for another secret controller and try to put on a nice face and so the sheep calm down again. I think that’s what they’re trying to do, you know.

SP: Right.

BF: That’s not gonna work this time. I agree with you. We need to really make this happen in a visual way. I was very disturbed for example, my sources were telling me that Nancy Pelosi was stopped from leaving the country because she was going to go to Afghanistan to get opium and sell it in Israel and then bring back cash and I was thinking well all right, if she is going to do that why isn’t she in handcuffs? Why is she still sittin’ there, you know, doing power plays? Why hasn’t she been put in jail, and why haven’t the American people read about this in their corporate newspapers, you know? And I know there’s many things like that. Of course we all know about the Uranium One and Hillary Clinton but somehow the public trials haven’t taken place? Why do you think that’s the case? Who’s blocking now, I mean I actually have people who can actually take action, but we need to know who exactly is the target.

SP: Right. I believe it’s about the nuclear option. I don’t mean the nuclear bomb. Once that decision is made there’s no going back on it. And, it becomes an exchange of actions. Whilst both sides are just tinkering around the edges, there isn’t a full-blown in-your-face war. There has to come a point because President Trump has only got a year left, whether he stands or not, I’m not convinced he would restand again, but he’s got one year left. If he doesn’t happen in 2019 Ben, I don’t think it’s gonna happen. I think it has to be this year because no other way will the positions of power be more equitable. In other words the balance of the power on the planet has never been so near equal as it is as we speak. There are key players who could easily be arrested tomorrow. The only reason they’re not must be that the network they control is still incredibly powerful. That network can bring down a country, not a government, but a country economically, and so I can only imagine that whoever is the good guys are still holding back because they fear the retribution once they start those actions, and that’s bad because, you know, I think of the days of the French Revolution. The French had a supposed revolution. All the rich people supposedly had their heads cut off. All their chateaus, their grand houses were taken. Then the common people got together and said we don’t have any money. I know, let’s sell all these chateaus. The only people who could buy the chateaus were the very families who had been dispossessed in the first place. So they sold the chateaus right back to those very rich people who then came back. What was the point of the revolution? It did nothing, and that’s happened time and time again on this planet, and I hundred percent share with you that there will be a vacuum created at the moment of revolution. The problem is are we ready to put a new system of government in with new individuals with no corrupt history, or is it just going to be retaken over again, so that’s my concern.

BF: You know I agree with you one hundred percent. I mean the French Revolution was one scenario where you had a lot of chaos and bloodshed and suffering before you got a new equilibrium although you know there were a lot of, you know, improvements.

SP: Yeah.

BF: I mean the metric system and all such other things came out of it, you know, but, you know but yeah, I agree with you. It’s not the ideal we want.

SP: No not at all. I mean look you’ve got the bloody President of France at the moment. He’s an ex-banker passing laws and regulations that strangle ordinary people, and he’s got no concept, you know, of how ordinary people live. Yet, this is the country that had a revolution to remove all that. So that’s what I’m saying that it’s very clever. They’re very clever and they bring it in and I still truthfully don’t understand why an organization in America that has the backing of the vast majority of the military, has the backing of maybe thirty-five to forty percent of the CIA, maybe seventy-five backing of the National Security Agency, why those people aren’t now moving against those very very corrupt American people …

BF: Yeah, I think, all right there’s a couple of things there. One is that they all agree that the current system isn’t working but they still haven’t come to a consensus as to what to replace it with, and there are several factions that are pushing, like the Chinese are saying it’s our turn to be the center of the world. We’re always the natural middle and look at all the great things we are doing with our one world, one belt thing and, you know, we have a better system. And you have the American Military Industrial Complex and one group saying we are going to do this [27:02][and get fairer], you know, the global currency reset and that’s gonna do it. And then you have the European royals saying, okay, you know, the whole plan to kill ninety percent of the population was a mistake so we are going to go with, you know, carbon taxes instead, and these seem to be the three big factions duking it out right now as far as I can tell. And, you know again, I’ve been trying to, you know, convince all the different factions that at least one thing we can all agree on is to set up a whole new agency to plan the future for this planet and finance a massive campaign, like not, you know, a trillion dollar type of campaign like the one, the Chinese one. It’s clean up, you know, the planet, to stop the destructions of the natural eco systems and, you know, to plan our future, to say what kind of planet do we want this to be? How can we make it happen? And, at least start with something like that and that can be, that can function under any of these different systems. You know, it’s not whichever faction wins, this idea still works. Well anyway that’s what I’m personally, you know, lobbying for and pushing for and I …

SP: I absolutely agree. I absolutely agree. One person that I was even talking to yesterday on Skype heading a consortium who have come up with an ability to refine petroleum and not produce any waste, no toxic chemicals, no out spilling of this and they’ve got planning commissions. They’ve been meeting senators, et cetera, et cetera. And I’m saying to them that, you know, that one of the big problems we’ve got is corporations don’t want to go into a new world where they don’t have that sort of position, but if I said you’ve got a method for producing oil with no pollution and with the profits of that you can clear landmines in Asia. With the profits of that you can build desalination plants and provide drinking water. Then these corporations just move to producing these things because they still have their corporations, but they actually produce benefit for the planet. And, you know, we can’t go from naught to sixty on this Earth. We can’t say to people who have used money all their lives and understand profit, you can’t go from that to say, “Tell you what let’s just have a little jolly little barter trade system.” They can’t do that, so we’ve got to move this planet or the people on it gently into a new paradigm of understanding sharing and being part of the world they live in. So there are issues, I’m sorry not issues, there are new initiatives out there, but they’re being squashed because they’re seen as threatening.

BF: Yes.

SP: And that’s what is changing attitude.

BF: I’ve always, you know, had the same view. For example if you are saying okay we are going to have world peace and we are gonna stop manufacturing arms, you know, some very powerful very rich people who happen to have lots of weapons are saying wait a minute you know, I’m not gonna, you know, be a homeless beggar, you know, when I’m looking at this opulent path. I’m gonna hire my goons and we are going to stop this you know.

SP: Yep.

BF: So you’ve got to say to these people, “No, no. Look, you’re going to be exploring the universe and doing other things. It will be even more profitable than selling tanks to Egyptians, you know?” And then they will go for it.

SP: Yep. I totally agree and you know it’s not realistic for these people who live in, I’m not, well I suppose I’m being disrespectful, but I call it “Unicorn and Rainbow Land.” We can’t move this entrenched position from one to the other immediately. It’s got to be through education. It’s got to be carrot and stick approach, and I’m sure there will be Nuremberg-style trials where people will walk out exonerated, absolutely, there will be people in this found not guilty. There will be people who are found that they were blackmailed into doing things, therefore they’re not really guilty. And then there will be a small hard core of people who are totally corrupt and will be found guilty. But in order to cleanse the energies, to bring a marker to this phase of humanity, and move us on to the next phase of humanity, we need this closure. Therefore there has to be some form of accountability. That’s what I believe.

BF: Yeah, and I think that a good place to start is with the 911 stuff that, you know, the World Trade Center building, because this is the sort of false flag they’ve been doing forever and getting away with it. Suddenly, you know, we found out. It’s like, well the sinking of the Lusitania was conspiracy theory until 2014 when they finally admitted actually, you know, it was filled with munitions. But now people find out, I mean they’d be aware of, sections of population finds out within hours if they carried out one of these false flags.

SP: Yes.

BF: And so their old tools aren’t working.

SP: Yes.

BF: But yeah, and so even if you get from here to there, you know, to make this happen. There’s … I think a few key groups that are negotiating. You have the Chinese and the Americans, the public part of it which is the trade talks between the Trump cabinet and the [crosstalk]

SP: Yes, yep, yep, the Trump part yeah, yeah.

BF: That’s definitely important because, you know, the Americans are bankrupt and the only way they are going to be unbankrupt is if somebody buys real stuff from them and the only people who can do that in the necessary quantities are the Chinese.

SP: Yes.

BF: So a lot of American stuff is gonna go to China and that’s gonna help them pay their bills. That’s one thing that we can see already that’s gonna happen.

SP: Sure, yeah.

BF: On another level I’m talking to people in the P2 Freemasons and I’m talking to people in the British royal family and the American, you know, military-industrial complex about getting this future planning agency started. There’s a basic agreement on all fronts as far as I can tell. Right now it seems to be that the block is originating with Pope Francis of all places, and the Jesuits and if we can get them on board, then it might happen and maybe

SP: I totally agree Ben, I totally agree. I mean some of the projects on the Earth that I would consider to be very very good for the Earth I know the Queen of England is personally funding through other sources. Oh yeah, they’re gonna make money on it but they’re actually funding projects which will benefits to the Earth and that’s how much they’ve moved. Now I am expecting Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain to be abdicating fairly soon. I expect her to abdicate quite soon and hand the baton over. You’re right about the pope. This position where he has to take orders from the Black Pope, just as there’s a black sun to our ordinary star, so this very strong satanic-type control exists.

BF: The Black Pope is really a Venezuelan, right?

SP: Yeah, yeah.

BF: It’s something to do … what do you know about what is going on in Venezuela and the Venezuelan Black Pope?

SP: Well I mean it’s very interesting isn’t it that you have a system where the military has done planning war games now, the American military. They can’t quite go to 20,000, which is the number they are going to need. It’s no good just dropping 5,000 of the 82nd airborne. That’s just not going to work. That’s a snatch operation. But, you know, from what I’ve been told, the minimum figure is 20,000 boots on the ground they’re going to need. Now it’s not just politics. They are clearly looking at a whole range of things. Venezuela has such a huge potential economy. The rare minerals and metals sitting under that country, the fact that it’s probably the 3rd or 4th or 5th largest stock exchange in the world

BF: And not to mention the world’s largest crude oil reserve.

SP: Absolutely, yeah. And of course it’s got this very interesting guy who’s like a, what do you call them, an Alabama tick, dug in strongly there. There is a lot of power play going on there, but I’m surprised that the Vatican hasn’t broken and become a total separate entity and tried to negotiate on its own behalf. That’s what surprised me. I expected the Vatican to see the ship is sinking and therefore to negotiate as a separate entity. They’re still not doing that.

BF: No they’re not. You know when I was, when I went to Italy to visit the P2. They took me around behind Saint Peters and they clearly had the run of the place, Vatican City.

SP: Yeah.

BF: And they made it very clear they worshipped the black sun and they weren’t Christians.

SP: Yeah.

BF: And there they still are.

SP: Yeah.

BF: And they seemed to think their orders came from Switzerland.

SP: But they are still in physical human bodies. They still have to exist on this planet therefore, they can be engaged with. And, you know, they’ve got to make some move. You know I, from the alien point of view. If you have a race of aliens that are really not very beneficial at all. They’re very evil, but they’re in a one-way street, and they have the technology to look ahead into the future and say we’re in a one-way street. We’re gonna hit the wall at some point. Don’t we think we should be trying to get out of this? And so this is what we are seeing, but we are not seeing in my opinion a coordinated effort. We are seeing one or two people trying to open negotiations, and their board of directors has given them the okay just to open up tentative discussions that not yet got the full authority to sit down around a table and really go for it. And, that’s what they’ve got to do. This game playing, they can’t go on with this, Ben. They have got to sit down and say right, let’s cut a deal because if you don’t they literally will be strung up and hung from lampposts. That is the way it will go in another ten, fifteen, twenty years, less than that.

BF: I would say less than that. We’ve already seen, I mean John McCain and George Bush Senior are gone and I’m pretty sure they didn’t go voluntarily and/or naturally.

SP: Yeah.

BF: And …

SP: I agree but that was all done quietly and behind closed doors. I’m talking about a time when it will not be done quietly. You know one of the things about Adolf Hitler, I know I’ve mentioned him already but it’s a very interesting way to look back. One of the things that really terrified Hitler was images of Mussolini being strung up and hung and the public kicking him and throwing things. The same thing happened to Saddam Hussein almost. Certainly to Gaddafi of Libya. So there is a history on this planet. Once a mob turn against an individual or a group, there’s no stopping them. So it is better to engage now. It’s better now to have a gentle handover surely than to keep this façade up, and that’s …

BF: Yeah and you know I’ve been pushing that saying you know, there’s a group of, you know, rational well-educated people who were part of the old system, you know, the functioning benevolent part of the old system, who want a smooth transition that’s good for everybody. And then there’s a group that just wants to lynch everybody, and then they are going to fight each other because none of them have a coherent vision of the future. Which is it going to be you know?

SP: Exactly, I mean you talk about food shortages, power shortages, that is exactly the way that’s what would happen if this place was just torn apart like that, and that is not the way to manage a planet. That’s not the way to do the best for the human race. It has to be negotiated.

BF: Yeah. There’s another thing I want to ask you about is we’re having lots of indications something’s scheduled for May. We have a new Emperor in Japan, and we have Israeli elections in April. The Prime Minister of Belgium is going to quit and he was told to wait until May. I think Japan’s Prime Minister Abe, you know he’s a brainless fool who just reads scripts but they’ll try to keep him until May because nobody wants, you know … are you hearing what some also …?

SP: I’m also hearing that there may be an election here in my country, in Great Britain in May. Now this is something that’s been talked about under the table. It’s not even made it to the newspapers, but I am seriously hearing the possibility of an election in Great Britain in May. I’m also hearing possible earth movements, some sort of earthquake or something around about that time. Now whether that’s just coincidental I just don’t know, but that’s … it seems to be that May is going to be a change of one energy to another. So yes, I’m picking that up as well Ben.

BF: But I’m also getting the feeling that it’s going to be the old regime trying to survive by offering limited reform within May and that we need to see something bigger and more radical before that time, possibly in March.

SP: That’s why I talked about the French Revolution.

BF: Yeah.

SP: I think that it is all down to the U.S. military, bottom line. That’s what it’s down to. They’re the only organization on the planet that can bring certain key individuals to answer questions and they’re strong enough to resist anything within the United States to try and spring them. If the military don’t do it …

BF: So when I first contacted the U.S. military about this stuff, they’re telling me that the private armies like Blackwater stuff that had been built up by Bush made it impossible for them at that point to do anything. And, I suggested that they, you know, align themselves with the Chinese and the Russians, and then they would have the power to do so, and as far as I can tell they are connected at that level. The military of China, the U.S., and Russia are on the same page. They’re all from this planet and they all want to protect this planet and I think they are doing it. I think it is happening. But yeah, what happened to these tribunals? They were supposed to already been started and instead they … somebody shut down the U.S. government, they cut off the funding and they bought themselves time until February 15th. You know, what’s going on there? I think there was a serious financial threat. And also it looks like the old regime, as far as I can tell, they announced the reopening of the government for three weeks the same day they announced that people weren’t going to get the tax refunds they thought they were, so it looks like they, you know, put their hands in that piggy bank to keep them going for a big longer, but it’s, you know, it’s a limited thing. They can’t go on forever. They’re bankrupt.

SP: I agree. I think what Trump, from what I’m hearing, is that Trump gave in to it because his advisors said if you order a state of national emergency now the public won’t think you’ve exhausted the diplomatic side. They’ll think it’s not right. If you go through this, you give in, you give them until the 15th of Feb, and then the Democrats still don’t come forward, then the public are much more likely to see that you have no alternative. So whatever is going to happen, that’s the thinking in his head I’m told, and he’s going to call a state of national emergency in the middle of February onward, because he feels he’s done everything he can. So there’s that one aspect. The second aspect, I don’t understand how an American military of what, one million men with national guards feels that, it’s not called Blackwater now Ben. They changed the name now.

BF: It’s called Academi and whatever. They’re not a problem at this point. I’m talking many years ago.

SP: Yeah, you’re right, but now that’s not the issue because the military could probably control seventy-five percent of the states of the U.S. obviously, easily. So, I don’t understand what the issue is. They should just get on with it.

BF: The issue is that they won’t get their paychecks.

SP: Yeah, but the thing is that …

BF: I tried to tell them. You don’t need paychecks. What you need is you need to physically, you know, occupy the main, you know, commodity transportation route to make sure everyone’s got food and the basics, and then worry about a new currency after that. I mean, you know, our ancestors came up with the story of King Midas, you know, where everything he touched turned to gold and he starved to death, right? And, you know, underneath all this financial loser is the real world—food and shelter and stuff. And that’s what you’ve got to get your hands on and the rest is superfluous.

SP: Yes.

BF: I’ve been trying to convince them this you know. Yes, go ahead and let them turn off the ATM. Just make sure you got, you know, everything, all the logistics planned for such an event, and call their bluff. Say all right we don’t need this party paper anymore.

SP: Yeah.

BF: We’re gonna do, you know, take it out of circulation and come up with something better.

SP: Hum, I think that what the bad guys did quite successfully over the last six weeks, was attack the Dow Jones. By hammering the Dow Jones making it lose 3–4,000 points, that was a deliberate threat to the U.S. military. You get so much of their black funding off the back of the Dow Jones. That was their threat, but my understanding is there’s at least eight weeks of money been stored away specifically to pay wages for the military. So they’ve got this fallback position, but again it’s because they don’t control the money man. The military does not control the money and that is the issue, and if they don’t do it in 2019 Ben, then honestly, I don’t see how they are going to do it at all.

BF: Yeah I’m not sure why they haven’t physically occupied the Federal Reserve branches.

SP: Exactly. Exactly, do away with it. I mean we know the president who did try to do it lost his life, but he didn’t have the military behind him. This guy Trump was put in by the military. Therefore, are they going back on their planning now. Have they gone chicken? Or are they really going to do something about it, so for me it can’t come soon enough. You know, the people are ready for the truth. They’re not kids. They’re not children, and let them make a decision. Stop hiding from them.

BF: Yeah, I’m not in touch I mean at this point I’m getting the feeling that it’s a little bit like the naked emperor as far as the corporate media is concerned, that nobody really believes their story about the king’s clothing anymore, you know. I mean what percent of the people are still drinking this corporate Cool-Aid. You know, I mean it’s sort of like the Soviet Union, right? At a certain point there was a collective decision, no communism is not gonna be the way of the future and then poof! It changed.

SP: Yeah.

BF: And we’re getting to that same turning point. You know the story “The Hundredth Monkey?”

SP: Yes, of course.

BF: Well that was actually, can I tell it again? It’s such a good story.

SP: Sure.

BF: It actually happens in an island off Japan where they put sweet potatoes on the beach so that the monkeys would come out to the beach and then they could watch them interact. And a young female macaque got the idea of washing her potato in the sea water and that got the sand off it and it got salt on it. And then her brother imitated her and then their mother and then some of her mother’s friends and then some of the lower ranking males started doing it. Finally the big boss make comes in, “What’s going on here?” And he says um-um, okay and they all start doing it, right? And that’s the hundredth monkey. And we’re reaching that point.

SP: Yeah but also what you’ve missed out there Ben, was that what was proven was that strangely the consciousness, they found monkeys in other locations doing it as well. Monkeys that had not physically come into contact with the original group and therefore there was absolute evidence of a group consciousness. And that’s what humanity has and doesn’t fully understand. It has a group consciousness. It has the capability to move itself from one to another if only …

BF: And that

SP: … in physical mass.

BF: Yeah actually what’s happening now is we have two competing group consciousness’s.

SP: Yeah.

BF: We have the old, you know, paradigm where there was 19 terrorists who did 911, and you know Saddam Hussein was evil and nothing to do about stealing oil, and then we have a whole new paradigm where it’s like, you know, we want to take control of the financials away from the elite and fix up the planet and we’re sort of in a like a shift and there’s two competing paradigms and the new one is getting stronger, and it’s almost ready to take over. I think, so yeah, we have a social change in the global collective consciousness, not quite there yet but we’re close and if we push we can make it happen I think.

SP: I totally agree but I know that there are only two ways this can happen. One is hundreds of thousands of people taking to the streets, which is not in their interests, because as long as the ATM machine is working, as long as they can sit and watch the football match, and as long as the store selling burgers is open, they won’t do it. So I’m afraid it’s going to fall to those people who have a higher awareness, which is the military, which are the good guys within the Secret Intel organizations. They’ve got to do it. They’ve got to do it and if they will do it the people will follow. That’s a given. The people, once the truth is known, they will be supported, but someone’s got to be brave. I did a … two years ago I did a conference just before Christmas down in the West Country here in Great Britain and one of my slides was a dark room, a door with a light coming through the door, and a woman with her hand on the door handle. And I said to the audience, “That’s the human race. The door is open. The light is coming through, but they’re terrified to step through.” So, somebody has got to step through the door, turn around and say look! I didn’t die. Come through. It’s better this side of the wall. That’s where we really are. [50:19]

BF: Interesting. I use a similar analogy with the Japanese moving class where you have this lion that’s been in a cage for so long.

SP: Right.

BF: You know the cage door is open but it’s afraid to go out of the cage you know.

SP: Exactly, Ben that’s what I said, exactly Ben, exactly.

BF: Yeah and in their case, you know, their controllers who are murdering their prime ministers and stuff aren’t in charge anymore.

SP: Yeah, yeah.

BF: You know, and the Japanese can actually, you know, they had a very good system but I came here originally to study their system because they had decades of double digit economic growth and they had the lowest gap between the rich and poor anywhere in the OECD. I came to study this system and it worked and then the American’s forcibly dismantled it, and now they’ve, you’ve had twenty–thirty years of stagnation. And the Singaporeans are still using that system and they’re rich as anybody on Earth, and the Chinese, you know, follow that system and they’ve done very well by killing ’em saying let’s, you know, we take the best practices from around the world and we use then and then we keep tweaking, based on what actually works, and let’s start fixing up this planet.

SP: Yeah, I mean you know, what always drew me to you Ben was the Intel that you had was very close to what I had, although they were coming from somewhat different sources. And to be truthful with you, when the White Dragon group can connect with some of the military in the U.S. and some of the other groups, then you’ve got this movement. I’ve spoken to both Red Dragon and White Dragon groups, not face to face. It’s been on Skype. I have to be honest. There is some coming together here, but one group is very much into profit and control and one group is much more about rebuilding, but unless across the world, different people with different languages, unless they can all find a common thread and cause a peaceful revolution, then it’s not going to be done in an organized fashion, and if it’s not done in an organized fashion, we could be throwing into the dark ages, and that’s the threat here. And the reality here is that ultimately we are all living a lie to a lesser or greater extent, and I think that the time has come where I’m personally sick of it. One of the reasons eight years ago I went public with my story was because I was just so saddened and infuriated how anything along those lines is just bottled up and kept quiet. And I thought no, people have a right to know. They have a right to do their own research and to learn. And, you know, we are being treated as slaves. We are slaves, and the public don’t accept that. They think that they’re free. They think that a slave is a black man picking cotton.

BF: Sure.

SP: And they don’t understand that it’s a very clever operation on this planet and they are paid slaves.

BF: Yeah.

SP: Then, you know, perhaps some of them are happy doing it, but most of them are not Ben, and so

BF: No.

SP: I want to see change because I just believe in fairness. That’s it.

BF: Yeah, you know I think we are going to use up an hour just discussing things for people, especially in this internet age, but I’d like to conclude by asking what you think of the idea of a Jubilee, you know one off, a write off, dissolve debt and then one off redistribution of assets, especially ill-gotten assets? It’s like a reset. It’s like if you don’t mow your lawn every one in a while, it stops being a garden. It becomes a jungle.

SP: Sure.

BF: And we need to do that with the economy. Every once in a while you have to rebalance things and right now things are sort of kilter with like 0.1 percent of the population owning more than 90 percent and that’s killing the goose that lays the golden egg even for the 0.1 percent.

SP: I agree. My daughter went some years ago on a demonstration in London. They lied about how many … there were a hundred thousand people, a hundred thousand people literally walking through London, and of a hundred thousand people there was a 30-second news, they just gave it 30 seconds on the news, and of the hundred thousand people, they took a picture of my daughter, and she was the one that appeared and her banner was “Why does one percent of the population own 90 percent of the planet?” You know what? She lost her job three days later, three days later. So, they’re very powerful, these evil groups. Now you asked what’s really important about the Jubilee, and I agree but I have one caveat. I think this exactly, and I’m up for that, but my caveat is absolutely no point in giving money to people to bring it all to balance and then let it go to rocks again. There must be education with it, so if you say to an organization, let’s just say a hospital, it’s been running on a loss. Or you say to a guy who is sleeping homeless in the street, I’m going to give you the money. You can have a new set of clothes and we’re gonna have proper food or the hospital is going to have a new scanner. If you then walk away, they’ll then just collapse back again. So there has to be an oversight. There has to be we are giving you this money.

BF: Oh yeah.

SP: Make sure you’ve …

BF: Absolutely. And this is just, you know, as I say I have studied the systems, and they’ve got, you know, the West was really good at science and really good at military-industrial warfare, but the Asians are actually better at organizing, you know, collective, you know, everybody working for the greater good.

SP: Much better.

BF: I mean even linguistically, the English, or the European word for government means [56:18][goran ment] control minds.

SP: Yes.

BF: And in Japanese it is [56:21][matsuri] which means organizing festivals.

SP: Oh I didn’t know that.

BF: Yeah and that’s a much nicer idea. I mean, you know, I’m a Westerner but still that, and I’d rather organize a festival than be in mind control …

SP: Yes there’s what I call King Solomon’s gold. Let’s just say I’m very connected to the old times. I call it King Solomon’s gold, and it’s time for that gold to come out of the caves and it’s time used to rebalance the system. Yes.

BF: Yeah and then, you know, I have been offered a chance to use the Manchu gold, which is, I’m not sure, if it’s two hundred million dollars worth, which is in the vaults in Basel, Switzerland and the use of it to start the Future Planning Agency and I’ve been lobbying everybody. Let’s do it, you know, let’s put a real here-now, concrete way to get the ball rolling.

SP: You should.

BF: And this doesn’t, you know, upset any of the existing power structures or organizations. It’s like the, when the Chinese went away from communism. They didn’t dismantle the state-owned companies. They built new stuff around them, so it wasn’t like a huge social dislocation like we saw with the fall of the Soviet Union, and we’re saying the same or to quote the Canadian marijuana farmers, let’s overgrow the government.

SP: That’s brilliant. Well listen it’s been fantastic to speak to you.

BF: Yeah.

SP: And as always we agree 100 percent.

BF: All right well let’s keep in touch and work together, and let’s, you know, use our mutual connections to make this happen.

SP: Sure, for something better.

BF: All right, well thanks for talking with me.

SP: Take care, bye-bye.

BF: Right, bye.

Transcribed by NHA Feb 2, 2019

Proofread by GSC February 27, 2109

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