
Friday, October 5, 2018

with Ted Mahr of Out of This World Radio (

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Out of This World Radio 1150

Friday, October 5, 2018

The last three months of 2018 are a crucial time for changes to be made, as time allotted for military and civil courts to run in tandem will expire in December; the accuser of Brett Kavanaugh probably experienced trauma at some point in her life which possibly compromised her testimony; chemtrails so heavy over parts of England they formed clouds, reason unclear; nuclear mud being dumped in Penarth supposedly in unused underground tunnels; Kavanaugh has lower 5th dimensional soul and is deep state but not evil; Nibiru is in our solar system in a holding position because the timeline it’s to arrive on is not yet; reason for importance of Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination; how do we realize the shift to the higher dimension; observation is made that good people are getting better, bad people are getting worse, and the gray area inbetween is disappearing; ways of getting rid of curses; who’s sending ricin to politicians and President Trump; rumored Kavanaugh helped write the Patriot Act, but it was probably written 6 months–1 year before 9/11; Major General Stubblebine says no airplanes involved in 9/11 demolition; Elon Musk has Tesla share price problems and court action problems over pedophile accusations he made against organizer of a child rescue effort; scientist says CERN is one of the greatest dangers to humanity; Democratic senator opposes FBI investigation of Judge Kavanaugh, politics at its dirtiest.


Ted Mahr: And with that I’d like to bring my good friend Simon, Simon Parkes live from England on the show. Simon how are you today?

Simon Parkes: Hello Ted, I’m very well thank you.

TM: Oh it’s good to talk to you. First off, I’m getting, I got a lot of emails, people asking me Simon how you’re feeling. Are you feeling better now?

SP: It’s really kind, I know you asked me before we started and to the audience, I’m feeling better. I probably get one of these attacks maybe once or twice a year, generally when I’ve been doing a lot of conferences, or I don’t know, if something a bit tricky is happening on the planet and I’m starting to speak out about it, and it usually knocks me down for about two weeks. So it’s been happening now. It started in about 2015, and I had one of the worst attacks was when I was meeting a guy from SETI…

TM: Oh yeah.

SP: … and we were having a discussion around his work, and that’s really sort of when it started. So, yeah I think the bad guys, what they can do is they can slow me down. They can’t stop me but they can slow me down so thank you to everybody who has sent me some sort of love and light and good wishes. I greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

TM: Well I’d like to ask all my listeners around the world to please send lots of love and light to Simon now. He’s a wonderful fellow. He’s doing great work to raise the consciousness and make this planet a much better and happier place, and if everyone listening just take a minute or a few seconds to send lots of love and light and a column of white light protection around Simon, I know it’ll really help. Wonderful thank you so much everyone for doing that. Simon we have, I have a lot of questions for you, but first off one thing that many people have asked about is the critical time that we are in right now from October, November, and December of this year that’ll determine a future course of events for the next several years. Could you, would you, I’ve got several questions that are kind of looped into, grouped into one main question.

SP: Sure.

TM: Could you explain maybe how important this is for the world?

SP: Well I’ve always seen for the last maybe five years, I’ve always thought that 2017 and 2018 were crucial periods. I did not foresee President Trump, but then I didn’t foresee Hillary Clinton throwing her hat into the ring, but I always foresaw ’17 and ’18 as important, and as the presidency of Trump developed and we saw what was going on, it became clear to me that the element of time where changes could be brought about was becoming tighter and tighter, and one of the major drivers of time here is that the bill that went through the law-making apparatus in America ended last year, beginning of this year. In fact it was December, allowed military courts and civilian courts to run in tandem, but that was only live for one year. So that runs out in about December of this year, which means that it would not be possible to go down the military court, military tribunal route in January, because traditionally the United States of America at midterm elections always a vote against the incumbent president or nearly do so. So if as is expected the Democrats win the house but just fail to take the Senate, it would mean that it would probably be impossible to put the tribunals through for next year. So that meant that October, November, and December of this year were crucial because it is the last remaining three months that anything of a large nature can occur, and I’m sure we’ll get on to it, but if we look at the game—I’m going to use that word—the game that is played out around the Supreme Judge, we begin to understand how important these three months are to both sides. The amount of—I’m going to use an English word but it is actually an Irish word—the shenanigans, the games that are being played are only being played at this high level of stake because the next three months are important. So yes, if I get or as soon as I get any information as to anything untoward or worrying that might be occurring in the next three months, then obviously I’ll let people know.

TM: The accuser… okay thanks so much Simon. The accuser of Judge Kavanaugh is a lady, I don’t know too much about her, but I have had several psychic friends who are familiar with the mind control techniques of MK-Ultra. They say… they said from her testimony it seems like she is an MK-Ultra victim, who was with the vague memories that can’t come out with specific details about what happened to her. You know I’m not condoning what may or may not have happened of course, but because she is so vague on the details they thought she might have been implanted with false memories to come forward now.

SP: I deliberately didn’t listen to her statement, and that might shock people. I’m very visual. I pick up the energies from my visual work, and I had a good look at her, and I came to the conclusion that at some point in her life she had been through trauma.

TM: Okay.

SP: Now when an individual, a victim is the correct word here, when a victim goes through an MK-Ultra-type program, they certainly go through trauma. But you could be in an auto crash. You could fall off a ladder. You could get trauma.

TM: Sure.

SP: So I don’t know what’s caused that trauma, but when I look at her, I’m absolutely convinced that there’s been trauma. I know both sides are playing hardball. You know, both sides are absolutely determined either to get Kavanaugh into position or to stop him. And the only reason that both sides are so determined is because the next three months are not just crucial for humanity but are very crucial for the elite, because if it does not go the way the elite want, they’re in a real difficult situation. Now that’s why they are throwing everything into this. So I would agree that the, I think she’s a doctor (PhD) or a professor I believe.

TM: Right.

SP: I believe that she has suffered trauma at some point in her life.

TM: Right, right. Well I hope for the sake of the country that this process is wrapped up quickly before the end of the year, and I agree with you. I think this is a very pivotal time. There was a post on Facebook and I wanted to run it by you too before we get to our questions Simon, that the skies over the UK were just inundated with many many chemtrails about three weeks ago. And, even people who were kind of asleep and didn’t realize there were chemtrails looked up and couldn’t help but see them everywhere. Did you notice that as well, Simon, in your part of the country, or was it over London or other parts of the UK?

SP: Nearly every part of Great Britain was subject to the most horrendous chemtrailing, and I’m not clear as to what was important, whether it was something to do with planetary alignments, whether it was something to do with a weather pattern that was clearing previous sprays over Britain, but for a reason that I don’t understand, it has never been that bad and I’ve been aware of it what, for ten or fifteen years, and the people I’ve spoken to have never seen it like this. I mean I’ve got some pictures. I haven’t had a chance to put them up on… because it wasn’t just in Britain, but parts of America were also being hit at the same time, and somebody sent me some pictures which I’ve not yet put up. It was so bad in this particular location, so bad that no longer could you see chemtrails. They actually formed clouds. They actually formed clouds. So the question for me is why?

TM: Right.

SP: What was critical at that point, and I haven’t got an answer to that yet, but yes it’s been horrendous, terrible.

TM: Yeah. Yeah. We’ve had a lot of chemtrails of course around here, and especially in eastern Washington. They have been spraying it like every other day back there. It’s so bad that the point where there were a lot of newborn babies dying as a result. They were born stillbirth because of the barium and strontium in the mother’s system from all the chemtrail spraying. I know when I was living in eastern Washington years ago I got a… I ended up getting, like it was like a chemtrail-like pneumonia or bronchitis that went on for eight to ten months, and it only got better when I left the area, so it’s quite serious. I just… you know on that note I have to ask you… there’s another story too out of the UK people have asked me about. It’s in a place called Penarth, P-E-N-A-R-T-H. Forgive me if I’m not pronouncing it correctly, but on September 11th last month 200… 2,000 tons of nuclear mud was dumped off. It was outside Bristol. I saw it on the map and apparently they’re moving radioactive mud or waste from one part of Wales to this part near Bristol. Have you hear about that happening Simon? Just curious if you’ve heard, what background of that?

SP: Yes. That part of the world, the southwest of England has a very interesting history. Right back over a hundred, two hundred years, because of the type of rock under some parts of that location, it’s relatively easy to bore tunnels and create tunnels. And starting from the major wars that we had, these bases or these tunnels were built. About twenty odd years ago, twenty-five years ago the most incredible excavation was being undertaken there and many, many, many tons of concrete were being poured down. Now as an aside to this I had gone down to a place which is called Aust or Orst, right off the coast by the bridge, and it’s a good place for fossils and I actually went down there for fossils. And the place is crawling, all of that southwest England, that location is crawling with private security firms. In Great Britain it’s not like America where you have that group called Blackwater. I don’t know what their name is now.

TM: Right.

SP: But in America there are large numbers of private security firms. In Britain it’s not like that but in this location there was a great number, and I remember walking back and there were two guys, well just walking along the road with walkie-talkies, and as I passed one guy turned to the other and said, “That’s Simon Parkes.”

TM: Oh, really.

SP: And they both stared, two private security guards and they both stopped and stared at me. I went to the car and then a van pulled up and they jumped into the van and off they went. But that location, all that area is very high, high, high number of private security firms. Now what I understand is that there’s miles and miles and miles of tunnels here and what I’m hearing is that a section of that which is no longer needed is going to be used to take this waste because it’s not near water-bearing rocks, and there’s very, I don’t know how many feet thick of concrete, but basically the section that they’re not using for whatever, they are gonna use to dump and hold the stuff. So that’s exactly what’s going on.

TM: Oh amazing. I have to tell you briefly Simon of an experiment that Dr. Masaru Emoto did back in 2010. He took a bottle of radioactive water from a nuclear reactor in Japan. I believe it was in 1999 and he wrote the words “love and gratitude” on the bottle itself. And he also put a crystal that was formed by the words “love and gratitude” that he does research in his laboratory, and so as an experiment Simon, he photographed the radioactive water using his electron microscope before doing prayers and after he did these prayers. Before the prayers it looked like a bunch of worms. The water looked disjointed and all the molecules were all broken apart, and so he wrote “love and gratitude” on this bottle of radioactive water and forty-eight hours, guess what happened?

SP: I’m just trying to think.

TM: Okay.

SP: Forty-eight hours is not a very long time.

TM: No.

SP: Maybe he began to see some improvement.

TM: Well what happened is that because water has memory, and water always gravitates to the higher vibration, all the radiation disappeared, completely disappeared within forty-eight hours. It was gone. So if you would extend that one step further, if the people who are dumping all this radioactive mud off of Bristol, if they just wrote the words “love and gratitude” on their ship or on the containers holding this mud, the radiation should theoretically dissolve, gone in forty-eight hours, and… in theory.

SP: Well I think it would only work if the intention was behind the words.

TM: Sure. Sure.

SP: And the other thing, I’m sorry to interrupt you, Ted. I didn’t mean to be rude and interrupt you, but what I was going to say is that there aren’t many races that are capable of doing this. To my knowledge most of the 4th dimensional races have to use a technology to clean up poison spills. They can’t do it in connecting to Source or God. They have to do it via technology. But because humans are divinely created and have the potential connection to the twelfth and higher dimensions, it is possible as you quite rightly said to alter physical state by the will of your intention and the peace and love, but most alien beings have to use their advanced technology to clear stuff up, and that’s one of the reasons that off planet entities are so interested in humans, because of the connection to Source, which humans have, but many of these aliens just don’t have.

TM: Interesting, interesting. Well I’m bringing on a fellow during the first of my next hour actually who has a daily meditation of nearly 500,000 people worldwide for world peace and I

SP: That’s a lot

TM: Yeah he’s a wonderful fellow. If you would like to stay on and listen to him you are welcome, Simon.

SP: Thank you.

TM: His name is Jared Rand, and he’s a wonderful fellow and anyway I want to do a meditation with him to clean up the radiation around the UK in that area, but we will do that at the beginning of the next hour, so, but I know it worked, and with Dr. Emoto he had the scientific results to prove it as well. And, well I’ve gotten a lot of questions in for you Simon and I…

SP: Okay let’s… and I promise not to spend too long answering them. Then we can get through them quickly.

TM: Okay. All righty. Really love your show. Hello Ted, I have two questions for Simon. Did you say that Judge Kavanaugh is a 5th dimensional being, that he is a “good guy,” but is he part of the deep state? I hope he is of benevolent nature. That’s the first one.

SP: Okay, so let me quickly answer that one Ted.

TM: Okay.

SP: Otherwise I’ll forget.

TM: Right.

SP: So first of all the soul in his body is 5th dimensional. I would actually put him at the lower 5th and I’d put him as having a soul from Andromeda. Is he part of the deep state? He is in the sense that he is involved in politics, but he’s not a Satanist. He’s not a pedophile. He’s not a child trafficker, so he’ll get my vote simply because he’s stayed away from all that other horrible stuff.

TM: Sure, okay that’s good. Thank you for explaining that. She writes, this is Bonnie from Philadelphia, she writes I’m hearing more about Nibiru, the dwarf star. Has it entered our solar system? And when it decides to leave our solar system, she writes, are great storms on the horizon for us? Do you have a timeline for this? And then she gets in, she says we need to stock up on food and supplies for three or four months. Anyway, that’s what she asks, so...

SP: Okay, I believe it has entered the solar system, but it’s a controlled, it’s a controlled object, so it can go faster, slower, or it can stop. And my understanding is that it’s holding its position. The reason it’s holding its position is because the timeline which it is supposed to arrive on is not yet. It is not just going to turn up by chance. Its arrival will coincide with a number of other happenings on the planet and so we should understand that any arrival of Nibiru or Planet X is just to be seen as another element of things unfolding for the Earth. I do not foresee any serious cataclysm or any serious disaster to the Earth because of its arrival. I think it’s always advisable to have a few weeks’ worth of food and water. I think that just absolutely makes sense, not just because of Nibiru, but you know, you could have a power station go down. You could have anything happening. So I always say to people regardless of whatever the situation, it pays to have a few weeks’ worth of food. We can’t all be preppers. We can’t all be stocked up for a six months or a year or two years, but it’s worthwhile just keeping a few weeks supply, just in case. Yeah, I agree.

TM: Sure, absolutely. Absolutely. Here’s a related question, a short question, a statement and then a question following it. This is Fred in Arizona. He writes, he says that he has heard that there are 55,000 sealed indictments currently in the judicial system in the United States. Many of these indictments are for pedophilia, a lot of crimes against humanity perpetrated by the elite of the United… the dark elite of the United States, and he writes that is this why Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination is so important, because we need a, Mr. Trump needs a Supreme Court that will validate these indictments. Is that the reason for the battle for his seat at the moment?

SP: And it’s the reason why the very nasty people have done everything they can to prevent him. Never before in the history as far as I, and I’m not an American but I am a student of American history, and I can’t ever find any case where there’s been such a take against a judge. I can’t find anywhere in the United States history where it’s been like this. And there has to be a reason. And the reason is that I originally was told of 20,000 indictments, and then I was told it was up to 40,000, and I did struggle to accept that because of the personnel hours required to draft and legally watertight, 40,000, I know you’ve got the figure 55,000 but this is a few months back. It was a few months back when I was it was told at 40,000, so I had a meeting with an employee of the American Embassy based in Britain, and that person seemed to confirm that at that stage there were forty-odd thousand indictments, which I was surprised at because you need a small army to create that. Now were told it’s fifty, fifty-odd thousand. Now I’ve got no secondary evidence on that. What I have accepted, it was at 40,000. So if it was at 40,000 six months ago, which it was, it could well be at 55,000. I just want to add a point to this, that this is not just about Americans living in America. These documents and the law behind them has been very cleverly or very carefully written and does apply to American citizens living in other countries. That’s a very important point to make because there are a number of very bad people who have fled the United States. Oh sure, they didn’t disappear and run off, they moved house, or they decided to retire so they’ve gone to Switzerland or New Zealand, or a number of other countries. Well these indictments will take effect because these people are American nationals and they cannot be protected by the government of the country they’re currently living in. Now when people understand that, then you would begin to understand why there is a huge determination to prevent Judge Kavanaugh taking his position because it’s got nothing to do with Republicans and Democrats. It’s got nothing to do with Liberals and Conservatives. It’s got everything to do with President Trump and this other group. So Kavanaugh will give President Trump a majority of one, literally a majority of one. So can you imagine indictments being opened and there are some household names. Trump was… no way was Trump gonna do this unless he had the majority of one. That’s why the other side are—I’m going to use the word hell bent—hell bent on Kavanaugh taking the position because the game’s up.

TM: Sure.

SP: It is as you said Ted, an incredibly exciting time. It’s also a very dangerous time. Thank you.

TM: Well I hope people listening today, especially those Americans listening here in the United States, which is still a great country, to see through the mass media and determine the truth for yourself, and about what’s going on. Here’s a woman, Dr. Ford, who suddenly after thirty-six, forty years, suddenly comes forward with allegations of assault from this gentleman, and she can’t remember most of the details. Her memory is hazy. Actually there was a clip played on our radio station here just during, just before we came on from her about how horrible Judge Kavanaugh was, so I hope people will look through the, read through the lines as to what’s really going on. Any rate we have some other questions, Simon. This is Ulrich from Germany, and he says hello to you. He said that he had a session with you back in May of this year, the man with the gong.

SP: Ah okay.

TM: You probably remember the man with the gong, and he’d like to ask how do we realize the shift to the higher dimension? What are the qualities in the physical senses—taste, feelings—and will the world look the same around us? With best regards, Ulrich from Germany.

SP: Well we will still have a physical body. We will still have a heart, and a liver, and kidneys, et cetera, et cetera. And we will still need to eat food, and this is something that people perhaps forget. They believe that when they move up to a higher realm they can live off light. No you can’t, not in the 5th dimension. We need to consume food. So that aspect is not going to change, but the real question is how do I recognize it? And the point is that you will recognize it because the world will change around you and the people around you will change. What I’m expecting to see is a reduction of 4th dimensional energy. For those people who are advancing, evolving, the 4th dimensional control will drop away, and those individuals will find themselves with more and more freedom, more freedom in action and less controls around them, and it will be very obvious to you, very obvious. So yes, you will see a difference but please don’t think that you can just give up your normal routine in terms of drinking water and eating food. That has to stay. In fact, that stays up to the 6th dimension. It only begins to drop off after the 6th dimension, and you go into the 7th dimension then the type of physical body that we understand begins to change.

TM: Oh fascinating. Thank you so much for, I’ve actually been asked that question before, Simon…

SP: Okay.

TM: …so thank you so much for explaining that. I don’t know if this has happened to you but people who are negative have been dropping out of, have dropped out of my life during the past year or two. And sometimes I think people are evolving spiritually and they’re leaving people that they’ve known. We’re all developing at different rates here on this planet. Have you had the same thing happen to you as well? Simon do you…

SP: I tell you what I have noticed and what I am noticing is that, and I’ve said it now for about two-and-a-half years. This is very arbitrary but the good people are getting better and the bad people are getting worse. What we had was a gray area in the middle. That is going, and those people who are choosing to stay in the negative, they’re choosing to remain. They’re becoming more obvious. They’re becoming more outspoken. They’re becoming more in your face, and they’re becoming more unpleasant. There is a real divide and people who are on a spiritual path are, we’re shocked by the downright nastiness of people, which we haven’t seen before. This is quite a new thing. Basically as we evolve, as the planet’s vibration rises, there are a substantial group of people who choose not to rise with it, so they get left behind so those people who are evolving, metaphorically speaking, you look over your shoulder, these people are miles behind you, and that they’re right down the corridor, and you don’t recognize them anymore because they’re just, their intent, their energy is just not, is just not what you want, so bad people are becoming more obvious. They’re more out in the open, and they are basically being corralled. Now those people who are spiritual and evolving, you are moving upward. You’re not being corralled. You’ve got freedom. So, it’s still difficult because we’re rubbing shoulders with these people, but how can I put this? You might spend five years going to work, getting in the elevator and there’s a person next to you that, you know, you don’t really like and he’s not that good, and now that person is so horrible that everyone is ostracizing him. Everyone is keeping away from him. He’s got his own work station. No one goes near him. Nobody offers to make him a cup of coffee. Nobody offers to get him a donut when they go. That’s what’s happening, and this negative group is becoming more obvious, but as a result of that they are becoming more dangerous. So that’s my answer.

TM: Interesting. Thank you for sharing that Simon. As always, it’s always interesting to hear your viewpoint on that. That’s happened actually in several instances to me this year. I’ve also had a group of questions that come in about how do you get rid of a curse, a family curse, from a previous life or that was done by what I guess you would call them a witch doctor or an evil spirit, so…

SP: Okay, right. That’s a heck of a difficult question to answer, not because I can’t but because I’ve got to explain a bit. In the 4th dimension there are a whole range of energies. They’re not the same energy with different names. For instance voodoo-ism is not the same as black magic.

TM: Okay.

SP: Now remember that black magic isn’t evil. Black magic just means occult, which means hidden magic. A good person makes good magic. A bad person makes bad magic. Now curses can be from a whole range of objects. The guy who broke into Tutankhamen’s tomb…

TM: Right.

SP: …the curse on the stones, and he got a curse from that. You could have a witch doctor stick pins in a doll. You get a curse from that. You could get a whole range of stuff, so to answer the question, it depends not who has put the curse on you, but what their energy background is, what their discipline is, where they’re coming from. So to counter that negative curse, one has to understand what the curse is and what its history is. There are a whole range of tools that we can use to counter it. I would say of the clients I speak to a good three-quarters of them are dealing with not a curse, but something from the interdimensional space between the 3rd and 4th dimension, and some of them are curses because somebody has been paid to send one of these rather nasty little spirits to make a life difficult, so I can’t really give you a specific answer because every different type of curse requires a different kind of antidote, but they are possible. Remember what one man or one thing can do, another man or woman can undo.

TM: Thank you. Okay, thank you so much for sharing that Simon.

SP: Pleasure.

TM: We’ve had in the news here recently reports of envelopes of ricin or poison being sent to various government officials here in America. You know who might be behind that? Is that part of the desperate push to stop this, the ascension process?

SP: Well President Trump got some to the White House. I mean senators and didn’t the governor as well? A state governor got one. What I, I did look into this. I do follow your happenings very closely. I couldn’t see the pattern. Yes I expect Trump to get it and senators, but there was one person there, I won’t say who it was, that was out of the pattern. There was one chap there who I didn’t understand why he’d received it and so I couldn’t be sure who was behind it. They, I believe the FBI has arrested a guy, but the question really is what’s behind him, who’s behind him and what it’s all about, and I don’t have any more information on it because this is a very primitive attempt to do something, so I’m not sure whether it’s a deep state or whether it’s just somebody who is just off his head.

TM: We had just after 9/11, this reminds me of what happened back on September 11th, 2001, Simon. In this country right aft—within I think 24 hours of the 9/11 event, President Bush and Vice President Cheney already had what they called the U.S. Patriot Act, which was probably three, four, five thousand pages long ready to submit to Congress, and there was one man Tom Daschle in the Senate I believe who stood up against them and started asking questions, and he received an envelope of poison anthrax send to his office. I think that was meant to silence him, but this recent attempt to poison some of, President Trump and other government officials reminds me of that of what happened back then as well.

SP: I think it was Judge Kavanaugh in his statement was saying that he was, obviously as a judge, he was called in to give some help, and just after 9/11 he was saying it was very very busy in the White House in the Oval Office, it was really busy. He said there were probably five judges and this is the five, and I believe him, you know. My point is not to say this, but my point is I’m sure there were five judges, but there’s no way five judges in the space of a few days could have brought out the Patriot Act. And the truth is that that document had been written six months to a year prior to that. That document was already written. Now I want to just bring on this point because it’s really, for me it’s very important.

TM: Sure.

SP: I posted on my website, simonparkes dot org. ( a short interview with Major General Stubblebine.

TM: I was just going to ask you about that. I have it opened in my computer. That was my next question. So you’re… you must be psychic. You’re one step ahead of me, Simon. Go ahead.

SP: I don’t know that I’m one step ahead of you, probably we walk together down the sidewalk.

TM: Right.

SP: Major General Stubblebine, retired major general. To my knowledge he is the highest ranking member of the elite. Of course he’s an elite. He’s a major general. The highest ranking member of the elite to actually say that airplanes did not strike the towers. An airplane did not crash into the Pentagon. Now why in the name of the good Lord isn’t every newspaper in America publishing this and saying here is a major general saying that the two towers were not brought down by an airplane. He categorically says airplanes did not crash into the two towers, and he categorically says it was not an airplane that crashed into the Pentagon. Now here is absolute proof, and what’s happening is that these people now who have been silenced for so long are now coming out. It’s not the first time Major General Stubblebine has said things like this but he does it in… it’s an interview with a Japanese or Chinese gentleman, and, you know, it should be all over the world. It should be the front pages but the nasty evil elite who still, still threaten, cajole, frighten, blackmail, and control the machinery of government and the private sector are stopping this.

TM: And who attack you too.

SP: What more do the American people need?

TM: Right.

SP: One of the greatest patriot chaps, a major general is telling you guys in the U.S. that the Twin Towers were not brought down by an airplane. And that’s a genuine video and please watch it on my website. Thank you.

TM: And that story is not on any of the front page news of any paper in the United States. I’d be surprised. I don’t think it is. That’s what my spirit friends tell me, so.

SP: But this is the worry. This is the worry Ted that the system is still sewn up by the bad guys.

TM: Right.

SP: That control system, I mean I keep hearing, oh, you know, we’re nearly free and it’s not true yet. If we were nearly free, we’d have a real free press, and in actual fact in the interview that is posted on my website, he actually says we don’t have a free press. So this major general actually says in the interview we don’t have a free press. And what he says is free press costs money, and he’s really talking about blackmail here, saying how people are being blackmailed. It’s very important detail. It’s only five minutes. Please find five minutes of your time. It’s one of your great military leaders. He was the guy who, when he was in charge, his job was to detect enemy movements. His job was to look at intelligence, so he was up there in the White House with the Bush administration. So, you know, what more, what more has to be done before ordinary people get the truth, and this is what’s so frustrating Ted.

TM: Right. Right. Well I, that’s why I started my radio program five years ago Simon because the truth wasn’t getting out there.

SP: Yeah.

TM: And people want the truth and that’s why so many people are listening to my show today, and it’s growing. It’s the fastest growing metaphysical spiritual radio program in the world, but it’s because people want the truth. They’re sick and tired of getting garbage.

SP: Yes.

TM: And this is a time of truth, so I appreciate you so much for sharing that. I will try to play a little bit of that, of his interview through the next hour or perhaps a week from today. But… and along those lines we talked about the 55 or the 50,000, 40,000 sealed indictments. Was it you who told me that a lot of the names of the people in those indictments will be household names, because I saw also on your website simonparkes .org, Simon a story about Elon Musk and being, let me look it up here, about being, him being, oh arrested or charged with pedophilia.

SP: No, no. No, no. No Ted, he’s been charged, he was charged with corruption…

TM: Oh, okay.

SP: …because he tried to swing the share price on Tesla. He made a statement that he had done some deal with some sheikh in an oil country, some Saudi Arabian oil deal, which then proved to be not real. But what he’s done is he’s, there were some children who were trapped under water in a cave, and the guy who was the expert was organizing a rescue, and Elon Musk wrote to this guy and said I’ve got a little mini submarine. Would you like to use my submarine to rescue these children? Now the organizer said I think you’re just doing this as a publicity stunt. I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you. This is to Elon Musk. And, I don’t want your submarine, at which point Elon Musk then accused this guy of being a pedophile. This guy then started a legal court action against Elon Musk. Now that’s the one to follow. What I also said on my website was that Elon Musk, it looks to me like he’s had a nervous breakdown a few weeks ago. The trouble is, Tesla cars, nobody else wants his job. He’s the chief executive. He’s the CEO. Nobody else wants to step into his shoes, so I can’t see the man lasting much longer. I really can’t.

TM: Okay, okay, interesting, interesting Simon. Well thanks for sharing that. You also had another post on your website, a fascinating website at simonparkes .org about how artificial intelligence in the CERN collider were threats to this planet, that they could leave the planet in a smoldering mass. I’d love your follow-up on that. That’s on your website.

SP: It’s a bit like Major General Stubblebine. We had a really learned professor, a guy of science who had just broken ranks, and just come out and said look one of the greatest threats facing the Earth is some of the reactions that could occur when CERN is activated. It could create one of these sort of super black holes, which could basically burn the Earth to a cinder. Now you would laugh at this if it appeared in the “Marvel” magazine, but this is a regular scientist who has gone through a regular university and, you know, established his credentials, and what we’re seeing is we are seeing people breaking ranks and warning about the technology, which up till now science has said it’s perfectly safe and perfectly okay, but we are getting warnings. I mean, you know, there have been other people in the past who have warned that the activities of CERN are not really fully understood, even by the scientists who operate them, and as a result of that, it could have a very bad negative effect. So it’s important because this isn’t some 16-year-old kid writing something attacking CERN or me, right? This is a scientist, a guy highly respected who’s coming out and saying I think CERN is one of the greatest dangers to humanity.

TM: Amazing. That’s amazing. That’s amazing. Simon we’ve got about five minutes left and I wanted to tell you that because I wanted you to feel free to talk about anything you like or expound on anything you mentioned during this hour to wrap up your wonderful interview today.

SP: Oh thank you Ted. It’s always very kind of you. I just go back to the politics because that’s interesting. I’m sure that most people just fall asleep when they were watching what was going on, but maybe not because it’s so exciting, but I thought there was one interesting point that’s not really been understood, and that is that… and the media didn’t understand it and some people didn’t understand it and even the commentators didn’t understand it. When Judge Kavanaugh was being questioned and when this other lady was being questioned, because of the nature of what she was alleging, it was quite likely that the Senate wouldn’t appoint Kavanaugh, because there were people who could, you know, there was one Democrat I think who voted the other way and one Republican who voted the other way.

TM: Right.

SP: But at that point before the vote was taken it wasn’t clear. So what the media is saying is that this Republican senator broke ranks and decided that, you know, he would only vote for Kavanaugh if the FBI were brought in. And you know, that’s the way it’s been sold, as the Republican senator who cracked under pressure, et cetera, et cetera. It’s all nonsense, total nonsense. As the debate was going along, it was becoming obvious that the Republican senators needed a stick to sit on. They needed a prop. They needed something to lean on, so that the machinery was brought in. Tell you what, we’ll give the FBI one week to do due diligence, find out what’s going on, and the understanding of that, then the FBI as report will say one way or the other so at this stage we feel more confident in voting for Kavanaugh because we’re also saying we’re authorizing the FBI. That had nothing to do with one senator breaking ranks. This came right from Trump. This was all organized. Now that’s exciting in itself, but here’s what’s more exciting. You’ll find it on the records if you look on that day. One Democratic senator, it was a woman, said along the lines that well what’s the point of bringing the FBI in? We won’t know any more than we know now. Now that’s dynamite because how dare she prejudge a police investigation. So basically this Democratic senator was saying, well there’s no point in bringing the FBI in because it won’t change anything. How does she know that? How could she possibly know that the FBI couldn’t find it, which tells me that there was something very nasty going on.

TM: Sure.

SP: And the point is that they didn’t want the FBI investigation because it wouldn’t give them what they wanted. They wanted to stop Kavanaugh there and then. So this is politics at its dirtiest, but we’ve got to hang on in there because October, November and December are the three most important months. And if Kavanaugh is in post, there’s every chance that we will move humanity to the next stage.

TM: Um-hum, Um-hum.

SP: Thank you Ted. Thank you for hearing me.

TM: Oh wonderful. I just downloaded the audio of Major [General] Stubblebine about no plane hit the Pentagon and I’ll play a clip of that during my next hour, but yeah.

SP: Great.

TM: But anyway Simon you’re welcome to stay on if you like. We have Zorra from the Hollow Earth coming on next hour along with Jared Rand doing a meditation for world peace. But I know it’s late there in England. I don’t want to keep you up real late, but…

SP: Ted, Ted I love your show. It is late here. Remember there’s lots of hours difference between you guys and me here.

TM: That’s true.

SP: I’m delighted always because you have a fantastic audience. It’s probably the most spiritual radio show on the planet, so I’ll say good night to you and God bless.

TM: All right Simon, thanks so much for coming on. Please stay tuned everyone for our next hour.

[end of Interview, 54:48, 1st hour]

Transcribed by GSC October 07, 2018

Proofread by JB October 11, 2018

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