
Ted Mahr on Friday, April 6, 2016

with Ted Mahr and Michiko Hayashi of Out of This World Radio (

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Out of This World Radio 1150 in Bellevue, Washington

Friday, April 6, 2018

Simon discusses remote viewing White House during Obama occupancy and finding a Grey in a room beneath the White House who was not happy about being viewed; the seduction by Bitcoin; gold-backed Yuan vs. the petrodollar; Wilbur Allen’s photos of UFOs on White House lawn; extradimensional 4D creatures who enter 3D are stuck here because CERN can’t open a portal to 4D; true 3D ETs can leave Earth in spaceships; nonhuman groups here had huge technological advantage over Earth governments so Earth stalled for time to develop defense technology i.e., Reagan’s Star Wars; blatant mind-controlling ads with AI/borg-looking humans is indirect way of destroying humanity; President Trump hints at disclosure; five–six and counting attempts on President Trump’s life since he’s taken office; differences between U.S. military branches; extraterrestrial technology: thinking helmet, pilot’s chair, head-up display; Reptilians are psychic mind readers; Hitler wanted nuclear reactor found in crashed UFO to power aircraft and America wanted it to make bombs; government needs to shift from controlling to enabling people; 2012 shift has quickened pace of ascension/evolution; battle between good and evil will continue in the future; many shooting atrocities being played out because of secret small government operating separately outside of control of established democratic governments; Questions: requests advice for Native Americans; Russian investigation nonsense; timeline for Earth changes; amount of time Cabal has left.

Ted Mahr: Hello friends, this is Out of This World Radio with your host Ted Mahr broadcasting live from the studios of KKNW on 1150 AM from Bellevue just outside Seattle here in the United States. The purpose of this program is to raise consciousness and make this planet a much better and happier place and I know that with everyone’s help we can and will make this Earth a much better place. I want to thank everyone so much for listening today. Out of This World Radio is one of the most popular talk shows in the 3.1 million Seattle area and the fastest growing metaphysical and spiritual radio program in the world with over 160,000 listeners in over 70 countries and I want to thank everyone so much today for listening and for their beautiful support. Out of This World Radio is a nonprofit program supported entirely by donations and for those who would like to donate please go to the donate button at the upper righthand corner of the program web page at triple w dot Out of This World 1150 dot com ( and just click on it. I really appreciate your help and support because I know together we can create a much better and happier world.

[Simon Interview Starts at 7:07]

With that I’d like to bring in my good friend Simon Parkes from England. He is coming to us live outside London. Simon are you there?

Simon Parkes: Hello Ted, yes I’m here.

TM: You know this is amazing technology. Everytime you are on my show Simon it’s like you’re right next door. I mean you’re right in the same studio. It’s very, very clear.

SP: Well I might be mightn’t I?

TM: Have you mastered, you probably do remote viewing don’t you? Are you able to bilocate?

SP: I do remote view. My very first remote view wasn’t very happy. I thought I would remote view the White House and I did and I didn’t realize that there were so many underground rooms under the White House and I found something there that of course was rather frightening.

TM: Oh no.

SP: So that was my very first remote view.

TM: Did, did what, well I probably shouldn’t ask you what you found but…

SP: No I’m happy to say, no it’s fine. This was during the Obama Presidency and I found a small Grey writing on a blackboard with a piece of chalk and very interestingly enough this being was writing not as we write from left to right. This being was writing from bottom to top and from right to left, so on the chalkboard with a piece of chalk if you can imagine, started at the bottom of the chalkboard working up and then moving down to the bottom and from right to left it was very interesting and then it was very cross that I was watching it, so, you know, I didn’t go back there again.

TM: You know there was a Twilight Zone episode, I don’t know if you remember this or not Simon back in the late fifties, and these aliens had visited the White House, a very interesting show and they had presented a book to the then U.S. president called To Serve Man, and they looked like tall Greys and they had these big heads and the big black eyes and everything, and at the very end of the episode it said To Serve Man actually was a cookbook, and everybody thought that they were the greatest thing since sliced bread helping out man but it’s actually, and the last scene is the scientist who discovered that it meant To Serve Man was a cookbook for humanity, for different recipes for cooking humans and he was on this transport back to the home planet, but I always thought about that. I didn’t know whether you were able to decipher what he was writing but maybe it was meant to be to serve man, I’m not sure, but…

SP: That’s new. I hadn’t heard that one no. That’s new and for me but sadly probably more truth in it than not.

TM: Sure, sure, of course the Greys are a robotic species genetically altered by the Reptilians to serve their purposes and I know that there has been a lot of interference in our free will and in our government especially the U.S. government for many years by the Reptilians and the Greys so it’s interesting you saw that there and I take it you haven’t been back there since.

SP: No I chose not to because there wasn’t actually a great deal to learn. I suppose what I gained out of it was that under the Obama Presidency there certainly were Greys operating under these vaults, and interestingly enough the corridors were guarded by American soldiers. Now as a British person I’m not very good with American uniforms and if any of your listeners get any news they could write in to you. These Americans wore white metal hats and they had white gloves and a white band, or the gun they carried the rifle in front of them and not at an angle but actually in front of them, and so you know it’s like a stick you hold straight in front of you but they were almost as if they had come off a parade ground, and I’ve never seen anything like that, but there may be one of your listeners who is maybe a Vet or ex-military and might be able to tell you what that uniform, what that is.

TM: Well let me give out an encrypted email service so people can write there in confidence. It’s Out of This World 1150 @ (, which is an Icelandic email account. You are welcome to write that or Out of This World 1150 @ gmail dot com (, but if anybody out there listening today does know what those are please send me an email in confidence and I’d love to hear more about that. Well you know this is the cutting times we live in Simon, we saw the rise of the Bitcoin go way up and then way down twice actually in October and a couple of months ago, and you actually predicted, I remember reading on the Internet on the web that you predicted that this would correct down.

SP: Yes I did.

TM: What do you see for the future of Bitcoins and more importantly the fiat currencies for this planet?

SP: I see a very poor end for Bitcoin, but I do see a very big success for the majority of other cryptocurrencies but Bitcoin paved the way for everything else but what happened of course was that Bitcoin became the preserve of the super rich, whereas the general cryptocurrencies will become the norm for everyone else. The danger to the petrodollar, to the fiat currencies is not blockchain, it’s not the cryptocurrencies, it is the Chinese Yuan now that it is gold-backed, so if there is going to be a reduction in the paper money in the dollar it won’t be because of cryptocurrencies. It will simply be because everyone shifts to buying oil with gold-backed Chinese money.

TM: Oh, interesting, interesting, now I think you have written a little bit about the Yuan, let’s see here I copied that. Yeah March 23rd you said that the Chinese Yuan will be launched on the oil market and was a direct competition for the U.S. dollar.

SP: Yes I can’t remember if I predicted it would be launched on the 26th or the 28th of the month because the information I’d had was that they were, you know, they weren’t sure themselves. That’s now been launched and is there. The question is just how, at the moment what’s happening is that nations and incredibly wealthy people are hedging their bets so they’re buying or trading in both currencies and each one is looking over the shoulder of the next to see what he or she is doing and all it will take is for one person to ditch the paper money and that will start a chain reaction so at the moment everyone’s being super cautious and being careful but you’re right Ted I did predict the catastrophic collapse of the Bitcoin. I predicted it six weeks before it occurred. The only thing is I was about a thousand out. I said it would probably reach, you know, however many I can’t remember now; it’s on the website or on the radio shows but I was a bit out on that but only by a thousand, and the other thing was that I predicted the mini crash in the Dow Jones and again I was about a thousand out on that. I said, the talk was that the Rothschilds would crash the Dow at about thirty thousand and that was generally accepted, and I said no that’s not the case. I’ll be very surprised if it reaches twenty-seven thousand, twenty-six. And again I was about four days, I got the crash right but I was four days out, so I don’t have a sophisticated computer program that predicts this; I just watch and when I see then I try and let people know because there are lots of ordinary people who have just got three hundred, four hundred, five hundred bucks invested.

TM: Right.

SP: Now why should they lose? Why should they lose?

TM: Right.

SP: So that’s why I go public with it and then if it gives them a chance to pull their money out and put it somewhere else, then good luck to them.

TM: Well, that’s good, that’s good. I hope to be having Cliff High on my show here in the next couple of months. Cliff said he would be coming on. I just need to finalize the date with him. He uses computer programs to determine the future of stock and bitcoin markets. He’s been very accurate in that although he said recently that he was surprised that it stayed at, it hasn’t turned around quite yet but I think it will. One thing I wanted to tell you, I wanted to share with you is something special Simon. I had a gentleman on my show several years ago named Wilbur Allen. Now Wilbur is an interesting fellow. He’s a retired civil service fellow from the federal government. He lives in Washington D.C. about seven, six or seven blocks from the White House and he’s got a retirement Simon and his sole hobby is to go up on his roof in the middle of the night and take pictures of UFOs landing on the White House lawn, and he does it with night vision goggles and the best equipment he can find, typically Nikon cameras and he said that sometimes what the Reptilians will do and the Greys will do, they’ll zap out his cameras. They’ll get mad at him and send a laser beam and burn up like a thousand, a couple thousand dollars’ worth of cameras, but he just shrugs his shoulders. He has bought insurance and I don’t know if he has told his insurance company, you know, what happens, but apparently they have replaced his camera equipment, and I guess it’s the first document instance of being harmed by an extraterrestrial race, so they destroyed his camera equipment but yet the insurance company has paid him, paid him for new camera equipment, so, but at any rate he sent me a bunch of pictures of these spacecraft landing on the White House lawn while President Obama was president. I don’t know what’s going on now. I know that things are changing and that, and I guess this brings me to my next question. Many of the Reptilians I’ve heard and the Greys are actually exiting and they are being forced off the planet. What’s that situation Simon from your sources, I’d be interested, curious to know.

SP: Well there will be very few craft landing on the White House lawn now that President Trump is there. I’m not saying that it won’t happen but it would be very reduced. We make a distinction between aliens and humans trying to exit the planet and of course for many people who listen to the radio show all over the world that won’t be so surprising but for those who haven’t yet discovered your wonderful radio show they would be quite shocked to think that people could exit this world, and we are talking about this CERN device the Hadron Collider, which is on the borders between France and Switzerland. This is a device that was initially build to try to open a portal into the fourth dimension so that these bad guys could literally jump ship. Now there was an attempt in 2008 by a group of people to shut down CERN and that was partially successful, and then in 2015, I and the group Connecting Consciousness, which I formed also took it upon ourselves to look into the matter and as a result of that a number of commentators are now saying that CERN does not operate correctly. The portal doesn’t work and therefore the bad guys are trapped on the planet but that doesn’t stop aliens or extraterrestrials from exiting. They can still exit but the extradimensional creatures, these are the beings that exist in the fourth dimension and come through. These are Reptilians, some of these, they are trapped here, but the true extraterrestrials, the true ETs they’re third dimensional. They would travel traditionally in a spacecraft as most people would understand, so what’s happened is the bad guys are trapped on the planet and they have got to make a decision as to whether they want to try to come to some arrangement as human consciousness evolves or whether to go down fighting, and that’s what I think, we are waiting for them to make their move.

TM: Interesting, interesting. So they’re stuck here and for them it must be quite a shock because they’ve been going on one negative path for a long time and suddenly now they are faced with a situation where they have to change.

SP: Yes and many commentators use the words, the Earth is in quarantine, but they don’t really understand quite what that means. They use the term but they don’t fully understand it, and what it means is not only is there an embargo around the Earth in terms of space flight but there is an embargo which means that you cannot leave to the fourth dimension and back again, so the good guys have actually shut down, closed, guarded most of the portals or the major portals that exist both above ground and below ground. That’s why the bad guys got the Hadron Collider built because they saw it as a way of breaking out of the prison, but of course that hasn’t worked, so it is a difficult situation but not an impossible one and those people who have perhaps followed a negative path, this is their chance now to turn over a new leaf and try and be more positive.

TM: One thing I wanted to ask you, I wanted to make a comment and then ask you Simon, according to my Galactic Alliance friends 500,000 years ago there was a war going on in which Marduk, which was, which is now the asteroid belt in this solar system was destroyed by the Reptilians and as a result of that war there was a cold war agreement between the Reptilians and the Galactics, and it was a treaty that has been broken so many times but during that time from what I know the Reptilians at one time were benevolent and then they were influenced or controlled or influenced by their white wing cousins from another dimension who came in and corrupted them to a negative path, so there is historical precedent for the Reptilians to be benevolent, it’s just that it’s been a long time since they have been benevolent.

SP: Right, the battle you are referring to, what happened was that the alliance or the federation had put up such a stout fight that the Reptilian faction realized that it would be fought to a standstill. Neither side could win but neither side could lose so an agreement was reached to divide up, to put a demarcation line through the Earth. I don’t mean a physical line. I mean what can be done and what can’t be done. Now what is interesting here is that what you are calling the white Reptilians, people perhaps can be forgiven for thinking there is just one group of reptiles, one group of Reptilians. There isn’t. There are many groups but they all have an allegiance to the white Draconis so a Draconis Reptilian could turn up at a council meeting of Reptilians many, many, many light years away from its own place and that group is honor bound to accept the ruling of the white lord, so when the white Draconis went out into the multiverse and started meeting all these faction groups of Reptilians, they attempted to win them over to their cause. We have to also add into this there was the contamination of AI, artificial intelligence, so we don’t just have a straight forward I am your leader follow me. We have subversion going on, so that’s what’s made it very complicated and so for the human group, that the alliance or the federation, they were sort of playing a waiting game really, just to, you know, nobody wants a war but you have to decide which planets you will give up and which planets you won’t give up, and Earth was a planet they wouldn’t give up, so that’s why we’ve had this war for millions of years, both above the planet, on the planet, and underneath the planet.

TM: Is this why that we’ve had evil as an experiment here between like so that between the white and the dark, the white and light and the good and bad, between the Galactics and the Reptilians for all these years?

SP: I think it started, I agree with you Ted, I think it started as an experiment but what happened was the sheer strength of free will that the human consciousness developed, we as a peoples took the, I can’t call it a war, but we took the intent completely down a different road, a way that nobody would have ever expected and it became a fascination. This planet and its people became a fascination to just about every technologically advanced living creature that could get here and have a good ole look at us. So whilst we can say it is a struggle between positive energy and negative energy, I think it is also a struggle for all of creation. I think what’s taking place on this planet is a mirror image of what all of life is about. It’s about the right to live, the right to make decisions, and the right to be left alone, and that’s I think what the human race is trying to achieve for itself, the right to have the freedom of action and movement and belief without somebody coming along and saying you can’t do that.

TM: I think that’s been a, that’s a fascinating point Simon because I know that many people have argued that since the U.S. government has been in collaboration with the Reptilians at least since the ’50s and say way before that, that many people believe that our free will was taken away from us through the implants, the implant process so that we didn’t have any free will left but that free will now is coming, some tell us, is coming back to us now so we hopefully will make the right decisions for ourselves.

SP: I do agree. I think it’s very easy to judge and I don’t want to be harsh. I think if we go right back to the 1950s and we can imagine successive presidents being sworn into office and then being faced with a situation where there is an outside group of non-humans who have such a technological advance that it’s impossible to fight them. So the American government and America had set itself up as the policeman of the world quite rightly actually in my opinion, but having set itself up as the policeman of the world it couldn’t then publicly admit that it didn’t have the capability to protect, never mind the world, it couldn’t even protect its own people, and so what successive presidents did was stall for time. They gave ground. They allowed this; they allowed that. They did things that maybe they shouldn’t have done but the reality was that they were buying time to achieve a technological parity. Now that parity was neared or brought closer by the time of President Ronald Reagan and the very infamous or very famous quote of “Star Wars.”

TM: Oh.

SP: So by the time Ronald Reagan was halfway through his presidency, the United States of America was in a position technologically to defend itself against alien attack, and that was the turning point. That was the point onwards that the good guys in the American government and there are a lot of them began to think that they might just make it, but prior to that everyone was living in a very difficult situation.

TM: Well that’s fascinating because now I always wondered why that Star Wars even happened and now you just explained it in twenty-five words or less.

SP: Well.

TM: No but you just explained it. You just gave a really good explanation I think for why we have Star Wars. Frankly I remember that time during the Reagan Presidency and I kind of wondered why were we even doing Star Wars. Now I know.

SP: Well I think maybe President Reagan was continually asked by the press in a matter, it was very frustrating because he couldn’t go out, he couldn’t get into his limousine, he couldn’t go anywhere without members of the press shouting at him. For those who are too young to remember basically NASA had been fitting its spacecraft with infrared cameras and from the NASA craft filming down on Earth and you could see all of these basically alien craft or what appeared to be alien craft all maneuvering et cetera, et cetera. Now there were two, I think they were American, I don’t think they were Australian, there were two guys who were absolutely focused on space and they had twelve old VHF video recorders, the old-fashioned tape recorders…

TM: Sure.

SP: … and they worked for years, loading one tape in and then another and they had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours on this NASA footage, and then some years later they went back through them and they found these pictures and that was released to the press and the press ran with it and Reagan under great pressure said look, and his quote was, “Look we’re conducting a Star Wars experiment,” and that was the giveaway quote, and basically what you are seeing on some of those pictures are human, we call them replica craft, human spacecraft but replicated on alien technology, and they were up around the Earth, and what the U.S. was doing was firing missiles, ordinary ground to air missiles and seeing how the craft could evade those missiles. What they were trying to do is to say can we build a shield around the Earth, and that’s what they were up to.

TM: Fascinating, fascinating, well let’s go to today which is now about forty years later. What is the state of Earth technology now as compared to these other extraterrestrial civilizations from what you know?

SP: The Earth now in terms of ah, is probably something like one hundred years behind the major players. Now that may sound a huge amount of time but compared to what we were forty, fifty years ago, we were a thousand years behind. You know you guys were so lucky in one way because you had the Roswell spacecraft crash on your soil in New Mexico and if we take two minutes just to understand that my point is that that was the most important space crash of all history. It cannot be beaten it was the most important, because the technology that was deliberately crashed onto Earth allowed the American nation overnight, we’re talking six months to go from a very basic analog primitive technology through to the beginnings of modern technology so when that spacecraft crashed, six months later Bell Labs produced under Professor Shockley or Dr. Shockley the first transistor. Now it’s absolutely no coincidence that it, that six months after the Roswell space crash the Americans announced that they had created the first transistor, whereas the vacuum tube had been around from about 1880 or 1888 and had gone through two World Wars, out the other end and still going strong in 1940, ’47, ’48, ’49 basically because nobody on this planet had the concept of creating something to take the place of a valve so we were stuck. We were stuck in a primitive form of technology and something somewhere decided to give the humans a boost. This were two craft that crashed but the major one that crashed, that was recovered contained so much material and it was that over the next twenty years that boosted America and that’s one of the key reasons that America was dominant over Russia or the Soviet Union as it was and every other country, not because there weren’t spacecraft crashing all over the globe, there were, but none of them had such a range of equipment in a very small craft and what they did was they packed this small craft through a wide range of technologies knowing full well that many of them would survive the impact and that they know that humans are fantastic at replicating so what we had was a kickstart and unfortunately we are now looking at the end product of that which is artificial intelligence.

TM: How interesting, interesting. Wow, that’s a fascinating analysis. I was in Peru a couple of months ago and at the Lima airport, I was flying back to the U.S. Simon and this huge, there was this huge telephone ad by [34:48][H A W A M G], I think that’s a South Korean company but it showed a human but it wasn’t completely human. It was a fellow, it looked like he had stepped, he looked like he was part of the borg, half human and half machine and he was holding up this cellphone and the advertising thing under it says AI is here and this is the future, okay and it was pretty blatant. I was amazed. I took a picture of it. I’ll send it to you.

SP: Please do, please do.

TM: I will send it to you but it was a … a lot of times there will be messages in advertising like that which the negative forces want to tell everybody so they do that but they do it in kind of an indirect way. I don’t think that’s going to happen personally. What’s your viewpoint on that? I don’t see how we become like a borg.

SP: Ted I totally agree with you because no amount of slick adverts on the television or the cinema is going to convince me to give up one of my arms in order to have a piece of metal stuck in me so I can open my garage door without having to turn a key. I’m not going to give up my humanness because somebody, an advert tells me I should and I that they have misunderstood and they have underestimated the American people. I think the vast majority of the American people will say we can see where this is going and we don’t want any part of it.

TM: Right, exactly, exactly and we are not children. People are intelligent. They know what they want. They don’t like being told what to do and they want to make up their own minds, whatever, you know, for the best for this planet and yeah, absolutely, absolutely.

SP: Well you know what Ted, if you are good enough to pay taxes, then you are good enough to have your opinion heard and I think that’s the problem we’ve got over the planet. The baddies want our taxes but they don’t want to hear our opinions, and that’s what doesn’t work.

TM: Uh hum, that’s true I agree, I agree, I agree. One thing I wanted to tell you, I know that on March 6th, you had a blog about President Trump gently disclosing the Secret Space Program. I’d love your opinion on that.

SP: Yes he was at a United States Air Force in a hangar I think. I don’t know if he was standing near an F-16 but he was standing what would have been one of the more modern Raptor types probably.

TM: Right.

SP: And, he was, you know, doing what presidents do, which is rallying the troops, quite right as well, but he threw in a comment. He said we’ve got a Navy; we’ve got an Army; we’ve got an Air Force, and then he said well why don’t we have a Space Force? And he sort of laughed and he said well when I first thought about it he said I thought that was kookie but he said you know the more I think about it the more I think we should have a Space Force. Now what he was doing was he wasn’t going to come out and say, “Ladies and gentlemen when I became president I inherited a Secret Space Program.”

TM: Right.

SP: He can’t do that but what he could do was start to disclose by saying there is such a thing as a Secret Space Program and I’m going to tell you about it, so he can’t be in trouble because he didn’t say I categorically tell you this but he did it in such a way that anybody who had eyes to hear, ears to hear and eyes to see would have understood that President Trump was trying to get disclosure out there, a very brave man, a very brave man because no other president has talked about a Secret Space Program, but he did.

TM: Oh, interesting, interesting. Well a week from today I’m having Jerome Corsi on my show and he just came out with a best-selling book called Killing the Deep State, about all the attempts in stopping President Trump so that’ll be interesting.

SP: That would be.

TM: Yeah to have him on so we will be talking about that, but someone told me recently that there had been six or seven attempts on his life. You know much about that Simon?

SP: Yeah, there have been six to my knowledge, yes and in fact on my website I said that there was going to be another attempt and then I think about a week after my warning, that was the chap that they found in the White House lawn and the point of this is that they didn’t know whether this guy was trying to break in to the White House or whether he was getting out of the White House so they caught him on the lawn, but weren’t clear whether he was trying to come in or was going out, and if he was going out they thought that he might have placed a bomb.

TM: Oh.

SP: What I was saying was it wasn’t a bomb that he was placing; it was surveillance equipment that he was trying to place. Now we might not say that was an attempt on his life, but what we can say is it was an attempt to enter the grounds so I think there have been six attempts of varying degrees of seriousness to try to basically stop Trump, yes.

TM: You know what’s interesting is of course this leads us back to President Kennedy back in ’63 who was eliminated by some negative elements, and I think a lot of those negative elements are still there but I just have a feeling and I want to run this by you that President Trump is now getting protection and help from the good guys. Is that true, from the Galactics is he getting help?

SP: Yeah he is. I think that when he did not accept the normal offer from a Reptilian-type faction and also overtures from the Vatican, he turned them down very politely, that meant that he sent a signal and therefore the other side, the side that is much more human, was then invited in, although they have to be very cautious. They can’t be as overt as they are with Russia. The positive human element is very open with his Russian dealings in comparison to America, because every corridor of power in the U.S. there is at least one bad guy somewhere, so they have to be very covert, very covert, so having said that the military have expunged most of the bad people from its ranks and that’s really exciting news.

TM: I think it was last year or the year before Simon you were on my show and for people who aren’t aware of this there’s clear differences between different branches of service. Could you go over those a little bit please because I don’t think many people realize that.

SP: We tend to think of the United States with its military and whether that’s the Navy, the Army, or the Air Force, and we tend to think of them as one group but when we have experience with any one of these arms of service we realize that they, through historical creation, not just because a strong armed man comes in, but they historically have been given roles which often contradict or cross over some of the others, so for instance we talked on our the last time when you very kindly invited me onto your show, we talked about the Navy and I said look, you know, if you think about the 6th Fleet, it has a number of aircraft carriers. Well the Navy projects its strength and therefore the strength of America right across the planet through its Navy and its aircraft carriers, so would it not make sense for the Navy to have a very important role in Secret Space Program to be able to project itself…

TM: Sure.

SP: …in space, and that’s something people tend to think of the United States Air Force would be the arm that would be the Secret Space Program but actually it goes right back to the days of Forrestal, who was the Secretary for the Navy who supposedly committed suicide but I can tell you was pushed out of a hospital window. The Navy has been one of the most independent until recently, one of the most independent forces so during the time of Obama the Navy was probably as an agency or as a unit, I should say was probably the most strongly behind the Constitution, but now of course that’s the Army because that’s changed, but at the time the Navy was very strongly behind the Constitution.

TM: Wonderful, wonderful. Well my dad spent thirty years in the Army and so I’m a little biased toward the Army, slightly biased but what about the Air Force? I remember you talked about the Air Force last time or last year as well.

SP: The Air Force was the one force of the United States that suffered the most because everytime a genuine alien craft was detected in the early days the American Air Force was scrambled to intercept and many pilots lost their lives in engaging these craft, so the U.S. Air Force always said that it felt that it was being used as a patsy because it was the one that would go up and if it failed it was taking the blame. That’s why they moved to intercept the missiles. They wanted to move to a system of defense that did not rely on pilots.

TM: Oh interesting, interesting. I remember something too you said last year about the Air Force is very keenly interested in extraterrestrial technology and as a result of that interest they had a lot of interactions with the extraterrestrials.

SP: Yes, a lot of the private companies that make the circuits that go in the air to air missiles that’s a very, very important play here. Also, what we would call the, what was originally called the thinking helmet. Pilots today have what is called a head-up display, excuse me I’ve got to cough Ted.

TM: That’s okay, go right ahead.

SP: Thank you.

TM: You’ve just proved that you’re human so that’s fine.

SP: Oh yes I’m very proud of that fact. There are lots of people who think that I’m not actually. But anyway when you look in a head-up display, in the visor for those people who are not familiar with this, when you are a pilot in the visor of your screen there is a like a liquid crystal or and LED display which gives you some of the more basic instrumentation but also when you fire a missile. Now when the United States Air Force back in the ’70s had got hold of a number of alien spacecraft, they got on what we call the pilot’s chair. Now the pilots of an alien spacecraft must have a soul in his or her body, so the rest of the crew can be clones, that doesn’t matter, but the pilot must have a soul because the pilot needs to fly the alien spacecraft by his or her DNA and if you do not have a soul in your body you’re not divine created therefore you cannot pilot a craft at whatever speed of light. That’s just a fact. Now what occurred here was the United States Air Force attempted to create what they call the thinking helmet which would read the brainwaves of a pilot so that the pilot could control certain aspects of his or her space or fighter aircraft by thinking. The difficulty was that the framework of the craft could not stand the G pulls. If you were thinking bank left and you immediately move the craft to one way the stress and the strains weren’t up to it. Also the software at the time wasn’t good enough so they had to drop the thinking helmet and that created what we would now call the head-up display so they got a very second-best version from it but the United States Air Force has always because they are in the sky, they are the first line of defense within the Earth’s atmosphere, so they always had a real big shout at any technology that was coming their way

TM: Oh fascinating. There was an account by Dolores Cannon I read some years ago Simon of a Pleiadean craft that crashed here on Earth about four or five thousand years ago and they were on an exploratory mission to go out and find new planets to inhabit and there were survivors in Northern Canada near the Yukon Territory and they themselves had also a similar kind of thinking helmet. You put the helmet on but it wasn’t used for tactical purposes in an aircraft. Instead, it was used for knowledge and learning, and I guess my next question is in addition to the Reptilian craft that our government has captured and reverse engineered, have there been any benevolent craft? For example from the Pleiadeans which they captured?

SP: For some reason, for some reason which I don’t understand Pleiadean craft crashes are as a percentage much higher than any other and I think it is something to do with the Earth’s electromagnetic field, and also I think that the Pleiadeans are taking more risks because they wish to engage with individual people as well as small groups and therefore they are running the gauntlet shall we say.

TM: Sure.

SP: Whereas a Reptilian craft coming in on a very, or were coming in on a very agreed route and they were controlling the planet by in large at the time.

TM: Right.

SP: We’re talking now up to about the 1990s but I would say there is an equal number of craft. Remember that both the British and the American military forces have been on an active program to shot down Grey, alien Grey spacecraft, not the Reptilian ones but the Greys and have been an active program and both in your country and my country our respective military has had varying degrees of success. That’s why the energy beam weapon was created. It was actually a Scottish gentleman just before the Second World War about 1938, 1939, a Scottish gentleman who invented or rediscovered microwaves. Those microwaves as a technology were given to your then president as part of an inducement to bring America in on the side of Great Britain against Adolf Hitler and in 1947, an F, I get my numbers mixed up with you guys, an F-46[86?], F-47 Sabre, F-46 Sabre was equipped with a very primitive form of a microwave weapon. They were going to use that to try to attack Grey craft but all through the years up through the 1970s they were working with energy weapons. The difficulty is of course that the Earth has an atmosphere so when you fire an energy weapon, whether it’s a plasma weapon or anything like that the Earth’s atmosphere will tend to bend the energy beam very slightly so that’s one problem. The second problem is that when you are operating equipment with ground crew, their brain waves can be read so if you are in an alien spacecraft, not only can you read the minds of the people operating the weapon. You know where they are going to fire it, there is a high probability that by the time this beam reaches the edge of the atmosphere it’s already off course. There was a third problem which was at the time the software that was available wasn’t complex or accurate enough to run, they had the weapon, they had the energy weapon but they didn’t really have the complex software to bring it all together, so what they discovered was when they could find that alien spacecraft were flying on a flight path on a regular pattern very low to the earth, I’m talking maybe 4, 5, 600 feet off the ground, what the Americans and the Brits did was they created a mobile energy beam weapon so you would have your tow truck and a large unit behind it. They would drive that in, wait for one of these alien spacecraft to come in at 5, 600 feet. They’d fire it. The distance between the beam and the target was so short that the beam would not have time to bend in the Earth’s atmosphere, and also the aliens would not have enough time to respond as soon as they realized that the ground crew were going to fire at them because they were reading their minds. This weapon operated just below the speed of light and there was no time for them to react, so they, both the Americans and the British were getting a number of good hits and this has been an ongoing battle.

TM: Interesting, interesting, now one of the things that my Galactic friends have told me too Simon is that the Reptilian nervous system operates at a… three times faster than humans do so, and they are psychic and so they are able to read people’s minds. Never mind the machines but with their minds alone so that’s something that they said you have to be careful of with them.

SP: I have the saying actually and I say that a Reptilian will almost know what you’re going to think before you know it yourself. Now one of the reasons that Adolf Hitler went down the road of all of his very evil and horrible mind programs, because he gave his doctors instructions to try to create supersoldiers whose mind could not be read by aliens. You have to remember that in 1932, 1933 a Grey craft crashed in the Black Forest. There was a deliberate… it was just the same as Roswell it was the dump of technology. That’s why the Germans were so advanced they had alien technology but the mistake that the Germans made was that when they took the alien spacecraft apart they were fascinated on the nuclear reactor as a means to power their own craft, so the Nazi Germans went down the route of building a replica alien spacecraft based on the nuclear reactor that they had found in the Black Forest. Now there was a crash in American soil in about 1942 and this was when Adolf Hitler had decided that he was no longer going to buy oil from the Bushes. He was going to go into Russia and get the oil and so as soon as he stopped doing that the bad guys decided that they would drop technology into America to balance the books.

TM: Oh, how interesting.

SP: What the Americans did was they took the nuclear reactor from their crashed spacecraft but instead of using it as a power source, they decided to make a bomb out of it so the bombs that dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they were directly taken from the work of the nuclear reactor but the uranium wasn’t plutonium. It was uranium…

TM: Simon, Simon I’m so sorry my friend, we’re running out on the first hour so fascinating. Please hold that thought and we’ll come back in a few minutes. Please stay tuned everyone. This is Out of This World Radio with Simon Parkes.


[2nd TAPE starting at 3:52]

TM: And with that I’d like to go back to my good friend Simon from the United Kingdom. Simon are you there?

SP: Hello Ted, yes I’m here thank you.

TM: Oh it’s so good to talk to you again. We talked off the air a little bit Simon about… you ended up the last hour talking about the nuclear reactors and how this was used by the U.S. government to create an atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Would you go into that a little bit? I don’t think maybe people realize that we had help developing those weapons.

SP: I think what’s really quite staggering is that the uranium that was used to make the bombs that were dropped on Japan, that uranium was taken or captured from a German submarine, a German U-boat. The Germans had been mining and enriching uranium. One of these U-boats was captured by an American fleet, destroyers. The uranium was shipped back and used in the bombs.

TM: Wow.

SP: So it’s ironic that a bomb dropped on Japan, the uranium from that had been enriched in Germany. The Germans were well ahead. They had what was called a heavy water plant and it was British commandos who, I think it was in Norway who took that out, so the Germans were incredibly advanced and when the Americans, predominantly the American troops won the war in Europe which they did, they saw more and more evidence of this fascinating technology, and it absolutely scared the pants off the senior leadership, and they said we’ve just got to put a lid on this. We’ve got to stop it so what they did was they captured as much of this advanced technology and took it to America, took it to the states, and America never looked back. It’s always had the edge over every other country, but now I would say that Russia is probably about only five years behind America, China maybe seven years and so on and so forth so the gap now is so short that America no longer has a technological advantage. It is the first time ever that America no longer has a technological advantage over major other countries.

TM: One curious thing, that one good thing that Professor Albert Einstein said many years ago was that, I think it was him, Simon, I wanted to run this by you. He said something like technological advancement without accompanying spiritual advancement can lead to, we can end up destroying ourselves. We’ve got this tremendous technology now to, in the words of J. Robert Oppenheimer, to destroy the planet. He quoted after he witnessed the July 1945 explosion at Trinity in New Mexico he said and quoting the Bhagavad Gita that I have now become death the giver of life1 so that even though we had this technology we still needed spiritual, we have to evolve spiritually in order to use these, to quarantine these technologies and not use them to blow ourselves up.

SP: Well Einstein of course would be more poignant because he got away from Nazi Germany, he was pushed out before he was killed. So anybody who has seen a rogue government understands that without the knowledge and life experience to manage and control what you have you just become like a crazed person with a new toy, and the difficulty is that the ordinary citizens of a country are by and large quite spiritual but those who have clawed and fought and climbed their way to the top tend to be less so, and they look on these pieces of technology as gambling or bargaining chips that allow them to stay in power positions. Now when you have that then you don’t have the means to make decisions on a spiritual basis. You only make decisions on a service to self basis.

TM: Right.

SP: The difficulty with humanity is that it is not until recently expressed itself as a whole. Now that’s what we’re seeing now. We’re seeing governments having to make a choice as to whether they are seen as separate from the people in which case they are finished or whether they wish to be seen with the people and that means a spiritual understanding or a spiritual regrowth is already underway.

TM: Well, very well, very well said. One thing that I’ve spoken to Nostradamus in recent years and he’s told me that our leaders in the future, well several things are going to happen. Government is going to become a lot smaller because government will not need to regulate people’s behavior because people will know intrinsically, they will know how to treat each other with love and respect and people won’t do the nasty horrible things that they do unto each other now or at least not as much and as a result of that government is going to become a low smaller, but what government there will be he said Simon will be to regulate and interface humanity with other extraterrestrial races beyond this planet, and the second thing he’s also told me is that our leaders in the future will become a lot more spiritual, that they will be chosen for spiritual qualities and not so much how much money you have or how many things you can do for service to self. It will be based upon service to others instead.

SP: What’s got to happen is a code of conduct has to be enshrined in galactic law which protects the human population and governs the interaction between the human race and all those other signatories. There need to be individuals in place to ensure that whatever takes place stays within that enshrined law so that’s the first part. The second part, as human consciousness evolves and changes the multinationals, the big corporations and the governments will have to follow or they will be out of step, so government will, it’s very interesting what you said Ted. The government will on one hand will wish to deregulate, let go of its controls partly because humanity won’t need it but also government’s reason for being has to change. At the moment I believe that government sees itself as the civilizer. Government sees itself as if it wasn’t for us they’d all tear each other apart and they see it as their right to control and order even if that is against the citizenry. Now not only will that not be required but I think people in government will no longer wish to control people. I think that people in government will wish to coordinate people and that’s the difference between controlling and coordinating. That’s what I think we’ll see. There will still be a government but its emphasis will shift from holding people down, controlling them, keeping them in one place to letting them be more free and trying to get them to be more proactive in the way that they work with their fellow brothers and sisters.

TM: What a beautiful day that will be, and I know it’s coming, absolutely, I know it’s coming. I know it’s coming. That’s the basis of my book, Messages from the Masters, in which I get off, I’ve gotten, received all these messages from Albert Einstein, President Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Nostradamus, Mahatma Gandhi on our beautiful bright future and that’s one of the things they actually talk about is control, control issues. And I think, yeah, and I think that humans, the basic nature of humanity on this planet is to be benevolent, kind, sweet, and loving and service to others. It’s not to be fighting all the time or service to self. It’s quite the opposite and it’s an artificial, you know, the service to self and the fighting and the conflict. That’s an artificial a temporary artificial state that some people are in on this planet but that I think that will change too in the future.

SP: I think it’s got to change because if it doesn’t what’s happening is humanity is changing for the better but the rules and regulations are not changing at the right speed, so in other words humans are outgrowing the rules and regulations, the control system around them and this is what causes riots. This is what causes problems. When humans natural outpouring is for truth and justice but the system is not wishing to let go and this is where we see the flash points. It’s not to condone violence but it’s to say to governments your role is changing. You are really less of a controller and more of an enabler so governments should see themselves as enabling the citizens, not controlling them and until they get that balance right there will continue to be flash points.

TM: I think we can all agree several things. First off that we are all one. Secondly if we do hurt someone else we are basically hurting ourselves because we are all one. Thirdly the universe and this planet is changing from service to self to service to others and it’s a slow process but I do know that one thing that is very interesting that Nostradamus has told me is that back about ten, fifteen years ago I learned about this ascension process Simon, and that and Nostradamus had said that the process would be complete by the year 2038 and he also said in the same breath that we would have a possible nuclear, Third World War starting in the United States and the Middle East in the ’90s and by the year 2005 many American cities would be destroyed by nuclear war. Well that hasn’t happened, and it hasn’t happened because you and me and everyone listening on this show today who want a better world and are making the right choices for a better world have taken the right path and so we won’t have a nuclear war. I don’t see us having any kind of Armageddon and the bottom line from Nostradamus, I’ve talked to him recently, everything has speeded up and the ascension process now he tells people will be completed within about seven years by the year 2025 and that’s like a thirteen-year jump ahead of schedule and it’s because of us, you, me, and everyone listening today on this show have made the right choices in creating a better planet so please don’t get discouraged. Good times are ahead of us and things are happening at a far faster rate than was even predicted by Nostradamus some years ago.

SP: I totally agree. I think what’s happened is that the human consciousness has decided that it has stayed in this position for far too long and something, I use the word magical, something magical occurred and at the snap of the fingers the human race decided it was going to get up and start walking having been crawling for goodness knows how long, and that was a fundamental shift, that was a fundamental change. If you are in a dark room and you live in a dark room for five years and then you suddenly draw the curtains and you see out the window and you see the sunlight and the trees and the grass. The next thing you want is to open the window and go out. Now those curtains were pulled back in 2012 when we had the [16:33][unintelligible] shift.

TM: Right.

SP: Now the human race having looked out the window and seen the possibilities, there’s no way we are going to pull the curtains and go back and sit in the dark so we are on an inevitable advancement and the question is who is coming with us and who is going to stay behind.

TM: Uh hum, one very interesting thing, two things, one from President Kennedy and the second from the comment from the Galactic Alliance. President Kennedy had said that if he had been allowed to make the changes he wanted to make back in the early ’60s and allowed to live that this planet would be a very different place and we would be now in the fifth dimension, but he also said in the same breath to me that it is our destiny on this planet to become a loving, kind, benevolent civilization where people truly live in peace and harmony because it is our destiny. That’s where we’re headed now. The second thing I had been told by the Galactic Alliance is that there are actually forty, if you look, if you consider all the different dimensions, ten, eleven, twelve dimensions here in this solar system, there’s not nine or ten planets, there’s actually forty different planets if you consider all the other dimensions and all the other planets have been ascending as well. Earth is not an isolated case. We’re connected to the universe and connected to the solar system and the one planet that has been behind in this solar system, that has been the laggard is planet Earth, and finally in September of 2016 the vibrations of this planet called the Schumann resonance started doubling and tripling and now they are at, now they’ve gone up almost thirty times since 2016 and the bottom line is now Mother Earth Gaia is now moving ahead, shifting into the future, and she got tired of waiting and she is shifting into the higher dimensions, and as John Lennon said, I hope that everyone will join us here on the program to help us with that kind of shift because this is what the purpose of my radio and television shows are and your work too I know Simon to create a better and happier planet.

SP: I’m in two minds about President Kennedy because in one way I say he was the right man in the right place at the wrong time, but then I say if he hadn’t of been here and hadn’t of, it’s almost a sacrifice, if he hadn’t of done that would it have meant that we were all a good twenty, thirty years behind. Was the fact that Kennedy was the people’s president and afterward was replaced by presidents who were not the people’s president. Did Kennedy give a spark to humanity by saying that you can be a president for the people so had he not been around, had he not done what he did, had he not come forward would we be thirty, forty years behind and I actually don’t look on Kennedy as a failure. I look on him as somebody who had to do what he had to do because it was an absolute vital part of the pieces of the jigsaw which allows us to be where we are today so on the face of it you look at it and you say well oh, you know, poor man he was murdered and that was pointless wasn’t it, but actually it wasn’t because the outrage and the feeling of loss and shock by the American citizens who then began to question their government. They then began to question their secret intelligence services and I think that that was one of the key turning points that made people more independent.

TM: I couldn’t agree with you more Simon, absolutely that’s a really a really good point. You know I have a little Kennedy button that I wear on my sport jackets when I wear, when I wear it and people stop me on the street and they ask me about it and they say they love President Kennedy even today, you know what so many what fifty odd years after his assassination. That energy is still there. They all recognize it immediately and they want to talk about it. They want to talk about him and I have often had many wonderful conversations just with people on the street here in Seattle, in Vancouver, Canada and Portland, Oregon, different places I go people recognize his picture and they want to, so that energy is still there.

SP: It’s, listen Ted it’s really incredible. There are certain, you know, it’s very common isn’t it, obviously it is as our generations get older but there was a big thing about where were you when President Kennedy died?

TM: Right.

SP: And also said it about John Lennon. Where were you when John Lennon was shot and I think what they’re looking at is a similar energy, an energy on the planet that was here for change and both Kennedy and Lennon were focal points for change, one through politics and one through music. And the evil dark energy couldn’t from its perspective allow that to happen because it was bringing change on the Earth but, and when I use the word game, I don’t mean it in a belittling way, I mean it more of a balance. The negative forces are always destined to lose. They’re destined to lose because they use trickery and pain and suffering to gain what they want. The good forces use free will and the honest and truth of free will will always win out and so and I’ve shared exactly the same judgment as you Ted that we are going to make it but we are going to have a bit of a rough ride before we get there. I have no doubt absolutely there will be no Third World War. There will be no mass destruction on this planet. There will be problems; there will be issues but the opportunity is there and every man, woman, and child has to decide within themselves whether they want that opportunity or not.

TM: Sure.

SP: That’s free will.

TM: Absolutely and this planet is one of free will. One thing I want to bring back to the extraterrestrials do you think, do you think that we will negotiate a new agreement with the Reptilians after all this transformation is done or will they change themselves so that…

SP: That’s probably the hardest topic you have brought up tonight Ted. I’d very much like them to change. That would be really good. I think what will happen is that they will be a number of groups that are excluded from the arrangement but invited to the table as and when they can ratify the terms of the agreement, so I think there will be a number of races that do not take part in the new division of the Earth. The Earth has got to be divided actually in terms of understanding, energies, sharing resources, understanding the role of humanity and I think that there are certain groups at the moment who wouldn’t be able to understand that and they wouldn’t be able to comprehend equality. You know you are asking something that has considered itself to be lord and master for goodness knows how many thousands of years to set on a table next to somebody and be equal. Now only a truly evolved being can do that, so I’m yet to have evidence that some of these Reptilians are at that point.

TM: Fascinating, well it’s going to lead to, and we’re, I mean I think of all the planets in this universe in which there must be trillions of planets Simon, we are the focal point isn’t it. This is where the action is in this universe as far as I know.

SP: That’s what’s so exciting. You know, we obviously are a little bit biased but I think this is the place to be. This is the bit of real estate that everybody’s bidding for, and I don’t mean bidding for in terms of buying the planet. I mean to come here, how exciting to be here at this time. I mean maybe people don’t feel it because of the daily grind, you know, you’ve got to go to work and you’ve got to pay the bills but there isn’t another place to my knowledge where we are faced with so many choices and so many challenges and I suppose it’s a bit of a stock saying that I have on my radio show, but one hundred years of human life here is equal to a hundred-thousand years anywhere else.

TM: Really, my goodness.

SP: In other words our opportunity to learn to face problems and either run away and bury our head in the sand or actually do something about it and learn, that’s tremendous here. We can’t get away from it so of course you’d want to come here. You’d want to come here because this is where you learn.

TM: That’s amazing. That’s amazing. I want to give in fairness to my audience, we have some extra time today. I’d like to open up the phone lines if anyone has a question for Simon please feel free to call in. We’ll continue to talk. The area code here is area code 425-373-5527, that’s 425-373-5527 or for those who are abroad, out of the area, feel free to email me at outofthisworld1150@ gmail. com. On that note Simon I wanted to ask you what do you see happening this year? I know predictions are hard to make sometimes but if people’s free will and people do change their mind from time to time but what do you see from your perspective?

SP: Well first of all I’m very happy, you know, for your audience to email in or whatever or call in with questions, and it would be very exciting to see if we can answer any of them.

TM: Sure.

SP: For the future I see a very big change in the way that certain countries relate to each other. I’m still hopeful that America will move to a gold- or silver-backed currency certainly in the next eighteen months. I see a continuing battle, I’m using the word deliberately, between the forces of negativity and the positive, in other words, I’m afraid some of these dreadful stupid atrocities that we are seeing playing out mainly in the United States, they will continue for a while.

TM: Ah too bad.

SP: But they will get less and I also see a very, very positive change in under a year, so I would predict in the next nine months you and I will be on your radio show talking about the discernable change for the better, which even the most established conservatives would have to admit were taking place. So I don’t think we’re going to have to wait three, four, five years for some real positive changes. I think we’ll see them in the next nine months. I’m very, very excited about it.

TM: Well that’s amazing. Well you know they always like to portrait these horrible shooting incidents as a lone gunman without any outside influence but from your information I don’t think they are all loners are they? Are those, are many of these shooting incidents planned or what’s, I’d love your opinion on that.

SP: I think that the establishment have cracked themselves wide open. There have been a number of interviews with very credible eyewitnesses on mainstream American television which have actually, you know, that’s because President Trump has insisted that these people actually are interviewed and these interviews do get out. There was a time when these people were interviewed but their story was never released but now under Trump, love him or hate him, more truth is coming out and many of these witnesses talk about hearing gunshots in more than one place.

TM: Right.

SP: The establishment is saying there was one gunman but witnesses who were there, not someone writing a story a thousand miles away, witnesses who were actually in those buildings saying that they went down one corridor and there was shooting here and then they went down another corridor and there was shooting on the other side. And credible witnesses say they saw people dressed as police officers but they weren’t police officers. They were somebody else so when we begin to put all of this information together, what we find is a secret government, nothing to do with President Trump, nothing to do with the lawmakers, a secret small government operating separately out of the control of democracy with an agenda that no sane person could possibly comprehend, and you know, this can’t go on because the American people, you said it Ted, the American people are not stupid and there’s going to come a point where they are just going to say enough is enough. I notice that the attack on Google, YouTube…

TM: Oh yes, what…

SP: …very, very, very important and I don’t know if your listeners were aware but the CEOs of Apple and YouTube were publicly arguing three days on Twitter and other social media and on the news. They were arguing with each other. They were at each other’s throats professionally and I did put on my website that the attack should be seen as something linked with this.

TM: Interesting I remember seeing your reference. Could you explain things a little bit? What, what, just to back up a little bit Simon, Apple and YouTube what were they arguing, what was each side arguing about?

SP: YouTube, the CEO of YouTube said that Apple made iPhones, made modern phones only for the rich and not for the poor and Apple CEO responded that at least he was making money out of a solid object whereas YouTube was just making money out of ordinary people. So they were really at each other. They were really, really going and it’s unprecedented to see senior executives publicly arguing in the U.S. It’s not a common occurrence because they all generally suck up to what we call the “old boy’s network.”

TM: Right.

SP: Now the shooter, I’ve had a look at the photograph and I’m absolutely convinced from what I’ve seen there is mind control issues there.

TM: Sure.

SP: And there is mind control issues and one arm of the secret government often sends a message to another arm of government and what we often see is ordinary civilians caught in the crossfire, and that’s what we saw occurring here, was, there was a much bigger game at a very high level being played, but when you look at it these are just child’s play. It’s pointless. It’s pointless doing this. What is the point in killing people or injuring innocent people because somebody has a standpoint and they are too immature to come to a table and debate it.

TM: Right, right, well one of the things I want people to look at, there are pictures of the young woman who did do the shootings on YouTube here recently. Look at her eyes. Anybody who is implanted with negative implants and often under mind control had very large eyes. They look like silver dollar eyes and you will see her eyes are extremely large. A lot of politicians in the United States have similar eyes. They’re not shooters of course but many of them do have very wide eyes. Wide eyes are indicative of being implanted or mind controlled.

SP: Yes I agree with you and also remember many of these people are blackmailed and remember many of them are victims themselves, you know, they are being manipulated just as anyone else is, so we have to be very careful before we cast the first stone. We have to make sure that somebody was really in charge of their own actions and in most cases we find that people wake up the next morning and don’t have a clue what they did.

TM: Sure, absolutely, absolutely. People say that Sirhan Sirhan, the alleged killer of Robert F. Kennedy was mind controlled as well and that a lot of times these lone shooters are not lone but they are actually manipulated into doing what they’re doing.

SP: Well the alleged murderer of President Kennedy was shot by somebody who was mind controlled.

TM: Oh, okay, okay.

SP: So it’s something that the U.S. is very good at.

TM: Well unfortunately that’s nothing, I don’t think that’s anything to be proud of frankly but I’m looking forward to the day when all of this is being disclosed. One thing that a wonderful astrologist told me back in 2014, four years ago Simon, Susan Miller from New York City she said that this was a time of truth and that things that are true will become true and things that are false will be revealed as false and then fall by the wayside and as this year progresses Simon, I’m noticing that more and more truth is coming out about all kinds of things including governments, corporations, even people’s relationships and I’m looking forward to the time when we finally enter into the higher dimensions and everything will be truth. I’m told by Nostradamus that by the year 2025, and I’d like to make this his prediction, is that people will communicate mostly telepathically and language secondary so that if people are lying or trying to hide something the person will just read your mind and they will know instantaneously whether you are telling the truth or not.

SP: What’s fascinating and very hard for us in this dimension to comprehend is that the need for a police force or law and order in the fifth dimension and higher is far less.

TM: That’s right.

SP: Because the levels of crime are unheard of. This is just a third and fourth dimensional issue, so we are going to have a very different society once we do make it into the fifth. There will be an army. There will be a military; we’ll have to have that. There will be a police force but it won’t be anything as large and it won’t operate in the same way and, you know, the whole, people who are spiritual and talk about the subject, some of them don’t even grasp the magnitude of the change that is coming, and it’s going to be in our lifetime so that’s what is so wonderful. You know we could have been here in the stone age. We could have been here, you know, a hundred years ago but all of those audience listening to tonight’s show chose to be here now and they chose to be here now not out of chance but because they wanted to be on one of the most exciting fairground rides that the multiverse has ever seen, and you know you are going to look back on this time in ten, twenty, thirty years’ time and you are going to recognize that this was a truly special and wonderful time. It may not feel it now but believe me it is.

TM: Thank you so much for saying that Simon. We have a question in email. She writes, Simon’s words, this is Jennifer. Simon’s words across America are very reassuring that other countries can see we the people are trying to improve and we are not our government and she asks us, Simon do you have any further thoughts or words specifically for Native Americans?

SP: Throughout history the fearful, mechanized, advanced, technologically advanced, fearful people have tried to exterminate or control anybody who has a connection to the Earth, anyone simply because they are fearful of an individual who does not put his or her trust in machinery but puts their trust in the Earth. So let me make a division now between Native American Indians and people who are American. First of all we can learn from our lessons and actually there shouldn’t be a division between the Native American Indians and the American people. For God’s sake you are all one person. You are all one people.

TM: Right

SP: And we need to learn and understand and forgive and share and recognize that everyone’s on the continent of this country or that country and we all walk the same sidewalks don’t we? We all drink the same water don’t we? We all enjoy the same sun don’t we? Therefore, we are the people. We are the citizens and we have to be tolerant of people’s differences. It doesn’t mean we allow them to kick our walls down or our garden sheds down but it means that we have to have that tolerance and we have to understand that as a people we will not be pushed around. So no more divine rule. No more saying well you know the Hispanics are different from the Jews and you know the Native American. We’ve got to get beyond that.

TM: Absolutely.

SP: And that’s one of the messages that I try to push and I will continue to push and if people from individual countries can work together not just in the superficial sign up to a piece of paper but actually mean it and believe it. They won’t be pushed around. They won’t be cheated. You know how many times do we go to the store and we get inferior food or an inferior product. Why do these people, these companies think they can palm us off on secondary things and that’s because they are trying to divide us so what I would say is when I talk about Native Americans I’m talking about all of you guys working together as one.

TM: I couldn’t agree with you more. President Kennedy is prompted to have, has asked me actually to play this quote from him regarding his program to go to the moon in the early 1960s. We go there not because it’s hard, because it’s the right thing to do and I want to play that quickly now just two minutes Simon and then we’ll come right back to you.

SP: Sure.

JFK Clip: William Bradford speaking in 1630 of the founding of the Plymouth Bay Colony said that all great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulty and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage. If this capsule history of our progress teaches us anything it is that man and his quest for knowledge and progress is determined and cannot be deterred. The exploration of space will go ahead whether we join in it or not. We mean to be a part of it. We mean to lead it for the eyes of the world now look into space, to the Moon and to the planets beyond. Our leadership in science and industry, our hopes for peace and security, our obligation to ourselves as well as others all require us to make this effort to solve these mysteries, to solve them for the good of all men. There is no strife, no prejudice, no national conflicts in outer space as yet. Its hazards are hostile to us all. Its conquest deserves the best of all mankind. We choose to go to the Moon. We choose to go to the Moon. We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things not because they are easy but because they are hard because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win.

TM: Perfect, he asked me to play that now and I’m glad I did, anyway I wanted to share that with you, so.

SP: Thank you. I think what I just very, very say is anybody listening to that would realize they were not listening to a politician. They were listening to somebody who was beyond a politician. They were listening to somebody whose reason for living was not about politics but was about advancing the course of humanity, so that is why tragically he was murdered because he offered a very early exit into the fifth dimension and one that the system at that time wasn’t willing to countenance. That’s not the case now.

TM: Right I couldn’t agree with you more. We’ve got about ten minutes left and…

SP: More questions, Ted, come on.

TM: Okay, all right I wanted to ask you if anyone has a question please email them to me to Out of This World 1150 at gmail dot com (outofthisworld1150@gmail .com) or you can call the studio directly at 425 373 5527, that’s Out of This World 1150 at gmail dot com. Here in the U.S. on major media here we are bombarded daily and nightly, morning, noon, and night with the so-called Russian investigation. From your sources what do you think of this Russian investigation here?

SP: There are still elements of the Clinton camp who are smarting from the loss of the election and the fact that they tried to implicate President Trump in some dirty dealings with the Russians and that fell flat on its face and has gone nowhere, so this to them seems their last chance, their last gasp to try to pull President Trump down by saying you know, the dirty Russians, we warned you all along. That is an ongoing battle but in actual fact it is not where the real battle is being fought. The real battle is being fought in the positions of power within government in terms of office holders. Those individuals who hold office who either are in one camp or another camp and what’s been happening particularly over the last six to eight months is that a much more liberal in terms of freedom, not in terms of liberal as in let’s raise taxes, but in terms of freedom loving individuals and also very strong advocates and patriarchs of America have come into positions of responsibility so people who have thought about One World Government are losing out for people who are thinking of individuals. That’s the change that’s coming so this Russian nonsense will just die a death.

TM: Yeah that’s my opinion too. They’re grasping at straws. Anyway thank you so much for asking that. I have another question here, another email on the timeline for all these changes. How soon or how long do you think this will take?

SP: Well you’ve given one time from your contacts.

TM: Um-hum.

SP: I’m looking at nine months for some very interesting domestic changes. I’m talking very much about the United States now because that’s primarily where your radio show is.

TM: Right.

SP: I think the next nine months will see some quite big changes and shocking revelations, which will reach the ears of the public. I would then predict another two years for some structural changes. Now I do think that Trump is likely to win another term of office but I certainly think, I’m going to be a little bit more excitable than Nostradamus and I think we’ll get these changes within five years.

TM: Oh so you’re looking at, this is [20]18 so you are looking at those changes coming through by 2023.

SP: Yes, yes.

TM: Okay. Yeah, Nostradamus said that there is the possibility exists for a faster change than 2025. He said that depends on our choices.

SP: Okay, well I’m only, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude and interrupt you Ted.

TM: That’s okay.

SP: I, therefore I’m only cutting off two, I mean shaving off two years from his target.

TM: The other question too that just came in is another email just came in is when will the Cabal, their power be gone?

SP: In nine months time, by the time of nine months, there will have been some shocking revelations which will shame not just individuals but their organizations and lead to a systemic, I beg your pardon a systemic change in governance of a number of organizations. And it will be that more than anything else that begins to cleanse the society of some of the most evil things that we have seen so within nine months we will begin to see an unstoppable momentum toward change.

TM: Well I have to tell you Simon, there has been a lot of beautiful angelic light coming into my studio while you have been talking but we just got hit with a blast when you said that so I think you are right on, spot-on target so that least us to January of the year 2019.

SP: The reason I gave for this and the way it comes to me is that because a woman carries a baby for nine months.

TM: Oh interesting.

SP: And then the baby is born.

TM: Right.

SP: So we have nine months of carrying and then we are going to have a new birth. That’s basically what’s happening here.

TM: Oh fascinating, that is really interesting, thank you, thank you. This is of course a planet of free will. I’m reluctant sometimes to give dates, specific dates but it’s so nice to hear that kind of prediction Simon from your perspective. We’ve got about five, four or five minutes left and I want to thank you so much for coming on today and I want to give you the rest of the time to please say anything you like, like to wrap up your wonderful interview today.

SP: Well thank you I just always whenever I’m very, you know very pleased to come on to your show. I’m very grateful to you to invite me.

TM: Oh of course.

SP: And well you know I think that those who listen to me know that I have a soft spot for the American people and there’s no secret that I’ve always said that the two most important countries in the world are Great Britain and the United States of America, not because I’m trying to suck up to anybody but simply because America is the place where decisions are made and the old country, that’s Great Britain is the magic country, it’s the country of energies and ancient history and those who have listened to me know that I don’t believe in a world of doom and gloom. I do talk about difficulties and I do talk about hard roads ahead but I’ve always said for the last seven years I haven’t changed my message, that we are going to make it. Now how many of us make it that I don’t know, but the option is there for every man woman and child to make it if they so choose and if they are brave enough to make those decisions, so what I would say to your audience is to keep listening to your show Ted because it is one of the most enlightened and spiritual shows anywhere on the planet.

TM: Well thank you.

SP: It is incorruptible. This radio show of yours cannot be corrupted.

TM: Thank you.

SP: Therefore the information you are giving is of the highest truth and of the strongest light and the time is coming when people will begin to question some of their established radio stations and I hope that means that those subscribers move across to yours simply because they’ll hear the truth from your mouth and not lies.

TM: Well thank you so much Simon for saying that. The purpose of this show is to raise consciousness and make this world a better place and I’m really touched that you said that. Thank you. Thank you so much.

SP: Well I’ll go now Ted so God bless to you and God bless to Eric and God bless to all of your listeners who are all over the globe.

TM: All right thank you so much for being on today Simon. I really enjoyed interviewing you and I hope you have a wonderful and happy evening.

SP: Thank you.

TM: With that I’d like to play this last quote from Ask Not from President Kennedy who has asked me to play this today.

JFK CLIP: And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

TM: And finally before we end this show. We’ve got about a minute left I’d like to play this beautiful song by John Lennon called Imagine. I hope all of you listening around the world have a beautiful and happy weekend. We have a beautiful bright future ahead of us everyone and I want everyone to know that, bye-bye everyone have a beautiful weekend.


Transcribed by GSC June 28, 2018

Proofread by

1I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.

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