
Ted mahr on Friday, February 23, 2018

with Ted Mahr and Michiko Hayashi on at Out of This World Radio (

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Out of This World Radio 1150 in Bellevue, Washington

Friday February 23, 2018

Ted asks Simon to explain his soul history; attempted Hawaiian missile strike discussed, Fukushima radiation plume headed to West Coast gets mysteriously cleaned up; reports of Schumann resonance rising and its effect on human awareness; a look at possible future events, i.e., earthquake in California, EMP device used on U.S. by same internal group that stages school shootings; differences in U.S. military branches; important for Trump to maintain support of military; Trump also expanding an elite Marine Unit; an alleged earthquake (nuclear torpedo) in Sea of Japan in 2016 didn’t create another tsunami; Simon suggests we keep a record of future events as they unfold so that history reflects what truly happened.


Ted Mahr: And with that I would like to bring in my friend, Simon Parkes who is coming to us live from England today. Simon - Hi, good evening, how are you doing today?

Simon Parkes: Good evening Ted, I’m doing very well, thank you, lovely to speak to you again and to your fantastic audience.

TM: Oh, well thank you Simon so much for coming on today. I know it’s late here… there. It’s 2:10 p.m. here, but I’m sure it’s what, about 10:10 p.m. there?

SP: Yes, you are spot on there, round about then.

TM: Well you have an amazing background Simon. You’ve had lifelong contact with extraterrestrials and many other ET forms which [cannot] be identified. You’ll be speaking at my conference next month. Thank you so much - at the Galactic Wisdom Conference; and you’ve written about your lifelong experience of alien shadow people, elementals, and UFOs. Your mother worked for the British Security Service called MI5 between 1965 to 1979. Your grandfather was a British diplomat, also worked for the foreign arm of the British Intelligence called MI6. You’ve had an amazing background and you have a radio show as well. I really like what you have to say Simon and I always feel honored and privileged whenever you come on my show.

SP: Well that’s very very kind of you. Thank you. I’m really looking forward to, you know, presenting at the conference that you are organizing. That’s going to be really exciting. You’ve got some fantastic speakers. I like the fact that you’re also doing the healing side. I think that’s a really great thing. Yes, I suppose I’ve had an interesting background, an interesting childhood. I always say that strange things happen to interesting people; but not everybody would want to go through or see what I’ve seen. So it’s not about - Isn’t it exciting? Well - this is what happened to my life. What was I going to do with it Ted? I could either just be quiet and say nothing but I decided that the news that I had, what I realized to be true was just too big to keep to myself; and that I had to share it. I had just hoped that people would believe me. I was so pleased when people listened to me, did their own research, and then you know it took them on their own journey. So in a small way I have played a small part.

TM: Um-hum, wonderful. Wonderful, Simon. Well one thing for people who are just tuning into the program now and we have a wonderful guest named Simon Parkes coming to us live from England today. Simon, you’re human but your soul has an interesting background. Would you mind explaining that to my audience please?

SP: Sure, Well I guess we …

TM: If you like to, yeah.

SP: Yes of course. Those of us who are enlightened (and I think that’s everyone listening to your show), realizes that the physical body that we have contains the soul. That’s of course very clearly understood in many religions - but my soul contains three parts. One part is of a human type. One part is of a Mantis type, and one part is of a Reptilian type. And I’m just very very fortunate that these parts work together in unison. I don’t want your audience to imagine three separate bits all bolted on and then you’re saying well who will I be today or who will I be tomorrow? This is a unique working environment and I’m not the only person. There are a number of people who have more than one part to their soul. And, you know, as I go through life I’m privileged to meet these people. So yes it’s human, Mantis, and Reptilian.

TM: Wow, amazing. How did that come about by the way - if you don’t mind me asking?

SP: I don’t have the full knowledge on it. I’m convinced that about 225,000–250,000 years ago I had two parts to my soul which was human and Reptilian and then in this lifetime or getting ready for this lifetime, I had a Mantis element added. That is why many of my experiences since a very young boy have been with the Mantis creatures. I think that was because this was the incarnation - this was the lifetime - that the Mantis part would then act as a catalyst between the Reptilian and the human part.

TM: Fascinating, fascinating. I know there has been conflict between the Reptilians and humans both on this planet and other places in the universe in the past. But perhaps with this unique background that you’ve got in your soul history Simon, you could conceivably act as a diplomat between the different factions in the future. Do you think that’s possible?

SP: I think that there are a number of people on the planet now who either themselves have a mixed soul or they are in a relationship with a person with a diametrically opposed soul. Every time we make a decision for good, we push the needle, we push the meter one way toward the positive. And every time we do something that’s negative we push it back. I think that everybody on this planet, everybody has the capability now, not just to empower and evolve the human race - but all of those other races that are looking at us and saying well look, if those guys down there can do it, then we can. Certainly when you have a human and a Reptilian part to you there is a potential for conflict; but in my case the Mantis section sort of mediates between the two and it’s been a fascinating learning journey for me. Literally, I don’t look on the Reptilians as the enemy. I look on them as a group that need to be given the opportunity to heal and to advance. Then it’s free will. It’s entirely up to them. I think that all of us on the planet by making good positive decisions help others to also make good positive decisions.

TM: Sure I couldn’t agree with you more Simon. I think the time for conflict on this planet is passing now actually; and as the Dalai Lama said at a conference in 2012, evil as an experiment on planet Earth is ending now, and we’re entering truly a new golden age.

SP: I do agree, but I would just add the caveat that as our canoe goes over the rapids and we can see the clear water ahead, there are a few rocks in the rapids just before the nice clear water. So I do think we are going to get some bumpy ride before we reach the, I say the promised land, but before we reach the environment that we’re all striving for. So, it’s not a done deal. It’s still going to be difficult.

TM: Sure, sure. Well, I know that in terms of vibration of the planet the Schumann resonance has gone way up since September of 2016. For thousands of years it was at 7.8 Hertz and then it doubled during the month of September, 2016 to almost 14 Hertz and since that time it’s somewhere over 200 Hertz. I think this is indicative of how the vibrations are literally rising on this planet - and with it a lot of negative entities and people who are negative will feel like they don’t really belong here anymore - because that kind of negativity both in thought, word and deed doesn’t really have a place on the planet Earth anymore.

SP: I couldn’t agree more. What’s happening from my perspective is that good people are getting better and evil people are being - or seem to be choosing to be pushed into the other direction. So it’s a very polarized group. It doesn’t seem to be a gray area anymore. And the other thing that I think many of your listeners will have picked up on is - as the Schumann resonance increases, our perception of time is changing. So we’re having less time. Time is speeding up. We have less time but the physical tasks we do at work or in the home, whatever we are doing, those tasks remain the same. So let’s just take from A to Z, and those are our tasks. From A to Z doesn’t move - but if I take time and I’m reducing it, we are finding we are getting less and less time to try to do the same amount of work. And the number of people who, they’re are not awake yet, they’re not spiritual, but they’re saying for goodness sake, what’s happening here?

TM: Right.

SP: I used to be able to get these jobs done by coffee time, or by this time and I’m not getting them done. And this is because the spiritual energy is speeding up but the physical material is actually staying the same. And those of us who are aware of that are because we are advancing. We are energetically moving forward and our physical body has lagged behind. They are moving but they are lagging behind. There’s this sort of time delay, and that’s what’s happening on the planet. It’s because of the Schumann resonance increasing all the time.

TM: Wow, that’s fascinating. Thank you so much for explaining that piece of the puzzle to me because I’ve had the same experience. I feel like an hour, just blink, and it’s gone. And even our Earth scientists say that we are losing, I can’t remember, so many minutes or seconds each month …

SP: Yes.

TM: …now and it’s becoming a weird real thing. And I think eventually, from my conversations with Nostradamus, he said this process would be, originally it was supposed to be complete by the year 2038. Well thanks to our good choices Simon, Nostradamus tells me now that that’s been moved up ten years to 2028 from 2038. So now we’re condensing down even faster and it can theoretically go much faster too, depending upon our free will choices.

SP: Yes. Well that’s really good news to hear because I think I’m going to echo everything - everyone, by saying it can’t come soon enough. The quicker the better.

TM: Well I have some tea right now I’m drinking and I’m going to say I’ll drink to that believe me. It can’t come soon enough, believe me, believe me. Well I want to keep the program positive and I want to mention this only in a positive light, but there was that scare in Hawaii here a month or two ago where they, that there was a so-called false flag of a person in emergency services in Honolulu hit the wrong button or something. I had heard that there was actually a missile fired at Hawaii, but it wasn’t from North Korea. It was from some negative elements who wanted to start a war with North Korea; but that missile was subsequently blown up as well as the submarine where it was fired from.

SP: Yes that matches everything that I have been told.

TM: Um-hum. Um-hum.

SP: It is interesting that there’s a small group of people that seem to have quite a grip still on some of the elements of power. We think of the United States President as being the man, the office holder that would control everything and that’s not the case. There are rogue elements, and it’s so awful. If we think back to our history where it was always expected to be the Russians that would attack Great Britain and the United States.

TM: Sure.

SP: Then it became one of the other eastern countries. But here we are. We have completely insane small groups of people within the United States who, for some reason that I cannot fathom, want to start another war, but you know what the good guys are outwitting them every time. It didn’t work. It didn’t happen, and it was prevented. And I do understand that even the ex-President Clinton was actually on a vantage point watching this - expecting certain a thing to happen and of course it didn’t happen.

TM: Oh, interesting. I hadn’t heard that. That’s fascinating. Yeah, that’s fascinating. Well it’s… I’m looking forward like you said a few minutes ago Simon, to this process being completed and the good changes can’t come soon enough.

SP: Yes.

TM: You know we have chemtrails here being still sprayed here in the United States, but I have been told that the Galactic Alliance for example has been working behind the scenes to stop the program and when I asked them a date, they told me last year it would be two years, so we’re looking at next year, and frankly it can’t stop soon enough.

SP: Sure.

TM: For that. There’s also problems of course with Fukushima but I know from my friends off planet that the Galactic Alliance and the people of the Hollow Earth who have advanced technology have been cleaning up Fukushima since it happened in March of 2011 For example back in 2014 there was a huge plume of radioactivity from Fukushima that was headed right for the U.S. West Coast: Seattle, Vancouver, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles; but when I had tests done on the ocean water off Seattle Simon - in May of 2014, all the radiation was gone. Then my Galactic friends said that they had come in and cleaned it all up, and they’re continuing …

SP: I can absolutely agree with that because if we looked and understood from genuine bona fide scientists the effect that we should have seen on much of the marine life and the coasts would have been catastrophic.

TM: Sure.

SP: And that is not, you cannot deny that. That is the way it is, but that has not occurred. The reason it’s not occurred is because somebody came in and did something - that from our science we couldn’t possibly understand how they did it, but that’s the proof of it, because otherwise we would have had a huge emergency along much of the coast of the United States and we haven’t had that.

TM: Nothing, and it’s always amazing to me. I don’t know what it’s like over there and I’d love to know, to have your opinion Simon, but here in the United States there is no mention of Fukushima anymore. It’s like Japan doesn’t exist, but the fortunate thing is that it is getting cleaned up. Is there any mention of Fukushima there in the press in the UK?

SP: Well interestingly enough no and that is because the threat is diminishing.

TM: Ah.

SP: As the threat diminishes - so both sides are not playing it up anymore.

TM: Uh-hum, uh-hum, wonderful, wonderful. Well I wanted to ask you too, you know, people always ask me how can they make this world a better place? And I’d love your advice. I know I have many listeners around the world listening as to how they can make this world a better place?

SP: Often we think that we are powerless. Often we think that we are a small individual in a great big machine and there’s nothing we can do. That’s not true. That’s a message given to us by the system because it doesn’t want us to act. The first thing we can do is believe in love and truth and we can believe in ourselves. We can form small groups. You can form groups of like-minded people. You can share news, share information, and you can do good deeds; not just for those in the group but those outside the group. You can demonstrate to others how you believe life should be. So in other words, you don’t have to go and give all your money away. That’s not what I’m talking about. What I’m talking about is when you are in the store, on the sidewalk, wherever it is - and you are interacting with people, treat them in a way that you would like to be treated yourself.

TM: What a beautiful idea.

SP: Demonstrating that it can work, that there is another way to the normal hurly-burly of life. I think that’s what we’re aiming for.

TM: In my conversations with President Kennedy he’s told me two, many important things. But the two most important for today is that the kinds of changes that he tried to institute back in 1963 (before he was assassinated on November 22, 1963) came from the top down. But because this planet is destined to ascend, destined to become a much better and happier place. The kind of changes happening now are from people like you and me talking on air today and all my listeners listening from around the world, coming from the bottom up. And that comes from treating among many other things, treating people with love and respect and kindness in your daily… day-to-day life.

SP: Absolutely and this is the point that I think President Kennedy was the right man in the right place but at the wrong time.

TM: Absolutely, yeah.

SP: The frequency of the Earth, the consciousness of humanity hadn’t reached a point, but by dying in the way he did, it actually kick-started a lot of consciousness in people all over the world; because Kennedy was the people’s president. He wasn’t the elite president. So when Kennedy was taken out, it was the ordinary man and woman on the street who felt that they had been cheated, that somebody had been taken from them. It was one of those pivotal moments in history when human consciousness began to question.

TM: Wow what a very profound statement, Simon, and President Kennedy is completely agreeing with you on that. I’ve always thought it was tragic that he was assassinated; but you put it into a different light now.

SP: Thank you.

TM: I wanted to ask you Simon what do you see for the coming year in terms of world events; and for the next like one year, three years, five years out, short, medium and long-term?

SP: Okay, there’s a thirty percent chance; it’s not high, it’s a thirty percent chance of a medium-size earthquake off the California coast, between the 1st of March and the 15th of March.

TM: Okay.

SP: So I want people to keep an eye on that. There is a… in the next ten years there is a, I beg your pardon, the next ten months there’s an outside chance that an EMP device might be activated, and that we will be told that it’s a natural event, and much of the U.S. could be blanked out. What I want to emphasize here is there’s not going to be a loss of life.

TM: Um-hum.

SP: It’s not, this is not a disaster. You know, it is not the end of the world, but it looks to be, there’s a potential for a number of issues to come our way before we make it through to the happy days as I would call it. That’s what I was trying to say earlier that there are going to be ...there will always be these group of people who do not want to be part of the community. They will do whatever they’ll do and it has to play out. But ultimately when it’s played out these people will have nowhere to go. There will be no audience, nothing for them. So we will then as a group of positive people move forward. All I’m trying to do is to just alert people that it is not a done deal. There are still issues. You mustn’t give up your fight. You mustn’t give up your belief. Don’t sit back in your armchair and say well, you know, we are going to do it. It’s all going to happen. It won’t if we give up. We have to keep strong and we have to believe.

TM: Um-hum, and I think the most important thing you said a minute ago too is that we are all powerful spiritual beings meant to create a better and happier planet.

SP: Yes, well that’s why we’re here. You know it’s no coincidence that we are, you know, if I said the intelligent life form on the planet. Therefore it falls to us to make the choices. As much as we love our cats and our dogs that is not their role to make the choice. It is fallen on us. That is why we’re here.

TM: Um-hum. Well that is why your work is so important Simon. You know this chance of an earthquake next month - what I’d like to do is ask everyone to send lots of love and light to California now in a moment of silence and bathe the entire state and waters off the coast of California [in] lots of love and light so that there won’t be any chance of an earthquake next month. I have many friends in Los Angeles and the San Francisco area. It’s a beautiful state and Mount Shasta is a beautiful place. I wouldn’t want to see them harmed by any earthquake at all. So if we could all send just, just spend a minute now to send lots of love and light to California. I’ll repeat this next week through March as well, just so that there won’t be any kind of disaster happen there. Thank you. Thank you so much. And this EMP device would that be triggered by another foreign power attempting to harm the United States or is it…

SP: No it’s an internal, it’s the same group that staged the shootings, the later shooting in the school …

TM: Florida, oh yeah, oh yeah.

SP: … in your country, the same group of people who are responsible for that.

TM: Oh yeah.

SP: I don’t know if you are aware but the name of the school, the school carries a name, and the name if you look back in your history; is the name of a very effective campaigner who didn’t want the Florida swamps drained. They campaigned very hard for the wildlife to prevent the Florida swamps being drained. And the school where the shooting took place is named after that woman. Now if you think of President Trump talking about draining the swamp …

TM: Right.

SP: You begin to understand that the shooting there was a direct challenge to him.

TM: Oh interesting.

SP: So if your audience go Google the name of the school, in the history they will find this person who was very active and that’s absolutely no coincidence that the shooting took place there.

TM: I have the name. I just Googled it. It’s called, the name of the school is called Marjory Stoneman Douglas.

SP: Okay and if you then Google later you’ll find that she was quite famous for her campaigning work.

TM: Oh that is really interesting, really interesting.

SP: Well the trouble is you see that the American news is still not fair and square, as we say in Great Britain.

TM: Right.

SP: And there is a lot of stuff not coming out to you guys.

TM: Um-hum. Well …

SP: But that will change.

TM: Yeah.

SP: That will change for the good.

TM: Yeah. One of the things that has been bothering me on the Internet - they have come out with stories about the so-called victims of the shooting and all, and I’m saying this with all due respect for the Florida families. I know people were killed there and I want to send out lots of love and light to them; but some of them were actors brought in by some nefarious agencies to make things worse. And these actors are hired by the Federal government and they go from shooting to shooting. I don’t know for what purpose they would hire these people to have them show up and give these false accounts of what happens. I don’t understand it frankly.

SP: You’re quite right that there is usually always genuine people who are genuinely injured or killed.

TM: Right.

SP: And that happens but what… The reason for these actors is that they have cameras already prepositioned and what you’re getting pictures of is the actor’s part. That is why they do that because genuine ordinary people who are caught up in that tell the truth. They don’t act. They actually do because it is really happening to them.

TM: Right.

SP: And therefore you don’t get them acting and what these bad guys want is for people to act in a certain way. That’s why they bring these people in. But the other thing I will quickly say is that you’re detecting the same people in many of these false scenarios. The reason is that the vast majority of people will refuse to take part in something as horrible as this, so their group of actors is dwindling. It’s smaller and smaller and smaller, and that’s why you are seeing the same faces because nobody really wants to do it.

TM: Hmm, interesting. There was a face of a young man who CNN interviewed here supposedly right after the shooting. His same face has been in Los Angeles at the same shooting there on August 17, 2017 in that area in California; and here he shows up again in Florida. Same fella, matches everything and he’s giving the same kind of story, an actor, so …

SP: You’ve got to be completely mad to want to organize these things, and all of your audience, including us, we can’t grasp why anybody would want to do that. And this is what you were saying earlier Ted, that the division is there. The resonance is increasing, and these people are being left behind because they have no future in a world of beauty; but they have still time to change.

TM: Right.

SP: There is still time for them to throw away their old shell and take the new life.

TM: Sure.

SP: There is still time but if they don’t do it soon it’ll be too late for them.

TM: Well, with that I’d like to send lots of, ask everyone around the world listening today please send lots of love and light to the victims of this horrible Florida shooting, and it’s just… it’s beyond my comprehension how anybody could do that to anybody in a school like that. I hope this sends them some good healing. But I agree with you Simon, I don’t think our media, especially here in the United States, is telling us everything that is going on with these horrific events.

SP: No, and you know you’ve got a president in there that the super elite can’t control. So they can’t control him; but they are still in control of elements of the media. They still control elements everywhere else, and that’s where they are manipulating. Now what these bad guys don’t have anymore is the control of the military. That’s a really key point. The military now is refusing to play any part in this nasty agenda. That’s why we’re seeing things moving in the way they are.

TM: Hum, interesting. I remember it was last year, I think you explained it to me. I can’t remember if we were on-air or off-air Simon, but you said there were clear divisions, differences - between the different branches of the U.S. military.

SP: Yes.

TM: That the U.S. Navy was different from the Army which was different from the …

SP: Air Force.

TM: Air Force, right.

SP: Yes.

TM: Which is different from the Coast Guard.

SP: Yes.

TM: And the distinctions are very interesting. Would you mind, if you don’t mind going over those distinctions?

SP: Surely. That’s why the United States Navy ever since Forrestal have played a key role in alien intervention. You know, you think about the great American fleets with their aircraft carriers able to project air power to any corner of the globe and that’s the truth. They can do that. And so if you think of the “Star Trek” films and the “Star Trek Enterprise” was called a ship. So the Navy has always had this role, but the Navy has been a bit different, a bit separate. So it’s cultivated its own history and that’s why the Marines now are some of the most loyal to the Constitution and President Trump represents the Constitution. So you will find that the Marines are the ones who will be used for any special operations, not the seals necessarily or Delta Force, but indeed that. Trump has actually been creating or upping his own special military force, probably no more than 250–300 troops who are operating or will operate specifically to the president. Now that’s unique.

Before what’s happened is that Delta or Seals have detached units which have then gone and done something, but this now is a separate group which is almost like a royal guard. But they are ones who are uncorruptible and believe in the Constitution. So you have a military now which is much more behind the Constitution than it was five years ago. You have an Air Force, which is the difficult one at the moment - because it is the Air Force, the United States Air Force which operates an arm of it, the Secret Space Program.

TM: Ah, interesting.

SP: So you’ve got the Navy and the Army quite central and at the moment you’ve got an element of the United States Air Force, which is a little bit outside of normal operations.

TM: And tell me a little bit about the Army. My dad was in the Army for 30 years and I’ve always had a lot of respect for the Army.

SP: The National Guard were the first units to become fully pledged to the Constitution. The regular units then followed after President Trump brought so many generals in to government. At the moment, I don’t know if you guys are following your own news, or whether indeed you are getting your own news, but the National Security Advisor looks like he’s going to be got rid of, but your… potentially. You have a Chief of Staff at the White House potentially also could be got rid of, but I’ve been told that President Trump still has confidence in the general. So you might find that the general holds his job but the other one loses his job. It’s imperative that Trump maintains the support of the military because the military are very very anti politics. They don’t like the politicians. They feel the politicians have ruined America. There is a battle playing out and I do believe that Trump is beginning to get the upper hand.

TM: Interesting, interesting. I have to tell you a little story. I had both Randy Cramer and Corey Goode on my show in the past. In my conversations with Randy Cramer, (they were both soldiers in the Secret Space Program, and especially, Randy), I asked him, I said, “Randy why are they allowing you to come forth with disclosure about the Secret Space Program?” And he said, “Because my commanding officer ordered me to do it and I decided to go ahead and do it, accept his orders.” And that was very interesting because then I said “Well what’s the basis of that?” He said he was part of the Marines and there’s a special force. There’s a Marine unit that was created by President Dwight D. Eisenhower back in 1959.

SP: Yes.

TM: And the reason why that date’s important because that’s the year that President Eisenhower tried to gain entry to Area 51 - that at that point had been taken over by the Reptilians and they wouldn’t let him in. So finally President Eisenhower threatened to order the 6th Army out of Denver to Nevada to forcibly take over this American base which was already taken over by another species. At that point the Reptilians and the people running Area 51 backed down and let his representative in. That was the last time any representative from the White House has gone into Area 51 to look at anything. But the outgrowth of that whole thing is that President Eisenhower in an executive order, created this separate Marine unit which is designed to defend the U.S. Constitution and act as a counterweight to some of these negative influences within the military. That’s what Randy Cramer - his unit is part of.

SP: And that is what... Yes, that is what I was saying earlier is - that what Trump is doing is expanding that unit. And if you think about Robert Heinlein when he wrote his book “Starship Troopers,” that is exactly what he is talking about. It’s an elite Marine unit.

So with the removal of people like Kissinger (who now is busily running around even at his amazing age, nearly a hundred now, whatever he is - I have lost track); but with Kissinger doing things regarding the gold and the American economy - he’s taken off from the politics - and all of the other very difficult nasty characters we had during the ’80s, the ’90s, with them now out of the picture, the focus is narrowing. We will never get another 9/11. We’ll never get another Fukushima, but we are getting smaller problems. So the problems are smaller but they are becoming more prevalent. So where you might have had one or two big situations every five or six years, now we are getting four, five or six a year but they’re much smaller.

TM: I have to tell you a story... and again, this wasn’t mentioned in our U.S. media. But in November of 2016 I heard about this from my friends in Tokyo. There was another alleged earthquake in the Sea of Japan at the same location as Fukushima occurred back in March of 2011. People in Japan were very uneasy for about a day or so because they thought there was going to be another tsunami hitting the Fukushima reactors again. But what happened is that the Galactic Alliance (my friends off planet told me this), came in and neutralized the effect of that so-called earthquake. Actually it was an atomic bomb that some negative elements placed at the Sea of Japan, which they wanted to cause another Fukushima to disrupt the reactors; and it never happened. The tsunami never happened. Nothing happened actually. I told my friends in Tokyo I said you’re being protected by the Galactic Alliance and by positive forces and don’t - it’s hard - and don’t worry about it; because Fukushima, another Fukushima is not going to happen and it didn’t.

SP: The only thing I can add to that was that the device they attempted to detonate was a nuclear torpedo. So it wasn’t a bomb in the sense of the understanding but a nuclear tipped torpedo.

TM: Okay.

SP: And that’s what didn’t do, didn’t work.

TM: Interesting, interesting. Well, I want to empower people on this program to let them all know that we are all powerful spiritual beings and we have a very bright and beautiful future ahead of us and we are getting help. And it’s not a time, as you said Simon, to be complacent - just sit back and do nothing but to think positively about the future because there are good things coming for us especially for our children and our children’s children.

SP: Yes.

TM: I was going to ask too Simon, we’ve got about ten minutes or so left. What else do you see for the future?

SP: Well I actually see a really good future and it’s in our lifetimes. Aren’t we lucky? We could have been born a hundred years ago or two hundred years in the future. But we are so blessed because we are the people who are going to be here on this planet during the changeover.

Now my generation, I saw the interesting moon landings in 1969, which was sold to us as the moon landings; but I would went through that. In my own country in 1971, we changed our coinage. We changed from the traditional system to a decimal system. I have seen key things but none of those match with what I will see in the coming months or year or so ahead. We have the most amazing chance to keep a record and say I was there. I was part of that.

TM: Wow.

SP: And we need to write books. We need to keep a diary. We need to ensure that the records of the future truly reflect what has happened and that they’re not skewed down one direction or another. So, I would just say to all of your listeners celebrate every day that you’re alive because you came to this planet to do some good. You didn’t come here for a vacation. You came here to be positive. We are going through the most exciting time and that’s why everyone off this planet is so interested in us.

TM: Um-hum, fascinating. I’ve heard that we have a lot of visitors off planet watching or actually listening to this show today too Simon, listening to what you’re saying, both of us, and they’re really enjoying it. They’re all nodding in agreement. I have to tell you when you started talking this whole studio lit up in light and it’s always a good sign that I’ve got angels and higher spirits here. You have friends in high places. I think we both do who are present with us today.

SP: Well sometimes we need them, because you’re like me. You won’t turn a blind eye to something.

TM: Right.

SP: And you do have principles and principles cost, and I don’t mean cost in money. They cost in determination and strength. And whatever help we get I always say thank you very much indeed.

TM: Simon, I hope you don’t mind me asking you this question but I, and you can be free to omit the personal facts if you like. I’m just curious about my own background. I feel like I’ve been here for a long time trying to affect good change but I feel like now’s the time that things are really coming to a head on the planet.

SP: Well, look you could have come here when there was no radio. You could have come here when the only way you could talk to people was standing on the sidewalk and shouting at people, but that isn’t effective . So you came to the planet when the technology of this planet was at a level that you would be able to harness that for good purposes and to create a platform for all good people to come to share and spread the message. We’ve never in the history of this planet, had the opportunity to reach so many people with good messages. That is what you are doing. And you’re an ambassador in your own way. You’re an ambassador for truth, and there are lots of us over the planet and there are more to come.

TM: Oh, thank you so much for telling me that Simon. I appreciate your support so much. I feel like I had a life back in Atlantis about 12,500 years ago. I and my friends back then tried to turn things around but there was this crazy small cliche of what was called then, what is called now the military-industrial-complex and they ended up destroying much of the planet in a nuclear war. Many of those same spirits are back today but I feel that many of them also have learned their lessons too and they don’t want to make the same mistakes they did back then and that’s why the planet among other reasons is turning around.

SP: Yes, that’s a key point. When a person goes through a cataclysm - that Atlantis went through and indeed other places have gone through you, I use the word trauma, you’re so shocked by what you’ve seen that many of us, many would say. I never want to see that again.

TM: Sure.

SP: What can I do to ensure that we don’t make the same mistake? And those people become warriors for truth, warriors for light - because they’ve got nothing to lose. They’ve been through the worst and they can see that the human race is building up again and they are absolutely determined to see it through. The problem with Atlantis is that it fell upon advanced technologies. The Atlanteans had a form of time travel. It was male and female but the females in Atlantis were quite dominant. Lemuria was much more of a male Machiavellian type in political environment. The two city states or the two dividing energies couldn’t work together; because at that time it wasn’t going to happen and of course there was this war. So those people then, both from Atlantis and Lemuria went to the Hollow Earth; and then from the Hollow Earth they realized they were hiding underground and that was no good. They needed to come onto the surface and do a bit of good. And many of us now are out there trying to do a bit of good.

TM: Wow, wonderful. Well every year I take a group of people to Mt. Shasta and we get in contact with the people of Lemuria. We have such a, just an amazing time and sometime you are welcome to come. Come along any time you like Simon. I’ll be doing that July 2nd through the 8th and September 6 through the 11th. But we always get in contact with the Lemurians. There is something else interesting too I was told by another psychic last year. This area Simon, from Vancouver Island in Canada down to Mt. Shasta, was once part of Lemuria. But after this war that happened 12,500 years ago with the Atlanteans, part of Lemuria broke off and it settled on the U.S. West Coast in this area. I think that’s one of the reasons why the consciousness out in this particular part of North America is very high. We have a lot of psychics and spiritual working done from Mt. Shasta north to Vancouver Island.

SP: I don’t have any knowledge on that, but that would make perfect sense. What I can say is that the war between Lemuria and Atlantis caused the melting of the last Ice Age.

TM: Oh wow.

SP: Because the last Ice Age melted around the 12,000 year mark.

TM: Okay, that would make sense. Okay, yeah.

SP: Because the temperature was raised with the weapons that were used. So the temperature in the Earth’s atmosphere raised and it created quite a melting of the ice.

TM: Well, the old ways don’t work. That was proved during the destruction of Atlantis. One thing that my friend Albert Einstein is just telling me now the definition, he always… it was funny what he said. He said the definition of insanity is doing something again and again the same way and expecting different results so these entities who were back in Atlantis and blew up the place, blew up this planet, much of the planet with nuclear weapons back then, why do they think that things are going to be different now if they use nuclear weapons again? They’re not going to be.

SP: No, and what’s important here is because they can’t. They are trapped in an energy cycle, in a circle. They are incapable of breaking out of it and all they’re doing is replicating the same thing. That is because it is not their time to evolve in this life and therefore they are going to have to be given another chance, another choice some other time.

TM: Sure and I know that Gaia will, I don’t think that she will want them back frankly.

SP: Oh definitely not.

TM: Yeah, there’s a …

SP: Definitely not.

TM: Yeah they will go off …

SP: It’s time, Ted it’s time for the great big animal to shake its hairy back and send the fleas off.

TM: Funny. That’s funny. That’s funny. By the way, real quick, we’ve got about two minutes left. I have to ask you, how are your cats doing?

SP: They’re fine, thank you. They are doing really well. We’re waiting for winter to end here. We’re still in our winter phase and so of course because they are Norwegian Forest Cats, they tend to grow their coats. Come summer then their coats will get a bit thinner.

TM: Oh how fun, yeah. I’ve got a big fluffy cat called Fluffy and he’s an orange kitty cat.

SP: That’s very original Ted.

TM: Yeah, he likes the name I guess. Yeah I recently got… he recently went to college and got a driver’s license - so he helps me out driving around now. But anyway Simon we have about a minute left and I want to give you the rest of the time to end your wonderful interview today.

SP: Well I’m just going to ask people to support you and to support your radio show to send donations to you Ted for the wonderful work you are doing.

TM: Thank you.

SP: You know to realize you know that it’s easier to sit in an armchair and listen. It’s much harder to do. So for those who are too busy or are not able to do, then send some donations to Ted and the radio show because he is the man who is doing it.

TM: Well thank you so much Simon. I really appreciate that support. My website is www.outofthisworld1150 .com and also too you can come to my conference next month and listen to Simon giving a presentation.

SP: Looking forward to it, Ted.

TM: Wonderful. Wonderful. Well Simon, I want to thank you so much for coming on today and sharing your wisdom. I always enjoy having you on and I hope you have a wonderful and happy evening there. Thank you so much again for coming on Simon.

SP: Well listen, God bless to you Ted and God bless to all your listeners and thank you for inviting me.

TM: All right Simon, have a wonderful day. Thank you again for coming on.

SP: Take care. Bye bye.

TM: Thanks so much.

[end of Simon Interview 55:12, 1st hour]

Transcribed by GSC November 28, 2018

Proofread by Carolyn Hess February 19, 2019

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