
What Will Happen Aug 8, 2017?

with Panelists Allison Baker, Linda McCallum, Dr. Micheal Ledwith at the UFO Symposium

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Breakfast with Simon Parkes At the Triad Theater in Yelm, Washington, Part 1, July 30, 2017

Panelists: Allison Baker, Linda McCallum, Dr. Miceal Ledwith

Simon explains his aversion to flying; those elite above-the-law black helicopters that fly over people’s homes, what they do and don’t do; they do monitor, test, take samples, make notes, maybe inject nanorobots or other things; they don’t take DNA (they already have it), nor is it in their interest to kill the target; interdimensional space between 3D and 4D created by alien technology exists so entities can be out of phase with 3D–4D and is a safe haven for Reptilian-type entities; movie Tomorrowland has mind-controlling machine in another dimension, as has Earth for thousands of years; Orion Cube and morphed timelines; will so much talk about comet hitting Earth become a self-fulfilling prophecy; nonphysical Archons want to kill physical humans after we finish building their technology; ulterior motive about object from space hitting Earth; purpose and mechanics of Pleiadean soul with Reptilian overlay; getting our DNA strands back; economic collapse; Hollow Earth description; odd connection of Greek debt and unstable dollar.

[START 05:15]

Dr. Miceal Ledwith: Thank you so much Jane, it’s wonderful to be back here and to see you Simon alive and well in Yorkshire, and we’re having breakfast here in the Pacific Northwest. I’ve heard nothing but discussion of the material that you so kindly covered here with us in the middle of your night when we last met and we’re looking forward greatly to continuing that. One of the things that has struck a lot of people and myself included is you have stated many times that you don’t travel. Now maybe this is a personal opinion so please forget I asked the question entirely but you said you do not travel. Now I thought perhaps if you were able to elaborate something on that, is there some reason of concern for your personal safety? Is there something more deep in that or does it relate to any of us if we were to travel as well? Can you fill us in a little on that or is it something personal?

Simon Parkes: Thank you ever so much for inviting me back. You are fast becoming my favorite bunch of people in the United States. (applause) Thank you. It’s not a personal thing. When you guys stand and look at an airplane can you tell me doctor what do you see when you look and see an airplane, what do you actually see?

ML: You mean when we’re in an airplane, what do I see?

SP: No, no, when you stand and look at an airplane what do you see?

ML: Are you referring to chemtrails and things like that?

LM: No just the airplane.

ML: What do I see, I see an airplane. This must be a very profound question because I can’t guess what you are looking for. I see an object in the shape of a cross.

SP: That’s probably because you are so confident in flying. When I look I see a very thin metal craft with thousands of gallons of explosive fuel, with stress lines, rivets, bolts, and only humans to fly it and no intelligent compute over. It’s totally irrational but when you have actually flown in something that was made not on this planet you learn about the potential safety qualities that are built into these vehicles and it is just simply that I cannot bring myself to go into an airplane no matter how good the pilot is and how irrational it is, it is something that is just deeply ingrained in me so that’s the reason why I can’t, at this moment in time, overcome my fear. However, I would say that the web manager, the person who very kindly hosts my website has given me a book, something like ten steps to easy flying so I’m very hopeful that that might just do the trick.

ML: When you referred to the lack of computer backup in aircraft to overcome human frailty in pilots I’m reminded of an old story from years ago in California. A flight took off from Los Angeles International Airport for JFK in New York, and as they were flying out from the airport a voice came over the intercom and said ladies and gentlemen you are making history. This is the first fully automated flight ever to take place. There is no captain, no first officer, no navigator, but don’t worry these computers are far more reliable than any human operators could ever be and there is absolutely nothing can go wrong, can go wrong, can go wrong.

SP: I’m sure that’s profound. Unfortunately the sound cut out and I didn’t hear any of it.

ML: Well anyway enough levities for this morning. Well we have a lot of questions backed up here and I’m going to ask my colleague Allison if she would launch into the deep parts right now.

Allison Baker: Well keeping with the theme of flying on your Connecting Consciousness blog someone recently asked if other people were also experiencing black military helicopters flying over their homes when they were doing their spiritual disciplines. I know that there are people in our community of Yelm here that have had the same experience, myself included. It is also as if the military has the technology that picks up spikes in energy as when someone starts to move up the electromagnetic spectrum. Are you aware of any technology that the US military would have that could pick up these energy fluxes?

SP: It’s far more complicated than that. The individuals who are becoming spiritual, who are doing their meditation, in most cases are already catalogued and identified by elite military units, in many cases before even a child is born that individual is already known and targeted. That is why you get walk-ins, those of you who are familiar with walk-ins, this is a direct attempt to throw Earth elite government off the track and con us into a body five, ten, fifteen, twenty years after that child is born, then the elite are on the back foot because they cannot track that individual. There’s a big game of “cat and mouse” that goes on all the time.

I’ll talk about the black helicopters. Black helicopters operate predominantly in Canada, Australia, the United States of America, Great Britain, and to a lesser extent in South America, and to a lesser extent in the rest of Europe. A vast amount of black budget is stolen from taxpayers to fund this illegal operation. It doesn’t matter whether you are in Great Britain or the United States, there is a law that said if you are to fly an aircraft of any sort it must have markings, but these particular helicopters are painted black or gray and have no numbers, no international insignia, which is illegal so you know that you are dealing with an elite government that operates above the law. The helicopters are not coming to take the energy off people who are meditating. The helicopters are coming because that individual is already cataloged and they are coming to that person as part of their normal abduction because humans abduct other humans or spiritual people, and as I have made clear when I speak to individuals the correlation between bruising on your body that you cannot account for and the black helicopters is beyond doubt, so if you have, if you are one of many spiritual or psychic people who have bruising on your body, particularly your hips or your thighs you in many cases will be able to reconcile that with hearing or seeing a black helicopter. I hope that helps.

AB: An adjunct to that question is I’ve also heard that they’re using an alien technology from the helicopters to collect DNA. Is that true? Are they collecting DNA of the people just to check their progress and if so why? Are they afraid of that progress?

SP: Again most of… lots of that I didn’t hear. I think I’ve understood. If I haven’t then just please come back. No the helicopters to my knowledge are not collecting the DNA because they already have it. Ground crews would have already collected that DNA. You are born in a hospital in most cases. Your DNA is already taken. You go to the doctor to have your teeth looked at. Your DNA is taken. If they don’t do that they will steal an item of your clothing and then return it to you two weeks [later]. They don’t need to invest in huge technologies to steal the DNA because most people are in the medical system and therefore the medical records area available. The DNA is very important because it links that individual just like the police use fingerprints, so the elite use DNA. But the object of the black helicopters is to test individuals to see how they are developing and changing in terms of drawing down their energy DNA. So a helicopter may visit you as an individual maybe five or six times a year; if you are of particular importance to them they will visit you nearly every week, and they will take you out of your body, they will do the tests to you and then place you back. The object is not to kill you, but in many cases to inject you with nanorobots. In other cases it is purely and simply to take samples to see how you are progressing because these people, these very spiritual people who have eleven to twelve strands of DNA connected forefront are to the human race the spearhead behind all the wood shaft stands behind, so they take samples not of the wooden part of the spear but of the very point because by doing that they can work out how much time they’ve got left before humanity evolves to a point that their empire is finished. So they’re looking to these people like a bellwether. They are predicting how much time they have before they lose complete control of humanity.

AB: Thank you that’s exactly what I wanted to know.

ML: [17:30][sound distorted …apologies here in the Pacific Northwest in the boondocks our computers run on speed (laughter drowns out speaker) …I apologize for this] I had a little question to ask in relation to the black helicopters. They come to take samples et cetera. Is there something preventing them from doing the obvious, radiating us with something that would put us out of action or killing us or something, why do they not do that? Why do they just test us to see how long they’ve got left? Is there something stopping them from doing that?

SP: Yes the individuals concerned will have a form of protection and the elite government probably feels that all the can do is observe, take samples and make notes. It is also not in their interests to kill people because these are the people who are unwittingly giving them information as to the development of the human race so they wouldn’t want to do that anyway but in many cases those individuals have a protection which means that elite governments or governments can only go so far.

AB: Thank you. I’m going to start over again with the second question that I had and it is in reference to something that you and I had spoken to when we were talking one-on-one and it’s in regard to an interview that is online and it is with Max and Sarah at Bases at the Barge where they discussed the place, actually a bubble, between 3D and 4th dimension that was created with alien technology where there is still a Nazi deathcamp paradigm going on and I wanted to ask first of all you confirmed for me that that place does in fact exist, and my question is can they, are they just harvesting off of the individuals that were in the original death camp, in other words are there incarnate beings there that are still playing that paradigm out over and over again. I know that they are also using people that have been in MKULTRA mind-controlled, those people, myself included, are able to go to that paradigm, it’s a participation level, but I’m wondering if they have been able to keep the people that they experimented on in Nazi Germany there as energetic beings.

SP: I am aware that there is, you used the term bubble. There is an interdimensional space between the 3rd and the 4th and a number of these entities reside. I cannot confirm, you use the term deathcamp. I cannot confirm that but what I can confirm is that there is an artificial realm between the 3rd and the 4th that the terminology I use is “just out of phase.” That’s my check of it, just out of phase, just out of phase in the 3rd reality, so if that’s the 3rd dimension, that’s the 4th dimension (holds hands tightly together) a modern scientist would say that you couldn’t get a piece of paper in there, but you could get a city the size of New York in there, but it is possible to create extensions within that. Now whether there is something as complex as what you have described, the reason I’m not certain about it is because these beings have the technology to come into the 3rd dimension and harvest the energy and I’m not quite clear what the advantage would be having it in the 4th dimension. My understanding of, I beg your pardon, between the 3rd and the 4th, my understanding of having a realm between the 3rd and the 4th is simply that it is harder to attack from either the 3rd or the 4th dimension so it’s about hiding and fortifying rather than spending all your time doing something that you could do just as easily in the 3rd, so I suppose what I’m saying is that I can partially confirm what you have said but I have no knowledge of the actual term of deathcamp.

AB: Okay and then Max also said in the Bases to the Barge interview that that is not the only thing that they have created with this piece of alien technology between 3rd and 4th dimension so the besides that base where they’re… my experience has been that they are reenacting those atrocities because I’ve actually physically gone out of body and experienced them. What other things have they done with that technology that you’re aware of? In other words, what other phases have they created and what other paradigms are they using because my understanding is they are using that kind of a setup to set up a paradigm and it actually bleeds down into our reality so what can you tell us about that?

SP: Yes this originally started because certain entities wished to be out of phase with reality but needed access to the 3rd and the 4th so the very, very first time that this technology was used from the alien perspective was to create a safe haven for Reptilian-type entities. With their dealings with some type of higher group of elite, financially elite humans, they in connection with Archonic influences, the Archons looked at the possibility of mapping a different timeline or at least altering people’s perception so that human consciousness evolved in a different route which meant that humans did the work for them. In other words, these creatures are incapable of making something happen so they need the human race to choose that course for them. One of the ways to do that is through television and newspapers but it hasn’t had the effect that they’ve expected. There’s been much more resistance so just as Dr. Joseph Goebbels and others looked at subliminal influencing through images and sound the next, I suppose in propaganda, is to play something out that then is connected through a form of energy waves so the reality on Earth which could then make people think that a particular course of action was their own choice rather than they were being led there, so that I am aware of, but I’m also aware that it is not having the results they expected it to have. So in other words they found that the human psyche is harder to push than they initially thought, but yes I would agree on the second point you made totally.

AB: Thank you.

Linda McCallum: Hi Simon.

SP: Hi.

LM: I want to thank you so much for coming again. It was amazing to have an opportunity to share with you before. We are all very excited that you’re here now. My question, there you go, my question is about a movie that started a rollercoaster called Tomorrowland. It just came out. It’s with George Clooney. It was profound because it showed what happened to the world when it was ending from people’s belief that there was nothing they could do. It was just too big, too difficult, the melting of the ice shelf, the environment, the wars, the hunger, the droughts endlessly and they gave up. What was discovered is that in another dimension there was a machine and this machine was a tachyon machine that sent waves of thought in to this dimension that was hopeless and despairing and fearful and victimized. The ending, before I get to that let me just say that the ones in charge of the dimension that had the machine wore Reptilian costumes and it was really clear that quote as you would say tells in the movie that what changed it was those people who did have that powerful psyche who were not afraid to dream who knew there could be a way through mind and thought. I wanted to ask you is there a machine that you know of that is doing this, a particular machine and if so where is it located?

SP: The machine is for a very long time but it’s only simply been changed in terms of its purpose. The machine has existed for thousands of years and was designed to lower the vibrational rate of humans across the planet to keep people basically the status quo, but ultimately that battle has been a losing battle for them, and so mixed in with Hollywood they attempted to seed ideas that the Earth is going to have a cataclysmic end. Either it is going to be struck by a meteorite or the East Coast of America will be submerged or the West Coast of America will be submerged or the earthquakes will destroy this part of America, and the number of people who contact me are genuinely frightened, genuinely scared. The reality is if enough people buy into this it will happen. We mustn’t buy into it. You know when the Knights Templars offered me body guards and armored cars and a nuclear bunker, I wouldn’t accept the nuclear bunker because to accept the nuclear bunker is to accept there will be a nuclear war. So the machine that has for eons been holding people down is now being experimented with to try to get people to create their own destruction. That’s… and I think you understand that. I think that’s why you asked the question and so yes you are right and so people mustn’t buy into the fear. Just imagine tomorrow you are going to wake up and the sun is going to be shining.

LM: A beautiful part of the movie was they gave a little button to dreamers and when they pressed the button they wound up in a dimension where all things were possible so it’s like that little button exists within all of us, but this brings me to the next question I had and when I was listening to an interview you did with Kerry Cassidy I think it is you mentioned something called the Orion Cube, is that correct, that was found at the Roswell crash and it showed timelines and you mentioned that one of the reasons why Japan was attacked and sunk was because that showed an advantageous timeline for the United States. I have two parts to this question. One is we are changing timelines and as the morphogenetic field grows and we become more empowered in wholeness I know the timelines are changing. If you have an indicator that is revealing projections of timelines from the ’50s and we are now in 2015, did it show these possible mutations and if it did not show that why would the elite be planning another event in Japan that would possibly sink it because we’re in a different paradigm right now. I’m very interested in the mutation of timelines because I believe as we raise frequencies we become aware of all new possibilities.

SP: That’s a very good question. Up until twenty years ago the elite had actually placed the Earth on the timeline that they wished. Something around fifteen to twenty years ago the Earth jumped the timeline and now are on a much more positive timeline and for humanity. So the negative group are doing everything they can in an attempt to try and push the Earth back onto the timeline or the railroad track that they want. The sinking part of Japan was an attempt to push the Earth to the timeline that they foresaw that they’ve been robbed of. You must understand that the elite were promised the New World Order ten–fifteen–twenty years ago. It hasn’t happened. So they’re desperate because they have a massive following, huge army of people who all pay them money and they have to try and keep their membership under control and one of the ways of doing that is to make these great big world happenings which I think didn’t the Americans coin the term “shock and awe,” but also in an attempt to bring the timeline to a more favorable [position] from their perspective, so the Orion Cube or the Orion Box, depending on your terminology, I think it depends which arm of the military you come from, to my knowledge was first recovered by human elements after the Roswell. It was then understood and connected with the pilot’s chair, you can connect to the cube with a pilot’s chair from an alien spacecraft. You have the capability to travel dimensions and a partial time travel. Now what they were able to do was take this technology and look into the future, so not in a very successful way because if you may remember from some genuine whistleblowers, our children were being sent forward into the future, and there was very important one reason why they use children, but… so they were experimenting with something that they knew wasn’t really viable. However, it did give them views of America in devastation and destroyed but it took a long time to understand that this wasn’t THE future, it was a potential future. So if you send a hundred children through time, one of those children will come back and give you the information that America was the most powerful country in the world so that’s the timeline to go for. That’s what that was all about. So you would want to create situations that push you onto that timeline. You have to first identify that timeline. That was perhaps the hardest thing and everything that happens on a massive scale like that is designed to try to push the Earth toward it. The lesser happenings are just purely about trying to control and frighten the population.

ML: Simon coming back to your comment earlier about how we create reality if enough people accept something it is going to happen. There’s been a lot of talk over the last few months about a possible natural disaster caused by the collision of a comet with the Earth in September. This is gaining a lot of momentum and I wondering if it is turning into a self-fulfilling prophecy or not. Any illumination to shed on that?

SP: Right. Something has come into our solar system. A large object has been detected by both the Vatican, the Lucifer telescope I think was the first one to pick it up clearly. NASA obviously has detected it but this is not a comet. When you create energies, those energies if we do it in the right way can manifest into physical reality. I very rarely talk about the Archons. I keep away from the subject because it is a very, very difficult subject and many people would perhaps misunderstand what I say, but you’re a great bunch of people so why don’t we talk about the Archons. The Archons are nonphysical and they actually manipulate the Reptilian force although the Reptilians are so proud that they wouldn’t accept that. The Archons, and I’ve had a conversation with a good friend of mine just on this subject. The Archons are in their own way trapped and they can see the way that the human race is developing and they need to leave. They cannot leave through the portal because the portal is on the verge of collapsing so all of this has been known for many thousands of years and as sad as it is and I’m sure many people would argue with me who have a very accepted view of science, all of the great big advances or most of the great big advances that have come from the human race have come with the help from something else, not penicillin something like that, let’s take that for argument’s sake. That was created by Lister1 I think and basically those types of discoveries or rediscoveries are natural, the brilliance of the human mind, but if we look at say the Industrial Revolution, if we look at the creation of atomic power, these veritable developments in human technologies have been put about for one purpose and that is to force the human race ahead of its normal plan to develop technologies that will enable these creatures to obtain what they need. For instance if you wanted to build a spacecraft of an enormous size you would need nearly all of the population to build it for you and you would also need the raw materials, the exotic materials, the processes and so Earth and the humans on Earth have for the last two hundred, three hundred years technologically advanced at an unnatural rate. I don’t care what any scientist says to me. The way that the human race has evolved technically is unnaturally fast. It’s outstripped human’s spiritual understanding, and that was deliberate because had the spiritual development been [40:15][equal] then many, many people would have said slow down, this isn’t right, but because our spiritual development has been artificially held back and our technological advances have been synthetically pushed upwards, we have been lead to believe that this is the only way forward, that technology is the savior and if those of you who can remember the 1970s, that was the great period where people were told that science was going to save the world. We would have, you know, we would run out of food or we didn’t have this or we would have nowhere to live. We now have corporations all over the globe manufacturing very advanced technologies. These technologies have been created by people because this energy that I refer to, the Archonic energy wasn’t capable of creating it itself because it’s not temporal, it’s not a body; it is an intelligence. It is an energy that physically cannot create but what it’s done it is gone in and captured the minds of the leaders in many countries and the individuals who exert power and through them it has just created a massive network. It’s very clever I will say that. It’s very clever. It’s very manipulative. Now this is where the ideas of killing three-quarters of the population come from because once this device has been built or once the technologies have reached a set level they then say we don’t need anymore technology. We have what we need. We don’t need the people and this is what it is about and now the top arm of the Illuminati have jumped on that and they said oh yes because then we can enjoy the planet without having to look at all these useless people. So we have two threads here, the top Illuminati who have been promised the Earth and they can walk in Central Park and they won’t see anybody else because everyone else is dead and then you have the Archonic group who are saying once we have achieved the technological level, well we will just destroy these people because they created for us this technology. What people don’t realize is that if that were to ever happen, which it’s not going to, but if it was ever to happen this little group of Illuminati who think they are going to inherit the world would also be destroyed because they will become a hindrance because their knowledge is very great. And, you know, there are a number of people now in very high positions who have woken up to that and that is why we are getting a kickback and getting a lot of help so what I would say is there are unseen energies at work which have manipulated the human race for thousands of years in ways that even researchers of the subject are not aware of. Even people who have spent twenty years researching this, some of them don’t grasp just how manipulated the human race has been. That’s why the human race has been allowed to increase its population so that statistically more scientists are born. You increase the pool, therefore you increase the genetic chance of somebody being a genius and this is the reason for this because all these people are being identified at a very early age and siphoned off and end up working in universities or corporations who are then given contracts. They work on those contracts never to see what happens to them because they are taken to use toward this goal that this unseen consciousness has, and people in the Vatican have thrown their lot in with it because they believe they are on the winning side, or they did think that and now we have a situation where there is a lot of doubt. Which is the winning side, so you know that’s where we are at the moment so basically that’s still continuing but the changes that have occurred in the last five years have such that the outcome is in doubt from their perspective. In other words, they have always believed that they would get what they wanted but for the last five years they now doubt that they can possibly achieve it. This is why different groups like the White Dragon Society, Red Dragon Society, the whole group of the Knights Templars are taking themselves away from what was at one time one solid elite organization. They are fracturing left, right, and center.

ML: Thank you, now this object that is supposed to impact us in September detected by the Lucifer telescope of the Vatican, is that part of that whole plan then?

SP: I didn’t hear the last part.

ML: I’m wondering if the object which I described to you as a comet which you said is not a comet that the Lucifer telescope detected, is that part of all of this plan that you have just described so well for us?

SP: A few years ago and more recently Hollywood made very, very popular the concept of an object like a meteorite was going to hit the Earth and how missiles would be launched and nuclear bombs could be placed on it and blow it up so it didn’t hit the Earth. In other words they were attempting to get the population of Earth or at least the Western world ready for a potential contact with some large body. My understanding of this for September is a little bit different. There is a strong potential of a lie being placed that a large object will impact somewhere in North America. It’s not going to but that is what may be told, the object being for some form of civil unrest or civil rebellion in some of the states of North America. You yourselves will know better than most because you are in America and because you are awake you will know that the government of Texas has asked for its share of the gold back. And you will probably know that there are half a million gold bars held in the Shanghai and Hong Kong bank in America, allegedly, allegedly the inventory says half a million gold bars. The government of Texas wants the gold back, proportionally each state can claim back a proportion of gold from the Federal gold reserve proportionate to the state. The reason for that is that Texas wants to create its own money. Now that’s not new there’s always been the talk about it and to be honest all you would need to do is have a gold coin and stamp a star on it and it would be a Texas dollar or a Texas something or other. Why would the governor of Texas want to create his own currency? Why did the governor of Texas order his own internal guard to watch the Jade Helm operation and report back to him? Why did the governor of Texas make statements about Jade Helm that was infringing on people’s liberties? I think he is aware that in the fall there may well be something that is used to attempt to create a situation in some of the states that would lead those states to try to cede from the Union, so a potential impact from a large object could be one way of creating enough civil disorder which would allow the Federal government to put into operation what is practiced in Jade Helm. I do not believe the Earth will be hit by an object but I do believe that that will be talked up.

ML: Thank you so much.

AB: I have heard you refer to somebody’s star family as a specific group with an energetic overlay of another group. For example a person may be Pleiadean but they have a Reptilian overlay. Besides using an overlay to see if this person can work through the differences in these two cultures is there another purpose for having an overlay and what exactly is the mechanics of an overlay?

SP: Okay, when a soul is created by God or Source that soul is given all the information it needs to choose its family. In other words it’s free but that soul will decide to reincarnate in a physical or a nonphysical body. That is its choice. It’s making the first choice. It doesn’t have to stay in that body. It can go wherever it pleases but let us say that it incarnates in a Pleiadean body which is 5th dimensional. Then let’s say that Pleiadean decides, a thousand years decides that it wants to learn more and experience and then goes into the 4th dimension. And let us say that it either does two things: it either incarnates in a Reptilian body or it incarnates in a Pleiadean body which I use the term higher human because it is at their higher vibrational rate than the 3rd dimensional human. If it is in a Pleiadean body but comes to the 4th it will connect with Reptilian elements. When I see a person’s aura I don’t see colors but I see a flowing wavy energy. When you connect with a different sort of energy it affects the connection or the contact between your auric field and their energetic field and depending on the type of energy they’ve got it will change or alter. Now in some cases it penetrates into the aura and you begin to take on some of the personality or some of the concepts of these creatures but that’s actually necessary if you are there to learn. So a person in a human body could have a Pleiadean 5th dimensional soul but the energy around them could contain a Reptilian or anything else because they have had a soul contract or they have had some dealings with another group and it’s purely about learning. The two enemies, not a good word to use but we’ll use it, would be Reptilian and Pleiadean. For me the key exciting parts are when you have a Pleiadean father, a Pleiadean mother and a Reptile child is born to them, because will parents accept the child, will the child accept the parents, and there are experiments going on all over the globe at the moment and have been for the last twenty-odd years. If enough healing can be done, if enough families or groups can put aside their differences and connect then it does two things: first of all it sends out a ripple of energy of a very healing nature far and wide, but on a practical level it actually demonstrates to others that change can successfully be brought about. Now if you are participating in an operation like this and you’re in a Reptilian group you don’t put the soul of a janitor, that’s not to say a janitor isn’t a good person but I’m looking at it from a hierarchical point of view, you don’t put the soul of a janitor in a person and then give them a different energy. You put a princess, a prince or a queen or a what have you because the only way the Reptilian alien psyche can change is when their representatives on the Earth feed back energy to them and dictate the way they need to change because it was always known when the human race was initially altered hundreds of thousands of years ago it was known this point would reach. There was no way of getting away from it this was all predicted. The Mayan calendar saw it. Anybody who had the ability to look through to the future saw this coming and there are two ways of dealing with it. You can either be an ostrich and stick your head in the sand and say I’m not going to worry about it till it happens or you can say we need plan B. We need to fall back on this. So there was a group from the Reptilian side that said can we successfully heal the differences with the human elements and so that is why you have Reptilian children of a soul nature born to high human parents or Reptilian soul parents having higher human children. That is why people, couples who get together sometimes have somebody who is completely different from them. This is a massive experiment that is taking place probably because divine Source is interceding to attempt to offer a way through, another alternative, which by free will people could or could not take. So it’s an incredibly exciting time and I’m aware of a number of situations over the globe where this is actually happening. It’s not… out of a hundred maybe thirty work, but generally it doesn’t work at the moment simply because people are unwilling to forgive.

AB: Well that we can change, thank you.

LM: You mentioned the last time you were here in your description of the DNA, the two strands we were given and the manipulation genetically and the ten strands and the mitochondria DNA that is in the etheric body. I’ve been contemplating this a lot because what I believe we are doing right now is in our focus of wholeness and unity becoming aware that this illusion of separation is in fact that. It is my etheric body, it’s not somebody else’s and because of that it should be available to me as I pull in strands of DNA that I am quote remembering who I have been before the manipulation and who I am in the future because time is an illusion and if time is an illusion and there is no separation which philosophically I totally know is true and I’m learning how to apply, something here is not agreeing with me, no kidding, then what I’m asking you is, is this the most effective way for us to be able to begin entwining more and more of these strands of DNA by focusing on these are our memories of past, present, future [58:18][mic sound phasing in and out], since I’m not sure what you heard basically what I’m asking is it is our work to entwine these strands of DNA. It is our strands that we went and accepted the illusion of separation in our journey here through all our different ancestral line, but it is ours and it lives in no time and all time so the more we focus on wholeness and the more we call forth our memories of who we once were and who we are in our wholeness would we not be accessing greater and greater ability to become these new strands of DNA?

SP: [59:09][sound cutting out]The, I suppose there is [59:11][unintelligible] to declare the right to have back what was stolen from us so before you access or gain any memories you have to get the DNA and the first thing you need to say I have a right, which you did mention, I have a right to what was mine and no one has the right to take it from you. It was taken in trickery because people generally are very trusting and people can’t imagine that someone could be nasty because you wouldn’t do it, so you wouldn’t do something bad to somebody like that so you can’t imagine somebody else would, so when someone came along and said what they said, we just accepted it because we had no knowledge of evil like that. Once you have declared this DNA as yours and you want it back, then you can gain your memories. The way to draw the DNA down is to try to return your physical body as it was before all the pollution, all the mind control, before all of these things were used to contaminate the body and also your soul is pure so all you have to do to your soul is to reaffirm the right to take back the DNA. It is actually frighteningly simple. It’s so simple that people don’t realize it. People will spend a great deal of time going through certain processes when in actual fact that comes later. At this stage all you have to do is say what was stolen from me I want returned. That’s the first point. Then you do all the other processes to combine what you have regained in a supportive environment because if you try to go too quickly your organic brain won’t cope with it. So first stage is to regain what’s taken. The second stage is to gently test everything, and then the third stage is to say right we’re ready to go on full power now so we will go forward, so I agree with what you said.

LM: Thank you so much for that, thank you. I still have more questions. I’m going to change the subject slightly. I’d like to talk about the economy. There is much talk about this fall an economic collapse, that the dollar will crash. It’s not my particular belief system that it will be a total collapse. However because of the BRICS and the new currency that will be made available that is gold-backed with Russia and India and China and thirty-plus countries, what I’m seeing is there will have to be some very ingenious ways for the United States government to create enough disturbances that they can pull in support from other countries or at least get the people to take their attention away from the fact that our gold, excuse me, our dollar is made with smoke and mirrors and no gold. Well what are you seeing for, I keep getting the fall of this year in terms of the dollar and the United States choices to control the display of the veil being lifted and the dollar being revealed for what it actually is?

SP: Okay, well surprise, surprise, it’s been very good recording wise or quality of sound and when you get into this topic half of your question was lost but I think I understand broadly what you are saying. There have been three meetings now. The object of the American government is to prevent a dollar collapse. Those meetings are designed to bring in foreign currency but not foreign paper money but gold, so (knock on door) Hang on… Yeah, yeah, [1:04:34][off camera conversation]… Yeah that’s an interruption there, so don’t worry about that. The important point here is that if foreign investors can be encouraged to bring gold, diamonds, bonds into America, then those who control the middle banking system won’t pull all their money out, so these conference calls that are taking place almost as we speak are an attempt to lever in foreign real money and place them even just for a temporary period of maybe six weeks so the American banks or the American bank over the full period to prevent a collapse because unlike Europe they cannot fill America with more worthless money because that’s the problem, so that’s the object. Now you had a second question here.

The second question relates to take the people’s minds off the situation and I probably think that was worse for you than me. The object of taking people’s minds off situations will only occur if America loses control of its right to call the dollar the number one currency in the world. If it was to lose its number one position then you would find an orchestrated state rebellion in the same way the rebellion in the Ukraine was created so that there would be a number of battles in some states. What you could refer to as the black states, those are the ones that the federal government has already happily written off. So that isn’t an issue for the federal government. The issue for the federal government is those states that income generate, those states that produce more than they consume and if you are looking at losing some of those states then you will create a sideshow to take people’s attention and say if you were to leave the Union this is what will happen to you. That’s like what happened to Japan. If you don’t do what we tell you what happened to Japan will happen to you and on a lesser scale if you don’t do what we tell you then you’ll have a terrorist attack. So basically, the whole situation revolves around whether foreign investors will put money over the fall period because if they do they will stabilize the economy this year.

LM: I have one last question. You mentioned in our first moment that your soul was divided into three parts: Reptilian, Mantid, and Hollow Earth. I am not familiar with what it feels like to be a Hollow Earth human. I wanted to know have you experienced Hollow Earth and is it the same as what Tolkien wrote about in Middle Earth?

SP: Sounds like The Lord of the Rings, Middle Earth. I’m not familiar with what this gentleman has written I’m afraid, I’m sorry. I think the thing is that all I’m prepared to say is that after the collapse of Lemuria and Atlantis when a group of people realized that humanity left unchecked and uncontrolled and influenced from outside would ultimately destroy itself, created a safe haven, a place of purity where no contamination could get in. Is that not what the Vatican is, a place where you keep your own ideology and you have rules and regulations to maintain the system but with Hollow Earth it is less about how you dress and more about what you believe. I feel, my human part feels no different from any other human part in the sense that I choose how I want to be and I choose how I interpret what I see and whether I decide that I want to be fearful, if I want to be controlling, if I want to be violent or whether I want to work with the people around me and treat everyone equally. That is the choice that all souls make depending on their background will dictate whether it is an easy choice or whether it is a difficult choice. So I just think that the reason that my human element came from where it came from was that nobody could corrupt it in the intervening years because if you have a soul, no matter what it is, and it incarnates in bodies, it will become used to an organic body that thinks in a certain way, that has values, whatever those values are and it, the soul, begins to want that environment. For instance, I often see people in this lifetime whose soul is trying to draw the person back to something ten thousand years ago because the soul has things it likes and if it’s in a physical body today it wants that physical body to experience what that soul experienced ten thousand years ago, because it wants to get the feeling for that. So if you take a person’s soul and you keep it locked away for a period of time it doesn’t get that influence. If you then put it into a body it has a clean slate and so therefore its judgments, interpretations of stimuli, it’s interpretation of events are not dictated by one hundred years of television or two hundred years of newspaper, they are immediately calculated against the time that Lemuria and Atlantis fell and what caused that, thank you.

LM: Thank you.

ML: Simon if I could come back to your comments on the efforts to stabilize the dollar. Is the trouble that the Euro is going through at the moment, particularly with the Greek debt crisis, is that connected with this process as well?

SP: In a very strange way. In 2008 there was a collapse which was blamed on the subprime market which then hit across the Western world. That wasn’t what caused it at all. Three or four key families drew out their fortunes, not from one corporation but from many corporations, and they let it be known that they didn’t have any confidence anymore. That’s what caused that crash. The crash was partly orchestrated because it left their friends to come in and buy stocks at a very low rate. Every crash that I am familiar with was orchestrated by elite people so that they could come in and [1:13:30][take] those stocks at quarter price. But this crash was not orchestrated for those reasons. That is why it is such a concern to the American government because it is losing control of its ability to do “boom and bust,” so it’s heading for a bit of a crash which is not controlled by those in charge and that’s where the panic is coming from.

The European situation has been stabilized because fake money, zeros, which is what you guys call fiat money has been accepted by the governments of Europe as real. The reason they did that was because they are not in debt to the same way the North American government is, so if you are only a little bit in debt you can go into more debt happily. If you are in so much debt that it is just a joke, what’s the point of it and that’s where we are in North America. It’s just a total joke and it doesn’t work anymore. So this is why this desperate [attempt] to bring in real value, real gold, diamonds, bonds or for land. That’s why the Chinese are buying up land because that’s where they see the value. That’s why the Chinese want land because why would they want anything else because land will hold its value and that’s key and the Chinese really are showing us exactly how they intend to play the game because when this crash occurs all debt will be balanced against land, and if you read your history between the two wars Germany had a huge financial crash and when the new currency was brought around it was valued against the land so all of the land in Germany was valued and that’s how the currency was brought forward, so we can’t look at Europe and say it’s the same situation as America because Europe is not so far down the road in debt as is America and the large corporations in America no longer believe that more zeros on the computer are gonna help, okay.

ML: Thank you so much indeed. Well I think this is a good point at which we’ll invite our audience to participate directly with their questions so we’ll take a five-minute break until we get organized for that…

SP: Okay.

ML: … and give you a chance to catch your breath as well. Thank you so much for the fascinating insights. (applause)

SP: Thank you.

[1:16:38 END if PART 1, The Triad Theater in Yelm, Washington]

Transcribed by GSC May 17, 2018

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1 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928.

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