
Friday, May 12, 2017

with Ted Mahr of Out of This World Radio (

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Out of this World Radio 1150 in Bellevue, Washington

May 12, 2017, Simon Parkes and Win Keech

Simon spotlights Win Keech and the FairEx barter system they have been planning. Simon says that the benevolent extraterrestrials have always wanted a barter trade system here to set people free, because money is the anchor that holds down people's freedom. The traditional economic system is falling and is going to fall. A system such as FairEx is the only thing that will allow not just individuals but small to medium businesses to trade. He says the difficulty for most people is that they're born into a money world so they're already into that system. We couldn't just immediately move to a barter and trade system overnight because the system would collapse and there would be a lot of hardship and pain. So the ETs want this system but they want it to come in gently, over a period of time. The negative people don't want this to happen at all because they want to maintain the control they have. This is the only planet that Simon is aware of where money is king. The hierarchical connection to greed does not exist on most planets. The standard are planets that have a trade system and a barter system. There are some planets that work on a credit system. But there is no planet to his knowledge that has folding bits of paper and disks of coin which value a person. Where Simon has visited before, off this world, you're valued by how much kindness you do, or how much you love somebody. Or how much you do for the community. Not how many bits of folding paper you have in your pocket. Others off-planet have learned through Simon having different parts to his soul. Ultimately Simon wants all negative races to evolve and change and actually embrace the light. When beings refuse to take a step forward it is usually out of fear. He hopes that what we are doing on this planet to move it closer to the light will have a beneficial effect right across the multiverse. Simon says the future is dependent on the human race deciding it is not going to live in fear. If the human race embraces truth and light we have a wonderful future ahead of us. That's what he believes will happen.

Simon Parkes: (starting 7:22) Hello, Ted. It's absolutely wonderful to be back and having a chat with you. I'm fine, thank you very much indeed.

Ted: (7:37) I've had, I've had Simon on my show before and for those just tuning in who don't know about his background, both of his parents worked for British and American intelligence services, the MI5, MI6 and also the NSA. And he's had a fascinating background. Simon himself says that his soul, if I'm correct on this, is that it's 1/3 human, 1/3 mantis, and 1/3 draconious reptilian. And you were given a choice some years ago which side you wanted to go with and you took the benevolent side, of working with humans and I thank you so much, and the mantis in helping this planet. You have so much to say and you have such an incredible background. Every time you come on I always, always learn something new, Simon.

SP: (8:31) That's really kind of you, Ted. Well, today really it's … I'm really delighted that you've asked Win Keech on because we wanted to talk very much about a project which we call Fair Exchange, FairEx. We really understand that money is the controlling element on this planet and Win is taking the driving force on this. He's the technical expert and I know Win would want to tell the audience a little bit about his background. And what I propose to do today, Ted, is really let Win run with this and then towards the end of it then I'll just chip in. If you're okay with that, Ted, we could get Win cracking, I think ….

Ted: (13:06) You know, when I was talking to Simon a few days ago, what was it, a few days ago or last week, Simon, you had mentioned that the banks had come to Win and asked them for their help, for his help because he had, he had formulated a system that couldn't be broken. It was so ….

SP: (13:25) Ted, it was the NSA that came from America to Britain because Win, Win's code couldn't be broken by them. They were tough about it ….

Ted: (18:44) …. I'd like to ask Simon this question, both you and, Win and Simon this question. Because when I spoke to Simon on my show a month or two ago you had mentioned, and you referenced Clif High, too, which interesting fellow I've been in contact with Clif. Hope to get him on my show soon. About how this coming, between the period of August to September - October is a time when we might see a dramatic downturn in the U.S. stock market followed by a devaluation of the U.S. dollar. So that people would end up having actually less currency here in the United States but they would probably be able to barter. So I wanted to ask you about that. So this exercise today is not entirely theoretical ….

Ted: (20:01) …. Well one of the interesting things and I wanna to ask Simon about this too, and I've heard from my friends in the Galactic Alliance that actually money as a medium of exchange is not used outside of planet earth. Money itself is a control mechanism that was instituted many thousands of years ago here on the planet by some negative entities, including the reptilians. But on more advanced planets beyond this planet they don't even use money and it's hard, for example, I think it's hard for people here, humanity on planet earth to think how could trades be done? How could there be an exchange without money? But, and I'd love to explore that with you further, especially you, Simon and from your knowledge about other, other extraterrestrial races.

SP: (20:45) The, the difficulty, I think, (coughs), excuse me, Ted. The difficulty for most people is that they're born into a money world. And everything they've done from the ages of 4 or 5 years old they go to the candy store and they know that they hand some coins across and they'll get candy. So they're already into that system. So couldn't go from 60 miles an hour to zero overnight. Although that might be the ideal, that's actually not possible, and so the project that both Win and I are deeply committed to not only helps everyone, actually, also in the developing world and those that are already well established.

But it also begins to show – this is what Win was trying to get across – it actually shows that you can operate a system without being greedy. Because we're not corporates. Because we're not going to let anybody come in and hijack this system. We're not going to start squeezing people and charging exorbitant rates. This is the only planet that I'm aware of where money is, is king. You can't go out of your front door now unless you've some dollars in your wallet because you feel naked. And there isn't another planet like this. The system doesn't work like this because the hierarchical connection to greed does not exist in most planets.

Now there are planets that have a trade system and a barter system, and that's standard. There are some planets that work on a credit system, but there is no planet to my knowledge that has folding bits of paper and disks of coin which value a person. You know, where I've visited before off this world you're valued by how much kindness you do, or how much you love somebody. Or how much you do for the community, not how many bits of folding paper you have in your pocket. So, yeah, and I'm sure Win can add to that ….

Ted: (25:14) Now, I don't know if it was you who told me this, Simon, but, when we spoke recently, but it stuck in my mind that you said there would be this downturn in the world economy late summer, early fall and then, but then there would be a recovery here worldwide, but it would be a new kind of recovery, not based on the old systems but on new systems, much more fair economic systems.

SP: (25:37) Yes, and you mentioned Clif High. And, to be fair, lots of commentators are now reading the very hard evidence coming out of not just the States but in a number of countries. And there's an inescapable conclusion that a crash is just around the corner. Here in my own country, in England, some of the leading pillars of the establishment have been writing in major newspapers warning that this year could see a very big collapse. And indeed one person was even saying it'll be like the 1929 Wall Street crash all over again. So there are a number of people now who are looking at the situation and saying there's something big happening. And what Win and I are absolutely keen to do is get FairEx up and running so that if this crash hits then people have got alternative to go to. And as Win was saying, once you're in the system you're protected. Because if the dollar was to devalue 25 or 30 per cent, if you've got the system going, it doesn't devalue. That's the important point. It would only devalue if you took out from the system whatever you had and put it back in a bank, presuming the bank's still existing. But if you leave it in the system, well then it maintains the same value that you had when you put it in there. So there are so many positives to this, and so, you know, we are, we're looking at crowd sourcing to get this going, and I'm sure Win would want to talk a little bit about that.

Ted: (34:54) …. I want to ask you this question quickly, Simon. From your contacts with benevolent extraterrestrials off-planet what do they think of this system and how other advanced human civilizations handle the question of exchange, or, or like a fair meaning of it. I mean, what other .... I guess what I'm asking is what other systems exist beyond this planet for exchange.

SP: (35:18) That's a really good question, Ted. This can't come soon enough. Because money is the anchor that holds down people's freedom. The benevolent extraterrestrials have always wanted a barter trade system to set people free. And it's a balance at the moment, you know, because we couldn't just immediately move to a barter and trade system overnight because the system would collapse and there would be a lot of hardship and pain. So they actually want this system but they want it to come in gently, over a period of time. The negative people don't want this to happen because they want to maintain the control they have.

But the way the economy is going, the traditional system is falling and is going to fall, and as it stands at the moment FairEx is the only thing that will allow not just individuals but small businesses, small-medium enterprises to actually trade. You know, if an example of a store that has, I don't know, 500 pints of milk, and a shelf life of 10 days. And the guy knows he's not going to shift it. But down the block is another store and the guy's got 500 cans of fizzy drink. So they'll do a swap. So they can do that swap immediately. And this is, will be the only system that allows people to find what they're looking for because the machine will do all that, the computer will do all that, find what they're looking .... They agree a price …. There's a suggested price, but they will agree amongst themselves what that value might be. And they then go ahead and do that swap.

Win talked earlier about this is for the people. Here's an exciting option. There, hopefully things cross, things work and we have a little bit of money left over, then anybody who's used the system and used it appropriately will be allowed to vote so we might have four or five exciting projects. How about saving whales? How about saving dolphins? And people will be allowed to vote as to which of these projects they want FairEx to actually support. There isn't another project like this anywhere in, on the planet, that actually gives power to ordinary people to decide how they want to live with Gaia. There isn't another idea that does that. We really, really, really have some fantastic ideas. And we've only got an hour on the radio show and I thought it was really important that, you know, you and your audience met Win because this is Win's brain child. I am, I'm supporting him, it's his brain child. And it's a fantastic opportunity for the audience to look back now, in the future, and say, “Well, that's when I first heard Win Keech speak. My goodness, me. So that's where it all came from.” So we are really excited, Ted. We're really excited. And I'll just say to your audience, “Keep your eyes open.” Yes, if you want to, want to get in contact about this. We will have our own website specifically for this. We're just in those early stages at the moment. But we're far enough down the road now for Win and I to come out and basically say hello to you and to the audience ….

Ted: (41:59) …. I know from my extraterrestrial, benevolent extraterrestrial friends off-planet from the Galactic Alliance this planet is shifting from one that was in the past based on service to self and negativity, and war and conflict to service to others based on peaceful and harmony and a really, a beautiful planet. That's what we are shifting now, into that. And I can see your system, Win, becoming as part of that service to others kind of economic system …. Simon, I'd love your thoughts on it too.

SP: (42:47) Well, it's been three years in the making, in terms of actively sitting down and looking at it, but also it was waiting for the planet to be ready. And you can't go with a plan unless everything is ready, and things are nearly about ready for it now. When anybody goes about their daily life they realize that they're not being treated fairly. They realize that they are just individuals who have money and the system wishes to take that money off them.

One of the many plans that Win and I have is to build sustainable communities, small, small communities living in log cabins where a group of people can support each other. Where there's no energy costs because it's solar or wind powered. A completely different outlook to life and that is actually what we want. We want to actually create this FairEx and then say, “Well, where do we go with it now? What do the users want? You know, the people who use this, what actually do they want? What do they see as the future?” So, as possible, as possible as it can be, we want people to not just be, as we have in the system now, where, you know, you pay your money and then you just get patted on the head and told, “Right, go and be a good guy,” and off you go. We don't want to treat people like that. Because we don't want to be treated like that ourselves.

So we said, “Okay, how do we want to treat people?” And as soon as you start thinking along those lines, then you have a completely different paradigm. And a corporation couldn't do what Win and I are doing because they only understand greed and profit. They only understand that they want to make as much money from people as quickly as they can, for as cheaply as they can, for as long as they can. That's the, all they work on, and Win and I are not coming at it from that aspect at all. We're saying, “How can we empower people?” And that's what sets us apart. So I think I'll just be quiet now and let Win tidy up because we're running out of time ….

Ted: (49:02) Well, Simon, I wanna congratulate you, because you've been in touch with, of course, with extraterrestrials for years, the benevolent ones. But you've also had contact with the reptilians too, and I think that's been good in a sense that you've been able to understand how they think.

SP: (49:17) Yes, it's taught me a great deal. But also they've learned, Ted. I mean, this isn't really widely understand because when you have different parts to your soul, if you imagine a meter swinging from, from naught to twelve, every time you do something good, the needles move to the right. Every time you do something negative the needle swings back. So it's not just that I'm learning, but others are learning off this planet. So they learn through me. And I ultimately want all negative races to evolve and change and actually embrace the light. Because everything should have the right to evolve and sometimes some beings just refuse to take a step forward. And it's usually out of fear. So hopefully what we're doing on this planet is pushing it along a little bit more to the light, and that will have a beneficial effect right across the multiverse ….

Ted: (51:37) What do you see for the future, Simon and Win? Just curious.

SP: (51:41) Well, I think the future is dependent on the human race deciding it's not going to live in fear. If the human race embraces truth and light we have a wonderful future ahead of us. That's what I believe will happen. …

Transcribed by Pat April 16, 2019

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