
Interview, Friday, December 9, 2016

with Ted Mahr of Out of This World Radio KKNW 1150AM in Bellevue, Washington, USA (

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Out of This World with Ted Mahr

Interview with Simon Parkes, December 9, 2016

American people are not getting the truth from the established news media; Clintons have moved 1.6 billion dollars to Swiss and/or Qatar accounts; if Hillary had won the election World War III would have happened within six weeks of her inauguration; three to five million dead people voted on Hillary’s behalf in 2016 election yet Trump won; standoff at Standing Rock is struggle between greed and people’s connection with the planet; discussion of Dr. Masaru Emoto’s studies of directing positive thoughts to water; NSA intercepting all communications on planet and storing them at Bluffdale; a hush-hush Antarctica meeting requested Buzz Aldrin’s presence because he had met this race in space; space-based computers moved into EMP-proof Cheyenne Mountain, so EMP attack may be imminent and blamed on sunspots or corona ejection; speculation that Fukushima earthquake was a nuclear bomb placed at bottom of Sea of Japan for depopulation; power outage in Atlanta shut Delta Airlines down for 24 hours, was probably EMP test attack and the blackout there had nothing to do with power failure; challenges for coming year: possibly an economic reset with bail-ins (that’s called robbery in laymen’s terms) starting in Italy, and it’s not planned by the elite; American news never reported the attempted coup in D.C. by the Clintons before 2016 election, and the counter coup with National Guard called to be ready for action; should we forgive or not the elite for the suffering they have caused humanity; Simon says even though there are challenges along the way, evolution of human consciousness can’t be stopped.

[Simon starts at 6:40]

Ted Mahr: And with that I’d like to bring on my first guest, Simon Parkes who is coming to us live from England. Simon welcome back to Out of This World radio and television.

Simon Parkes: Thank you very much Ted, it’s an absolute pleasure to come back onto your wonderful show.

TM: Well thank you, thank you Simon. You know thanks to the miracle of technology you sound like you are right here in the same room where I am so …

SP: I am.

TM: That’s amazing, a little bit about your background for people who are not familiar with your wonderful work. You’re a lifelong experiencer of alien, shadow people, elementals, and UFOs and this includes Mantis beings, Draconis, Reptilians, Felines small and tall, Grey creatures, crystalline beings and other creatures as you have written on your website that just can’t be identified. Your biological mother worked for the British Secret Service, called MI5 between 1965 and 1979 and while she was in British Intelligence she was also working in fact jointly for the National Security Agency here in the United States, and she had a fascinating background and your grandfather was also a British diplomat, who worked for the foreign arm of the British Intelligence called MI6. You went public with your story in 2010, and since that time you have toured all over the world and you just have a fascinating background Simon, and with that I would like to give the floor to you and you are welcome to talk about anything you like. What . . . there has been so much happening as we discussed off the air a few minutes ago, with the election, with the oil pipeline in North Dakota. I want you to pick the topic you’d like to start to talk about today because there are so many things going on in the world.

SP: Well first of all thank you very much for inviting me on to the show. You have done your homework Ted. It’s a fact that my grandfather, while he worked for MI6, he was actually working for the CIA. So both my biological mother and grandfather were reporting to the American Intelligence through the British, and it was always amusing for me that my grandfather who was a Brit through and through would use American terminology so in England of course we say trousers, but you guys say pants. And we say a tap, and you guys say a faucet. And we say a wardrobe, and you say a closet. My grandfather would use all of these American words because he was so in and out of American embassies or talking to American people that he changed his English words and used American words so that was really quite a bit of a giveaway I think, so thank you for sort of giving me an open floor.

TM: My pleasure, my pleasure.

SP: Very kind and I’m very happy to do that. I’ve always said that the three most important countries in the world are Germany, Great Britain, and the United States of America. But I would actually put Canada in that. So much has been happening in the US that it is a good place to start.

TM: Okay.

SP: You talked about the black snake and the pipeline. President-elect Trump has a connection with that and I don’t know if others perhaps have said anything, but he was one of the movers in putting a stop on it. It’s difficult for him because he’s not yet president.

TM: Right.

SP: I have been told that it was one of the first things that he did. Now I’m not saying that it’s going to be completely stopped, but he’s actually put a break on it so that’s come from him. That’s very difficult for him because he didn’t take office until, what is it, the 20th of January, something like that?

TM: Something like that, yeah, hmm hum.

SP: In fact many people are saying you know, well why hasn’t the swamp been drained? I said well, you know, it’s in a limbo situation. I think Ted for me what’s been really shocking, and that’s saying something, because anybody who is familiar with my work knows that I have experienced some rather unusual things and so to be shocked is quite something, but what shocks me is how the American citizens, the American people are not getting anything like the truth through the established media, and they have two options. One is to listen to shows like yours and get the truth or to tune into European stations and get something that is a bit more of the truth. So many Americans are unaware that the Clintons, that’s Bill and Hillary, have moved 1.6 billion dollars of their own money to Switzerland accounts and to Qatar accounts in case Trump really does try to arrest either one or both of them, and they are both ready to do a run and remember the Rothschilds have actually taken retirement in Switzerland, so I understand that the Clintons have got a, an apartment if we can call it that, not too far from where he is based. So America is the place to be. It’s the place to watch. And I was always very careful not to get involved in American politics. I didn’t say to people vote this way, that way. But what I did say was had Hillary Clinton won the election, then we would have had a world war within six weeks.

TM: Undoubtedly.

SP: So we’ve got a situation with somebody who is not going to have a world war. So just from that perspective it’s excellent that the American people chose the way they did, and all power to them, because something, three million to five million votes were fake through the dead people that seemed to amazingly, through the absentee votes. What is incredible is that the will power of the American people determined to come through this and that’s why they’re still great. That’s why the American people are still great because when it comes to it they are not going to be pushed around. So I’m really happy to talk about anything, but are there any subjects that your listeners are particularly keen on at the moment?

TM: Well, I’d like to talk about the pipeline in North Dakota but before we go to that I’d like to share a little vignette with you Simon that happened to me actually many years ago. I had gone to the London School of Economics back in the summer of 1979 and when I was on my flight back in August of 1979 I happened to pick up a newspaper at Heathrow, and there on the front page Simon was a front page story about the origin of AIDS and how it was actually created in a laboratory by some American scientists working for the U.S. military, and I brought the paper back with me and I had a chance, I checked on the media back in the United States and Simon there wasn’t one article about it, nothing, and I had run into this before where the news sources had been shut down here in the United States, but so much of what we get is highly filtered and I appreciate your support so much for this radio program. I know there’s also a lot of other good people out there trying to get the truth out. Much of our news here is not only filtered but they also dwell on negativity, and so even when I . . . so I have also tried to maintain a positive slant to my program. I think the planet it headed for a . . . we are all headed for a very beautiful and bright future. I think the tide has changed too.

I appreciate your comments about the oil pipeline in North Dakota. Where do you see that going by the way? Now we . . .I did a . . . I have to tell you I did a prayer last week on my show where I meditated. I asked everyone around the world listening to my show then to send love and light to Standing Rock and visualize a peaceful place where the pipeline wasn’t built but not only more than that, that new energy sources would come around, not only in the United States but around the world which would be nonpolluting and really help the planet out, wouldn’t pollute it. And I think those prayers really did help and I would love your comments on where you think the situation back there is going to go next.

SP: Well I think prayers, good wishes, energy thoughts of a positive nature, especially coming from a show like yours that connects with maybe upward to a hundred fifty thousand people directly and then goodness knows how many listening in afterward. That is something that really does bring change. And that’s why I’m on your show because it’s a high-quality show and it reaches people who really do want to know the truth.

TM: Right.

SP: And I think the important thing about the pipeline, well it’s the truth Ted, and the importance about this pipeline is that it epitomized the struggle between greed on one hand and love of the planet on the other hand. And even for ordinary people who, to use a cliché, are not awake, this was a stark contrast between having multinational capitalist type crazed money-making people and those who have very little but are happy in their connection with the planet. For the record I don’t have any problem with capitalism. My problem is greed, where somebody says I have the piece of the cake and I’m not sharing with you. Now that’s what’s wrong here and what we seen was a destruction of an environment, the wish to trample over people with many, many, many years of a very sacred and special history. Purely and simply because shareholders, stocks and bonds holders have their profits disappear. What happened right across the planet and you are absolutely right Ted, probably from about between the 7th to the 12th of September, there was an interesting energy change here. And how I see it happening, I think that the, when the new president takes office that is a great opportunity to put a stop to it. How do I see it happening? I think that the publicity, and that is what it comes down to, has been so damaging for these greedy people that, that more than anything else has stopped it and the good prayers that you and others have done have given strength to the people on the ground. Because there’s nothing worse than thinking you are on your own. And if you are standing there and you are fighting a great army, there’s nothing more wonderful than knowing that there’s lots and lots of good people behind you. So that’s why it’s really important to try and balance books here. So what do I think? I think it will end in victory for good.

TM: Hmm hum, good.

SP: I actually think that it’s not worth these people pushing this. The damage to them is greater than the profit they’ll make, so I’m actually very positive about that. So I can’t say anymore because really and truly it’s going to depend on the new president, it really will. It will be down to him, no question of it.

TM: Right. Right. I have to . . . I want to give you this little story Simon and also too for my listeners I wanted to tell you that I’ve invited, just invited Simon to my Galactic Wisdom Conference in March, 2017 here in Olympia, Washington, and he will be giving a presentation so if you would like to hear more of Simon, please come to my conference then, and anyway I wanted to tell you back in July 25, 2014, I had a wonderful man named Dr. Masaru Emoto. I’m sure you’ve heard of him Simon. He found that if you direct positive thoughts to a glass of water, it will turn into these wonderful water crystals. And so I asked him midway through the show, would this work for conflict to help create world peace and he said most certainly. So then we did an attention experiment at about 3:30 p.m. on July 25, 2014, where he and I, and I asked all my listeners to send love and light to the Palestinians and Israelis who were fighting at the time and for them to have a twelve hour cease fire to exchange medical supplies and food and the wounded. Well after the show, the show went in at 4:00 p.m. and I went back to a place where I was staying and I got to my place at about 8:30, and I just thought I wonder what happened after our prayer that we did. I wonder if it worked, so I turned on the television on CNN of all things and at that very moment the Israelis and Palestinians had agreed to a short cease, a twelve-hour ceasefire to exchange food, medical supplies and the wounded, so it worked. I was completely so happy about that and so now I do prayers frequently on the program for various things. I’ve done many prayers for Fukushima in the past. I think that’s helped. We did one a week ago for Standing Rock. I will be doing one probably next hour for Standing Rock, but I think people are realizing Simon that we are all powerful spiritual beings meant to create a beautiful loving and harmonious planet with the help of the Supreme Being, the Creator, God if you will, and we don’t have to live in a planet that is full of disharmony, war, and fighting because I think most people are tired of it and they want to get along and they want happiness, not only for themselves but for other people, other countries and other nations as well.

SP: Well I’m not going to disagree with you. You are absolutely right. The thing is many people need to be given a vision. Many people need to be shown there is an alternative and that’s the problem. What the establishment has done is make people dependent upon a structure, upon a system, and when people begin to understand that there is an alternative and that would be better than the one we have now then that means that the elite will lose control of the citizenry and you talked changing material actions with energy thoughts, and I just want to give another example to the listeners, who if they like to go on a search engine, they can go find this and find it is absolutely true. The NSA, as your listeners will know, is tasked with intercepting every form of communication right across the planet. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a cellphone, whether it’s a fax machine or a telephone, they will intercept and they will intercept everything and they store everything. Well they never had the ability, they wanted to and then the new facility which is two years old now was built at Bluffdale and that facility has the facility to store every piece of communication on the planet. Prior to that, Google, Google, the company actually had large ships out in international waters and they were in international waters deliberately so that they couldn’t be taken to court by any country and they were just absolutely full of computers and they were storing all of the intercepts for the NSA. Now they don’t need to do that now because Bluffdale was built, but if your listeners have the time they might like to see that I, I think it was about two years ago now so much has happened, but there was a ribbon cutting exercise at Bluffdale and only the great and the good were called to cut the ribbon to open this facility.

TM: The great and the good, that’s funny, anyway go ahead.

SP: Yeah, I was always respectful to the elite you see, as you can tell I don’t give anybody in power a reason to, you know, go against us.

TM: Sure.

SP: Because I don’t use any bad language. I just tell the truth, just like you do Ted. And amazingly, just literally as they were about to cut the ribbon, all of the power to Bluffdale went out, the whole thing. The ribbon cutting ceremony had to be cancelled and the whole thing was plunged into darkness. And this is how we send messages. I don’t know how that happened, you know, Ted I couldn’t possibly say but that is how messages are sent to very elite people that intentions of goodness can always outweigh evil thought.

TM: Right.

SP: Sometimes these people need, as we say in England a slap around the face with a wet fish. I don’t want one from the West Coast of course because it would be full of radiation from Fukushima, but it is worth doing and more and more people are realizing they can change their personal lives and the lives of, you know, government and the way that their country is run by the way they think and how they act. And I have never ever advocated violence but what I have advocated is people working together in groups and sending focused good thoughts to help good people and to challenge those that are not so good, so you know, that’s exactly right that that’s what we need and we need it right across the planet and you’ll find it’s not just one country but there are these groups everywhere, and talking about the gentlemen there, if I think either he or someone did an experiment where they wrote the word Adolf Hitler on a piece of paper, put it into some water and froze it and when they looked at the ice crystals under a microscope, they found they were deformed. But when they wrote the words love and peace on a piece of paper and put that into the water and froze it they found the crystals were beautifully formed. So I certainly have no doubt that the power of word, remember that’s where magic comes from, to spell things.

TM: Right.

SP: But the power of thought if used correctly can overcome any evil on the planet.

TM: One of the beautiful things I have learned from with working with the Emoto office and the Emoto Peace Project in Tokyo, Japan, they do so much wonderful work there. Their website by the way is triple w dot, is that words have harmony, words have meaning and in Shintoism in Japan everything has spirit in it, and one thing I’ve been, Simon, I’ve been writing a book, it’s called Messages from the Masters, cosmic wisdom from Jack Kennedy, Professor Albert Einstein, Nostradamus and a lot of other wonderful spirits and I’m almost done with the book and I want to just give you this quote. I actually got it last night from Jack Kennedy, President Kennedy. This is from his inauguration on January 21, 1961, and he said it during his speech he said, “And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what can you do for your country,” and then he writes, “My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you but what together we can do for the freedom of man,” and I asked him if he would change that today and he would say, “My fellow citizens of the world ask what we can do together for the freedom of all peoples to create a beautiful peaceful planet.” He wanted me to share that with you now, so…

SP: Well that’s interesting because that means he’s seen how things are and he’s changed, he’s developed. He’s understood.

TM: Oh yeah.

SP: And that’s what’s actually interestingly enough that’s why President-elect Trump, when he made his speech after Clinton had agreed that she couldn’t win the election, that’s why he said that he has the support, it is very unusual for anyone to say this, but he said I have the support of 200 generals and admirals, and he actually made that as part of his speech. And the reason for that is NBC, et cetera, et cetera didn’t, they only clipped some of the speech. They didn’t say in full but here in Great Britain I, like many others, stayed up all night and he definitely said during his acceptance speech that he has 200 generals and admirals who support him. The reason for that was a warning. You are not going to murder me, assassinate me as you did to Kennedy, and that was his major speech at that point was that if you try to take me out, you will bring civil war. We need to understand that whether we like Trump or not, he is fully aware of many things and one of my members of Connecting Consciousness, that is the organization that I formed some months ago now, right across the English-speaking world to try to bring harmony to many places. A member of my group actually had a fifteen-minute talk with President-elect Trump and told him about aliens.

TM: Really, fascinating, fascinating.

SP: Yes, they even talked about energy and aliens were part of that talk and she was not met with any sort of resistance at all and so that tells me that he already has either been briefed or he has experience himself, so who knows, what the future is in terms of that, but certainly, and the Earth is on a positive timeline, much more so than had the other person won.

TM: Well I couldn’t agree with you more Simon. I know that there was a shift in September during those dates and I’ve been told also Simon that in December, between December 21st right into Christmas on the 24th, 24th–25th there will be another blast, of positive energy from the central Sun of the universe and to be prepared. In September I know I was very, very tired. I had a lot of energy coming into me but November, October were lighter months, and I’m just now getting my energy back. Have you gotten any information about what, when the next wave will hit the planet in a good way?

SP: Well yes, I’ve got December going into January, but let’s not split hairs on that.

TM: Okay, okay.

SP: We’re agreeing that something’s coming in.

TM: Right.

SP: Yes, people will notice that their eating patterns will have changed, they’re eating less and I would, people please remember that you do have a biological body. You have an organic body, and you know, you still need to eat. Many people are changing their patterns, their sleep patterns have been affected and people are becoming psychic greater than have been. These are changes that are occurring. Talk about energy waves, there has been a meeting, we talk about Antarctica and the North Pole and I’m sure that the established media must have mentioned to the American citizens that the vice-president Joe Biden has been over at a meeting at Antarctica.

TM: There was a, there was just a short blurb on the news here Simon saying that he traveled down there…

SP: Right.

TM: …but no details were given. It’s much like I don’t recall, it could have been on the news about Trump’s speech regarding his support of the military, but I don’t remember it so…

SP: Okay did the established media talk about an astronaut, an American astronaut, also attending the meeting?

TM: I don’t remember it now.

SP: Buzz Aldrin? Yeah it was Buzz Aldrin. Buzz Aldrin though was called in. So making that because Buzz is not particularly well. He had to come home. There has been some off planet meetings when they’re on planet but they are entities off planet and the reason that Buzz Aldrin was brought in was because he had experience of this particular race. He has met them when he’s been in space and he was brought in because they are aware of him but it was more like the establishment wanted Buzz Aldrin to confirm that these beings were who they said they were and there are a number of meetings going on at the moment because the elite are losing control of the peoples across the planet. The human consciousness is raising so fast now that the bad guys and I’m going to call them that, the bad guys cannot keep up with it and one of the things that I do want people to be aware of and I’m like you Ted, this is not about fear, this is about knowledge. Knowledge is power.

TM: Right.

SP: Because I know the human race is going to come out the other end much better than it is now, but it’s a difficult journey and one of the things I want people to be aware of is the term false flag is used quite a lot.

TM: Sure, sure.

SP: But an electromagnetic pulse, an EMP wave and there are serious talks amongst these people who are so detached from the rest of us that they don’t understand our lives and they are seriously looking at creating a blackout around many centers of the world by detonating a nuclear weapon in the atmosphere, but a certain type of weapon that will produce an EMP blast and they’re going to blame it on a sunspot or a corona ejection and it will throw large areas into complete chaos and this is what they believe they need to regain control of humanity through a military form of government because they’ve lost it through deception. They’ve lost through the art of the television, through the art of the cinema, through the art of music, all of those things have failed them, and one of the biggest indicators we have is Cheyenne Mountain where NORAD used to be based.

TM: Right.

SP: And NORAD were kicked out. The space was required for very advanced computers that are all space-based and to do with that and they spent 980 million, it was just under a billion dollars to EMP proof it and it was EMP proofed back in April and May of this year. The civilian contractors both in the United States of America and in Great Britain have been told to start EMP proofing all of their power grid so key power sources are being EMP proofed and that means in an old-fashioned relay station then you start to put plates in the ground. Now that tells me that this is one of the cards that they are ready to play, so I just want people to be aware that although we are going to come out the end Ted and we’re going to be fine, it’s going to be a little bit challenging just getting there.

TM: I have to share these two stories with you Simon. I’d love your opinion on both of them. It was about maybe a month ago where there was an alleged earthquake off of the Sea of Japan, off of Japan, off of Fukushima in the same location or allegedly there was an earthquake back in March of 2011 and according to my information sources that was a nuclear device placed at the bottom of the Sea of Japan to create a tsunami to destroy these reactors and then have the radiation spew all over the world and all over the Pacific to reduce population, but at any rate about a month ago there was an alleged 7.3 or 7.8 Richter scale earthquake there. I don’t believe it was a real earthquake. I think it was another nuclear device placed at the bottom of the ocean there, but you know what happened is that the tsunami that could have been very damaging to the reactors at Fukushima and to Japan completely fizzled out, nothing happened.

SP: Yes I totally agree with you and I think four days ago there was a quake off your West Coast with 6.8, but again and people can check this out, so might come back with 6.2. I’ve been given the figures 6 point, but again there was no appreciable damage. Something really loves this planet. Something really wants the human race to run its course, to try to evolve, which means giving us a fair playing field, leveling the ground. How can we evolve properly if we’ve been lied to so something [is] interfering for positive reasons saying look just leave these guys alone. Let them get on and find their own way, so I totally agree with you. We are getting help.

TM: Well I know that right after this earthquake happened all over my Facebook page there were people saying prayers to minimize any damage by this alleged earthquake. I don’t think it was an earthquake. I think it was another nuclear bomb placed there to cause damage to the beautiful people and to people and the country of Japan, but I think those prayers really, really helped.

The second thing I wanted to bring up is you may not have heard about it in England but about three or four months ago the entire headquarters of Delta Airlines, one of the world’s largest airlines was shut down completely in Atlanta. People think that is was from an EMP directed attack right at their system to see what would happen. The system was shut down for twenty-four hours. All the planes were grounded. I know that there were very few planes flying, what planes which were flying had, were manually loaded on the plane. They couldn’t use any computers but later Delta Airlines made an announcement that there was a power outage from the local power company. The power company said they didn’t do anything. Do you think that might have been a test run for an EMP attack?

SP: Yes absolutely, and some members of what we could loosely call the alternative media misunderstood that. They thought that Julian Assange of WikiLeaks was actually spirited away from that airport at that time and that was all a cover. Well to be honest that’s absolute nonsense because if you’re going to spirit someone away like that you take them to the military United States Air Force Base and you do not take them into a major civilian hub so what they were interested in and I don’t know how much information you have on this, but if I can give you something that’s new.

TM: Okay.

SP: What there were hit then was the civilian radar. Civilian radar is specifically designed so it filters out certain things. For instance, it doesn’t detect something flying at a very slow speed and civilian radar does not detect things flying at a very fast speed. It detects it but the software does not transfer that across to the operator because unidentified flying objects have the ability to fly incredibly low or incredibly fast. However civilian radar is very, very effective. It’s a net. It covers everything, so it wasn’t designed, the EMP blast wasn’t designed, to take out the terminal building and to see how the coffee machines stopped working. It was designed to see the effect it had on its ability to manage the radar information, which radars were knocked out, how long for, how quickly did it take them to repair it and that information is then fed into a computer and that computer then models and profiles and just says well let’s imagine that was a military base and then what they’ll do is to say okay, if it was underground, and they’ll do different models for 50 feet, 100 feet, 200 feet, how would that reduce, so the deeper you are the less the EMP effect and in particular if you are in a very solid rock or a rock that has a high uranium type signature it produces incredibly, so it was an EMP attack. Nobody in that facility knew so you’re absolutely right Ted.

TM: That’s what I thought, and I later heard about that as well, so I know I had some friends flying that day and their planes were… they got on their flight but they were loaded manually and I thought to myself how odd for just their Delta, just Delta Airlines facilities to be targeted in Atlanta, George here in the United States and nothing else and later the airline said that there was a power outage from the local power company and the power company said, well we didn’t have anything to do with it, so when you have stories like that, something major happening and there’s incongruences between the explanations and then I know that something’s up.

What do your sources see for the coming year? I know we have a lot of challenges coming up. I know that we are going to overcome them. You’ve talked about a possible EMP, an EMP attack, anything else on the horizon that you see that they may try?

SP: Yeah, first of all let’s just go back a little bit. No facility whether it is a hospital, a police station or an airport just relies on one source of power. They always have backups, and if the local company lost power I can assure you that if it was a genuine power outage that facility has the ability to draw on current from another contractor from another utility. The very fact that it didn’t tells me that it had nothing to do with that. I think the major thing first of all is the effect that a major economic difficulty across the Western world potentially could have. This is not something that the bad guys are planning. This is the first thing that they hadn’t planned. In other words we have an economic reset on the way and this is not organized or planned for the first time in the planet’s history by those in power. Every other boom and bust has been organized by the elite. This time it’s out of their control. I’d like you in January to watch Italy very carefully. They have an Italian bank which may well have to what we call in Europe a bail-in and a bail-in is basically where a bank takes the money from people’s bank accounts. I call it robbery but it’s apparently quite legal if it’s done by the government. So one of the Italian… they did it in Greece.

TM: Yeah that’s true, they did. Yeah, I am unhappy about that.

SP: So the precedent has been set but I want your listeners to remember my words, so look in January, February for Italy because we’ve had the election and the funny thing is Ted I have my own radio show. It’s a very small radio show. It’s nothing as grand as yours but nevertheless I have my own slot, twice a month I go on and do a radio show, and it was the day of the Italian election and the poles had two hours to close and I was asked a question because I take live questions from the audience. That’s my format I prefer and I said that the Italian prime minister was going to lose the election and that he was going to resign and this could cause them to leave the European Union and then the next day the results were given and lo and behold the Italian president lost the election and he resigned. Now the importance about that is not I’m right. That’s not what I’m saying. That’s not the important point. The important point is that the Italian people are like the American people. They turned around and said we want a change. We don’t… and if they follow that through, then after Great Britain has left the European Union you’ll find Italy following. Now if these two countries do that, that’s the end of the European government. So here we have I think a real sign that the consciousness of humanity is actually saying we are fed up with being pushed around. You guys at the top have no interest in our welfare.

TM: Right.

SP: And we are going to give you a message and I think that’s what we are seeing. We are seeing peaceful change, but other bits I want to bring in because it does upset me that the American people know less about their own country than some people outside of their own country and I just wanted to give you some information.

TM: Thanks.

SP: It may be old, out of date now but it’s important. Back in November before you guys had your full election to choose, early, early times, it was either late October, the Clintons attempted a coup in Washington. Did you have any info on that Ted?

TM: Absolutely nothing in our press, nothing on Facebook, nothing.

SP: Did you hear anything in the alternative news about it?

TM: Nothing.

SP: All right, okay, when I talk about coup I don’t mean people running around Capitol Hill with guns, I’m talking about people phoning up people and saying, “You know that video we’ve got of you having sex with the prostitute, if you don’t do what we want we’re going to give that to your wife.” That happened and there was a counter coup and that’s why there must be some of your listeners who must know this. At 3:00 o’clock in the morning the National Guard in over 30 states or was it 25 states were called. The National Guard in over 20 states in America were called up and they were all in their vehicles. They didn’t actually leave. They were all called to their vehicles and these were all states that were marginal states for the election. We had a coup and a counter coup and this is what has been going on. We have had members of the CIA and the FBI working against Capitol Hill actually for the right reasons.

TM: Hmm hum, delightful.

SP: Well you’ve got corrupt, not all of them, but many politicians are corrupt and there are people who are in the military who have wives and husbands, brothers, sisters, children and they are saying we are going to put our families first. We’re not having any more of this, enough now. You’ve murdered one president; you’ve blackmailed several others with this.

TM: Right.

SP: And so I do believe right across the planet particularly in the States and in Great Britain, we say in England, the cat’s out of the bag. The weighing pan has pushed the lid up and they can’t put it down so I hope that when we get things the way we all want them to be the truth will come out. And I think that the American people will be forgiving. I hope they can… there are some people actually that I can’t forgive but many of them I can and I hope that many people will be able to forgive and try to understand that many people in power were blackmailed into doing the things they have done.

TM: Sure, sure one that I’d like… I’ve love to get your opinion on this. At the end of apartheid in South Africa I believe in the early ’90s, ’91, ’92, instead of going out and imprisoning many of the people there who were the architects of apartheid which caused so much suffering in South Africa, they instead had a Truth and Reconciliation Commission where people, all they ask is for people to come forth and tell the truth Simon but they didn’t end up in prison and that kind of model would be nice I think for the United States as well eventually, just to bring people forward, let them tell whatever they want to tell as far as the truth of what they have done and then let God work out the karmic, whatever karma it is for them. I don’t…

SP: You know what’s wonderful about your country is you’re Americans first and black or Chinese or whatever it is afterward and I think that what they did in Africa was say South Africans first, everything else comes afterward, in other words if you come up here on the stage, apologize and learn that’s fine. But if you don’t we’re going to come after you and the important point here is that a country needs men and women of skills and abilities and if you say, and if you do what the Americans did, Americans, I don’t mean the American people, I mean the elite. They did what they did in Iraq, they actually turned their back on all the officialdom, all of the infrastructure so what did those people do, they went underground and became terrorists. If you said to people, look you weren’t the kingpins. You weren’t the top man; you were middle-middle management and you did wrong but you know what we’ll forgive you because we need your skills. And if you learned and you can change and understand then we’ll set you free. That way you have a large percentage of people who are basically good who will come back into the fold and will work for the betterment of the people in the country. If you just turn around and say we are going to hang everyone well you are no better than they are, so I totally agree with that. That’s the way forward.

TM: Right and I think people are especially tired of the fighting, the war, the conflict on the planet and they truly want to live in harmony and peace. Sure there is going to be a lot of healing that’s gonna be done but I think everyone should, I know this sounds perhaps idealistic Simon, but I think it would be good for people to try to take the highroad in any conflict and just send them lots of love and light and hope that they’ll reach the inner God within them and do the right thing.

SP: Yes, because otherwise we have failed. It’s very important that as we approach, it sounds very military, but as we approach a victory and for goodness sake, this has been many, many hundreds of thousands of years in the making, and that’s why everybody on this planet now is privileged to be here and privileged to choose whether they play a role or whether they are an observer. I mean in my own group of Connecting Consciousness we have had a number of attacks lately where people who first for a while you know have been very good and hardworking suddenly have gone off the handle and we see that. Energies manipulate people. The reason is because we are so near to breaking free.

TM: Right.

SP: If we didn’t have all these problems what it would mean is we weren’t an issue, you know, we were well under control. The fact that we are, you know, aware of these means that somebody doesn’t like human consciousness evolving and is desperately trying to stop it. Well they can’t, so I mean I would be concerned if everything seemed to be okay.

TM: Right.

SP: Because [50:38][zet] would think well we’re not doing what we should be doing. So I mean I’m aware now that we are nearly up to the hour Ted.

TM: We have about four minutes left and I just want to make this brief announcement. I’ve been interviewing a wonderful man named Simon Parkes, live to us, coming to live to us by Skype from England and he’s a fascinating gentlemen. I’m so happy to have you on today Simon. I want to tell you briefly that I think this planet is slated for ascension and I think that it is our destiny to become a kind, benevolent and beautiful loving planet much like President Kennedy tried to, tried to do back when he was President back in the early ’60s but I think the change now is not coming from the top down as it did in his administration but rather from the bottom up. People like you and me worldwide are making a difference and with that I’d like to give you the rest of the time on the show. You’ve got about three minutes left.

SP: That’s very kind of you. I totally agree with you. This is what it is about. It’s now. This is the time. For many people who have reincarnated on this planet time and time again. There is an American word which in the last, I don’t know 10–15 years, has made its way to Great Britain and that’s finally. We are just beginning to use that word now here in Great Britain as you fellows do. And I would say there will be some very, very involved beings or consciousness or whatever you want to call it who will watch this planet and the human race and they will say, finally! Finally, they’ve done it. They’ve broken free. Now we can welcome them and we can deal with them on a more even basis. There are so many instances that as a human race we have been conditioned to believe that we need a savior.

TM: Right.

SP: That was a false flag. They wanted to try and bring a false savior in on us but the reality is that every man, woman, and child is his or her own savior. We have the answers within ourselves. We have it within ourselves but we sometimes need help to unlock it or to be shown the door but once we are shown the door, the right door to go through then we don’t need anymore help, and that’s the point that we don’t want a situation where we are completely and utterly lead by the nose. We need to be helped, shown and then left to get on with it and I think that’s what you, I, and many, many other people are trying to do which is to say the human race is the most wonderful thing going. It is. I have personally met what you could call aliens, off planet entities and yes technologically they are hundreds of years, some of them are thousands of years ahead of us but you know, Ted, spiritually they are not more advanced than us. Spiritually the human race has the potential to connect to the 12th dimension.

TM: That’s right.

SP: But to go through in a way that many of these alien races can only dream of and many of them actually can’t even dream of it because they’ve no concept of it and that’s why they oppress us, these are bad guys because they are fearful of what we can become.

TM: That’s right.

SP: That’s what it is all about, and so you know I’m delighted to be on your radio show. I love you very much. I love the American people very much. I want them to be strong. I want them to seek the truth and I’ll be delighted to appear on Skype on your show in March.

TM: Wonderful, that’s for the conference. Thank you so much Simon for coming on today. Please stay tuned for Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch in the next couple of minutes. Thank you so much for coming on Simon, Bye-bye.

Transcribed by GSC April 4, 2018

Proofread by Carolyn Hess February 3, 2019

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