
Awake and Aware Malta, Saturday, July 2, 2016

with Kerry Lynn Cassidy of Project Camelot (

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Presentation at Project Camelot Awake & Aware Conference

Sliema, Malta, July 2, 2016

Simon gives a short introduction of some of his life experiences; a few of the top elite want Brexit, but the majority of the elite don’t, so a change in political leaders who favor staying in the EU could attempt to thwart the will of the people; US dollar is dead, corporate America declared bankrupt as of May, 2016; China holds one-third of world’s gold and will have the only gold-backed currency on the planet; if and when a major crisis comes the Western banks have made it legal to steal your bank account, and maybe return some of it to you in 21 days after they devalue the currency and do whatever; alien technology has been given to the elite, especially cure for cancer, but elites do not share with the rest of us; Questions: in regard to timelines ours has shifted from a negative to a positive direction three times in the last 25 years; last pope/last president merely means the last in the way they are instructed to operate now but not the end of the system; banks and bail-ins will come with zero warnings; chemtrails, GMOs, vaccinations all contributing to a lowered vibrational frequency and/or a slow genocide of the human race; ways to counter the devastating effect vaccines are having on our children; use of essential oils to protect from vaccines and chemtrails; a psychic relates details of exploration of underground base in etheric form and wonders if Simon can confirm that some of his acquaintances live underground; the Hypogeum; big world change coming, how do we teach it; what power is at the pinnacle of the pyramid controlling humanity; Hadron Collider update includes a hole punched into the 4th dimension and a consciousness from somewhere inside the tubing mucking things up; Brexit, good or bad for humanity?

Kerry Cassidy: Okay, and now I’m going to turn it around to the audience and see if you can see them. I’m doing this carefully. Can you see our audience, some of them anyway?

Simon Parkes: That’s fine. Yes I can.

KC: Are you waving? Everyone waving? And not everyone has quite gotten back from their very short break. I’m sorry. I’ve been, you know, sort of a task master here. I haven’t let them eat dinner for very long. Because you know, here you are and we were running late, and I didn’t want to make you wait, so okay here we go. Now we’re turning around so I can have control of this camera, and I’m turning the camera off until we’re ready for the Q&A. He’s gonna take your questions. He wanted to see what you look like and who you are so when he answers you he can, he’s quite psychic, and he will be able to give you quite some good information. Now we’ve got you full scream… full screen.

SP: I’ll scream as much as you like Kerry.

KC: Okay, no we’ve got you full screen and I think you sound great so we are recording, yes? We are recording this so we will have it. Okay, go right ahead. The floor is yours.

SP: Thank you Kerry. Well first of all a great thank you to Kerry and team for inviting me, not just to speak here at Malta, but at the other venues in the London area. I’m very very grateful to have the opportunity. It’s the first time I’ve spoken to a conference in Malta, and it was nice to have a quick chance to have a look at you guys. Kerry said that some of you are very adept to this business. You’ve been, you know, investigating for many years and some of you are quite new to it. So the topic of my discussion or talk today is the future the economic, political and social and well-hidden knowledge being released. But before I start that I just want to check. I’m going to ask you to give a show of hands, and then Kerry can give me some idea of what response. Could you just put your hands up if you’re familiar with my work, and then Kerry can just count and see as a percentage…

KC: Okay, quite a large portion of our audience, I’m just going to stand up and make sure I’m getting everybody. Yeah, most of, a good two-thirds of the audience are familiar, and then there’s just a few people who haven’t raised their hands so they’re gonna have a real treat.

SP: Ah, thank you. Well I’m hoping everybody will get a real treat.

KC: Okay.

SP: What I’ll do then for the one-quarter or twenty-five percent, I’ll just do a very brief history of who I am and how I got to this point, and then I’ll do the presentation. I’m aware that I don’t have any slides to show you, and it can get a bit monotonous just hearing and seeing a person going on. So when we get to a point where you think we’ve had enough then we can either have a five-minute break or we can go straight into the questions and answers.

So, okay. I’ve been in the eye of the public for about six years now and it wasn’t always the case. I came from an unusual family background. My mother worked for what we call the Domestic British Security Service, the BSS, which we would all know as MI5, and my grandfather worked for what is more correctly called the SIS, and that’s, you know, the Security Intelligence Service, which we call MI6. But although we’re talking back in the 1960s and 1970s, my mother worked really for the National Security Agency of America and my grandfather worked for the CIA. Because both my grandfather and mother were British subjects, they had to be managed by the intelligence of that country. But America takes all intelligence and it has done for a very long time. So the job of my mother was to, on an old-fashioned German typewriter, to type out documents which had arrived from a group of German scientists in the British and American parts of Berlin.

Back in those days Germany was divided up, and these documents, which were in German, related to crashed alien spacecraft, which had been brought down or had crashed all over the globe, and had been recovered, parts of it, recovered by American special teams. The documents never explained the circumstances of how those craft came down. They were all very similar in the layout. It was basically, this is the technology that we think we’ve got from this craft. What could you, the Germans scientists, do with it? How can you make a modern application?

So in other words, the American military would say, we think this is a, for instance, power plant. All right we know it’s a nuclear power plant. What can we do? And a good example would be the underground boring machines, the mining machines, which are nuclear powered. The difficulty they had prior to that alien technology was just the sheer size of the reactor. To try to put a human-type reactor into a vehicle is very, very difficult. But these reactors that they were obtaining from crashed craft, were literally between three feet and six feet in diameter, and the German scientists were absolutely confounded. They couldn’t understand how a nuclear reactor or a cold fusion reactor could be so small and yet produce so much power. So the scientists would look at it and say well to be honest, we can only get ten percent of the potential from this, but nevertheless that ten percent is greater than anything we have.

So between 1965 and 1979 that’s what my mother did. Somebody would come to the house and give her the documents. She’d have to sign for them. She’d have to spool them from tapes because someone translated them and she’d have them on a machine and she would have earphones and she would advance the tape and hear the linguist speak one sentence and interpret it into English and she would type it out, and at the end of that she’d be picked up by a Jaguar. It was a green Jaguar, be driven into England, Brighton Station on the South Coast and then she would hand the document to a member of the British Intelligence Service, and they would have code words to pass.

Now when you are growing up in an environment like that, and I was an only child, and my father left when I was about one year old, and my mother never remarried. So, you just accept what happens around you. And they would, her and whoever would come to visit, would talk quite openly in front of me. And Saturdays and Sundays I didn’t go to school and my mother worked at home, so at lunchtime she’d go into the kitchen and leave paperwork on the desk. And so for a good five or six years, I would every lunchtime on a weekend go and read all these documents. Well now, of course, I know this was all planned. At the time I just accepted it. But if you were to say how on earth would the intelligence service allow a five- to twelve-year-old child to be looking at stuff like this, it can only be because that’s exactly what they wanted. So my upbringing in terms of that situation was quite unusual.

Since a very early age I’ve had experience with what people call extraterrestrials, but they’re not. Extraterrestrials are aliens that come to us in real time. The aliens that I see are extra-dimensional. That means that they come to us through portal technology. They have to because it would take thousands of years to travel here if they didn’t, and we’re talking about the Draconis Reptilians. There are many sorts of Reptilians. The ones I refer to are white-skinned, what in British we call Mantid, but in American it is referred to as the Mantis, and again I’m familiar with one particular faction, one particular group. I can’t be an expert on all different groups. The Greys, which I don’t like very much, there are many different types of Greys. Another group would be loosely called the Feline species, but more accurately are called Ketkarie and a range of other beings.

So I’ve seen these creatures since probably six months old, and I’m very fortunate that none of them have ever hurt me. And that’s an important point to take account because many many people who are very brave and come forward and talk about the subject recount how they’ve been hurt by these beings, and that’s why I’m making the point. The group that is interacting with me has never harmed me. So therefore I have to just be clear that that’s what I’m speaking about. If you take a cat or dog to the vet, the very first time you take it to the vet it’s fine. It’s just going to a person’s house. But as soon as the vet gets out a needle, an injection, then of course the animal associates the veterinary practice with pain and fear. So if you have alien interactions and you are harmed in some way, then you will associate fear with that. So you need to understand where I’m coming from. I’m coming from a position that is probably not representative of the vast majority of people. Many people report some very difficult situations, and I believe what they say.

So this is the experience I’ve had, coming up in an intelligence, but not military, but an intelligence family background, being interacted with by off planet entities, and then by about 2010–2011, I decided enough was enough. I had to share this with people. It seemed too big and I knew the governments across the world were keeping the truth and I was prepared to risk everything and go public. And as you would expect, the established media went to town and tried to make me out as a madman, a fool, deluded, or what have you. And, they didn’t really get what they wanted because I did a lot of BBC interviews. I’ve been on television, radio, and whenever somebody has tried to belittle me or tried to make me out to be insane, because that’s what they like to do, they never won the argument once. And if you’ve listened to any of the clips, you’ll see that those interviewers never want me back again because they were given a brief to try to do something very childish. It didn’t work. And they only invite people back when they think they can, you know, make more of an example of them.

So this is the situation until about 2012, and I was invited to tour a radar base in Great Britain. It is probably the third most secret base in the world, and it’s actually based in Britain. It’s not far from where I live. It’s called Fylingdales Radar. It is the only three-phased array radar in the world. The Americans have a two-phased array, but this looks right back on the globe, and I was invited with a group of others to have a three-hour tour of the radar base. Can you imagine all the media who had been trying to make a fool of me? Suddenly the Ministry of Defense is inviting me, the man who says his mother worked for MI5; his grandfather worked for MI6. He sees aliens, and they are letting me in their radar base.

So this just completely changed the ballgame. Suddenly these directors and studio guys were very confused as to what the agenda was here. And I did have the three-hour tour and I just recount. It’s very funny. I went to the main gate, and I had a member of the family with me and they, obviously they’re all armed, and the guard said identity please, and the member of the family handed her passport across and the security guard, well he was the Ministry of Defense Policeman, looked at the passport, looked back at the member of the family, and did this about three times, checking that the face was the same. I went to hand the guard my ID and he just held his hand up and said oh no, that won’t be necessary. And as we went in a member of the family said well, obviously they are expecting you aren’t they? So they knew very well who I was and I was the only person of, there were about twelve people all serving in the military. I was the only one who wasn’t serving. My family member was involved in the military at that point. And I was the only one to be presented with a medal.

At the end of the three-hour tour, the lieutenant who was conducting was standing by a cabinet and I noticed some really lovely medals, like coins, medallion things, and I said oh they’re really nice, and he said yes they are. He said it’s a special year. He said we’ve been here fifty years this year, fifty years on this site. And the Americans who really are in control of the radar base, he said have manufactured these, but we have to pay for them and he said we present them to generals, prime ministers, presidents, senior governments, so we can’t sell them. He said we always ask for a contribution because unfortunately the Americans didn’t pay for them.

So there was about three of us standing there, and I said well do you think you could present one to me? And the two guys behind me burst out laughing, but the attendant said, and I quote, “I don’t see why not. What color do you like?” So I said well I would like a black one please. So he said, “okay,” and reached across. But you have to make a contribution because, you know, we are going to be out of pocket. We have to break even. So I gave a ten-pound note and he said now the Americans insist that I take your name. And I said, “You know my name don’t you?” And he said, “Yes, I know but for the record.” So I gave him the name. Each medal is numbered, so I have the number 68 out of a worldwide production of 500. So he had to write my name by 68, and he said to me you can’t sell it. It’s not your property. It belongs to the American government, but you may pass it on to a member of the family. So then the two guys who were behind me sort of reached into their wallets and got their money out, and he just closed the case, locked the case and said to everybody it’s time to go.

So now when we do the question and answer session we’ll probably have a five minute break, I’ll go and get the medal and then I, although probably the picture might be not good, I can at least hold it up to the camera for you and you can have a look at it. So I suggest that one-half of the elite are trying to help me, and one-half of the elite is trying to hinder me. And I think they are absolutely split down the middle. They argue with each other. Since then I’ve done TV interviews, a radio show, and I formed a group called Connecting Consciousness.

I look at people like David Icke, who I have the greatest respect for, and Dr. Steven Greer, and both of those gentlemen tried to change the world, but were stopped, because they both went down the road of using the system. So David Icke got a radio station and a TV station, and Dr. Steven Greer produced a big film. But you know what, the system around us is designed to protect itself. So if you have bank managers and accountants and buildings and all the rest of it, it can be taken down, and poor ole David Icke literally got thrown out of his own studio. So I decided that when I formed Connecting Consciousness there would be no buildings, no bank managers, no accountants, just a group of people from around the world, so I have now literally thousands of people in many countries of the world who take part in group meditations and we form healing groups, remote viewing groups, all with the purpose of actually trying to bring, we do use the term loosely, ascension. It’s evolution to humanity. Frankly I don’t care what a person has been or done, it’s about what they believe in now. And I often say to people and you know you might say well that person looks very Reptilian. Why do you let them into our group? And my reply is, according to the establishment anybody who comes out of the Vatican is supposed to be a really good person, but much do we know that many of them are pretty not good, and someone who’s murdered somebody and done thirty-five years in prison could come out completely changed and a good person, so it’s not where you’ve been or what you’ve done, it’s what your choice is now and where you’re going to.

And what sort of a person would I be if I started saying well you can’t join my group because you look like this. Or you can’t join my group because, you know, you’ve got too much Reptilian. As long as someone wants the best for humanity and the best for the planet then they can join Connecting Consciousness. So that’s the way I’ve gone. So for the last six years I’ve gone from telling my story to thinking, all right Simon, you’ve told your story. That’s all well and good, but what can we do to try and help people? What can we do to try and lead people forward? So that’s who I am, where I am, and I’ve known Kerry for a little while. Kerry is a really fantastic warrior. What she says is truth. And I’m always delighted to stand shoulder to shoulder with Kerry, because I know that like me, she’s determined that truth gets out there. That’s free will. It’s up to you guys what you do with it, but at least you hear it and you can do your own research. Okay, right, let’s get on with this now.

You are well aware of what’s happened in I say, my country, in the country I live in, in England. It voted to leave the European Union and that is appropriate a little bit for the talk. I wanted to tell you things that do not appear in the newspapers and don’t appear on television. If we think of a pyramid and we think of the top percentage of the pyramid, then that’s the elite, and then everyone else is under that pyramid. That’s the image that many people have. But let’s suppose that you divided that top percent into different types of elite. I’ve already said how some parts of the elite support me and some parts of the elite don’t. So let’s say that the very pinnacle of the elite wanted Britain to leave the European Union. Now there’s a mate here, a guy called George Soros, and George Soros has the infamous title of the man who broke the Bank of England. George Soros has the Soros Foundation. That sounds really good doesn’t it, a foundation. It sounds like, you know, you help little black children in Africa to have fresh drinking water, or you might help old people in another country. But so you know, the George Soros Foundation has 30 billion dollars to invest all for George Soros. And do you know that George Soros bet that Britain would leave the European Union. I haven’t been told how much money he made, but I have been told he made a 15 percent profit. And another member of the Rothschilds also bet that Britain would leave. Now that’s key, because all of the other elite members bet that Britain would stay in the European Union. So you’ve got the majority of the elite feeling betrayed by the very top part of their own organization. That’s why in Great Britain the knives are out. Everyone’s a headless chicken. They’re all sticking knives in each other, doing each other down because they’ve got no focus. The top guys have just pulled the money out.

So we have a situation where Rupert Murdoch came into the frame and poor ole James Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party, he’s had lots and lots of resignations, but if you look at the resignations you will find that they’re all supporters of Tony Blair or members of the Fabian Society. And you begin to see a pattern working here.

Now I’ve got my money, what there is of it, on Theresa May being the next British Prime Minister, because the majority of the elite, not the top pinnacle, but the majority of the elite do not want Britain to leave the European Union. So they are going to try and put in a Prime Minister who is got to try and not let Britain leave the European Union. Now in the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn is very anti-Europe, although he campaigned on a pro ticket, he is very anti. They don’t want him in, because if Labour was to win onto him, he would carry forward the wishes of the British people. Michael Gove and of course Boris Johnson, who is now departed, he would also carry the wishes of the British people. But Theresa May might not.

All right you know there are three places in the Western world that are not part of the sovereign government. That’s the Vatican, Capitol Hill in America, and the City of London. All of these are separate principalities within their country of origin. In other words, they are separately run. And there is a move afoot for England to leave the European Union, but not for the City where all the financial trading is done. Now that’s going to be very very interesting to see how they do that. So we’re seeing a great fallout, some great issues coming, and those of you who listen to my radio show, I do two radio shows a month, I’ve got one tomorrow, Wolf Spirit Radio it’s called, run by a guy, a really lovely guy, called Jay Pee.

And I’ve been talking sometime now how the American dollar is dead. In fact officially corporate America was declared bankrupt in May of this year, and the Americans have a long history of the silver dollar. If you think back to the TV shows of the big silver dollars that the Wild West Cowboys would use. So there’s a history here, and for the last seven to eight years the United States has been hoarding silver. Now last six weeks, the elite, the very elite had a big meeting in Britain to decide their response to a representation from China. China has one-third of the world’s gold and it’s backing its currency, the Yuan, with that. That means it will be the only gold-backed currency on the planet. Very important. And they have offered the United States of America the codes to access the backing of gold through a German bank, not Deutsche Bank but through another German bank, but the deal was that America had to move to a silver-backed currency, had to lose the paper dollar and go back to silver. Now the Rothschild group agreed to that, but then it went to the Bilderberger meeting. Now the Rothschilds are the executives and the Bilderbergers are the committee members, and they had to ratify or not, the decision of the executive. The decision of the executive was to accept that offer. I understand the Bilderberger group did ratify that, so we should expect in the very near future Americans move to a silver-backed currency, there should be a devaluation, or a repegging on the dollar. There will be a repegging of the pound, which is already happening. And then you are going to have three factions of the world. You are gonna have the United States of America on a silver-backed currency. You are going to have China, Russia, and India on a gold-backed currency, and hey-ho, in the middle George Soros, because George Soros has been buying gold mines in South America. So what he wants to do is be the linchpin, the middleman, or as the say in the U.S., the go-to man to do deals between America and Russia and China and et cetera.

So we see a real move away from the world that, I mean I’m just over 50, the world I grew up in is going to be very different in the next five years. BMW, a big motor company, has said by 2020, they will no longer be building motor cars that run on petrol diesel. They want to move totally to the electric-powered cars. So those things that we grew up with in the ’60s, ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s are going to be fundamentally different. And I think what we will also see is the fundamental difference in the attitude of people. People who have been disempowered, people who feel that they can’t make change, people who really think nobody takes any notice of them, and they are basically no better than slaves. You get up in the morning. You go to work. You don’t earn very much. And as soon as you earn any money somebody wants to take that off you, whether it’s the government or literally the shop around the corner. And then you have a dwindling amount of money, but it doesn’t matter because next Friday you’ll get paid. And that’s how people, most people, on this planet live. They live from one payday to the next payday. And that’s not what we should be doing. As one off planet entity alien said to me, I don’t understand it, obviously they don’t speak with their mouths. It’s all head to head, mind to mind communication. He said I don’t understand this. You have to pay for the planet you live on, and this is unknown, unknown in the multiverse. There is no other planet that I’m aware of where creatures that are born on that planet and have a connection to the planet have to pay for heating, pay to drink water, pay to put clothes on, pay to put a roof over your head. It’s madness, all because somebody, a very greedy person, has taken those resources and said I own this, but I will sell it to you. And who said it was theirs to have in the first place? Just because oil or wind is very prevalent in a part of the world, who gave that person or that organization or that big multinational corporation to say that’s ours. Never mind it belongs to the people, that belongs to a group of seven shareholders, the richest people in the world, but you know what, we’ll let you buy it from us.

So it’s fundamentally wrong and when you are born on this planet and you grow up this is what you’re taught. So you don’t believe it’s wrong because this is the way it’s always been. And if you’ve got a hundred pounds in the bank or a hundred dollars in the bank, then oh I’ve got a hundred in the bank. I must preserve the system because if the system collapses I will lose my hundred, and that’s how they hold people. Because the threat is if you bring the system down, then you will lose the things most important to you from their perspective, which is money.

Now in Great Britain everyone is receiving a letter at the moment from the banks saying that if they have more than 75,000 pounds in the bank, they could lose it. There’s been a misunderstanding here. We know that the banks in the Western world are on the point of stealing, I’m using the word loosely. They said they will return it, everyone’s money from their bank account. But the feeling was that if you had say a 100,000 pounds in the bank, you are very lucky. The bank would leave you 75,000 and just take the 25,000 off you. But what they’re actually saying is even if you have a 100 pounds in a British bank, they will take that from you, but within 21 days they will return it. So what they’re saying is that we know that there is a real difficult situation coming. We have the legal right to take all of your money out of your bank but as long as you have less than 75,000 pounds, we will return it to you in 21 days, and clearly what they’re saying here is 21 days is enough time for us to, you know, devalue the currency and sort it all out. So what sort of a country is it where if a man stops you in the street with a knife or a gun and says give me five pounds or I’ll kill you, what’s the difference between that and the bank saying we’re taking all your money out of your bank account at five minutes to midnight, and there’s nothing you can do about it because it’s legal. So maybe the human race has got to have a bit of a shock to actually question the world it’s in, to question its own values, to question the values of the system, and to question why it’s been lied to for so long.

And I want to move on to our second point which is the recent technologies. It isn’t the fact that there are aliens out there. That’s not the problem. You know there are many people in government who want to tell you the truth. There are aliens, but it wouldn’t stop them. How that would follow on is literally okay what have the aliens given you, and they would have to be very honest wouldn’t they and say well actually we’ve had a cure for cancer for thirty-five years. I ask you when’s the last time a president or a prime minister had cancer in office? When’s the last time a leader developed cancer and died while in office? I can tell you that someone from the elite does not have chemotherapy. And a veterinary surgeon once said to me when I was asking about an animal who was having chemo, because cats and dogs can have chemo. And I said to the vet, why doesn’t the dog’s hair fall out? And his reply was because we don’t overdose dogs like we do humans, and that was very interesting.

So the more you read, the more you learn, the more skeptical you become of the information that we are being given as truth by the establishment. I remember five–six years ago somebody sending me a clip from their mobile phone, a hundred thousand Jews, a hundred thousand, that’s a lot for a small country all demonstrated in Central Tel Aviv that they didn’t want war with the Palestinians. They wanted peace, but not any of that made it to the mainstream newspapers or television channels. And yet, for the last three months in Great Britain, night after night, after night, the BBC has carried pictures of thousands of migrants forcing across borders, desperate for work, unemployed, no food, no medicine. They knew very well that they were fueling the Britain exit campaign. Everytime they showed a picture of thousands of people rushing borders, that was another vote into the ballot box to leave the European Union. These people aren’t stupid. If they really wanted to keep Britain in the European Union, they would have not hit audiences night after night with that.

So we know that the very very elite who control the BBC, control CNN, Fox News, and just about everyone else, had been given instructions that they were to carry this triad of lots and lots of young men who don’t get a job, don’t speak the local language, and will rape women and rob your shops. The country is going to go down the drain. There’s going to be no jobs, and basically your country is going to be swamped. So that was the three messages that were coming across from the established BBC, although it was hidden, not obviously as I have just portrayed it. There’s some of the newspapers that did. And it’s no surprise to me that Britain voted to leave. And, you know, it’s just crazy that the vast majority of the elite right up to one minute after the polls closed, were still betting very heavily that Britain would stay in the European Union.

But those who were really pulling the strings knew otherwise. So these people don’t want to tell you that they have a cure for cancer. They don’t want to tell you that actually we have a motor car that runs on hydrogen and we’ve had that since the mid-1950s. They don’t want to tell you that they have the device that flies through the air without burning kerosene or anything like that, rocket fuel. They don’t want to tell you that they have a Secret Space Fleet that’s actually been to Mars. They don’t want to tell you that the landing on the Moon in 1969 was a complete hoax. So it isn’t that they don’t want to tell you about aliens, it’s that that would leave the door open to lots and lots of questions, which actually are more hard hitting. People will accept the fact by and large that we are not the only intelligent thing in space, but they won’t accept the fact that their beloved grandmother died of cancer when there is a machine that could have cured her in about two days. So that is the reason why these people dug themselves into a hole and can’t now come out and be honest.

So when things change, and they are going to change very soon in our lifetimes, these people are either going to have to be very brave, stand before us, and say, you know what? We made a mistake and we’re really sorry. And then other people than I will have to judge them. But there are going to be another group of people who will say to hell with this, we’re not going to take the rap for this. We are going to go down fighting. Or some people will just do what the Nazis did with the fall of Germany, and just put a disguise on and go and live in South America, or something like that. So these are very exciting times. And anybody who is alive on the planet today, this is a wonderful time to be here. I know that maybe sounds a bit odd, but we are going to survive.

Humanity is going to evolve. They can’t stop us. And I’ve always said that it’s going to be a bit of a bumpy journey, a bit rough, but we will get there in the end. I don’t know what condition we’ll be in, but we will get there in the end. And what a fabulous opportunity to be here and see all the changes unfolding, and maybe hopefully to play a small part in that. No one person can do everything, and if we all work together, whatever that might be, then we can bring about a change. That’s why I formed Connecting Consciousness because I cannot be everywhere at once and I wouldn’t want to be. And I don’t speak all the different languages of different countries, so by having groups in different countries, I get a constant stream of information as to what is occurring in those countries, and I can give warnings.

So for instance I’ve given a warning and that’s going to be an official warning to everyone on the California coast, that there are three individuals, two individuals want to use the HAARP machine to cause the San Andreas Fault to become active before the presidential election in November. The third member of the group is inclined to have the earthquake after the presidential election, and at the moment they can’t decide. I’ve been told that they are aiming for the size 7 on the Richter scale. They don’t want lots and lots of death. What they want is lots of disruption, roads or highways broken, powerlines down, cell phone network out of action. Then they can bring in martial law because they really don’t like California. So that’s aimed for September, so I’m producing a document which will go to all Connecting Consciousness members, telling them how to prepare for this. That’s a backstop.

What I am also doing is going to have a worldwide meditation group but we will need to be protected by remote viewers because a lot of these guys have bad magicians around them. And I want to try and positively affect the minds of these people to say, you know, come on, join the human race. You can’t be doing this. I cannot sit back and do nothing. I’m going to do my utmost and all good-willed pure people to try to prevent this occurring, but if something goes wrong then at least those people who hear me, listen to me, and other people of course, I’m not the only one who gives warnings, that they will at least prepare for a situation, so it’s positive in the sense that we are going to come out the other end, but we are going to take a few knocks and bangs as we move towards it.

Okay it’s now about half-past four. Kerry how are we doing for time?

KC: Oh, I think we’re fine actually. You’re in good time. What time do we have here, you guys?

Anon: It’s half past five…

SP: Yeah we’re…

KC: So we’re an hour later than you.

SP: Yeah, it’s half four for me.

KC: Okay no problem, and you have I believe you have a half hour to go at least, so…

SP: Well why don’t we go to questions and answers for this half hour set.

KC: That’s fine, absolutely and let me just say excellent presentation. Could we give him a hand for that? Yeah just…

SP: Well that’s very kind of you. Thank you. I appreciate that.

KC: Yeah, thank you Simon for going on the limb like that. That’s brilliant, lovely, lovely, lovely information. Okay so I’m turning the camera around so you can see the audience for the session we’re going to do. All right.

SP: Okay.

KC: And, so, here we go. Be real careful with the connections here. Now how are you for seeing the audience? Is that a good…

SP: It’s absolutely fine, Kerry, it’s lovely.

KC: Okay. And let me just, you know, I’m just going to do sort of a panorama here, so you can see all areas, you know.

SP: Fine.

KC: Hopefully they, and if you’re in the back and you’d like him to see you because you want to ask a question, and you think it would be better if he can see your face, then feel free to kind of move. We have some empty chairs here on the very front, so you’re welcome to move if you need to. Or if you just want to move when you ask your question. You could do that or you could stand up when you ask your question. So however, you want to do it. It does help Simon to see you obviously if he’s going to answer a question. Okay Simon go right ahead.

SP: Okay, all right. I think what would be quite good to think about what’s relevant to you. I’m not going to answer any questions about Greys, Auntie Bertha who passed away three years ago and please can you tell me if I will see her at the marketplace? But if you have questions on any subject that I have discussed whether it’s off planet entities, aliens, whether it’s about the Illuminati, the New World Order, Agenda 21, demons and demonic, Satanic, anything like that, I’m happy to give it a go. If I don’t know the answer I will tell you plainly that I don’t know. I don’t make it up. I’m not a researcher. Let me make that clear. I do not research. All I do when I’m doing a presentation, when I’m at the conference, I will write my presentation and I will go online to see if there are any pictures or drawings that can back up my presentation. So for instance I did a talk, I was asked to do a talk on demons, and I did one and I thought I could go to Notre Dame Cathedral online and take some of the gargoyle pictures, because many of the gargoyles are modeled on jinn or demonics, so when I answer your question, I’m answering it from personal information, either what these ears, eyes or brain has seen or what someone from the British Intelligence or CIA has told me or an off planet entity has told me. I’m not going to answer questions because I read something in a magazine. So that’s the caveat, so please if you have any questions I’m really happy to have a go at it.

KC: Okay and if you want, we can give a mic to a person, whoever wants to ask a question, if you want, if you’d like to do that. So first person I want you to stand up and I’ll come over here and you can ask the question using the mic if you don’t mind. That way Simon, come around and just go right ahead and sort of stand in front over by me. I’ll go ahead…yeah. That way Neil, and actually Neil what I’d like you to do is not show the person, so show his back, is all right? I prefer not to show the audience in the video because we are going to put it online, so they’ll hear your voice but you don’t have to tell them, you don’t have to use last name, no last name. This is just better for you, okay? And, no offense Simon, it’s just that we want to protect our audience members and…

SP: That’s absolutely fine. I’ve got no problem with that at all.

KC: Okay, so go ahead.

Audience Member: Hello Simon.

SP: Hello.

AM: I would like to ask you, and my understanding is that there are what you might call parallel universes where we are developing slightly or very differently from each other. And from what I can understand there are two basic timelines. One where we are ascending and one where humanity as a whole is practically being destroyed. And I would like to ask your opinion please what do you think on what timeline we are because I read in the Centuries complete (Nostradamus) and I’ve sort of connected the dots. There’s an old prophecy by St. Malachy which said that the present pope would be the last one, but [45:42][unintelligible] he said that the last president will attacked and there’s a presidential election at the end of this year. Bob Dean, when Kerry interviewed him, said Nibiru should appear no later than 2017, so what do you think [46:01][unintelligible] something is going to happen between now and next year, and so I would like to ask, what do you think, what do you see things are going, for example would there be a Carrington Event? Will bitcoin

SP: Yeah, we’ve got lots of questions there.

KC: Yeah.

SP: I should explain that I have dyslexia, and so if you ask me lots of questions you are not going to get lots of answers. You’ll just get one answer for the question I remember, but I’m gonna start with timelines. You talked about timelines. Over the last twenty-five years we have been backwards and forwards three times. The bad guys had us on a timeline. The good guys pulled us onto a positive timeline, and the bad guys pulled us back onto a bad timeline and then finally we’ve been pulled onto a positive timeline, positive for humanity, not necessarily positive for any one country. Remember if you are an elite in the United States of America the positive timeline for you is for America being strong and you keeping your job. But the timeline we’re on now is a positive one for humanity. Now you talked about two timelines. There were many more than two. Since the 1960s, the Americans particularly have undertaken, I know there was the 1940 sending the battleship through but I’m talking much more controlled experiments. Since the 1960s, looking at the future sending particularly children through into the future and then trying to see if they can connect back and seeing what timelines they were observing. The last sort of ten years we’ve had lots of fear stories about America being swamped by a tidal wave, Nibiru coming through and killing everybody. I don’t subscribe to the Nibiru line. I really don’t. I do subscribe to an object entering our solar system and coming quite close to the planet and causing a disruption, but I do not ever accept that the planet is going to be destroyed. This planet Earth is the most wonderful, I use an alien term, water world. That’s how they refer to planet Earth. There are very very few water worlds anywhere. The one I’m aware of is in the 4th dimension in the Sirius [sear re us] or Sirius [sigh rus] star planet constellation. They’re so rare that nobody off planet is going to sit back and let this planet be destroyed. It’s too important. It doesn’t mean there won’t be an object entering the universe, but I really don’t go down the road of us being wiped out. So there are many timelines. We’re on a positive timeline and we’re fixed. When we went through the 31st, December, 2012, we fixed our position. For those of you who have researched the subject you know Lakenheath-Bentwaters or called Rendlesham—it’s called the Roswell incident of the United Kingdom—that occurred precisely before the years of 2012 because they had to collect DNA because as humans moved toward 2012, our energy signatures in our bodies changed. So it’s a vital moment that we went through that portal and now we are fixed.

Last pope, last president, that’s interesting. I don’t think I agree with that. What I agree is the last pope and the last president to operate under the instructions that they have done for the last couple of hundred years. So it isn’t the end of that system, but it is the end of the backing of that system. So anybody who takes position in office will not be able to play the games they’ve always done. So steady as she goes, that’s no longer on the cards. I think that the changes coming won’t just affect the western world. I think it’ll affect everywhere, and I think there will be a great lifting of the veil from members of the public, who will no longer accept leaders under the same situation that we have done for the last few years. So no, it’s not going to be the last president. It won’t be the last pope, but it will be the last in the system that we understand.

When the Mayan calendar was very badly translated, everybody who perhaps jumped too quickly thought it meant the end of the world. It didn’t. What it meant was the end of the world of the energy signature, the end of control, a new beginning, and that’s what we’re looking at so I’m not going to go down the fear road.

Very briefly I did a talk for a very able man called Miles Johnston, very able because he’s technically very brilliant and skilled, and he organized a conference in Britain two years ago, and I did my conference talk and I came out and an American came over to me and, you know, said I’d like to buy you lunch and have a talk to you. And during the conversation he said to me that, the employer, his employers had told him and I quote, “You come across my radar because my employers have made me aware of you.” And he said that his employers, and he never told me who they were, that his employers believed everything that I’ve said, and they sent him to offer me a deal. So I thought here we go. This is really interesting and I called somebody over. I wanted an independent witness. So, you know, have lunch with me and I’ve got this person who I know quite well and sit down with me and overhear his conversation, and this guy said that he had one question for me. And if I was prepared to answer the question, he was then prepared to tell me what was on the table. So I said, you know, I have no worries. You just ask me the question. If I can answer it I will. So he asked me a question. It was so complicated it took me two days to answer it in three different sessions. Once in a car park, once sitting down eating a meal, and once somewhere else. And he said to me the deal is that I am empowered to provide you with body guards and armored cars and a nuclear bunker under Salisbury Plain for you and your loved ones. Now if I had agreed to that I would have bought in to the catastrophe scenario. Oh yes, that’s lovely I’ve got an underground bunker. I’m almost saying that’s fine, you can drop bombs on me. I’m all right. I’m in a bunker. Everyone else can just tough it out. So I didn’t want that. And I said that’s a very kind offer but no. Actually I’ll be really honest with you. I was quite keen on the smoked armored black limousines. That was actually quite exciting. I would go to the local supermarket in an armored car. I like the idea of that, but as to the nuclear bunker no. I wasn’t going to have any of that.

So you need to understand that you create your own reality. Many of you who are old hands at this, you know that already. You create the energies around you. You make things happen. And that’s what the elite don’t want you to know that you can actually change history and the future. You can change it particularly around yourself. So if you have a very positive frame of mind, and you live a life that is looking to the future positively, then we have every hope that that is what will come, so thank you for the question. It’s really good questions, but I do not believe we are entering a period of disaster. We’re entering a period of difficulty. Thank you, next question.

KC: Thank you.

AM: Thank you Simon.

SP: Thank you.

KC: All right, come on.

AM: Good afternoon, Simon.

SP: Hello.

AM: Two questions really. How much notice will we get before there’s a run on the banks? And secondly if this world now is in a positive phase for humanity, where do chemtrails, GMOs, and vaccines fit in with all of that, because there seems to be no relenting on that side, thank you.

SP: Fine, good questions. Right, let’s do it in reverse order. The general public won’t get any notice for a run on the bank. The plan is one minute to midnight to empty everyone’s bank account so when the hand reaches midnight, it’s all done. Done and dusted. There’ll be no warning. If they give you a warning you’ll take your money out and put it under your bed. They don’t want that. They want your money. So they won’t give you a warning. I will get a warning. I’ll probably get between three hours and six hours warning, but basically the general public won’t get a warning, so that’s the answer to that one.

The second one is a very, very good question. It’s basically saying, well wait a minute. If everything is going to be okay, we’re doing really well and we’re on the right path, how are these bad guys still in charge? And the point is that they are still in charge because we are still letting them be in charge. Humanity is waking up. In my country we have a big history of horrible things like child abuse, which are hidden, and hidden, and hidden, and never come out. And then we heard all about Jimmy Savile. Now Jimmy Savile did what he did for fifty years. And then suddenly, they couldn’t keep the lid on it any longer. And this is what I mean by the advancement of humanity. People are changing. It’s becoming harder and harder for the elite to keep things from the public. The Savile case is very very interesting simply because it was completely hushed up and contained and then the lid blew off it and more and more cases are coming out now. I’m not saying that the four guilty people are being convicted, but what I am saying is that many things that have been successfully hidden from the public will not be hidden.

Chemtrailing is an interesting point because six to eight months ago chemtrails reduced by about 95 percent over Great Britain and about 25 percent over America when the black budget for those dried up completely. Now they have actually started it again, but it’s only operating at about 50 to 60 percent of what it was a year ago. And this will reduce. The thing I’m more worried about it vaccinations. I’m more worried about vaccination as a ploy to try to control people. Although chemtrails are obviously very bad for people and by the way if you can take vitamin D3, that is the best defense against the bacteria/virus that’s actually in the chemtrailing. And there’s no coincidence that the Australian government is in the process of banning all vitamin sales to the Australian people. And that may sound shocking but that’s exactly what’s happening. The Americans have closed a vitamin factory in Hawaii, and they are trying to label vitamins as poison. There’s an official YouTube video from the United States that’s already got two or three million hits where you’ve got these doctors telling people that it can give you a heart attack. So they want to stop people from taking vitamins, so that they will succumb to chemtrailing and the irradiation of food, which has no vitamins or goodness in it at all. So once we’re on a positive timeline and there’s undoubtedly evidence showing that the elite are losing control. The key levers of power are still in their hands. And from an alien perspective I’ve always taken people to task who go to conference and say all the Reptilians are gone. And all the Illuminati have been arrested. And I just say, no they haven’t because this is still in place. That is in place. Yes it’s reduced. There are probably around 220 Draconis Reptilians left on the planet in the planet, but those people are still in charge and still in control. But they are losing control, so around the periphery of their control, it’s going, but we can still expect chemtrails. We can still expect false flags, and it won’t change overnight unless there’s an economic crash. If there’s an economic crash, then all bets are off. So that’s a really good question. Thank you for asking that. I appreciate that.

AM: Thank you.

KC: Okay, anyone else? You want to come forward … come on.

SP: Don’t be shy. I’m really nice.

AM: Hello, Simon.

SP: Hello my darling.

AM: I’d like to ask you about these kids who are forcibly vaccinated and in our country it is illegal not to vaccinate, and is there anything we can do to counter [the] effect, the effect of these vaccinations on them?

SP: Thank you. Well obviously you are very spiritually aware and you’ve done your homework. For those of you who don’t have children or at least you have children in a country that hasn’t got that instruction, we need to explain that many countries have a rule in their own law making or their parliament, which means if your child dies directly from vaccination, you cannot take that organization to court. So if you have a young girl and she’s twelve years old, thirteen years old and she has the vaccination for the chlamydia virus [bacteria], and she dies from that vaccination you legally can do nothing about it. Now why would a government put legislation in like that? If you get knocked down by a police car and, you know, you are in the right, you will get compensation. If you have an injury at work or in the supermarket, and it wasn’t your fault, you can immediately get compensation. So we should immediately be suspicious of a government that forces you to have the vaccination, and then doesn’t give you any rights if it goes wrong. Vaccinations are designed to lower, as far as I’m concerned, I’m not a doctor. I don’t pretend to be one. As far as I’m concerned some vaccinations are good. There’s definitely some of them that do help. But the ones that seem to be multiple jabs I think lower a person’s vibrational frequency. In this country, England, you are required to have your children vaccinated in school. If the parent refuses, you can then get away with it. But if the child wants the vaccination and the parent says no, they will vaccinate. Now any other rule, if the child is under 18, the parent has the say in what happens, but not in vaccinations in Great Britain. If you are 11 years old and you want a vaccination regardless of what your mother says, they will vaccinate against the mother’s wishes. This is disgraceful. The United States of America, they’ve passed a law that every newborn baby must be vaccinated. They passed a law that you can’t take your child to a nursery or a child play group unless they have been vaccinated. So I know people who are literally selling their houses or moving to different countries, different states, so that they are not having to do that. Okay, your question was what can we do if those children are vaccinated? I can only offer you suggestions. It’s not my job to tell you what to do. I believe in free will. The best way for me to answer it is if I had a child I wouldn’t let them be vaccinated. But if they did then I would make sure that I had full vitamin supplements for that child, that they didn’t drink any water that contained fluoride, they didn’t clean their teeth with a toothpaste that contained fluoride, and I would teach them how to meditate, teach them how to leave their body, and try to start to repair any damage to their DNA or to their communication systems in terms of energy that that vaccination may have done. And you can find good decent very gifted psychic people on the internet who will be able to help you. So that’s my best advice to you, and I hope that’s helpful.

AM: Thank you very much.

SP: Thank you.

KC: Just a note, I would also recommend what’s called MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement). Jim Humble is a doctor who’s actually, well there’s a lot of… well, the authorities are arranged against him, but we’ve done several interviews with him and I myself have used MMS. I do say that it’s quite potent, and I suggest you use it in very tiny bits, but there are also seeing some, I guess, successful approaches. I’ve done an interview with a woman whose child had autism and had some progress in that area as well. But also if you give MMS right after the vaccine it cleans it out of the system. So just drops, very carefully, you know, following their directions for children and all that kind of thing. I’d be very careful but that’s my advice on that.

SP: Kerry thank you. I should have mentioned it, so thanks ever so much. That’s a good point. The other one is I’ve got a Skype with a gentleman who is creating one of the machines from the Keshe Foundation. The Keshe Foundation has come up with machines to save you electricity, but they have also come up with some healing machines. I have a Skype with someone who’s built one of those machines who has asked me for protection because he is very concerned that the elite will either kill him or steal his machine. So I have a Skype with him and I need to learn whether this machine is genuine, whether it does what it does. So there are now things coming out on the planet that actually can help. You have to be a Sherlock Holmes and go and be a good detective and go and work on personal recommendation, and if someone has had a good response from something then you want to investigate that. So yes, that’s my way forward.

KC: Okay and we will have a medical disclaimer on here just to, you know, insure ourselves and Simon as well. So we are only talking on a personal level here. Okay, any other questions?

SP: What a well behaved group. I normally get like hundreds, you know, so I don’t know why, it’s fine. I suppose I could just wrap it up then and say…

KC: No, well we have some… wait, wait, wait, we have somebody here.

SP: Okay.

KC: Yeah, she’s very quiet, a lovely person here and go right ahead.

AM: Have you heard about the use of essential oils to protect ourselves from the vaccinations and the chemtrails?

SP: I have heard, but I haven’t had anybody try it out, and I have been trying to get the constituents of what the oils are, and I’m not clear whether it’s the oils themselves that are beneficial or whether there is a psychic interaction at the moment you put the molecules on to your skin. So I can’t really talk about it because I haven’t got any information on it. I’m aware that there is that antidotal evidence going around, but from a personal point of view I don’t know enough about it.

AM: Thank you.

SP: Thank you.

KC: It would be lovely. This is the Angela Donovan. I don’t know if you’ve met yet, but she’s the next speaker and she wants to ask you a question and she…

SP: All right, hello Angela. Hi.

Angela Donovan: Hi Simon.

KC: …is a fascinating woman. Okay.

AD: Take that back. I just wanted to ask one question. I’m afraid I slipped out for awhile. So I’ve missed if you answered anything like this. I just wanted to ask you if you are aware that any of these wonderful beings that you are aware of are underground?

SP: God yes. The Draconis live entirely underground. They have major bases under the Vatican, what we call Capitol Hill, and these are populist centers. They also have entry points in some of the big hospitals so for purposes that we haven’t got enough time to go into at the moment.

AD: Nobody wants to hear that one.

SP: Yeah and also some of the military bases that the United States has as a joint–shared venture. Most of the Grey bases have been decommissioned. There are still a few under the ocean, but most of the Grey bases are no longer operational. There is a native form of Reptilian that I am familiar with that lives in the planet and is left alone because it basically doesn’t want anything to do with humanity, and therefore it’s benign in the sense that it doesn’t emerge out onto the surface and cause any problems. There are a couple of other groups, Mossad, the Israeli Intelligence Service, has a connection with off planet entities that they channel. That might be what we call the Aldebaran group, because they have representatives based in high Israeli government and they have some underground bases. The Russians are being instructed by Nordic-type aliens who live in hollows not far from the Kremlin, but generally speaking most of these entities are off planet. They will teleport in, for want of a better word, do the deal, do the business, and then disappear again. Those who are on succumbent, it may sound very odd, but there are aliens who absconded, especially to the Space Fleet and the United States Navy. They have a very strong connection with a Reptilian type of faction sometimes called Raptors. So nearly every faction of the Earth’s military that’s part of an elite group will have a connection and some of their command and control elements are based underground. But we would always think of the Draconis Reptilians as the number one group buried underground. In terms of what we might call Agartha, under some or the poles of this planet, there are groups of what I call higher humans. These are humans of fifth dimensional type who can trace their history back to war between Lemuria and Atlantis, and who just washed their hands of it all and took themselves away, and are under a great deal of pressure now to come back out and to try and to help the forces of good. So the best place to hide from prying eyes and spy satellites is under the ground, and so that’s where many many bases are still operational. So thanks for the question and…

AD: There’s one more thing can I just… I asked specifically because of in the UK.

SP: Ah.

AD: Because I entered one of these bases.

SP: All right well I’ll go through a list of them and you can stop me when we get to the right one. You can help me by saying in the UK, north, south, east or west.

AD: Duh. South, southwest.

SP: Right, there’s a large base in Wiltshire not far from Salisbury Plain.

AD: That would be the one probably.

SP: Then if we move toward, I suppose we could just call Southampton Ports, it’s still in that location. There’s a base south, Southampton Ports and then if we move up toward the Castles, there’s a base there. Those are the bases that I’m familiar with. Any of those ring a bell to you?

AD: Yes possibly this Wiltshire because I’m on the water.

SP: Okay.

AD: But also because where I went. I didn’t go in my physical, but I went there to snoop, just to see if they were there.

SP: Right.

AD: But I was noted. I think my etheric was there, and I was followed back, but I was followed back not by a physical. I was followed back and a cube with the head of a Reptilian actually came and visited me in the bedroom, and of course I turned around and saw him and they’re very clever. So there was no communication other than my saying that was very clever of you and then he disappeared.

SP: Well that’s interesting because the Cube is Orion technology.

AD: Well it was like, excuse me, it might not be a cube as such. It’s just… it was like a TV screen, if you like, a projection of him.

SP: Oh, okay. Fine.

AD: Projection, sorry, it’s just that… [crosstalk].

SP: Right, okay if it’s a screen, then that’s a holographic…

AD: Yeah.

SP: …representation.

AD: Yeah. Yeah.

SP: But the Orion Empire which is a Grey, a part of the Grey, small Grey group now, but other Reptilian groups would use that technology together, and Grey technology is used dramatically on this planet for bad purposes. If the base that you are talking about, could it have been the New Forest?

AD: No, no.

SP: All right, because there was a Reptilian complex under the New Forest. The one in Wiltshire is a combined base. It’s a combined base of black ops, military, human military and Reptilians.

AD: Yeah.

SP: Divided into levels. The top level is the human group, and then the Reptilian group is underneath it. That sounds to me more likely you went there.

AD: Yeah, and four levels down.

SP: Ah, that’s it, yep, okay.

AD: Yeah.

SP: You found it, brilliant.

AD: Yeah but it was to me amusement that obviously I was seeing when I…

SP: Well the first three levels are human controlled.

AD: Yeah.

SP: The fourth level is all electronically controlled and also psychically protected, so when you penetrated into the fourth level then basically what would happen is that the cameras would see that.

AD: Yeah, I thought so.

SP: But the psychics would detect it and then you create a trail when you return back to your body.

AD: Yeah.

SP:…and they just followed the trail in.

AD: Yeah, creeps. Thank you Simon for that.

SP: It’s a pleasure. And really good luck with your talk my love.

AD: Thank you darling.

SP: Thank you.

KC: Okay, are there any other questions? Yes, it’s a very, you know, they’re very polite as you might have noticed, but they are all, you know, very carefully I guess holding their questions very carefully so we do have a few more if you have the time for it.

SP: Yeah I do. I mean you know, look the reason I do this is because I need to communicate with people. It’s very important to me, so, you know, I’ll sit here take it as long as it takes to get these questions done.

KC: Okay. Actually before we start I just want to ask you a quick question that relates to what you were just saying. Since we have a Maltese audience here what about the Hypogeum, the beings below the Hypogeum? Are you aware of those and can you say anything about that?

SP: Right I’m not aware of them personally. I haven’t connected with any of them but I am aware that they are real and they exist because the beings or aliens that I speak to or communicate with have mentioned them, and all I gained from them is that they have a long history of working with… it’s really difficult to try and put this into words. They have a long history of working with people who are, when I say simple, I don’t mean in the English way stupid. I mean simple in the terms of a very pure understanding of the way the planet and the stars work. So this particular force was described to me as beings of a consciousness who can bud off and create individuals but won’t go back into one consciousness. They have a covenant with the planet Earth and tend to work with humans who are very pure of thought and want to live in conjunction with nature. Now that this group I understand they have set up like that. Now whether they maintained that group course or whether they got corrupted I have no idea, but that is all the information I was given.

KC: Okay, very interesting. Thank you. Here we go.

SP: Okay.

AM: Hi, I’m Joe.

SP: Hi.

AM: I know that the world is going through a big change, and I for one can feel it and I was wondering whether… how we teach it in this part of the world, talking about Malta?

SP: That’s a good question. There are two ways to look at it. There’s the way that it is featured in the newspapers and politicians and then there is the way that teaches the human consciousness. To politics we talk about what we own, what you control and its geographical location in terms of a military or a political influence on surrounding neighbors. From the human consciousness point of view it depends on the energy of your location. So Ireland is a very very energetic country. Actually England is and so is Malta. Whenever a country has many many centuries of, and I’m talking a little bit about that in terms of the energy connection between the planet and the living beings, it creates a resonance which hangs around that location. Now those countries will fare better than those that have had great factories built on them and had many wars and many dead, battlefields, where the energy is very dense and the connection with the planet has been lost, or weakened. But where a country as yours does, has many monuments, many interesting artifacts, which still hold the resonation of the people who made them and that’s the connection of your land is unbreaking, and so as long as the people of your country want to maintain that commitment, you will fare far better, so it’s one of the places that will see less disruption than anywhere else. So I hope that helps.

AM: Thank you very much.

KC: Okay, next person.

AM: Hello Simon.

SP: Hello.

AM: I’m just wondering in your opinion who or what do you think is at the pinnacle of the pyramid, or at the most massive power of control over humanity and one other question do you have an update on the large Hadron Collider situation, and that’s it, thank you.

SP: Thank you very much. Are you referring to the physical pyramid of Giza or are you referring to the pyramid in terms of the way the world is controlled?

AM: It’s the pyramid in the terms of the way the world is controlled, yeah [crosstalk].

SP: Thank you. The organization that is at the top of the pyramid is called the Great White Brotherhood. Look like Ku Klux Klan but they’re not. So the Great White Brotherhood is the organization that is at the top of the pyramid and but your question is very very particular. I’ll answer your question and the answer is it is a Reptilian. The very very top of the pyramid is a Reptilian, a Draconis Reptilian. Below the Draconis Reptilian there are a number of family members of the Draconis Reptilian, and then below that you have people like the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, Dick Cheney, so on and so forth. So humans aren’t at the very pinnacle but they’re very close to the pinnacle, and I forgot the second question. What was the second question?

AM: It was an update on the situation of the large Hadron Collider since you mentioned it before.

SP: Right, thank you. For those of you who don’t know last year Connecting Consciousness did a group meditation. I’ve got to be very careful what I say. We did a group meditation to help humanity and it is documented through official statistics that the Hadron Collider actually turned off during our group meditation. And that’s a fact. It can’t be disputed. There’s the evidence there. It was very important that Connecting Consciousness did what it did because the Earth was in a very key position in terms of the solar system and the energies. I’m not only really worried about the Hadron Collider now because we moved sufficiently from one galactic center. Yes the Hadron Collider can do some things which are pretty unpleasant and not helpful, but the major objective that some of these people were attempting to do, will never, that chance will never come again. For those of you who can or have had the time or chance to look into this, official science has actually admitted that the Hadron Collider was able to punch a hole into the 4th dimension. So official science is actually admitting that the 4th dimension exists, which is brilliant, because myself and others have been talking about a 4th dimension for a long time. They punched a hole according to them about naught point eight (0.8) of a millimeter wide. What they wanted to do ladies and gentlemen was to punch a hold many meters wide, many feet wide, simply because they wanted to bring reinforcements in.

You remember I talked giving my presentation that an extraterrestrial comes in a spaceship and may take 25 years to 30 years to get here, but an extradimensional comes through a portal. So they were trying to open a portal to somewhere else to bring in negative reinforcements. That didn’t happen because just by coincidence when Connecting Consciousness was doing its group meditation on the Hadron Collider unfortunately the Hadron Collider stopped working and shut down, and for your information the Hadron Collider uses at peak output 12 percent of the total electricity of France. The total electricity to power the Hadron Collider is equal to 12 percent of the potential generation of electricity in all of France.

Now what happened is by some really coincidental situation during the group meditation, the main generators at the Hadron Collider shut down. So they have a backup which is Switzerland. So they then went to Switzerland and took all their electricity, but that could only provide 35 percent of the electricity the Hadron Collider needed. And that meant it didn’t have enough energy and that’s why it only punched a hole of naught point eight (0.8) of a millimeter through. The Earth has a natural biorhythm. It’s like what we call a sine wave. It runs like that (indicates wave motion with hand). What these bad guys wanted to do was to run, like a man or a woman on a surf board, on a wave. So they wanted to follow it and then on the upswing use that to boost up. But obviously by coincidence when Connecting Consciousness did the meditation and it failed, they couldn’t do that. But that opportunity is gone from them. Since then they’ve got a real big problem. They have an entity that’s inside one of the tubes. The Hadron Collider consists of a massive tube, an acceleration tube, and something with consciousness has got into that tube and that it’s running amok and causing problems. So whilst the Hadron Collider can give us more issues, I am not concerned with it anymore because the safety of humanity cannot be threatened by that device.

KC: Okay, well before we get to you let’s make sure there’s not somebody else since you were here. Is there anyone else? Come on. And then just because I think we, what time is it? Does anyone have it? Yeah we want to go to Angela. She has been very patient and she’s… and so…

SP: We do.

KC: And we will let you go. I know you are working very hard Simon and it’s lovely to hear all of this from you.

SP: Well listen it’s been wonderful. I want to thank everybody. It falls on you whether you, you know, woke up to the reality today or whether you have been doing it for 40–50 years, no one is better than anyone else. Let’s get that absolutely clear. Nobody is better than anyone else. We’re all here to support each other, and to look out for each other, and if we work as a team, then we will survive, and that’s the main thing so, listen God bless you all. Thank you for being so…

KC: Wait, one second. I’m sorry, I’m very sorry because you can’t see everything. We have one last question. I do want to get to Angela.

SP: All right.

KC: Okay.

SP: Just for you.

KC: Thank you.

AM: Hi Simon. It’s relating to something you said in your presentation about this seemingly challenges in the elites and the Brexit and why we moved out of the European Union and some of the bettings going on. Do you see the move to move out of Brexit and wherever in the elite was betting that we would, why do you feel in the elite right now there is some kind of confrontation between, or split in the middle, and is the Brexit a good thing for humanity, these elite forces that have humanity’s best interest at heart or not?

SP: Thank you. The people, who at the very top, wanted Brit exit, it’s their plan is to suck all of the wealth out of the Western world before it collapses. That’s purely what they want to do. The 9/11, when the two Twin Towers came down, a number of agendas were covered and Larry Silverstein made one billion dollars payout for that, and in the same way George Soros and other members of the elite have made a large amount of money at the removal of Britain from the European Union. So it’s about sucking the wealth out of the Western world. There was a second question but I can’t remember what that was now.

KC: Okay I think the second question and, you know, you certainly can be short, I think was in essence is which is good for humanity, is Brexit or not?

SP: It is good because it has shown the public that they can affect change. I voted to leave. I didn’t vote to leave because I’m a racist or I don’t like migrants. I voted to leave because I don’t like multicorporations. I don’t like One World European government. I don’t like bureaucrats in 12-story buildings producing laws and rules that they don’t have to follow by. And undoubtedly many people voted to leave Europe because they don’t like migrants. I’m not going to be an apologist for them. But a large number of people voted to exit Europe because they are so disenfranchised from the system. They are so angry with the elite, with the politicians in Westminster in London, and they feel so alienated that they believe they’ve got nothing to lose.

Now on one hand that’s very sad, but on another hand those people achieved something that the newspapers told them they couldn’t, and that was to take back their own destiny. When you look at the results and I have looked at the results very carefully, apart from London, there are only a handful of towns in the whole of England and Wales that voted to stay in Europe. Nearly, and this is a fact, nearly every town, village, city, voted to leave. And that’s because outside of London there’s a great disconnect between those who have something and those who don’t. Right listen thank you. I’ve said thanks a lot. I just want to thank Kerry and team. It’s really really kind to give me the opportunity. I hope that you have enjoyed my presentation, and I hope that you might find the time to do a bit of research and listen to my radio show tomorrow at Wolf Spirit Radio and maybe you could put a question in if you didn’t get a chance today, and I’ll try and answer it. So God bless. Kerry I love you very much and I’ll see you soon.

KC: Thank you so much.

Transcribed by GSC October 16, 2018

Proofread by DS May 16,2019

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