
Interview, Saturday, June 25, 2016, Part 2

with Ted Mahr of Out Of This World TV

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Out of this World TV with Ted Mahr

June 25, 2016


Ted Mahr: Hello friends and welcome to another episode of Out of this World Television with your host Ted Mahr, broadcasting from the Thurston County television studios here in Olympia Washington, just outside Seattle in the United States. I am very happy to tell you that we have a wonderful gentleman as our guest today, Simon Parkes is coming to us live from England. He is a fascinating gentleman, he is a famous English politician who has also been involved with and had contact with various extra terrestrial groups his entire life. We did one segment earlier with him today, he was frankly so interesting that I had to have him on for another segment and he has been very kind to give us his time today. Simon, welcome to the programme.

Simon Parkes: Thank you very much indeed for asking me back for a second bite of the cake.

TM: My pleasure Simon. I wanted to ask you, we were talking earlier about Scotland and you said that now that Britain has decided to pull out of the European Union, that Scotland wants to stay with the EU, so there may be a separation of the two countries? Could you explain further please because we don't hear about this in our controlled media here in the United States.

SP: Well, it's a shame because many people in the United States can trace Scottish origin. It's a very strong thing and Scotland is a very, very small country with a very small population and it receives more money from the European Union than it pays in, so of course they want to stay, I don't blame them. The reality there is that if England has now voted as we have, to leave the union, then Scotland is wanting to stay in the union, so they will have to separate, there will have to be a vote to separate Scotland from England. That is what will happen within around six months.

TM: My goodness. Now, I don't know the history very well of Scotland and England but they have been part of one union since the 11th or 12th century?

SP: Nothing as good as that I'm afraid. 18th century, very recent. Before that we have always been at war with each other. And it was called the Act of Union, and we have Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and that made the United Kingdom, but we won't be able to call ourselves a United Kingdom once they split, we will just be England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

TM: What will happen to Wales for example?

SP: Wales will stay because in the vote predominantly Wales also voted to leave the European Union.

TM: I see. And Northern Ireland?

SP: Interesting, Northern Ireland is better off in the EU because it's a very small country but there are now calls for Ireland as a whole to unify. To lose the north and the south and to just have one Ireland. There are lots and lots of challenges ahead, exciting times Ted.

TM: One of the things too that you have talked about is the BRICS. Also, what is happening with the new monetary system? Would you explain a little bit about that?

SP: Last year and the fall, there was an economic crash which didn't hit the west, it hit China and it hit lots of banks that were investing in China. One of those banks is the Hong Kong and Shanghai bank. They lost $3 billion in one day, which is their entire year's trading. Had they traded for the second day it would have been total disaster, so they pulled out from trading. During that terrible crash they went to the International Monetary Fund to ask for a bail out, money, there were refused. They went to the European Central Bank and they refused them. They then came to the Bank of England for help, they refused them, finally they went to your Fed and your Fed agreed to support them. We would wonder why would the Fed support the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank, and the reason is that the American gold is not kept at Fort Knox, it is actually kept at the Hong Kong and Shanghai bank. Now, when America, the Fed said it would support Hong Kong Shanghai Bank it gave enough support to stop the run on the bank. The reason they had to do that was, had the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank gone bust, then when the auditors went in, they would have found that there was no gold there, that America didn't have any gold so the Fed couldn't afford for the world to know that they had no gold left. You and your listeners will know that America owes China a huge amount of money and some years ago it paid off its debt in gold bars but the Chinese are very inscrutable people and they drilled into the gold bars and found the Americans had cheated them, they weren't gold bars, they were tungsten gold plated and that is why some of your bridges and your ports, Boston, are owned by the Chinese, because the Chinese said, right, you obviously don't have any gold in America, so you must pay this debt off by giving us real estate. That is why the Chinese own so much real estate in the United States of America, because America has no gold left. When we understand that we then understand why the Fed, over the last twelve years, has been stockpiling silver. You guys have a very noble tradition of having the silver dollar, and if the worst situation occurs, your country will go back to a silver based economy. Your country has tons of silver already waiting, the coins are being made as we speak, because China has one third of the world's gold, their currency is called the yuan. They have a gold backed currency. You know that George Soros, who has $30 billion in his foundation, he has been buying gold mines in south America. So you are going to have George Soros owning gold mines in south America, you've got the United States with a silver backed currency, you've got China, India and Russia on a gold backed, and everyone else with nothing, so these are very interesting times. So watch this space. Just north of your border, into Canada, they are having a terrible time. A gallon of liquid to wash your clothes in a washing machine, $30. Six rashers of bacon, fifteen dollars, the prices in Canada are terrible and this is an indication of what is happening.

TM: That's not news down here, we don't hear anything of it. We hear the latest pronouncements of Obama, who is in town today, I don't know what he is doing and I really don't care. And then we hear about Hillary Clinton, but you had some interesting things to say about Hillary yesterday on the radio show, that she is not entirely human, would you like to....

SP: Yes, I am happy to do it, if our audience watched the first portion of our interview, they would see that we got cut off twice. I would be very interested to see if, as I start talking about Hillary Clinton, whether they pull the plug on us again.

TM: Let's do that, see what happens. Go ahead.

SP: Okay, they may be tired of doing it to us by now. There are a number of people on the planet who are blood line, and blood line has a whole range of meanings to me. The top end of that is somebody who appears to be human but actually isn't very human at all. What I'd said on the radio show, I think about three years back now, it was reported that Hillary Clinton had had an accident, I think in the senate, where it was suggested that she had fallen over, banged her head and therefore she was out of public office for a few weeks while she got better. What I offered was a very different story to that. She was on a secret mission to Iran. Iran's government is composed of two parts - a president, who is elected, and a religious leader. She was meeting the president, not the religious leader. She was arriving on Tehran airport and her head Seal body guard attempted to shoot her. In fact he did shoot her. On the radio show I said that he shot her with a Heckler and Koch, I may be wrong, it could have been a Sigsauer. Some of the Seals in very high positions don't always have regulation issue weapons, they have their own weapons, and he shot her because he saw her change into something which he thought was not particularly human. The rest of the bodyguards, who did not know what was happening, then shot him dead. Now if your viewers go online they will see that the established media reported that indeed, her head bodyguard was killed, but they said it was a training accident and he died in his base. So there is real evidence of what I am talking about. The established media will confirm that he did die but they lie and they say that he died in a training accident and I can tell you that he was shot dead because he was trying to kill Hillary Clinton.

TM: Did she change into a reptilian entity, or what did she look like?

SP: If you are a body guard for somebody you are going to see them at times when everybody else doesn't, and you will see someone when they are angry, when they are happy, and he obviously has seen something a bit scaly coming through and he realised that this wasn't anything good and he decided that he would do something which he thought was good for the planet.

TM: That's fascinating. That is a story that hasn't been told over here.

SP: I'm not at all surprised Ted.

TM: In your interactions with the extra terrestrials, have you ever felt threatened at all, or any problems with them, other than you are just having interactions with them?

SP: No, I am very, very fortunate. Many people have very bad stories to tell. All I can say Ted, is that I can only speak for the faction that I know. I can't speak for all of them. The groups that I am interacting with have always been very careful around me. That is why I have no fear. I am sure if they were hurting me then I would have a completely different story to tell. So all I am saying is that the groups that I interact with, which are fourth dimensional and generally are considered to be negative to humanity, in dealings with me have been gentlemen and that is the best way to describe it really.

TM: Well, that's really good. I'm happy that you were able to share this information today. I wanted to ask you a personal question, we discussed this earlier, but often people wonder about their soul purpose and where they've come from and I would like to ask a little bit about my own background. I feel a strong connection to the Pleiadian but was wondering if you might have any thoughts on that.

SP: I am happy to do you a very quick reading, you see you shouldn't tell a psychic anything, you should wait until the psychic tells you and then you confirm whether it is right! But we did have a little chat off air so we need to tell the audience and be fair about this. Yes, what I said to you earlier Ted was that you are fifth dimensional, and I explained that the fifth dimension is like a layered cake and the bottom layer is Andromeda, which is where Alex Collier comes from. Three quarters of the way up into the fifth is the famous Pleiadian group and the very top of the fifth but now moved into the sixth dimension is Arcturus. I asked you what colour your eyes were and everybody says that if you have blue eyes you are Pleiadian, well, that's not exactly true because if you are an African you can be Pleiadian but you will have brown eyes. Others in the fifth dimension have blue. But you are an interesting case Ted because you are higher than the fifth and you clearly decided on a mission on this planet and the best place to learn to survive is the Pleiadian group and you incarnated into a Pleiadian body and you spent a great deal of time there while they trained you to survive and understand. That is why you have a strong connection to dolphins and whales and the oceans and you are very strong about what is right and what is wrong and a very strong personality, great strength and great belief iin the right to life and truth is very important to you. You gained those in the fifth dimension with the Pleiadian group and then from there you missed out the fourth dimension entirely, and that is interesting, and you came straight here to Earth, third dimension, we haven't got time to talk about your past lives but what I need to say to you is that when source, God, whatever you want to call this creator, when that created you, you were actually higher than the fifth dimension so there is a long history to you, which I am not going to give away because the bad guys will be watching this, just as many good guys, and we don't want to help them out too much.

TM: That's fine, I was just curious and I appreciate you so much for sharing this. What do you see for the future of humanity Simon? Do your friends tell you or are you able to access what things may happen in the future?

SP: The people - they are people to me, but they are not people - they believe in free will, the mantis believe in free will, the draconis do not. The mantis say that there is a plan that has been drawn out for humanity but it is the humans who create the plan through their own decisions and their consciousness. I'll give you an example. Think of a corridor, there's a wall on the left and a wall on the right. Humanity has to walk forward. It's got no free will, it has to walk forward. But it has free will, whether it walks by the left hand side of the wall, whether it walks by the right hand side of the wall, whether it walks slowly or fast, or runs. It's not true free will but it is free will in terms of our own individual choices and the point here is that if humanity wishes to come out the other end and to create a better life for itself, it really can. So that's the message.

TM: That's a beautiful message and thank you so much for sharing that. You are still interacting with your extra terrestrial friends now, I assume?

SP: Yes.

TM: Do they visit you in the physical form or is more in the astral plane during the dream state?

SP: Not during dreams. It's when I am awake, that is the point. I've had one UFO dream that I remember in all my life. What will happen is, I will get a visit and then there will be a bit of missing time and then within two to three minutes I will get the memory back. Most of my visits are during the day and not during the night. They will arrive physically or in the energy form. If they arrive physically then there is a problem because they can be detected by earth based defences, also by other alien races that they might be at war with, so it's easier for them to arrive in an energy base, take me out of my physical body and then both the energies then travel to an orbiting space craft and then use portal technology from there to somewhere else. It depends on the type of interaction and what is happening. I am very fortunate, I don't have MILAB, that is military industrial laboratory, I don't have the black helicopters. I have done drawings all my life of what I have seen. I wanted to hold some drawings up, whether they will come through I don't know. You know Dick Cheney created the Mars corporation? He is involved in the profits that come from the mining on Mars. There is a group of space marines who guard the Mars corporation. I have done a drawing. The drawing I am going to show you shows the humans dressed as military along the back of the wall, and a mantis on a levitation device, waving what we call the rod of office. They have a staff which they wave, it's their rank and then four cloaked creatures around him as he moves forward. I'll start from one side and move along. These soldiers here are at ease, because he hasn't reached them yet and as the procession reaches, they then raise their rifles in that position, which is the salute. And he has his staff of office. And I have drawn the circle to show that it's going counter clockwise. That is a ritual, he's taking the salute from these guys and so it's a visit. They don't respond to him but it's like an ambassador visiting and he takes the salute and they just go by. The robes are always purple and the rod of office is kept in a pocket down the side, it's a long pocket, it's also a self defence weapon but it's usually used just for ceremonial purposes, so I wanted to share that one with you.

TM: Thank you so much Simon. You brought up Dick Cheney, one thing I wanted to ask - is he actually human? Or is he like Hillary Clinton, who is actually more reptilian based?

SP: Dick Cheney is not quite like Hillary Clinton, but he is certainly got a lot of non human in him. He is very motivated by obtaining wealth and less interested in power in the true sense of the world but more interested in maintaining wealth. He has a connection to the elite but he is not quite as pure blood line as Hillary.

TM: I see. I know that Dick Cheney has had several hearts, in his own belief system, does he believe that he'll live forever to enjoy his wealth?

SP: I can't know what is in his mind, I have never met him, either on planet or off planet, so I can't answer that question. I understand your question Ted. People who have that type of value base system wish to live forever because they can't let go of what they have acquired. So they will go for a cloned body if possible or they would have organ transplantation but sometimes they are fearful of being cloned, so some people have a problem with that, but I can't know what is in his head.

TM: How about David Rockefeller? I think he is 97 or 98? He is still alive. Is he reptilian, or reptilian influences?

SP: Yes. I mean, God bless them, they have been the top of the pile for many, many years and their time is over, or nearly so. Here in Great Britain in a very spiritual place called Glastonbury they have a pyramid which they built and they have meetings in the pyramid once or twice a year. They are creatures that exist to gain, they are creatures that exist on the backs of others and they are what we would call the Illuminati. So they are not all reptilians, they are connected to what we call the Annunaki, they are a mixture of human and reptilian and some of them are just pure humans who are blood line and are utilised to play the game for the gain of those groups. If you think about Adolf Hitler and who Adolph Hitler's real father was, that perhaps give a very interesting understanding of how people can be used and changed.

TM: Interesting. How about Donald Trump? I've been curious about what you perspective is on Mr Trump?

SP: What I know for certain is that there are two factions that are very active in the United States. The Hillary Clinton faction is the steady as she goes - in other words, we have the system in place, it's working quite well, let's just keep it going. Whereas we have got the military industrial complex supporting Mr Trump who are saying, we are fed up with this, we want it to be brought to a conclusion and we believe that Mr Trump will give us what we want. The elite have divided into two factions - those who want to just carry on the way it is and t hose who say, to heck with all this, let's push the final roll of the dice.

TM: How do you view Bernie Sanders? The Democratic candidate.

SP: It's a shame but he is not the key player in this. What has happened is that a number of people are empowered enough to stand against the establishment but at the moment the change isn't going to come through elections. The system is corrupt, the system only produces the same sort of result. The only way anyone is going to get any change is when you re write the system and I want to talk to your viewers very quickly about this. I know that it won't have been reported in America, it was hardly reported in England. Some years ago the people of Iceland had enough of their government. They physically stormed their parliament, as incredible as that seems, they physically went into their parliament, took hold of the law makers physically and threw them out onto the street. That has not been reported, but that is what happened and as a proof for that, Rothschilds were removed from Iceland, there is no Rothschild bank in Iceland and also the constitution for the Icelandic government was written on Facebook because they wanted ordinary people to have a say in the constitution. No wonder that wasn't reported in the United Sates of America because the last thing they want is the citizens going in to the Senate and the House of Representatives and throwing people out on the street. But that is what happened in a country and that is how people are waking up. I am not advocating violence, that is not what I am advocating but what I am advocating is that people have a line in the sand and they say, I have a right to freedom and I won't let anybody take my freedom from me.

TM: Well, I want to thank you so much for sharing that Simon, and your web site again is

SP: I know all of us survive on donations. I had a regular job, I was a driving teacher and I decided that this was more important to me than doing the driving teaching work. So if anyone can donate $5, $1 I don't care, anything like that, keeps me going, I know it keeps you going, but that is what the good people do. The good people don't have streams of money coming in, we are not corporations Ted, are we? We survive on the good will of the public and I want to thank your listeners and your viewers because without their support I wouldn't be able to reach all those others who are yet to wake up. So God bless you, God bless all of the people who watch and listen to your show Ted.

TM: Thank you so much Simon for coming on my show today and again, you are a wonderful man and I appreciate all the wonderful work you are doing.

SP: That is very kind of you Ted, God bless you, bye bye.

TM: Bye bye, this is Out of this World television with another episode with SP, a really interesting fellow from England who has had extra terrestrial contact his entire life, and thank you so much for listening today.

Transcribed by Sue Chhina June 6 2019

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