
Interview, Saturday, June 25, 2016, Part 1

with Ted Mahr of Out Of This World TV

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Out of this World TV with Ted Mahr

June 25, 2016


Ted Mahr: Hello friends This is out of this World Television with your host Ted Mahr broadcasting from the studios of Thurston County Television here in Olympia, Washington, in the United States, just outside Seattle. I'm very happy to have a wonderful gentleman for our interview today. His name is Simon Parkes, he's a famous English politician who has been in touch with extra terrestrials his entire life. Simon is one of the most interesting people I know, he is coming to us live this morning from England. Simon, hi, welcome to the programme.

Simon Parkes: Hello Ted, very, very kind of you to invite me and I want to say hello to you and to all the viewers and listeners.TM: Thank you so much. Before I forget I wanted to give everyone Simon's web site too, if you would like more information after this interview. It's He was on my radio show yesterday and you can listen to that at for the interview for June 24th from 2-3pm Seattle time, but I found what he had to say so interesting I wanted to invite him on my television show as well. Simon welcome to the programme, so glad to have you here today.

SP: Thank you. Obviously it is a great honour for me and I am very pleased.

TM: Thank you so much. I can't help but note that you have several cats with you there in the interview, and that's great, cos I love cats and the mascot for my radio and television show is named Fluffy, he is a big, fluffy orange cat himself. Well Simon, tell us a little bit about you background - you have a most unusual background, your parents were both in the British secret service and yourself, you had a lot of contact with extra terrestrials growing up, is that correct?

SP: Yes, Ted, it is. My grandfather worked for the foreign arm of British Intelligence which locally we call MI6 but really he was working for the CIA and mother worked for the domestic arm of British Intelligence, which is called MI%, but really she was working for the National Security Agency because both my grandfather and my mother were British subjects, they had to be managed locally by the country they were in, but all the reports, all of the work they were doing was being shared between the two countries, so it was a very interesting upbringing, very briefly Ted, cos we don't have long on your show - my mother's job was to type out, not word process, we are talking back in the sixties and seventies, on an old German Adler typewriter, documents that had come from German scientists which were part of Operation Paperclip and these related to crashed alien spacecraft which the American government had retrieved from all over the world and these pieces or bits were sent to groups of scientists who would then be tasked with trying to work out what a device did but more importantly, how it could be adapted for the time and the date that was around then. A quick example would be nuclear powered underground boring machines, she worked on that, how to communicate with nuclear submarines that are under the ice pack, how to back engineer the power plants from alien spacecraft. These were all the things she was working on, so it was a very, very interesting lifetime as a child growing up and yes, I also had interactions with a number of alien species.

TM: Could you explain a little bit about these alien species? What different types have you had interactions with?

SP: Well, the very first one that I can remember, I would be in, I think what you guys call a crib. Because I was very little and couldn't physically sit up or move, so I was presumably under six months old, but I do have a memory of these legs, I'm looking through the bars of the crib and I just see legs. I didn't understand colour but I know they were green but I couldn't put a word to it because I was too young and I couldn't lift my head so all I can remember at that stage were these really long legs and then these hands reaching down into the crib to pick me up and I remember looking and thinking, that's not usual hands that pick me up. They picked me up, lifted me and then tipped me upright and I can remember, because I hadn't got any control over my body, I remember my head falling forward and my chin hitting here and then looking into the face, absolutely held in line with what in England we call a mantid, but you guys refer to as a mantis. I don't know whether it's widely known, but when a grey alien makes a mind to mind contact the grey alien uses waves from its head that just go everywhere and some of them hit you, but when a mantis makes a connection, it does it through the optic nerve. So the connection you get goes through the optic nerve to the brain and that is why mantis usually work with children, because if a grey starts to communicate with a very young child it can fry the brain or confuse the brain. When the mantis does it, it goes through the optic nerve and can target the parts of the brain that they want. So I remember looking into these great big black eyes, which incidently, are just shields, they are covers, lenses and the next thing I remember is I appear to be falling backwards. If you were to stand on the edge of a cliff and fall backwards it's that falling sensation, so that was my very first extra terrestrial or extra dimensional contact. Mantis, followed quickly by reptilian, draconis, the white reptilians with the red eyes, what we call the feline specie, the American military, most of them can't pronounce it correctly, the particular specie of feline they refer to all the Kilrotti, because they can't say the word properly. American military refer to this group as the Kilrotti, but they actually refer to themselves as the Ket Kurri and this is a group that appeared in Montauk during the Montauk, Long Island experiments, Ket Kurri were quite prevalent before Montauk had to be shut down. Mantis, reptilian, draconis type, greys, I don't like greys, robotic greys, feline specie, crystalline specie, which I have only seen once but that was a fabulous experience. So quite a range of them.

TM: The crystalline species, were they based on a silicone base life form or was it a different life form, other than what our own experience has been?

SP: It was a crystalline formation, it appeared, it was like a round circle and there were two eyes and then it was slowly turning and there were what you might call minerals, pieces of crystal floating round it and then it could create a body, so it generated a body from the circle that literally just came down to the ground, so it could form appendages but I think they were just to stabilise itself. When it spoke, it didn't use its mouth, it communicated head to head but the best way I can describe it is, I don't know if you guys know what toy marbles are, did you play with marbles in your country? The glass balls, no?

TM: I think so, yes, toy marbles, yes.

SP: Okay, right well if you imagine taking a handful of toy marbles and throwing them into a metal bucket, that is the sound that it appeared to make and then it takes time to decode it, to actually translate. So that was fabulous that one. I've seen a few bits.

TM: Wow, that is amazing. You know, about ten years ago scientists in the highlands of Venezuela discovered life based upon silicone, it was in a cliff area that has been isolated for millions of years and then they speculated whether life could be based upon silicone, so the questions about your crystalline structure are very interesting.

SP: Well, they are but I have a real problem with life forms based on silicon because that to me is artificial intelligence, Archon species, and for me that is a total anathema to biological forms, because that was the whole point about Roswell was to seed advanced technology on the planet. If you have a secure room underground and you have lots of documents that are hand written in ink in filing cabinets and locked away, if I wanted to try and steal those documents I have to physically come into that room and open those filing cabinets and take them out. But if I can get you to put all your documents in electronic form then I can steal those from a hundred miles up in space and you have no idea of how to stop it. There is one reason why that type of technology was given to the planet but the main reason was to create an environment where people began to rely more and more on technology and to rely less on themselves. A silicon based life form for me is something that is very anti anything created by source and is a biological creature. This crystal being I do not believe was made of that, I believe it was made of a more mineral type.

TM: That's just fascinating hearing that. Thank you. I have so many questions Simon, I would love to ask you. One of them is, for many people - I've heard about the reptilians, I know a little bit about them, not a lot. From what you know, I remember we spoke before, you said before that they are very advanced technologically but they are in an evolutionary cul-de-sac, where they have chosen apparently not to advance any further. I would love to hear your comments on that.

SP: Yes, most of the reptilians are service to self rather than service to others. The reason they have got to this position is because they became arrogant. Humans are mammals, we change, we develop so if the weather changes over time our physical body will adapt and change to it. But the reptilians cannot adapt any further. I think that the mammals are strong because they can adapt to change but the reptilians believe that that is because the mammals haven't yet found the top of the tree. So the reptilians don't adapt any more, they can't adapt, so they are arrogant and say, we are the top of the evolutionary ladder. So let's quickly look at them - they come from the fourth dimension. If you think that's the top of the fourth, and the bottom of the fourth, there are a lot of bad guys in the bottom of the fourth and they are almost creating a universe within a universe. It's impinging now, because of the heavy, dense, negative energy these creatures create, it is bulging down into our reality and that is why so many people on planet Earth are getting flashes or glimpses of strange things. It's because the fourth dimension is bursting through into ours. These guys aren't stupid, they know this is happening and they are seeking a way out but until they change their belief system, they are not going to be able to change.

TM: That's interesting. One of the things we talked about on my radio show yesterday Simon was that you said that different countries in the world are involved with different extra terrestrial groups. As one example, you mentioned that China had the reptilians and the Nordics, both of them. Is Russia involved with the reptilians or not?

SP: They were. In the days of the communist era. I got into a lot of trouble when I started to support President Putin.

TM: He seems like a good man.

SP: Well, I'm not suggesting that he's Snow White, but I am suggesting that he is not going to be played for a fool and what you've got is, in Russia now, there is a group similar to the Nordic type aliens who are at war with the reptilians, so therefore they've given Russia technology, and I would suggest now that Russia is only five years, technologically, behind the United States. That is why, over the business of Ukraine, America has backed off and also with Iran, they were pushing for a war with Iran. They've backed off because the technological gap is so small now between the United States and others, it's not guaranteed they would win.

TM: And that's good, I don't think people in the world want another war anyway. This leads me to another question Simon, what about our government here in the United States? I know that President Eisenhower, we have been involved since 1950, as you have said before, with the reptilians, with the greys - what kind of extra terrestrial influences do we have now? Or have we had in the past?

SP: They are the same, except they have been added to. The United States of America has always, since the Roswell situation, been actively involved with the grey alien races. At first the US believed that that was the race they were dealing with, then it became obvious that the greys were the middle men for something else and this is when it became obvious that the reptilian group were manipulating the greys and so then the American military had to go through another learning curve to understand. What is interesting Ted is that the situation at Roswell, two weeks before that, these, I call them shuttle craft for want of a better word, were flying over the airbase and already the American administration knew what was going to happen because they despatched their top padre, their top priest, to do a tour of all the military bases, and it was a week before the crash. They were getting the men and women, but mostly men there, ready to face something that wasn't of this earth. Now back in 1947, people were far more God-fearing than they are now, it was seen as quite a boost to have the top military padre to go round and visit them. That means that the American administration were already aware of what was about to happen.

TM: Fascinating. What about nowadays? Are they still influencing our government here?

SP: Yes, the deal was struck in 1950 and then in 1954, when it became apparent that the greys were not honouring their side of the bargain they were called to the table and refused to honour their agreement and that is when quite rightly, the American administration decided hell for leather to go full steam ahead to get as much weapons back engineered and do whatever they could to have some chance of defence, because as soon as it was obvious that the greys were going to be distrustful then America had to defend itself. Every few years, newer contracts have to be signed and right up to and including President Obama has signed a re-negotiation deal. So all of these presidents, bar JFK, were actively involved, to a lesser or greater extent. (Signal lost).

SP: Hello Ted, can you hear me? Obviously somebody doesn't like me talking about American presidents.

TM: It's okay with me if you talk about American presidents.

SP: I'm glad that that's occurred, and I hope that you keep that in because it shows that we don't live in a free country, every time we talk about something important they just pull the plug on us and I think it's important that people appreciate what is happening. I'm glad to get back and connect with you.

TM: Me too. You said something very interesting right now. All the president since Eisenhower have re-negotiated this agreement with the greys or the reptilians, except for President Kennedy and that leads me to ask you this - was he murdered because he wanted to expose this, he wanted to break off this treaty? Did he know about the reptilian influence in American government?

SP: Yes. Because when he was a young senator, or was he a young congressman? When he was a young senator, he was privy to some of the Roswell material, so he was aware of it. I know it's very fashionable to say that President Kennedy was murdered, and he was murdered, by his own side. It's very fashionable to say he was murdered because of the alien knowledge. I don't believe that's the full answer, I think it was murder, because President Kennedy was a good man and was not prepared to be manipulated by the industrial military complex. And I think the alien situation was just one of many things. And of course Edgar Hoover didn't like him but the rank and file of the FBI supported Kennedy but the CIA didn't, so it was a very difficult situation for him, a very good man and he paid the price for being good.

TM: I've been in touch with President Kennedy on the other side for the past year and a half, two years now, and I've gotten many messages from him that will be forming the basis of a new book I am starting to write this weekend. I will send you a copy.

SP: That will be wonderful, thank you. He was the only president in modern times who could not be frightened or manipulated and so that is why every president since then has done what he has been told.

TM: and in one sense too, our free will as a people of this planet has been taken away, because here in the United States for example, we can elect many different people to office as president but once they get in, even with the best intentions, I think there are forces there behind the scenes who try to control them and are successful in controlling them, so the free will of the American public and other people around the world has been taken away and controlled by this shadowy group - who knows who they are, but I think certainly they are allied with negative influences like the reptilians to steer this planet, seer the United States, Britain and other countries and the entire planet on a course that most people don't want to go down.

SP: I think you are absolutely spot on, I can't add any more to that Ted, cos that is 100% what I would say myself.

TM: But I know that there are good things coming for humanity and that we are getting help from beyond this planet, from a group called the Galactic Alliance, which is a group of benevolent extra terrestrials, and one of the things happening politically now, is the vote that you had in Britain just a couple of days ago, about the European Union. I would love your take on that, because here in the United States much of our media is controlled and we get very highly filtered, I don't know what the turth is, but I do trust your opinion and judgement. What have you heard about this situation, from living there in Britain?

SP: Thank you Ted, that is very kind of you to say that. I can't expect Americans to really understand Europe full stop. But if I explain it that most of the separate countries of Europe all joined together to form a union, but unlike the union that you have in your country, this is becoming a one world government. So you have the United States on one side, you have Russia on the other and then all of the other countries in the middle. The British prime minister decided that he had to ask the British people whether they wanted to stay in this union because he felt that there were lots of questions being asked, and the British prime minister was convinced that Britain would vote to stay in the union. On Thursday we voted to leave the union. Within ten hours of that vote, the British prime minister resigned because he got it wrong, they have to elect a new prime minister within their own party. It means that we will very quickly leave the European Union and we can no longer be called the United Kingdom. We will be called England, because one of our other countries, Scotland is saying it wants to stay in Europe. So we will no longer be the United Kingdom.

Lost signal....

SP: Hello Ted. Simon here.

TM: Hi Simon, they don't like you talking about this, do they?

SP: No, they really don't. It's very common and I say to people, and I hope you can keep these interruptions in Ted, because it's evidence. If I was talking to you about the price of cars in America, we wouldn't have any problems at all but because of the subject matter somebody really doesn't want our conversation being sent to your audience. And in a way, if we never had the interruptions, then I would have to ask myself, am I causing the establishment a problem, or am I actually working for the establishment? But because I get all these issues regularly I know that I am doing good work and it's nice to connect with you, if I may say so, you are a fifth dimensional person yourself and you are a very good person and so I can understand why they would want to try and stop us talking.

TM: Well, thank you so much. We have about a minute thirty seconds left in this segment Simon and I would love to invite you on, if you don't mind for another short segment after this one? Maybe twenty minutes or so?

SP: Certainly, no problem at all.

TM: Okay, good well, we will finish up this, we've got a little over a minute and I would like to give you the rest of the time. For those who just tuned in, this is Out of this World television with your host Ted Mahr broadcasting from Olympia, Washington on TCTV Television. We are interviewing a wonderful gentleman named Simon Parkes, directly from England and Simon, I want to give you the rest of the time to please wrap up this segment.

SP: Okay, well thanks Ted, I'll just reiterate what I said on the radio show which was - my message is to the American people. America is the most important country in the world and I want the American citizens to be strong, to be clear about their rights and to do things that are good for them and their family, not to have fear and if things get difficult then to club together, share information and support each other. There are difficult times ahead but the road is clear. It's a positive message but there are a few bumps on the way. I wanted to confirm my friendship for the American people.

TM: Thank you so much Simon and Simon's web site again is We will be continuing this interview in a few seconds with a second segment. Thank you so much Simon. Please hang on.

Transcribed by Sue Chhina May 29 2019

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