
The relationship between ETs and the intelligence services

with John B. Wells and guest Peter Schiff (

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Caravan to Midnight

Interview by John B. Wells, June 2, 2015


John B. Wells: This is Caravan to Midnight, the John B. Wells programme. Delighted to be with you. And do we have a programme for you. We are going to speak with Simon Parkes. This man is something else and you are going to very much enjoy what he has to say. He has contact with extra terrestrials and UFOs - these include mantid or mantis beings, draconis reptilians, felines, small and tall grey creatures, crystalline beings and other creatures that cannot be identified. We've decided that we are going to talk about whatever we want because we have plenty to talk about, a shared experience in some ways. Shared yet experienced separately. His mother worked for British security services, often called MI5, between '65 and '79. However, while she was managed by British intelligence, she was in fact working jointly for the NSA. Her job was to type out documents that related to crashed UFO craft that had come down all over the earth's surface and had then been retrieved by American special forces recovery teams. Simon's grandfather was a British diplomat, worked for the foreign arm of British intelligence known as MI6, but again in his case, he was closely associated with the CIA. During this time he was awarded the OBE, the order of the British Empire as well as the Commander of the British Empire, that is, CBE, and he turned down a knighthood from the Queen. I've got to get into that with Simon. Why would you turn down a knighthood from the Queen? Simon's grandfather was also a prominent Freemason, was Britain's appointed diplomat to the United Nations in the late '50s and early '60s. Now here's the good part - well, that was good but it gets better. Simon went public with his story in 2010 and since then has toured the UK speaking at conferences, initially attacked by the establishment media, what a surprise, in a concerted effort to discredit him. However, an event in 2013 was to be the game changer when Simon was invited by the British ministry of defence to join a small party being given a tour of the secret space radar base in the UK. This totally confounded the established media and has led to a far more serious appraisal of Simon's story by them. Please welcome to the bridge of the ark midnight, first time on Caravan to Midnight, the one and only Mr Simon Parkes. Simon thanks for making the time for us, great to have you here.

Simon Parkes: I am very pleased to be here. It is wonderful to speak to you and your audience.

JW: You know Simon at the beginning of the programme I was talking about how everyone plays their part in these grand plays and sometimes you get the feeling that, just a feeling, not casting aspersions on anyone or their individual experience, or their sincerity at all, but sometimes you get the feeling that there are deliberate infusions of what we call woo woo. They just take people off the serious track and get this whole UFO, alien, ET thing back into the realm of the "yeah, sure" rather than the "hmmm, this is actually quite serious". But it is quite serious, isn't it?

SP: Yes, it is incredibly serious. I think that there are plenty of paid people who, particularly in writing books, seek to de bunk or poke fun at people, the object being there to turn the mass of the public away from accepting anything that is contrary to the established viewpoint and I think that was a problem, because what you didn't mention in my bio there was that I have been an elected politician in Britain on two occasions. The second time I was elected it was after I had gone public. Everybody knew who I was, it was out there on the internet and yet I was still elected and I think that that was a very big problem for some people in the establishment because it meant that certainly in Britain anyway, that people were beginning to accept the fact that there is life outside and so what? As one person once said to me, you haven't committed any crime, there are plenty of politicians out there who have defrauded the community, have stolen money etc, and what have I done? I have seen flying saucers! So whatever the establishment felt, it wasn't reflected at the grass roots, it wasn't reflected in the thinking of the people on the ground. And here is where we see the great split between ordinary people and those who are elected at the highest levels to lead them. So my story has been very interesting, not just as a personal story but how it reflects the change, certainly in the western world, certainly in America, Britain, Australia and Canada in the way that people are more accepting of possible alien or non human intervention.

JW: You know regrettably, the questions are almost always the same. I think we can all agree that off planet persons have paid visits to planet earth for thousands and there seems to be a similarity in the primitive drawings whether they appear on cave walls or in hieroglyphics in Egypt, there is a similarity in those. The design of the craft, and even the design of the personages, and even their space suits, but it seems to have really kicked into gear. Of course, communication is so much quicker now and so far flung but we just communicate with just the click of a mouse. So maybe there was just as much going on back in the old days, the way-old days just as there is now, but it seems like, with the advent of demonstrable nuclear power, as in atomic bombs going off, that is what seems to have attracted their attention as far as the UK and the USA are concerned. Would you agree with this? Did they home in on us because of our toying around with this kind of energy?

SP: There has always been an interest in this planet because it's a unique planet almost, it's what they refer to as a water world. There are very few water worlds out there, but you are right. It wasn't actually the splitting of the atom but it was the potential to put them onto a missile. When the Americans captured the V2 rocket from the Third Reich, the Germans, and immediately started to see if they could put it onto a V2 at the White Sands Airforce base, they had the ability to deliver a very destructive force relatively quickly and it was this, the combination of the nuclear bomb combined with a delivery system that could hit any part of the planet within a certain period of time, it was these two factors that certain alien organisations took to be quite serious but not in the way that most researchers understand. Most researchers think that there was a great rush here to prevent it. That is not my take on it necessarily. There certainly was an attempt by one group to prevent it but the group that was successful was the group that said, we will give you technology to develop what you have because when mankind, and I'm using the word in its traditional sense, when mankind split the atom it showed other off world entities that the knowledge base on this planet had reached a point where we could begin to develop at a very fast rate. Just before I finish what I would say is that it is illegal for a technologically advanced race to give gifts of technology to a more primitive race and although many people will disagree with me, this is my understanding, this is what the Roswell situation was. Two spacecraft crashed and seeded the planet with advanced technology. Because you can't do what we did two or three hundred years ago, where the guy got out of a sailing ship to a primitive South Sea Island and said, here's a box of glass beads, I'll give you these worthless glass beads and then return, just give me half of your village. Can't do that, but what you can do is arrange for technology to be given to a more primitive place and see if they have the ability to back-engineer it. And ever since 1947, the American establishment have been back engineering technology as fast as they can. So yes, you are absolutely right, nuclear power was the signal that mankind had reached the point that he was now ready to accept advanced technology and start to make it work.

JW: What sorts of things have we been working on, other than anti-gravity propulsion and things like that? What sorts of things do we run into every day that are the result of this back-engineering, in your opinion?

SP: We only get, in the public side, what they want us to have, that's a fact. Some of those off shoots are really just presents for the corporations. The American administration would not exist now if it weren't for the corporations, so there is a very close deal between Capitol Hill, the Pentagon and the corporations. Take what in America you call the vacuum tube and in Britain we call it the valve. I believe it was invented in about 1880 and about 1888, it started to be manufactured. Think about it, valves are used in radio sets, so it went through the first world war and the second world war, great big radio sets on the backs of GIs with all these valves in. So with all the technology going on, with all the push to advanced weaponry, they still kept the valve, the vacuum tube. 1947, there were two alien space craft crashed in Roswell, within six months of that crash, the transistor is announced. So between 1888 and 1947, the valve seemed to be perfectly right, everybody used it, within six months of that crash the transistor came out. Now the Germans were working on a form of transistor. The Germans were the first to create an air to air or an air to ground radio controlled, camera controlled missile. It was called the Fritz 10 or the Frtiz X, and they had started to practice with a form of transistor but the transistor that Shockley, the scientist who was given the ability to go ahead with this, he declared to the world that it was the beginning of the true transistor. So we have transistors, we have fibre optics. If you are in a space craft and you are using traditional systems such as wire to take an electrical impulse from one switch to something else, and you travel at the speed of light you exceed the speed at which the electrical impulse can pass down the electrical wire. If you were saying, let's turn left at Venus, by the time you've pressed the button, you are a trillion, trillion, trillion miles past Venus, so you can't carry information at less than the speed of light. That is why the space craft are all fibre optic. Because the information must travel at the speed of light. In fact, it's super fed, so it will travel at faster than the speed of light. So you have fibre optics, you have transistors, a whole range of things which have found their way into the public sector because corporations can make money out of them.

JW: Do we think that on 12th April 1937, Frank Whittle became the first person to successfully start and run a turbo jet engine? So effectively, we went from bi-planes to jets in about 15 minutes it seems, and then Ernst Heinkel was a month after him? Is there anything to suggest that this was anything beyond just human engineering, do we think there was any kind of help at all?

SP: Well, talking about the Gloucester-Whittle jet aircraft, interestingly enough, the Gloucester Whittle jet aircraft wasn't a design in itself, it was purely and simply a design built to test the engine. But remember that the combustion engine had been going since the 1890s, so scientists like Whittle and others had been well versed with the actual idea of an explosion within a protective box because that is what a combustion engine is. To move across to that was not such a big leap, also remember the Chinese had been firing rockets for goodness knows how long with gunpowder in them. So the idea of flight has always captured people's imagination. There are some wonderful gliders that were found in the Egyptian sands from two or three thousand years ago. If you were looking at how you could fly an aircraft or fly a device and you already have a motor car or the combustion engine, it's not such a huge leap. I think that in terms of that you are looking at what I call earth technology, you are looking at materials that are very readily available on the earth. You are looking at a technology that has already appeared in other forms so therefore for me the birth of the jet engine was a natural progression, whereas if you look at the transistor or you look at fibre optics, there was nothing really. I know there had been some experiments with glass tubes but there was no real drive behind that. I see a great difference between what human ingenuity can produce and humans are fantastic at creating and have created some wonderful things, but a lot of this very exotic technology has no track record, it's got no history, it just suddenly appears in the record and I think that is very telling.

JW: We spoke with Jim Hennister and John Burrows and Nick Pope. Didn't we have Nick and Jim together? No, Nick and John together. And we spoke to Jim by himself and that whole Bentwaters thing, where were you when that was going on? Where was your mum?

SP: You are talking about 1979/1980? Christmas time. It was very interesting because Bentwaters was really a holding ground for the tactical short range nuclear artillary rounds and all the peace movement had been told that it was placed somewhere else, and of course, all the demonstrations were going on there and these lorries were going in with just canvas on them and nothing in them. I had a very long conversation with one of the Ministry of Defence policemen who was guarding some of these camps, it was very interesting. Where was I in 1980? Well, I certainly wasn't anywhere near Bentwaters, my mother was already dead by 1980, she died in 1979, so she would be somewhere else, God knows. My grandfather was still alive but by that time of course, he was retired and he would just pass comments, he didn't get actively involved in anything like that. But he did tell me that in 1980, we were as a country, and America, just one click, that's the terminology he used, one click down from nuclear war with the Soviet Union. So, no, 1980, I would have just left college.

JW: So when did it all really start for you? What was the first thing that led you into the work that you now do?

SP: The work that I do would be when the Rothschilds sent an employee of theirs to me to be made better. That was 2012.

JW: To be made better?

SP: Yes, to be made better. And that is when I started doing the work that I do, that was 2012, although at the time I didn't know that this person was sponsored by the Rothschilds. I thought the person had come to me on their own. Had I known that it was the Rothschilds, I would have charged a huge amount of money to make the person better because the Rothschilds can afford to pay for it. If you are asking that, that is 2012, if you are asking when did I understand about the things I understand now, probably I was old enough to grasp it around the age of five. So when I was around about the age of five I began to really understand who I was, what was going on and what my place in the world was.

JW: And when you say "who you are" - what do you mean by that Simon?

SP: In terms of somebody who experiences these creatures and doesn't freak out, doesn’t run around screaming and shouting, takes it in his stride, understands the history behind it, understands why they have visit, what they are about and just can cope with it. And I think before that I was very upset, up to three and four years old, I think it was incredibly traumatic and then somewhere between the age of five and seven I became much more relaxed with it.

JW: You know, we talked with Paul Hellyer, former Canadian defence minister last week and he is all into this UFO thing, he's seen the ET file. In fact in his book, The Money Mafia, there is a bunch of stuff in there that he has reprinted with permission from another fellow who wrote extensively about alien visitation, their influence on the earth and how various treaties have been made and the earthlings have broken them all and so forth. Why are they coming here now? What do they want? People go round and round about this, it's like from a biblical standpoint these could be the fallen angels, this is the beginning of the great deception, they are going to trick us into thinking there is no God, there is no master creator, that they are the master creators and there is just this big swirl of various types of information without any real Intel. Why are they coming here? Are they trying to keep us from damaging other star systems with our relentless pursuit of development of dangerous toys, or what is it?

SP: You obviously are incredibly well read, you know your subject inside out and you talked about who are our creators, or who are our gods? And that is a very important point, perhaps we can come back to that. My response to you is that for thousands of years these creatures have been manipulating humanity, not for good purposes, and the planet has, for a very long time, been in what I could call a quarantine. That quarantine has very recently been lifted and that is why we are seeing some very interesting changes. I am not being pedantic, and I often say to people, yes, which group are you referring to? Because people will say "the aliens" or this or that, and I say, which group are you referring to? And I know the group you are referring to but I am just making the point that there are many different groups just as there are Chinese and Japanese and American people on the planet. The controlling group wish to maintain the status quo because it doesn't matter a jot to them whether we develop a lovely pink iPhone for a lady, lovely pink shoes or we have the most advanced this or that as long as the system stays the same. As long as people are kept in slavery and the elite can control the planet, they don't care what happens. So the whole object is to maintain the status quo. There are other groups arriving on the planet who are slightly different to that and wish humanity to develop and this is where we are seeing the friction that is occurring, particularly between Russia and America, but also between China and India. you find different elements, different branches of military services making their own agreements. You talked about contracts - we didn't use the word contract, but agreements, but I would also say that off-world aliens have also broken their agreements as well, so both sides are as bad as each other. They all sit round the table, sign these contracts and then precisely go away and do whatever else they want to do, which is just what the human race does, so it's no different, it's just at a higher level.

JW: Isn't that interesting, and I make biblical references every once in a while, it's the same thing with Daniel in the lion's den. When the angel shows up Daniel says, where have you been? And the angel says, well, there's this big flame going up in the celestial realm, it's pretty bad. How bad? They had to call in Michael the archangel, if that tells the anything. Really? Yes. Get your stuff, let's go. We're getting out. These are the things that happen down here on earth, exactly the same thing. A little bit more primitive tools but it's the same stuff going on in the galactic realm it appears. Do these ETs squabble with each other?

SP: I'll tell you where there always has been a big problem - between the draconis reptilian group and the grey race that they manage. Many genuine, true contactees or abductees report that when they are put back, they are put back in the wrong house, or in the garden or in the high street, or their clothes are on back to front. Now no alien race that has the technology to take you and put you back would make such a stupid mistake. This is where there are agents in the system who are deliberately tgrying to send messages to people and trying to thwart the system. All the alien groups have elements to them that are acting against them, some for good, some for bad. It's been going on for a very long time.

JW: Now I tread lightly here because I don't want any of my questions to be indiscreet or invasive, but I could not help noticing that you, in the second paragraph, it says Simon's biological mother worked for the British security service called MI5. Why the word "biological"?

SP: Because that is the mother that gave birth to me.

JW: That was what I was thinking, you mom is your mom. I just wondered why that word was there, I though maybe there might be an extra terrestrial woman that became your other mom?

SP: That's what the established media wanted to try and make the case out to be. It didn't work, they deliberately misunderstood what I had said. When I was a very small boy, what Americans would refer to as a mantis, and what we call in Britain a mantid, came to me and said that it was my "mother". So this obviously wasn't my mother but it came to me as that. There's been some interesting research done in America which shows that children, when capable of talking about interaction with mantis, have reported time and time again that a creature mantis like has tried to pass itself off either as a sister or an auntie or a grandmother or a mother because it is known that on this planet children are naturally drawn to their mothers, the mother protects, the mother nurtures, and children don't expect to be hurt by their mother. It was Karla Turner, who died of cancer some years ago, who was very anti-alien but she did some very, very good research and she interviewed a number of children who all reported that they had had an experience with a masculine type creature who had referred to himself as their mother, or their grannie, or their auntie. And that is exactly what happened. An alien creature came to me and said, I am your mother. Now when I looked at this creature it didn't look like my mother at all but it entered my mind and it changed its appearance to look like my mother. After about three or four years of that I began to accept this creature as a sort of surrogate mother. So when I am talking to people and they use the word "mother" I have to say "do you mean my real mother, my biological mother, or do you mean this creature that tried to pass itself off as my mother?"

JW: And when did this happen?

SP: Very, very early. 1963, so I would have been three and a half years old.

JW: Oh man, that put a zap on your head, as we say in the States sometimes.

SP: I think it was incredibly interesting because my very first word I said was interesting. According to my parents it was "daddy" and I called my biological mother "daddy" because why would I call her mother because I had another mother. So I soon learned that that wasn't acceptable, that that didn't go down very well. So yes, the family were always aware of some very interesting things going on.

JW: Was any attempt made to say that Simon was disturbed?

SP: No, because my mother worked for the NSA via MI5, my grandfather worked for the CIA via MI6 and when I used to report what I had seen to her, my biological mother would give me a pen and paper and she used to say, draw them and I will take them to my friends. So I would draw the space craft I had seen or I would draw the experiences and she would take them and show them to her friends. While my mother didn't encourage me, she certainly didn't try to prevent me. I was very much left to my free will. I talked to her about it and she would just sit there quietly and ask for some evidence, drawings. Also I was very lucky that when what people call a handler, when my mum's handler would turn up with the secret documents to the house, he would talk to me and I was involved in their discussions. The only time I ever had to leave the room was when my mother signed the official secrets act. There is some arcane British law that says only the individual concerned and the agent can see the paperwork. But every other time I was in the room while very high level discussions were taking place. I now realise of course that that was deliberate, I was meant to hear all that.

JW: I see. Because she signed the official secrets act, .............................................?? I don't suppose she could talk about or reveal any details of these crashes that were happening. According to the wording on your site, all over the world.

SP: She was very loyal to this country and she was very loyal to the United States of America. She took a lot of that to her grave with her, she didn't discuss it with anybody. But what would happen, and perhaps I'll tell your listeners, it's something they might be interested in, this guy would turn up with these documents, always at a weekend. And the documents were in German and they were a group of scientists which I know would be part of the Paperclip group, who chose not to go to America, chose not to go to Britain, and were not captured by the Soviet Union, but stayed in what became the American, or British, part of Berlin. Because they were war criminals and would have been tried under the Nuremberg rules, they were managed by MI5 and that is really interesting, so they were not considered German people, so the German state, the Federal Republic of Germany, couldn't take any action against them because they were not Germans. I know they were but that was the deal that was done. So these documents would arrive, they were all in German, and they would say on the top, Secret, Top Secret. The big one was Extremely Top Secret and that was always in purple ink, we didn't see many of those. They would have ribbon tied around them and the guy would cut the ribbon, he would sign it, then he would give it to my mother. She had to counter-sign it, then it became her property. Whatever happened now, it was her responsibility. She was given an audio tape, where this guy was a translator, so he would say one sentence in German, one sentence in English. My mother would then listen to this tape and type out this whole document. And Monday to Friday I went to school so I didn't see anything, but Saturday and Sunday I was at home, my mother worked from home and at lunchtime she would just leave the document on the table and go out into the kitchen to have her lunch. So on the left hand side, because she was right handed, there was the original secret document and the pages that she had typed on the right hand side. So I would spend thirty, thirty five minutes reading through what she had typed. I did that from about 1967/8 to about 1973/4. The reason I was interested in that was because the guy who managed her, a guy who called himself Paul Dunlop, would talk to me and talk to her, so I was involved in these discussions about aliens, about the murder of John F Kennedy, just about anything and everything and I was never excluded, so it was natural that when she went out of the room I would want to read what she was typing.

JW: What do you make of this fellow Hans Kammler? It seems like the Germans were working on this Glocke, this bell and then there was an incident in Kecksberg, Pennsylvania and people described it looking just like Die Glocke. US army people came and took it away, when it came down in Germany somewhere also. But this was not the one they designed. The bell came down and a bunch of army guys drove up and put it on a truck and took it away and then after that we see this kind of Stonehenge thing, this ring with those vertical posts around it. What are we to make of that? And they say that Kammler died in 1945?

SP: Hans Kammler was an SS general and he was operating separately from the normal routes of command. We don't want to get into whether Hitler died in 1945 or not, my own view is Hitler did not die in 1945, in fact my grandfather when asked at dinners whether Hitler had died would just raise his hands in the air and say, well, MI5 didn't think he had, and my mother was absolutely certain that Hitler had not died. One of the deals that potentially could be done, let us just assume for one minute that Hitler didn't die in 1945, would be the access to the scientists. What I would like to tell your listeners is that all scientists in Germany had SS guards assigned to them, not to protect them but to kill them if the enemy, that's our boys and your boys, were to come within one hundred yards of them. So the object was to prevent the German scientists falling into the hands of the Americans and the British. Hans Kammler sent a message through to all the SS guards, once the deal had been done, to remove themselves and that is why time and time again the Yanks were driving in at six o'clock, seven o'clock in the morning into a village and there is the Institute, the scientific base and the scientists in their white coats just going around doing their experiments and no SS guards, they had all been pulled out. This was part of the deal. You talk about the bell. Many people who don't have the full knowledge say, the Nazis never had flying technology because they would have won the war with it and that is quite correct. The problem is that they had the flying technology but they had no means to weaponise them. You cannot put a standard weapon that fires a metal shell out of it, because it destabilises the way that the gravity field activates around the spacecraft. You can only use an energy weapon that is pulsed to act within the different phases of the energy field that is created. The Germans were working on a weapon and in 1947 the Americans put it into a F86 Sabre. They actually had a weapon which they could use to destabilise the gyros and the controls that were on other aircraft. And then they used a microwave, because it was the British that actually sold the idea of the microwave to the Americans in 1939 and so you can fry a pilot or you could fry his controls or his aeroplane. In 1945 the Germans were on the verge of working with microwaves and could not weaponise these craft. So they had these craft that could do all these wonderful things but they could not make them offensive. Now in terms of the bell or the Glocke, this was a device with the pilot's chair, from an alien space craft. Any space craft contains chairs but only one of them is the pilot's chair and that is the chair, very much like the Matrix, where the pilot is connected through it's DNA into the chair and into the computer, you are wired in. So you could describe the bell as a very primitive form of time machine. So I hop that is something useful for your listeners.

JW: That's extremely interesting and I am sure, quite useful. And so, h ow much of that stuff lying around up there is ours and how much is theirs?

SP: There is an awful lot, it's a serious question. If you go back to the days of Ronald Reagan, when he was really pushed against the wall with that video from NASA, NASA's own official video, and in the end he had to give in and say, look, it's star wars. We are conducting star wars in space, and thank goodness these videos are still out on You Tube and you can see them. Nobody can argue the authenticity because they come from NASA, so many craft out there belong to America, very few to Britain, Britain does have some, Russia has a few, China now has some, but it is the United States of America that has the lion's share of this and they are determined to hang onto that but there is also an awful lot of other, non-earth craft out there and if I said to you it is a veritable highway - it's a free way out there, the number of alien craft at anyone time is phenomenal.

JW: Some say you can see these craft with slightly modified video cameras, the ones that have night vision, infra red maybe? You can see all sorts of things flying around up there, do you find that to be true?

SP: You've already answered your own question, maybe deliberately. When a space craft wishes to be seen it will come out of the infra red spectrum. Human eyes do not see in the infra red spectrum, so that is how they cloak themselves and when genuine people say to me, you know what, I was out fishing and I saw a UFO, and I say, was there anybody else with you? No. And I say, well that was just for you because it wouldn't come out of its cloaking unless it wished to show itself. And then in discussions you find that this person has had previous experiences etc, and it's just one of many. If you have the capability to get hold of some infra red night visioning equipment you will capture some great stuff, even if you look at the sky and you take a picture, and you see nothing, when you have those pictures on your computer or you develop them, there will be things there that you swear blind, I never saw that when I took the picture.

JW: You know, every once in a while I will hear an odd term like - I don't know where I heard this, it just popped into my head one day, I was on Coast to Coast AM and I said something about, we are running our electro-magnatron engines and I changed it to electro-magnadine engines and sure as hell it turns out that there really is an electro-magnadine engine and I made mention of a couple of other things, and I really don't know where some of these terms come from, but one of the recent ones is ISO-luminescence, which is sort of a cloaking device, it replicates what's around, because someone near and dear to me, we call him Mr Ghost here, said, now get this dad, I heard where it was coming from, I heard it's power plant, whatever it was, it was a rumble, a very, very low frequency rumble, very audible, more to be felt than to be heard, in fact my own mother, in '70 or '71 came through the door and said, I just saw the damnedest thing, and she never spoke that way, never. I said, what? And it was an enormous triangle. I said, where was it? She said, going down Interstate 30. Towards down town. I said, Fort Carswell Airforce base? And she said, yes, I suppose so. So anyway, Mr Ghost said it didn't play the light exactly right and all of a sudden it revealed itself, just a little bit and it was just absolutely extraordinary and then eventually it became invisible again and the rumbling subsided and that was that. But it happened twice. So if it happens once, okay, but if it happens twice, oh boy. So I'm just wondering where to take this conversation...

SP: You are growing on me! I'm beginning to like you very much. It's very important because it was a sign. We are referring to very large triangle craft, very big craft. This was a warning to certain other countries - look what we've got. This was run by the American military, it wasn't an alien craft, it was gifted to the American, or the Elite Americans and they were showing it off to the world governments, this is what we have, don't you dare mess with us. Do what we want you to do in the diplomatic way and then we won't have to use this against you. So it was deliberately shown as a bargaining chip, as a big card in the hands of the American government. So you are absolutely right, if that is what you are hinting at, you are spot on.

JW: And the Brits rolled out this thing, it's lighter than air, a high altitude, long duration sort of craft and I thought, okay, if they are allowing the public to see a picture of this, hmm, I wonder how long one has been in existence, probably quite a long time. Were they called the Antares, or something like that?

SP: Yes, it's named after a Celtic god of war, it's an unmanned light aircraft and it's not just a drone, it's much more than a drone, but interestingly enough, both itself and the American Sentinel, which is the drone the Americans don't like to talk about - they like to talk about the Predator drone but they don't like to talk about the Sentinel, both of those are very close copies of the Roswell space crash. So if you can get a look at them, you'll see that the shape, which you could loosely describe as a boot heel shape, and the ange of the canard wings at the back, look at the degree angle of those, and you'll very closely match them. In actual fact, within six months of the Roswell space crash, I can't remember if it was Northrop, one company was given the brief to build a jet fighter aircraft as close to the Roswell space craft as possible, although it would have to fly with traditional engines, and I can't remember the name of the company now, but it was called the Sky Ray and within six months - Douglas, it was Douglas, before it became McDonnell Douglas, it was just the Douglas corporation, and Douglas built the Douglas Sky Ray and it was within three years of the Roswell crash and if your listeners can look at that they will see just how close that is to both the two drone craft you've mentioned and potential looking craft that crashed at Roswell.

JW: We can't share this picture with you but I just want to show you this thing. We made a little trip out of town - can you see this? Do you see the little green dot down at the bottom? Well, three different cameras shot by three different people captured this thing coming out of that ring around the sun and it wound up down by a tree and I thought, that's really odd and these little orbs, they are all over the place, there's one on the screen right now. It seemed to come from the centre and the sides and then all of a sudden it was in front of this tree, fifteen, twenty metres away. Do we have any idea what those are? I mean if one camera captured it, it would have been, yeah, okay but... I see these occasionally in photographs, sometimes they are around people and I go "photograph anomaly". But when three cameras operated by three different people capture them I'm thinking it must be real.

SP: Okay, the question I would ask is, can you give an idea of size of the orbs?

JW: Well, proportionally, there's another side that you can't see -they are sort of upside down, if you can picture a flying saucer, you've got the hemisphere on the top and bottom, but just take the top one off and so you've got almost a cereal bowl with an elongated lid or rim, that is where this thing seemed to come from, and it appeared at about seven o'clock as you are looking at this circle around the sun, that is where the orb came from, and so, looking at it within the context of our perspective, it must have been quite large, but then when it came down to where we were, it was rather small, I estimated it to be not even as big as a soccer ball.

SP: Right. To my knowledge, there are two types of orbs. The orbs you've talked about in photographs, not all of them are camera anomalies. Some are genuine orbs and these are energy orbs, this is when something can project its consciousness into this dimension. We are in the third dimension. What's that?

JW: I was just struck by something really odd, I'm not going to have a breakdown during the programme but I want to tell you something. I want to share this with you, I haven't shared it with anybody outside the crew. You can tell within a few minutes whether or not you have a sympathy with someone and actually I like you quite a bit too already. Stepping into the kitchen area of this house out on the west coast, a very famous city that is known for the ground shaking, everybody got it? I was hit with something and Mr Ghost was hit with something, that it was almost as though, it hit me so hard I was afraid that we had both been poisoned, although it was almost a mortal event. I'm not somebody who is prone to this stuff, air planes, motorcycles, you name it, whatever. I'm not easily traumatised but this was something really odd. If you've ever had an experience where you feel like, for no reason at all, I'm going to pass out, it wasn't like that really, it was more like, I'm looking at a really, really unpleasant reality that is potentially lethal. And that was right after that orb was hanging around and you said something about projecting consciousness and I thought, it was most assuredly on that level, I would like to call it second level, as they refer to in, what was it, Zargons? Remember that one? And that ring around the sun, I've seen a ring around the moon, oh look, it's going to rain, fine, but a ring around the sun? Some people have said, oh yeah, I see those all the time, well I've never seen one at all, and I've been around several decades now and I don't recall ever seeing one. It was absolutely extraordinary, so, I wonder what that was all about?

SP: It's very interesting and thank you for sharing that. This is the third dimension and it's a very heavy dimension. If somebody, for argument's sake, was in the fourth dimension and projected t heir consciousness here, that consciousness would be squeezed into a ball shape. That is why all our planets and stars appear round because the matter is forced into a circle, that is why the earth is round. So when somebody projects their consciousness, it is also forced into a circle and that is why photographs genuinely on occasion capture something the size of an orange or a ping pong ball, this is somebody's consciousness being projected into your space, either just to observe you or to attack you or to give you ideas or thoughts, so that is one part. The orb that you appear to have photographed, and I think that is genuine from the picture you have shown me, and thank you for sharing that, is metallic. Now these metallic orbs can change size, so it could have been much larger and as it approached the earth it reduced in size because time and space in other places is not the same as on this earth. Dimensionality is different. These are metallic orbs which are samplers, they go round and take samples of the atmosphere, the soil, they are continually monitoring the condition of the life on earth, they are also spying and observing, so in one half of the photographs you are genuinely capturing an energy consciousness and on the other you are capturing a metal ball. In Britain we went through a phase for many years of crop circles being made. These were made by these metal ball objects. So that is my take on both of those.

JW: You know, I have referred to them over the years as "task orbs". Some of them will swarm this Iranian fighter jet decided to shut off his panel just as he locks on and then they go away and the panel comes back up, it's just absolutely amazing.

SP: I'll just quickly tell you, and I always try whenever I get the chance to talk to a fighter pilot, whether they are American or British, to alert them to the fact that when engaging an alien spacecraft, the moment that they get a radar lock that is considered an act of war. Pilots didn't understand that, pilots only thought that firing the missile at the alien spacecraft was the act of war, but gaining the lock, and I always say to people, if you are in a fighter and your ground control tells you to lock on, just say you couldn't get a lock because otherwise, something is going to happen to you. I just wanted to say that because if there are any United States air force pilots listening, please do not gain a lock on an alien spacecraft because it will be the last thing you do.

JW: That seems like an extraordinarily silly thing to do. You've pointed the gun at them, you've just let them know that you've pointed a gun at them, so...yes, I would completely agree with their attitude, that that might follow. I'll try and be as discreet as I can as I go into my American style rant for a moment. Some people out there think that they understand everything. I heard someone say, do we remember who said, some people don't KNOW anything because they understand everything too soon? And that would be the case in some of these - what's the name of that effect that occurs in Norway?

SP: The aurora borealis.

JW: No, not that one.

SP: The hezlar.

JW: The hezlar, yes. Chris Puttnam, he and Tom Horn went up to the Lucifer telescope apparatus at Mount Graham, I believe it is funded by the Vatican.

SP: The Vatican operate two, one is a radio telescope and one is an infra red.

JW: Yes, I was wondering how that deal got put together but that's another story, unless you have some light to shed on it. But anyway, Ghost had captured it on his smart phone, and it's just the most amazing thing. We put it up on You Tube and somebody was saying, oh, that's just a really bad photo shop. It's like I'm looking right at the camera now and I'm telling you, we don't contrive anything, you have only my word for it, but you have it. There is no photo shopping. There is no honour in it, there is no integrity in it, there is no money in it, there is nothing in it for any of us in this crew to fake anything. So Simon, that was a very interesting analysis of what these orbs are and the effect that I was experiencing became clear and so now what I am doing is NOT thinking about it because I begin to feel a little taste of the same thing as I think about it. I just wonder what's going on here. If this has been going on for thousands of years on this planet then it's nothing new. But a lot of people get the idea that there has been an increase in this and that perhaps some sort of an event window is opening. Do you get that sense or do you think it's business as usual between us and the ETs?

SP: Well, on a personal level first of all, anybody who's alive on this planet now - one of two things. You are either here as a witness, as a member of the audience or you are an actor. You are taking part in something for good or ill. In your own case, you obviously clearly made a decision for good and there will be some elements that don't like that and are seeking to either prevent you or to change your aspect, change the way you are. People say that goes with the territory. That is not to excuse it, but unfortunately, when we put ourselves into the forefront these things can happen. But you know, you are not dead, I'm not dead, and so therefore there is something looking after us because otherwise we would be long dead. So that gives us the strength I think to carry on. Before I answer that, I will just develop that a little bit more. I did a conference or a symposium last fall, autumn. I did my conference and I came out and there was a guy there, a Lord, who wanted to speak to me and he said that he was here on behalf of a group of people wanting to ask me a question, and he would buy me a free lunch. Well, in Great Britain, we are not as advanced as you guys and the result is that if anybody buys you anything in this country you have to be immediately suspicious.

JW: It's the same over here.

SP: Oh, okay, well that's not so bad then. He asked me a question and it took over two days to answer it in three segments because the question wasn't complex, but the answer was. Having answered the question in the first phase, he seemed to be quite happy with that and he said, I'm here to make you an offer, and I did call over an independent witness to sit with me during this conversation because I wanted somebody to be able to confirm, if necessary, what he had said. He said to me, the group of people that he was representing had been watching me very carefully and had told him, as their agent, that everything I had said was true and therefore they wanted to offer me the following, and the offering was, body guards, armoured vehicles and if the worst came to the worst an underground bunker in the Salisbury plain, where I and my loved ones could go and there was no charge for any of that. And I asked why, why would you be very kind and offer this? And he said because you are worth protecting. Now, there is a war going on on this planet, under it, on it and above it and if we are taking the role that we take we do so because we have no choice, we are driven by something inside us that means that we have to do this, because if we don't do this we are turning our back on our destiny or on what we need to do. And you do your job because you have to - that is why you do it. Because you are a good person and if you didn't do it, nobody else would. So for all the negative stuff that we get, there is a lot of positive stuff that protects us and gives us that push and a slap on the back to say, well you did that okay, now get on to the next task. So it's important that viewers and listeners actually appreciate - you see all these people that write books and it seems to be all great fun - I've never had a book published, but there is a hell of a lot of hard work that goes on in the background and it sometimes can be quite tricky, so in terms of the way it's going, this is an event, 2015 is important but it's not as important as, well, the Georgia guide stones giving 2016, I think June or July, but 2017, the back end of that, that is a very crucial point, very crucial date and I hope that the human race's consciousness is raised at a high enough level, come that date, so that what needs to happen can happen. And I always say to people that 2012 DID happen. The 21st of December 2012 was a real event, the problem is that everybody expected the ground to open or a firework display, they wanted something physical because that is the way it is on this planet, but the changes that are coming are not physical, well they are, but that is the last thing that we will see. These changes are happening on an energy basis and the physical changes will come after that. So it is difficult for people who have been trained is the right word, through the education system, trained to only believe what they can see and touch, unless of course, it is God, because God is a religion and therefore you don't have to see God or touch God but you can believe in God because the system says that's real. Actually God is real, it's religion that is not so good in my view. So what I am saying is that these are very, very important times and anybody who is alive now on this planet is blessed, because you are in on the closing of one circle and the opening of another. So yes, it's an exciting time.

JW: You know, I've said that many times. Would you look into our genealogical record and see if we are related to anyone named Parkes, with an "e"? Because there is a real sympathy here Simon. I had said, and continue to say ad nauseam for our beloved Caravanners and Caravanners yet to be, that there was so much angst in the world, there was enough angst to cause something to happen even if really nothing was going to happen, according to the numbers, so to speak, but it turns out that it was a great awakening, I've never seen so much transparency in things that heretofore had been just obscured from view, we just went on believing in the existence of a certain paradigm, we then find out it's a false paradigm, the misery of it is that there is so little push back against it, and I just wonder if maybe it's a two stage awakening, maybe there's the awareness part and the action comes later, because I really don't see - given the potential for a wide spread disaster, whether naturally induced or inflicted on humanity by other men, and some of the girls too, I just wonder if now we are still in the awareness phase and around 2017 will be the actual action part, which has the potential to be quite ugly. I hope it isn't but it may be...

SP: For the last eight months, unfortunately on an energy basis we have been in a stalemate between what you could call the positive side and the negative side. There is actually an absolute balance at the moment, neither side has got the ascendancy and because of that there is a lot of disquiet, there are a lot of people beginning to feel jumpy, irritable, people who are very spiritual are beginning to wonder what is actually going on and happening. And I suppose this is always going to happen, until the energy builds up to such a point that it is pushed over the edge, I don't mean the edge in a fearful way. What we are waiting for is human consciousness. As long as human consciousness accepts this system and accepts that this is the best way to be, we won't move forward. When enough people say, I'm done with this, I want a new way of everything, a new way of electing my leaders, a new way of buying something from the shop, a new way of dealing with people, a new way to value life, when human consciousness rejects the system that it has been sold, then we will move forward, but it's fear. Because people are frightened of letting go of the little they have, because they think that what is round the corner is unknown and is scary. If you think about the original Star Trek, it's "to boldly go where no person has gone before". That is what humans can't do really. Really, on a mass level, people are fearful of changing and developing and that has been used by the elite, to play on that fear, to keep people in the corner, keep them boxed up, but it is changing but it's not changing fast enough.

JW: Isn't it amazing, all the ridiculous things, all these images, I mean, it would be difficult to deny the effect all these signs, lights, motion and auto-mobiles. I was sitting at a restaurant last night, looking out the window, and I saw the speed at which these big cars and trucks are going by and I just thought, it's all going just a little bit too fast and therefore just a little bit too far. We are hit with all of this stuff all the time and all this rubbish coming over television primarily, like Ray Davies, I'm quite a fan of his, his song Lola, the girls will be boys and boys will be girls. Now we have this outstanding athlete who has decided to be Caitlin now, he used to be Bruce, now he is Caitlin, and I'm thinking to myself, why is this national news? What is this? What is the meaning of all of this useless distraction, nobody really cares what anyone else does, the dimensions of this one's bottom and this one's decided he's not going to be a man any more, even though he has fathered children, he is going to be a woman. And I am just wondering, why are we being subjected to this, why doesn't everybody just do the old Magoo thing and say "mind your own business".

SP: We had Magoo over here, so I know who you mean. The problem is that people have been through the education system and have been given that as a value - in other words, these are the images that you should aspire to, so this voyeurism, I am going to look in and see what's going on in this particular soap opera, or look in and see what is happening with t his model or this pop star or film person, and it is to fill a gap in people's lives. The gap has been created, the gap that should be filled with a person being spiritual, looking to self develop, to question themselves, how they can best serve others, how they can go through their daily life and be good and kind and honest, not a walk-over, not being pushed around, but just be fair and true. But instead of that, these people are chasing the latest technology, looking at certain things made of certain colours and always trying to buy something that they can't afford. So that is how the system has trapped people. It is not that people are inherently bad, people are not bad, people are good. The problem is people are very naive and I mean that in a nice way, because most of us wouldn't think that our government would do anything bad to us because we wouldn't do anything bad to anyone else. So we tend to say, no, they wouldn't do that, no they couldn't do that, couldn't possibly do that and time and time again the truth comes out and we read of some absolutely horrific things that have been done and the police have arrested the person and it's gone to court etc, but still we hide behind, well, that's just one or two people and we don't want to move to the next stage, which is that the system needs to be changed. We are running out of time. The system does need to be changed and it needs to be changed pretty quickly. You guys yourselves have Jade Helm taking place and this is very important because I am sure, for those of you who are listening in in California, Texas, these are two of the states that the central administration does not want to lose control of, that is why you've had big displays there. It's not to frighten the people - a lot of people have misunderstood this completely. Jade Helm is not there to put intimidation into the people, that was not its plan. Jade Helm is there to isolate the troops from the people. It is to make the soldiers say they are different from the people. I have talked about this before. There have been two meetings at the National Security Council, this obviously is not public, you are not going to find this on the internet - there have been two meetings of the National Security Council, the NSA produces the papers, the documents which go to the council and then the council debate it etc. One of the first ones was, if there was a revolution in America, would we stay in control? And the reply came back, no we wouldn't. So the best response was, which American states can we hang on to? So the NSA went away and did some number crunching, and they are very good at number crunching, the NSA, and the results came back and the politicians said, these are the states we want to hang onto. And one of the elements in that was that there are apparently in the United States of America, there are around one million cops and what is the American population - 230 million?

JW: 330 million.

SP: Sorry I got the wrong number. So when they looked at it they realised that on a one to one basis there was no way they could control the situation. The difficulty they had was that every girl and boy on the high street, on the block, makes cookies to sell for veterans. The connection between the United States military and its people is very strong so if the military were ordered to shoot on their population, it wouldn't happen. However, the report actually said that the police would. That the American police are now so separated from their communities that they would shoot. Now that wasn't any good for the National Security Council because they have the military, so they want to break the tie between the community and the army and the way to do that is to dress you all up in your full combat gear and march you through the town so that it's "we are separate from the people". So that was that. Also this was run through computer war games and they were working out how quickly they could get numbers of equipment into different places and gone are the days when soldiers have to lie down and pretend to be dead, someone goes and counts them, they can map all of this out on a computer and two of the states they did not want to lose were Texas and California. Texas because I understand the Texans are very strong willed and independent and don't like to be pushed around and the Californians because they are very independent and they question a lot. So Jade Helm is a process to bring a separation between the people and the military and to war game out. So that is what that is because they know in the next two and a half years it could be a situation where they are facing a very difficult time, and I'll just quickly finish off. The number of false flags that were used about gun law, gun control, again commentators misunderstood what was going on here. It was never the intention to take away the guns from the American citizens, but it was the intention to take away high powered rifles and semi-automatic weapons. There is a colonel, and I can't say which unit, but a colonel in the American military said to me, if I and my men are walking down the street and somebody shoots at me, they have to open a window and stick a gun out to shoot at me, but we don't because our bullets will go right through the walls of the house and kill them inside. So they didn't want the citizens to have the same high powered weapons as the military. So you've had a number of false flags specifically to remove high powered weaponry from the citizens. So these are the things that are discussed at very high level and do not come out in public, so I just wanted to throw that in because I think people need to know that.

JW: Here we have a crew up in Connecticut right now looking after Wolfgang Halbig, who is investigating this Sandy Hook incident, he is convinced that it's a fraud and one way or another we are going to find out, I suspect that was one of them, the Aurora thing was another and on and on. I'll tell you, I have to say this and this is not to denigrate anything that any of our guests have said. They come on the programme, they express their thoughts, but I have to tell you, this opinion makes absolutely the most sense, it really does. It's never exactly what you think that it might be. It's something a little more subtle and, great stuff.

SP: Thank you. You didn't mention it in the bio when we kicked off and maybe it would just be helpful to understand why I'm still alive. Because that is a very useful question. When I initially went public and the media attacked and made me out to be a fool, I put up with that for about a year and a half and then I was invited to, and it is relevant to you, because it's an American base on British soil, it is the only three phased array radar in the world. The Americans have a two phased array in your own country but this is the only three phased array. It's nominally called a British base but it is run by the Americans, and I got an invite, would I like a tour of this radar base, and it is a space radar base and of course, I said yes, and people were saying to me, well, why would they invite you? And I said, well they are probably interested in me. I had a three hour tour and at the end of it I got a nice little memento of my tour, I was given something which I keep very secure, it's a very nice metal sort of thing. But that changed the dynamics because I had media directors phone me up and saying "I don't know what is going on here. I have been told by my boss to basically make a joke out of this yet at the highest levels you have been given three hours tour. Yet you've told the world that your mother and grandfather worked for MI5, MI6, NSA and the CIA, you see aliens, you should be the biggest security risk anywhere on the planet. Yet you have been given a tour round a radar base." So this was a big change. And then I did a breakfast television interview, which in Britain is the biggest, it's called This Morning, that is the name of it, for Britain it's a very big deal and I did a fifteen minute interview and I couldn't have asked for a more reasonable discussion with two people on prime time television who had the greatest opportunity to attack me but did not. So there have been some huge changes and then last year of course, the BBC phoned me at home and said the pope, the new pope has just announced that he will baptise aliens, and we thought - who do we need to speak to? And your name came up first. So from being the person who was ridiculed and made a fool of, it's now very different and now the media, the established media, don't quite know what to do.

JW: What do you make of this pope? Immigration, global warming, and baptising aliens and partnering with NASA for a telescope and calling it LUCIFER, what next?

SP: In fairness to him, he did inherit the telescopes, he did inherit them, they were already there. I think he just does what everyone else does when they are pope. But I think this one has got a bit of a spark of humanity about him, I think the previous pope, I really wouldn't have invited him round for a cup of English tea, but this pope, yes, I might just ask him round to have a chat and see what he is about.

JW: … why don't you just attend to the faithful and just stay out of all this other stuff? You are not helpful. I mean, when Raoul Castro says, I am so impressed with this pope, I think I may go back to church, it's like - okay, wouldn't hurt you. Your explanations of the answers to my questions and then the things that you have said that are just worth a response to a question, so cogent altogether. Do you think that we can expect any help from off planet, should things get really stupid down here?

SP: Yes is the answer. The answer is yes. The problem is that help has been forthcoming but people don't see it or understand it. There have been three attempts in the last seven years to detonate a nuclear bomb, to create a third world war and each time it has been thwarted. There have been countless attempts by elements within Israel - I am Jewish myself and I always make a big difference between being Jewish and being an element of the Zionist regime, but the element of the Zionist regime plays a critical role in many things that take place over this planet and people need to understand that help has been given on many, many occasions and will be again, but you are asking me obvious and full blooded so that people can know it, yes, that will happen, but it will happen when there is no other alternative, in other words, when there is no covert way to sort something out then there will be a physical thing. You see the governments of the world, I mean America, because America speaks for the world, that is a fact as far as the aliens are concerned, they have made that clear, have given them deadlines in which they request that they tell the people the truth and each time the deadline has been pushed back because the American government has come up with some very good arguments. That has run out now, they have a deadline in which they can go public and the advantage of that is they can control the way that information is disseminated, if they don't do it it will be taken out of their hands and off world entities will actually break the news themselves in which case the government loses control of people and the manipulation of that information. So that is why we have this panic or partly this panic going on, because they are facing a brick wall, that is it, that is the end of the line, there is nowhere else to go. And you'd think that anybody with an ounce of intelligence would then say "right, let's get round the table and have a talk about this, let's have a debate" but there is an animal called an ostrich and it just sticks its head in the ground and that is exactly what the ruling group are doing at the moment, so come on ostrich, stick your head out of the ground and come and sit down and have a chat.

JW: Would you mind giving us, before we leave ......, could you give us a good, sound definition of a Zionist?

SP: Somebody who passionately believes that they and their will is correct and that they have a right to live and others do not have a right to share the same space. That they were destined and born to be who they are and therefore they are genetically better and historically better than anyone else and they have been "cheated", as they see it, cheated of their birthright, because we shouldn't imagine that the state of Israel is their birthright. So people who are fundamentally driven but not seen as fundamentalists, because they work within the western system, they work within the banking system and the political system and they don't dress in turbans and dirty old rags and run around on the back of cheap pick-ups with machine guns, so they are not seen as fanatical because they dress in suits but their fanaticism is just as strong as anything that the western media would like to portray. They have a part to play just like on a battery, you put into a flash light, it has a positive and a negative and so they are an element of that battery.

JW: There is a rumour that the United Nations has already effectively, now this may be an area that you don't want to go into and if you don't I'm completely okay with that, but there are already thinking that a Palestinian state is going to happen and it has in fact pretty much been formed. Do you have any information to that effect? Do you think that that will happen and is this going to be the trigger point for some new conflagration over there?

SP: Yes, I will go there. This is one view that Benjamin Netanyhu, who is the leader of Israel, will not tolerate, he will not tolerate a Palestinian state, but President Obama has actually privately and publicly said that this is what he wants to see happen. This could trigger an international situation which may be what is the underlying plan here, it plays very nicely into Israel's hands because Israel would say that they were acting as they did in 1967, to make a pre-emptive strike. I went public some time ago and said that there was a hit squad that tried to assassinate Obama, some six weeks ago and also the Russian president, and this is coming from the groups we have just been talking about because the situation is that Obama is swinging away from the control that has been levered on him. You see, Obama actually always was a decent person, from a very young age, he was born and bred to be the president, he had no choice in the matter and I see him as a victim, I actually do. I don't see him as an evil man, I see him as a decent person who before he knew it, he was already sucked into it, groomed, planned, programmed and ready to go, and for a certain time he ran it, because, hey, it was really exciting to be the president, then you suddenly realise what is going on. And you can either do two things, can't you? You can either do what JFK did and get yourself murdered or you can attempt to try and ride the waves, try and go with the flow but not be too bad and that is what Obama is trying to do, so I don't subscribe to the view that Obama is the devil. He is actually a decent person who has been got at. So we have a situation I think, where things are polarising and different leaders of different countries are having to decide which camp are they in? I mean for heaven's sake, Great Britain, which was always the most staunch ally with Australia to America, has actually asked to leave the dollar and to join the new currency that the Russians and the Chinese are setting up. The International Monetary Fund, which is run by the Americans, the head of that, which is woman, has actually made public statements that she will work with any new currency. People are leaving the ship, the ship is sinking and who are you going to get left? The people who have got so much blood on their hands that they cannot be forgiven. This is the problem, because if you have done something that is so heinous and you fear that no one will forgive you, then you never put your hands up and say, I am sorry. But this is what needs to happen and exo-politics actually seems to have died a death now, which is a great shame, but one of the key links of exo-politics was that people needed to be forgiven. Well, that is very difficult because if you are family of somebody who has died and you find out how it was done, you are unlikely to forgive them, but I certainly think that many people have been blackmailed into doing the stuff they have done, they have been tricked, so I do think that an opportunity needs to be got out there to try and bring people back into the fold. It's a very difficult situation but there are going to be some people who are beyond help and there will be some form of judgement, there is going to be.

JW: That's pretty strong stuff, that is a lot to think about, it's enough to make you change your mind about a few things, but maybe that is what is called for. Let me ask you this - you've assisted a growing number of Illuminati related people, whether they are part of the family, they've gone through various traumas and so forth, it's clear now that for a long time, it seemed like the Illuminati was a thing of legend and myth but it's a real thing and they do real things and those things that they do have some real effects. (loud buzzing noise in background, like a buzz saw). Well, what do you suppose that noise is?

SP: That is a motor bike.

JW: Oh, I thought it was an alien craft landing in your garden.

SP: They don't make noises like that.

JW: Okay, good. Wouldn't want to wake up to that one. What's that? I don't know, but it's a big disk in the back yard.

SP: It would probably be a false flag, but this is the wrong house to try a false flag on, isn't it?

JW: Absolutely, there are dozens of better choices in the neighbourhood, I am sure.

SP: Maybe their sat nav went wrong. That's what happens when you have things that are human built. The Illuminati, there are two strands to the Illuminati. There is the new bloodline and the old bloodline. The new bloodline goes back to the Italian era, fifteenth century, sixteenth century and they are the new kids on the block. The original Illuminati go back many thousands of years and they don't always see eye to eye because they have different values. It's like what we call in Britain the "new" money ad the "old" money, the old landed gentry who had the money and are on the way out and the new guys who make their money through industry. A question, although maybe the audience didn't understand it, and I'll try and answer it as best I can. The Illuminati wish to control people who work for them and one of the ways they do that is to do things to their mind and they will do it when they are children and frankly, I don't care who somebody is, what they are, if they were tortured as a child then there is no rule that says that was right. So when a person comes to me, who has suffered trauma as a child, I will put them right if I can and I don't judge who, what, where or when because they are now a product of what was done to them, because before that trauma they were probably just an ordinary round the block kid, okay they would have come from a very high-end family but they would have had the same values as you and I. So something was done to them to change them and to control them and make them the person they are now. The person they are now, nine times out of ten is not the person that they choose to be. So I will never turn somebody away, who comes to me for healing because they never chose to be hurt. So, yes, I will help people and in the case, as I said, of the Rothschilds, if I had known the Rothschilds had sent this person to me, I would have charged a fortune because those people can pay and they can pay plenty, and what I would do then is, I would use the money partly to off set for people who couldn't afford to pay. This is a good time to mention my web site, if you don't mind. I offer a range of services and one of them is what I call de-programming, so if anybody has that sort of mind control issues and if they just go to they can book a session with me, probably I'm the cheapest person around, financially, for doing it, and if they cannot afford it and they genuinely can't afford it, then I have received donations from very wealthy people to pay for those people who cannot afford it. So I offer a service for free to those people who have serious issues and can't afford to pay, others will do that. Yes, I will help people unless somebody comes to me and says, I willingly allowed them to do this, and I think well, you are just a fool, and I won't work with someone who doesn't want to get better, but everyone I've met, bar three people, genuinely want to get better, so the control system on this planet is horrendous and even people who research the subject would be totally shocked at the depth and breadth that this system is like a spider's web that goes out. So yes, that is part of what I do as well.

JW: A growing number of people have come forward? What is a "milab" situation, what is that?

SP: This is a term used by researchers when interviewing people and they have found a common thread coming through, it stands for military laboratory, it's when somebody is taken, predominantly by military, human military but sometimes working with greys or sometimes working with another entity form, but not always, not exclusively so, it can just be military human, both in Britain and America, Canada and Australia, it's very prevalent and samples are taken from these people, it's that the person is considered a very interesting subject, I won't go into a huge amount of detail, but I am working with a lot of these people now who are brave enough to contact me. Yes, it's a growing phenomenon.

JW: You know the word "demonic" is in this paragraph on your site. The djinn/demonic possession and de-activate any suicide programmes placed in the person? Suicide programmes placed in persons?

SP: Absolutely.

JW: Can you elaborate a little on that without compromising anything that you may do for somebody?

SP: Of course, let us just imagine that we had a secret society and we will call it the "cookie club", cos then we don't get too heavy and too upset about it. We have the cookie club and I have ten people, well actually we should have the number twelve, because twelve is very important to us, so we have twelve people who work in the cookie club and I don't want anybody stealing my cookies, so what I do is I take them and I electrocute them or I do this and that, or maybe I call up some black magic and I place something into them. Whatever it is, I want a method to control them so that I don't lose my cookies. The suicide programme is a hypnotic programme, I am using the word hypnotic because that is just a very gentle word to use, it is a hypnotic programme that ensures generally that when a person breaks free of their conditioning and before they can start to name names or put faces to names, they usually commit suicide and it's very prevalent in the music industry, it happens a lot. There was a guy called Forrestal, who was a guy in the forties who was an American, I can't remember, defence secretary? but allegedly he jumped from a hospital window...

JW: Yes, Admiral Forrestal, James Forrestal.

SP: That's the guy. He jumped from a window. Jumping from windows is very common with people with these programmes and I have worked with people from- the oldest person I worked with was sixty years old and the youngest I worked with was sixteen and it is fascinating to me, from a professional standpoint to see how mind control has changed. The sixty year old of course, I am looking at a mind programme done fifty odd years ago, so in that particular person's case, it was the yellow brick road programming, very basic, very straightforward. When I am working with a sixteen year old, I am working with very modern and learnt methods, which contain sub-routines to trap people like me, so in other words, by the time this sixteen year old was being programmed, they were aware of people like me who would go in and de-programme, so they would put booby traps to try and catch me. So it becomes a game between, I won't use the word lightly, of cat and mouse, one side trying to outdo the other. That is the heavy end of it but I do a really happy end of it, which I call soul reading. A person sits in front of me for thirty minutes on Skype and I will talk to them about their soul or their higher self and that is usually very positive and very supportive, so I don't want the listeners to think it's all difficult and my life is just drudgery - it's not. I have some very happy moments and some very serious moments and that is how I try to balance my life out.

JW: You know some people say that until James Forrestal had his meeting with Truman right after the Roswell incident, that he didn't have any mental instability at all, then all of a sudden he did. It does make one wonder. I suppose that is just the nature of things down here on planet earth, isn't it? It's just monotony to some degree punctuated by moments of tragedy and then somehow the exultation of the human spirit keeps us going.

SP: Yes, exactly right. People don't realise how wonderful they are, the human spirit is absolutely wonderful. Humans can create reality out of thought and you know, what other creature anywhere in the multiverse can stand and look at a rainbow or a sunset and say, that is beautiful. We have so much to be happy for and thankful for, life is so precious on this planet and anyone who has been to my conferences knows that I always say at some point, why does a nurse get paid less money than a bank manager? Why do you, the human race, and I am talking of all of us, accept the fact that money is more important than life? And that is what has to change, that is fundamental. So, you know, let us enjoy life, let us connect with what is peaceful and truthful and honest and loving and let us just push away that which is evil and has no place in our lives. I am hoping that humanity will begin to make judgement for itself, not what the local radio station or the local TV station or the newspaper or what comes out of Capitol Hill. Let's try and get people to start thinking for themselves, and listening to your radio show and other shows like yours is fundamental because they are getting the truth and they are getting stuff that makes them go and do their own research and that is all I ask of people - if you hear stuff you like, go and do your own research and empower yourself, so that is why I said I would come on your show because it is a serious show and you are good quality people and you are there to get the truth out and that is what it's about, that is what we are driven by, to get the truth out.

JW: Well, you honour us with such a comment, we can only hope we live up to what you just said.

SP: You do.

JW: Well, thank you for that. You know, I have said this a couple of time and sometimes I wonder if I believe it. Something very deep within me, like an onion, you've got to peel away a few layers to actually get to it, but it's there. I have always been, to paraphrase Michael in that old movie Heat, for me, the action is the juice, is what he said. Of course, he was a criminal, and his character didn't make it to the end of the movie by the way, but the thing is, it's possible to have peace, but it doesn't have to be the boring, lying around peace, it can be an exciting peace, it can be an invigorating peace, it can be an inspirational peace that drives us to more discovery and taking risks but responsible risks that don't risk, you know, entire segments of humanity for some momentary glorification, and I am just wondering, can you reinforce that? Is it possible to have an exciting peace, so that we are not compelled to just start some trouble with somebody because we are just too bored with this lovely peace that we have. What do we have to change about ourselves to get to that mind set?

SP: Okay, it's just pure manipulation from those who wish to gain more. Most countries have developed to a certain size and then found the limit which they can operate at, but when you are a country like America that is twenty two times in debt over the value of your own country, that is the scale of it, twenty two times more than the country is worth, the only way you can maintain any forward momentum is to absorb the wealth of other countries and that is what invasions are about. That is why they are very keen to start on Iran. It didn't happen for some very interesting reasons. But it isn't the people that want the war, the people are manipulated into thinking that this is pay back time for the bad guys, the reality is it is all about making money and resources, because at the moment there are two resources which are scant on this planet. One is food and one is energy. If you can have control of food and energy then you have control of the planet. Not so much water, people think water, but there is actually more water than we think, it is food and energy that are the two key things, so as long as you want to grow your country over and above anything that is reasonable, you have to absorb other countries, you have to take th em over and that is what wars are, generally.

JW: You know it seems to me that is very interesting and by allowing twenty five percent of the entire population of Mexico into our country, we have, by default, actually absorbed their country. I never though of that until this moment.

SP: Yes. There are many ways of absorbing a country, you can actually say to another country, you know what, we have got so many of your people here, you should start paying us, because our social security cheque is so big now, and if you don't pay us, we will push all these people back into your country and it will bankrupt you.

JW: Simon, this is extraordinary. I never thought...........look, I don't consider myself a brilliant man but I don't consider myself to be a moron either...

SP: No, you are not stupid at all. Look, I couldn't come into your studio and do what you do, because you are an expert in your field and you are absolutely brilliant at what you do. I couldn't do that. But somebody couldn't come into my field because they haven't had the background and the knowledge and so what we do its, we say, I am good at this, you are good at that, let's put it together and be a team. And so the information I give you, you put out and that is how we work as a team. The other thing that I wanted to say is, I listen to a lot of people on radio shows and for me, this is precious time and I want to make every minute count. When I am talking to people I need to get the truthful message out there, so I don't want to tell you what I had for breakfast, I don't want to tell you what film I watched, or aunt Lucy did this, or did that, I need to tell you the facts, so when I get asked questions, I respond in a very blunt way and I don't do the niceties because I have only got an hour or two hours and that is human race time, that is what I call it off the record, I call it the human race's time, my time to connect with the good people of this planet. Sometimes I can be too much for people because I don't take a breath. I did a Skype with a lovely theatre in California, I did a live Skype and I did five hours, I did two and a half hours non-stop, fifteen minutes break and another two and a half hours. That audience was fantastic, they sat there for five hours to listen to me. When the energies are going and you really go for it, then you can achieve a great deal. And so my mission is to help people one way or another and your mission is to get the truth out directly through electronic means. I will know stuff that most people don't know. That is not big headed, I don't go on the internet, I don't pay people to go on the internet to pass me information and I have people who come to me and say, this is going down, are you interested? I have off world contacts and I only go public when the off world contact information matches that from on world. So I have two independent sources and when those two independent sources match, I am then confident to go forward, but if I get something from one angle and not another, I just hang onto that and wait and see if it is going to be confirmed. There are very few people in this position and I appreciate that. I saw a very famous American UFO guy, who I have got a lot of time for, and I just give a clue away, that he was one of the first guys to talk about global warming not being true, it was heating up of the planets, and he is absolutely right, but he was on a television interview and he burst into tears because he had had a death threat. Now I am not making a judgement on that on itself, but what I would say is, every bad guy in the world now knows that that guy has a weak point, that he can be twisted and squeezed. You cannot afford to show weakness when you are at this level because the people that you are playing against have no fear and have no weakness. So you either are in the game or you are not and this is a game that I intend to win for the human race because the people are worth it, they are worth it, for all the nastiness and the sadness the news puts out, actually people are good, fundamentally people are good. I think we just need to take the control programmes away and let people actually rediscover who they are. Fingers crossed for the future, eh?

JW: So much for asking you what you would like to leave the good people of the earth with! That was just beautiful Simon. I must say that in the manner of his lordship the late Patrick McGoohan, you have gloriously illustrated and vindicated the right of the individual to be individual and I hereby induct you into the order of the Ark Knights and this assembly rises to you, Sir Simon!

SP: Thank you very much indeed. You also have to give me one hundred sovereigns and say "that's your pocket money" and traveller's cheques to a million.

JW: Don't worry about it, I've got it right here in the bag. That is why they call me the bag man of the stars and we don't mean Hollywood stars, do we? Listen, this has been just fantastic conversation. So deliciously complicated and yet at the same time, so completely clear. Sorry, I had to borrow from Holmes, just for a moment. Do you have any events planned that involve your being in the US any time soon?

SP: You are going to smile. I cannot fly. I did a Nexus conference by Skype to Australia, that went down really well. They ran two screens, one for me, so the audience could see me and a separate screen where I could put my drawings and my slides up and then I did the conference to the theatre in California so I am very happy to do Skype presentations, and the reason I won't fly, and I'll just tell you, it's amusing - when you see an aeroplane, you see an aeroplane. When I see an aeroplane I see something made of very thin metal with stress, full of thousands of gallons of explosive fuel and only humans to fly it and no super-computer to take control of it. Now that is not to denigrate the pilots, they are a gift, because I just said to you, I couldn't come in and do your job and the pilots are brilliant and I should be strong enough to know that those that look after me are not going to let me die in an aeroplane crash but the problem is that when you have been on alien spacecraft, and I have, and you've seen how they work, and then you look at human technology, and you think, phew, I am NOT getting in that! So that is the reason why I can't fly and it's terrible because the people of America broadly have accepted me and have listened to me and my heart goes out to them because the American people are perhaps some of the finest people on the planet, I will say that again, the American people are some of the finest people ion the planet. And I would dearly love to be able to shake them by the hand, physically be with them, support them and give them words of encouragement. I can't do it, physically but if any conference wants to book me to do a half and hour or an hour presentation by Skype I will do it, so there is the offer.

JW: Well, that sounds great. I am thinking there may be a trip, aeroplane, even after what he said? I'll chance it.

SP: You are very welcome to come and visit me and next time you are in the UK you have to let me know and we will meet and we will spend some time together because although you haven't asked for a soul reading, I will tell you that you are higher human, so your soul is not of an earth human type, it is of a higher human type, I won't go into the stuff other than that because it is too private and that would be between me and my client but you and I are connected, you and I do know each other on some level, that is a fact.

JW: I feel certain that is true.

SP: Also I would just say to you that something happened to you in your childhood that we won't discuss now.

JW: Oh yes. It's not what you might think, it's very unusual.

SP: Yes, it is, but we won't discuss that now.

JW: It is written, we will meet in person, I am hoping before the end of the year.

SP: That would be lovely. Often when I play cards or when I'm with my children, my children say, dad, will you turn it off, because I use my psychic ability to cheat sometimes when playing cards, so you'd better not play cards with me.

JW: Okay. The only one I'll chance would be blackjack.

SP: I think we are drawing to a conclusion, I just want to say how lovely it has been to be with you and your sound guy. Thank you very much for inviting me and I hope you have enjoyed it. I hope it has been positive and it's going to have some positive effect for the audience.

JW: I feel that is written too. Thank you very much, Simon Parkes.

Transcribed by Sue Chhina 25/07/2019

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