About Us

Connecting Consciousness is a constantly growing global movement in which people join who recognize, that the development on this planet is not always aligned with the benefit of mankind, that global events are also embedded into other contexts than they are generally presented, and that the forces acting behind the visible level often have more dimensions thanare superficially apparent.

In more and more countries on all continents groups are forming which are connected by a unifying consciousness. Undogmatic - spiritually nourishing - mentally inspiring - emotionally supportive.

Our Mission

In Connecting Consciousness we are connected in the awareness that the current structures are not always aligned with the benefit of people and the planet and we try to solve global challenges through concerted material and spiritual development, education and orientation.

Together we would like to support people in Connecting Consciousness on their way to become awake in relation to their environment, to develop their understanding of who they are, their true position in the world and thus to help humanity and all living to develop positively.

For this we combine three goals:

  • Networks: Creating local, national and international spiritually awake Connecting Consciousness groups.
  • Sharing of Knowledge: Revealing the truth through education, research and discussion, so that people are informed and awareness grows.
  • Uniting Voices: Asking constructive questions that advance discussion and lead to the establishment of the truth. Thus changing the basic public attitude, whose influence extends into politics and leadership.