
Trinity July Update From Biomedis Global...

29.07.22, 17:54 – Simon Parkes Blog ( https://www.simonparkes.org/post/trinity-july-update-from-biomedis-global)


The world's first multi-frequency synchronisation bio-resonance device with patented technology.

The Biomedis Trinity is a gentle, non-invasive bioresoance therapy.

Topic: Lyme disease

Main complex

Name:Lyme disease

Mode: 1 or 2

Duration: 2-6 months

Complementary complexs

Name: super program 1

Mode: 2

Duration: 2-6 months

Complementary complexs

Name: Super program 3

Mode: 3

Duration: 2-6 months

Complementary complexs

Name: Brain frequencie balancing

Mode: 4

Duration: 2-6 months

Complementary complexs

Name: Athritis,Painful joints

Mode: 1- 2

Duration: 2-6 months

Complementary complexs

Name: Activation of vital energy

Mode: 4

Duration: 2-6 months

Complementary complexs

Name: Alpha for comfort

Mode: 4

Duration: 2-6 months

The biomedis trinity device does not treat or cure any sickness; rather, it assists the body in decreasing toxins and stress loads, restoring'self-regulation, and letting the body to recover itself.

Disclaimer: Please be aware! The Trinity device from Biomedis is not a medical device. It uses bio-resonance, neurostimulation, and multi-frequency synchronisation to work.


Please use the code CC15 to receive a 15% discount that is available just to CC members only. Discount expires on the 3rd of August.

Please visit our online store at www.biomedis.global for more information.

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