Out of This World Radio 1150: Current Events, Questions & Answers

Friday, June 7, 2019

President Trump goes on a state visit to Britain, meets with Nagel Farage, creator of the Brexit party; Trump tells those concerned to get Brexit done; assassination attempts against both President Trump and his family prompted him to travel with his entire family for security protection; next two weeks would be a good time for disclosure, if it’s ever going to happen, while President Trump is out of the U.S. and not in harm’s way; some actions against the bad guys are being taken but it’s mostly out of the public’s eye, however one situation made public was house raid and arrest of guy who helped Hillary Clinton hide all her emails; key Mueller witness, George Nader, arrested on child pornography gives some evidence of justice attempting to be served; official/other purpose of airplane nozzles; many pilots are clueless they are spraying chemtrails, and even if they know, they won’t talk about it; India chooses China instead of the U.S.; Veterans Association threatens to march on Washington D.C. if they try to impeach President Trump; may see treason proceedings soon if Attorney General Barr is allowed to proceed with his investigation; while Russian collusion investigation is going on the other side is investigating the Clinton Foundation; is it true that U.S. Air Force backs out of agreement with Greys and Reptilians and enters into agreement with Pleiadians or Galactic Alliance; one possible future plan is President Trump gets second term; then when next President takes over it should put an end to control by bad guys; possible causes for Virginia shooting; are we progressing on our path to ascension; 5th dimension energy shift will possibly be on a rolling basis and happen by end of 2020–2021.


Ted Mahr: And with that I’d like to bring on my good friend Simon from England. Simon how are you doing today?

Simon Parkes: Hello Ted, I’m fine thank you, nice to speak to you.

TM: Oh good, good. Feels like we’re just right next door.

SP: Well perhaps we are in a way.

TM: We are in a way, that’s right. We’re in the same country tonight, so anyway just briefly for those of you just tuning in Simon appears on my show on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. He’s a life long experiencer of aliens, shadow people, elementals and UFOs, Mantis beings, Draconius Reptilian, and all kinds of other creatures which can’t be identified. He was an elected politician and served for a full term of office. His parents worked with both British and American Intelligence Services. He’s a wonderful guy and I’m so happy he’s on my show today. His website is www dot Simon Parkes dot org (www.simonparkes.org), and his interview is always out of this world. So, anyway Simon, thanks so much for coming on my show today.

SP: Thank you very much for inviting me Ted.

TM: Yeah, yeah. Well there’s so much going on tonight Simon, my goodness. President Trump is or was in Britain, and he met with not the prime minister, but the leader of the opposition, Nigel Farage and told the prime minister to get Brexit done. When he came on his state visit he also brought a huge amount of people, thirteen hundred according to your post and all kinds of equipment. I’d love to have your opinion on that Simon and also your special, you put a special post on your website about that this was a very critical time for the world.

SP: Right, British politics are very very difficult for British people to follow, so it’s doubly difficult for people from the U.S., and I can see how you thought that. He didn’t actually meet the leader of the opposition. Nigel Farage is not a leader of the opposition. He’s a guy who’s created a party which is very very pro leaving Europe. It’s called the Brexit party.

TM: I see.

SP: And what happens is that by meeting him President Trump basically snubbed both the British prime minister and the British leader of the opposition, because it’s supposed to be a state visit.

TM: Oh boy.

SP: He decided that he would meet, because you see remember that when Trump was on his campaign trail in 2015, ’16, he had Farage with him because he wanted some advice about, you know, Europe. So he met Farage and that was designed I think to say to Britain “come on, get your act together.” Because Trump is very keen to do some business deals with Britain, but whilst Britain remains a member of the European Union, we’re not allowed to do deals. Can you believe that? We are not allowed as a sovereign nation to do any deals with the United States of America or anybody else for that matter outside of Europe. Isn’t that incredible?

TM: Oh that’s amazing. I mentioned this the last time you were on Simon, but I did hear that story about how EU officials in Brussels were telling people in Britain when they could boil hot water for tea or how much tea they could boil, or how much hot water they could make. I don’t know if that’s true, but this comes about the same kind of… the same kind of problem.

SP: Well I think the problem the British have had is that, you see when you’re an island, a small island as Britain is, you tend to get a bit insulated. You tend to get a bit in on yourself and remember the last time the British lost a war on their own land was over a thousand years ago. So when somebody in Europe starts telling British people what to do, I guess there’s a pushback, and I think that’s what’s we’re seeing. There’s a bit of a pushback against Europe.

TM: Uh-hum, wow, interesting, interesting. Has President Trump left Britain already for the continent?

SP: Yep.

TM: Or is he...

SP: Yes he has. He’s been to Ireland, and of course commemorating the D-Day landings in France, so he’s been there because there are lots of American service personnel lost their lives, as did others.

TM: Sure.

SP: He’s been out, you know, trying to see as many people as he can. He took a large number of security personnel with him, but he’s the first president of your history to take all his family with him. He took all of his family with him, all his children, everybody, and that was to get them out of America in case there was a problem.

TM: One of the things, you made it a special announcement I believe. It was on June 1st or 2nd. I was able to view your video before I poured water all over it, so it’s working now but I’m keeping my fingers crossed. It’s acting a little funny right now. But there has been a number of assassination attempts against him hasn’t there?

SP: Yes. I mean it’s not unusual. I mean you know, you can think of Reagan, several who they’ve had a go at. Sometimes it’s just literally a crazed guy operating on his own. Other times it’s a really big operation. I’ve got documented probably between five or six attempts on Trump’s life since he came into office. Some of them very, you know, childish and ridiculous and some a bit more serious, but the point was there had been an attempt on his family’s life, and I think that’s probably the first time. I’m not a hundred percent sure, but you know in order to get at a sitting president, they have gone for the family. So that’s why he brought all his family with him. It’s the first time when a president has left the U.S. on a tour he’s taken all of his family with him, but he’s done it because you know you’ve taken your army with you and there’s no one left to guard the family. So he probably said, listen you might as well, you’ve taken the kitchen sink, he might just as well bring the kids over as well. We can do a good job of protecting them. So that’s why he brought them over because with his security over in Britain he didn’t really feel that, you know, that he would be stretching it a bit, so that’s why he brought them over with him.

TM: Sure, absolutely, absolutely. I have to ask you Simon too, you made a special announcement a few days ago that this was a pivotal time in, not only for his visit, but the planet as well, that the next two weeks was, presented many wonderful opportunities for him to do good for perhaps disclosure, you know, to expose the cabal, some darker elements on the planet for attempting to stop our ascension and evolution. Do you still expect good things to happen during this time?

SP: I think they’re happening. The problem is they’re not happening publicly and I’ve always had a problem with that. Your listeners know that I want things much more out in the open, but we did have the report of course of that particular guy who did so much good work for Hillary Clinton in hiding all her emails. You know what was having official emails on her home computer, which is a very serious offense, especially when it’s secret stuff. And this particular guy had, you know, done a lot of work in clearing it all up for her. Well his house was raided while the president was in Britain. We have eyewitness reports of him with his girlfriend sitting outside the house in handcuffs while the agents go in and out, in and out of the house bringing out computer equipment I guess. So stuff is taking place, but I think probably it’ll be another week or so before we get a fuller picture of exactly what’s gone on. Just because we’re not hearing about it now doesn’t mean it’s not happened. But I would hope within a week or two weeks, I think I said two weeks, I hope to get some fuller picture of what’s occurring. And you know yourself that we are now less than four weeks to July the 4th.

TM: Right.

SP: That’s a very important date for America and Americans. And I’m hoping that whatever is being dug up at this time as we speak might be presented around that time.

TM: Well that’s a very good point too, and for my many friends in beautiful Canada of course July 1st is Canada Day, so… and it certainly would benefit the world to have disclosure of some of the negative things which have been going on. I had an astrologist on my show about five years ago now Simon. Her name was Susan Miller from New York City, and she’s not a psychic but she uses astrology and movement of the planets to predict things and she’s very accurate, very good at what she does, and she said back on my show back in April of 2014 Simon that this was an age of disclosure and truth, that things that are true will become self-evident as being true and be disclosed and those that are false will also become self-evident as being false and subject and open for people to know about. So I’ve been, of course, watching and listening at world events ever since that time for the past five years, and we’ve had a series of disclosures I think and this will continue, so I’m hopeful that this will be a pivotal time in human history and that there will be disclosure on many different things will help benefit humanity.

SP: Well I hope so because if it doesn’t happen now then when will it happen? So many things are moving to make it possible, which weren’t the case two years ago, and you know as I’ve always said, you know, I want things in the public eye, and I have always understood that some things have to be done quietly, but at some point they have to be shared with the public. So that’s what I’m looking for. I’m looking for the detective work that’s done over this period, this week, two weeks or so and then that being shown to the public while President Trump is out of the United States. It allows people to conduct their own investigations in a way that means the president is not in harm’s way. So I’m hoping in the next few weeks, let’s say around July 4th, you know, that there’s some information that can be shared which would be a game changer. That’s what I hope.

TM: Right, right. The other post that you had on your website recently was about George Nader. A key witness was arrested on charges of child pornography. He was also a key witness in the Mueller investigation. This gives me hope because you know I mean to engage in child pornography, that’s a heinous crime, and the people responsible for it should be brought to justice, tried and imprisoned.

SP: Of course and only a crazed person would disagree with you, but what is, from my perspective here of great importance is that that sealed indictment is over a year old. The reason I’m saying that is that people are saying oh look at all these indictments. They don’t open them. Well that had been sealed and waited for a year. So just because there are all these hundred thousand now are just sealed and not opened, doesn’t mean they won’t open them. And this guy, I think it’s over a year. This literally had been sitting there waiting until they felt it was the right moment. And when they opened it they acted on it, and I think they picked him up and I said on my post it was very appropriate actually that he was on his way to JFK Airport when they intercepted him and picked him up. I thought that was a rather nice touch.

TM: Oh.

SP: So they got him on that. He’s already been [dunned] for it before you know. He served one year outside of the U.S., but because of his friends he only served a year. They got him off.

TM: Oh, interesting.

SP: So he’s got a history of it but you see under President Trump who is not a child hurter, this means he won’t just get one year if he’s found guilty, he’ll get ten or fifteen. So what I’m saying is that there are things happening, and you know, we’ve just got to make sure that we report them to the public because if we don’t nobody else will.

TM: Sure, absolutely, absolutely. You had another post of nozzles, strange nozzles on aircraft, and the first thing that came to my mind from my spirit friends on the other side was that those were chemtrail nozzles.

SP: Well my goodness me, that post, I was really pleased. It got a huge response. I was so please with that. We got a huge response and what we actually got was pilots, serving pilots and ex-pilots who were able to give us their opinion on it. And what they were telling us was that this was indeed an exhaust for either oil or water. And it was an official thing, you know, it was depending on the type of aircraft. It was official but it would be very easy to do something with it. So in other words that is exactly what we are looking at, but their official job is to exude water or oil or something like that, but the very fact that they’re an outlet for something tells us all we need to know about it. So yes, that’s it, so well done the person who took that photo. Surprisingly few of those pictures around. That’s a genuine picture, not a trick photograph, a genuine picture. There you go, you see the nozzle. Fantastic.

TM: I ran across an interview with an American pilot who had escaped to Sweden and I think he was given political asylum, I’m not sure. But, he escaped to Sweden last year. He was a chemtrail pilot for the U.S. Air Force. And I was able to contact somebody who did know him, but he still was too afraid to come on the air. But, so I know that there are pilots out there who do know what’s going on. But I think there have been a few who have come forward, not many, Simon. Have you talked to any pilots who have been engaged in that kind of thing?

SP: No I haven’t because I think these people could lose their job or worse.

TM: Right. Yes, right.

SP: It’s one of the most secret things and the other thing is that honestly, most of these pilots don’t actually know it. Some of them do, but many of them don’t. They fly their airplane. This thing, they don’t switch it on themselves generally. It’s all switched on automatically. They haven’t a clue, and they don’t have a control over it. But there are some of course who are aware of it and do know what’s going on.

TM: Right.

SP: But you know, it’s one of those things that it’s very difficult to get anybody to talk openly about it.

TM: Right.

SP: You know there was a guy who wanted to talk to me, did talk to me about the murder of Princess Diana.

TM: Oh really, okay.

SP: This is some years ago and they came to the house and he spoke to me, and then he lost his driving license for three months. So to punish him, they took away his driver’s license. Then they gave it back.

TM: Oh interesting.

SP: So they do hit back, so people have to be careful.

TM: Right, right. Well I hope there comes a time where they’ll have more freedom to speak out against it. I look at chemtrails as a crime against humanity, and I… I mean it’s one of the strangest things Simon to see all of these chemtrails across the skies and then you look at your newspapers. None of them report it. None of the mainstream press really talks about it. And it’s this weird kind of 1984 controlled media where you’re not supposed to talk about it or people think you’re crazy too to even mention it.

SP: Yes, because of the people behind it are so powerful. And remember that they’ve infiltrated most of the established media, who won’t… who will just turn down the news on it. So it’s very difficult and once we get a breakthrough, let’s hope we get a breakthrough soon, then I think all this other stuff will come out, but nobody seems to want to be the first person to get the ball rolling if you know what I mean.

TM: Uh-hum, sure absolutely. Absolutely. There was a prediction I think you mentioned on my program, either the last time or the last one Simon about India going with China, and they’re of course ancient rivals. They had a war back I believe in ’61 or ’62 where China grabbed some of the territory that was Indian and has kept it since that time. But you had a post on Saturday June 1st about China choosing India and Trump removing his special protection from India as China and India made an economic pact.

SP: Yes I know that America has been working very hard to try to get India to join it as part of an economic wall against China, and remember under President Obama America was very pro-Pakistan.

TM: Right.

SP: And then Trump came in and Trump wanted to be very pro-India, but it looks like India has chosen to go with China and as a result of that Trump hasn’t put any tariffs or hurt them. What he’s done is he’s removed their special—they have an exemption business wise—he’s removed that. So he’s treating them equally, but it’s clearly a warning shot, because he’s saying look, if you are going to go with China, then you can’t really be a friend of the U.S.

TM: I see. Okay. Yeah, yeah. I don’t see India being a longterm ally of China though just because in the past China has attacked India. I don’t know. What do you think the longterm, longterm will be?

SP: I think India will go with anyone who can make a commitment economically to it, because what India wants is the trade routes that China have set up, but it wants to be able to undercut China with Indian products. Now what India doesn’t have is the access to the container craft, the container ships, but China does. So what India wants is Indian goods utilizing the Chinese network. Now what China wants is access to India because it’s an emerging market. China is now reaching maxed-out position. China’s got nowhere to go now, so it’s looking for India, so they both wish to gain something out of each other, and they’re not going to get a deal from the U.S., so I think we will see India and China on an economic pact, but it won’t be on a military pact or anything like that. There won’t be anything more than just purely business.

TM: I see. Okay. All right, well thanks for that explanation. There was another post you had a few days ago on U.S. Veterans Association, and back a couple of days ago on June 1st you wrote that Veterans Association warned that it would march on Washington D.C. if any move was made to impeach President Trump. You wrote that this should not be seen as an idealist dreaming. You guys have had one civil war and that’s quite enough, and I’d love to hear your comment on that.

SP: Well there’s something like one million veterans signed up and, you know, they feel very protective towards President Trump. You know, there’s a recent YouTube, you can see it where President Trump in the last couple of weeks was at an United States Air Force Academy, and he personally wanted to shake the hand of every cadet in this academy who had graduated.

TM: Really.

SP: Yep. He gave, you know, that he was on his feet shaking hands with these cadets for three-and-a-half hours.

TM: Really, oh my goodness. That’s amazing.

SP: Three-and-a-half hours.

TM: Wow.

SP: That’s why the military love him. And it’s another veiled threat. If anybody illegally attempted to try and remove him, then there are certain elements that wouldn’t sit for it. They wouldn’t stand for that, so yeah it was, you know, let’s let this cut to the chase here, basically the military, the United States Military couldn’t make that statement themselves because that would call them into conflict with Congress.

TM: Right.

SP: But what’s they done is they’ve used their voicepiece, which is the Veterans Association. The veterans carried the message from the military knowing that certain people in Capitol Hill would hear that. So that was the threat. They’ve done this before when Obama was in office, and there were issues, the National Guard in a number of areas were activated just to send a warning to President Obama, and the number of places where the National Guard were actually in their trucks or their vehicles and their engines were running, and then they were told to stand down, so you know, it’s not the first time they’ve done this, and that’s why the leader of the House will not go down the impeachment road for President Trump unlike some of the other people they tried to, but in this case they won’t, because the military won’t stand for it. So although some Democrats clearly want Trump impeached, you know, Nancy who knows a lot more than most, there’s no way she’s going to let that happen because there are a lot of Democratic supporters who vote Democrat and have done all their life, they can’t understand why if President Trump is guilty, why they’re not impeaching him. And the reality is, it’s just a game of politics. It is just a [game] of politics.

TM: Right. I haven’t watched CNN, the cabal news network for years actually, but the last time I did, they had nothing but nonstop about the Russian investigation. I think that was last year, and it’s kind of unfortunate in a way because they fill their news stories with that with the result that their news ratings have plummeted. As I said before last year, the cartoon channel actually has more listeners, more viewers than CNN does right now in the United States, so...

SP: Well the thing is that they have really pinned everything on this supposed collusion between President Trump himself and the Russian government.

TM: Right.

SP: Either they genuinely believe this or they were just out to make as much trouble as they could, and of course, it’s been proved to be a lie. Now the question is if people were willing doing that, then that’s treason, and, you know, the listeners may have seen just before he came to Britain, Trump made a little conference and he mentioned a couple of names and said that he considered that treason had been done. Now I’ve said to people privately, but I’ll share it with you that those people who are named, they’d better watch out, because if they are tried in Texas or a couple of other states where the death penalty is, then I can tell you President Trump is going to push for the death penalty. Anybody who can be found guilty of treason can be put to the electric chair. There’s no question of it. So people who thought that they were above the law, thought that they could try and prevent a legitimate president—it doesn’t matter whether you like him or not-—he was legitimately elected and somebody tried to remove him illegally, that’s treason, and I think that we will publicly see something in the next few weeks about that.

TM: Amazing, amazing, well following up on that you had a post on May 30th that the U.S. Attorney General in an interview with CBS had hinted where his counter investigation is going, including who authorized the FBI to spy on the Trump campaign, were the CIA involved in Uranium One, the FISA Report and the biggest shock of all an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, definitely a change of times isn’t it with this?

SP: Yes because what will happen is that whilst this supposed investigation into, you know, the nonexistent collusion between President Trump and Russia, what the other side was doing, the pro-Trump side, they were saying okay right, well we’ll use this time quite wisely and let’s dig up what the other side are doing. So as that investigation went on, it was widened out, and they found a lot of information. Now what, I think, was critical and surprised me was that the brief wasn’t just what you would think it would be, the brief was actually looking into the Clinton Foundation.

TM: Hum, Interesting.

SP: Now that was interesting because if they were investigating the Clinton Foundation, that must mean that they suspect something. Now it’s very interesting to see what comes out from that.

TM: Oh absolutely, absolutely. I have to share with you a funny story Simon. I just got in to London yesterday from Iceland, and where I’m staying, I think I’m at a place where there are ley lines here in London because I actually have two or three different times. This is before I spilled water on my computer tonight, but my computer has advanced almost fifteen minutes since I got here, but my watch is fifteen minutes behind, and I’ve checked all the clocks in the house, and it’s also fifteen minutes, and then my phone has a different time completely, so when that’s happened before I’m often in an energy vortex, a dimensional shift, so I think I’m in a portal. If I slip through it tonight, I’ll get hold of you somehow, but I either have like, there’s either like seven minutes left, seventeen minutes left or twenty or twenty-five minutes left to my interview, so I guess I’ll just have to wing it as far as time goes, but it’s definitely weird. It’s happened a couple times in my life too where I have been in an energy vortex, a time dimensional shift, but I’ve got to be very careful walking around this place because I may slip off into maybe November 1895, but anyway so I wanted to [warn] you.

SP: Well I don’t think we need to worry. I think Eric will keep an eye on you and he won’t let you do that.

TM: Okay, good. Thank you for that encouragement. You probably… I got a question from one of my listeners, from James in Virginia, and he wrote that Dr. Michael Salla wrote a book last year about how the U.S. military, and this is a good question for you Simon with your background, how the U.S. military up until about 2016 had been involved of course with the Reptilians and the Greys as part of this treaty that they’ve signed way back in the ’50s, but in 2016 there was a sea change, where the U.S. Air Force in particular backed out of this agreement that the military had had with the Reptilians, and they have entered into a new agreement with—somebody just brought me a watch with another time on it, so I guess I’ll follow that—that they’d entered into a new agreement with representatives of the Pleiadians or the Galactic Alliance for cooperation. Do you know much about that Simon? That would be fascinating to learn more about.

SP: Well it all started under President Obama and the interesting visit to Antarctica. With the change in Presidents, you see that president, your President Trump is a 5th dimensional person. The soul in President Trump’s body is 5th dimensional, whereas President Obama was 4th dimensional.

TM: Oh.

SP: Which means that people like the Pleiadians, Andromedans, who are 5th dimensional would be more drawn to a commander in chief who was of the same background as they are. So the military, the U.S. military had been waiting a long time for President Trump and had been waiting a long time to get rid of the arrangements they had, so when their commander in chief changed, you know, his pattern, then they changed theirs. So basically what you have now is the official line of the military in response to a much more positive extraterrestrial group but you have your breakaway factional arm of the military still connected to the more negative forces.

TM: Hum, when do you think this will become, completely transfer over to the new good leadership?

SP: Do you mean… I don’t...

TM: I’m sorry, let me make it more specific Simon. When do you think our cooperation with the negatives will end and we’ll be fully in the positive side working with positive extraterrestrials?

SP: I think that depends on your voters. If President Trump is returned, it will be midway through his second term of office.

TM: Okay. Okay. Okay, great. Great, great. I still see you Simon, and I think I told you this several years ago, as an ambassador eventually for the planet with positive extraterrestrials and other extraterrestrial races beyond this planet, not now, not next year, but perhaps in the coming years, and because of your benevolence and you want the best for humanity, and I do see that happening but maybe three or four or five years out.

SP: Well thank you Ted. I rather hope it’s quicker than that.

TM: Right, I hope so too, but that would be on the slow road, on the slow road. Maybe...

SP: I think what’s... let’s see what happens on July 4th.

TM: Okay.

SP: I know that’s very quick Ted, but let’s see what happens on July 4th. Well let us see if President Trump is elected for a second term, and if he is, I know we are looking well into the future now. Let us see who becomes the president after President Trump. It won’t be me because I’m not an American citizen, but that’s not what I’m saying, but what I’m saying is there is an important step here. First there’s July 4th, then we’ve got to see if Trump is selected at the primaries and goes on and whether he wins, and then when he finishes his second term of office, who then stands for president. That will be the final seizing up of the evil people.

TM: Um-hum. Well frankly...

SP: Sorry Ted I’m just gonna say… I didn’t mean to be rude and overspeak you.

TM: That’s okay.

SP: It’s not… it isn’t going to happen tomorrow, but there is this plan and that’s what the plan is and I’ve laid it out, but remember it’s all about free will and if people decide they want President Trump, and they don’t vote for him, then that isn’t going to happen that way.

TM: Right, right. Exactly, exactly. We’ve got about, well according to two watches I’ve got in front of me ten minutes left, and I hope that they’re the right time. Eric if I’m in another time zone let me know, another dimension let me know, but I’m assuming we’ve got ten minutes left. You had, there were some questions on, people wrote me about this Virginia shooting May 31st. These shootings where somebody goes berserk and an employee goes mad and they start killing people. Are many of them, are they false events in the sense that these are like MKUltra people who have been programmed to do that, so that there is a conspiracy to take guns away from the American people. What do you think, or is it truly sometimes people are just nuts and they start shooting people.

SP: I think it’s a mixture of everything. I mean one of the things that I’ve always said and I’ve been slightly, I disagreed with quite a number of commentators over these events. You know, it’s very fashionable. A lot of commentators have said look, you know, they’re all full of actors, this, that, and the other.

TM: Right.

SP: And I’ve always consistently said no, people have actually died. Real people have died. And the issue is not that. What you’ve got to look at is the person who’s doing it, and what’s in their head at the moment they are doing it. In some cases they are just literally screwy. There’s no other way for it, but in other cases I believe they’ve been on some sort of mental program. We used to call it hypnosis, now call it mind control. It can either be a strange cult. It could be a Satanic group. It could be anything, and they are not even in control of their own senses and they go and do it. But the point I want to make is that in most of these cases innocent people do die, and I’ve taken issue with these people who say oh nobody died. It was all actors, all pretend blood, and I say to them no, because if it’s Satanic they want sacrifices.

TM: Oh I see, yes.

SP: And so people really did die, so I have argued with that because I’ve always said that people really did die and I think that’s an important point to make. And yes, Ted, it can be someone just going completely mad. They’ve got a real grudge or a grievance against an employer and you’ve got more sinister stuff, where the person’s somebody, you know, someone’s got into their head and made them do it.

TM: Right. Right. Right. Well thank you, thank you so much for sharing that Simon. When, you know, I think one of the… I talk to the people of the Hollow Earth and I did speak to Zorra of the Hollow Earth here last week, and I asked him when he thought that the planet would be shifting into the 5th dimension. He thought parts of the planet would be shifting Simon by the end of, what did he say, December of 2021, which is astounding. He said some parts would still remain in the 3rd/4th dimension but there would be parts of it shifting into the 5th dimension, and he saw our evolution shifting into these higher dimensions faster than he even previously thought, that humanity was doing well.

I remember last year, you said that there was a time last year Simon when things kind of slowed down, and humanity needed to catch up and redouble their efforts, our efforts on ascension and creating a better planet. What is it, I remember, I know you talked about now as being a critical time. Are we still doing well as a group of humanity on our path to ascension or have we slowed down again or how are we doing as a whole?

SP: Now we’ve caught up. We were, I can’t remember exactly when it was, but when you asked me we were in a bit of a swamp really in the sense that we were sort of very stuck, but we’re out of that. We’re sort of moving forward now at a faster rate, and you always know what’s happening because the way the new is. When we’re getting truth coming out to us, it’s because we’re speeding up. When we seem to be hit with a lot of nonsense, then we’ve been slowed down, so I think originally we all thought maybe 2024, 2025, but I would agree… I would even go 2020, 2021, now, as for elements of the earth you just can’t go wallop like that, but I say between 2020 and 2021 there will be people reporting things and saying things that can only mean that some parts of the planet have actually ascended, and what that will be for those of us who haven’t quite made it through at that time, it will be very interesting, because I genuinely don’t know how this is going to play out. You know I initially thought we would all go together but I understand that that’s too traumatic and that it has to be on a rolling program. So I, you know, this is really exciting. What happens? Does half a block just disappear? Does the corner store disappear? Or what, you know, but yes, I’d say 2020, 2021, we should begin to start seeing. I mean there are people, individual people, Ted who already, you know, they are getting glimpses. They’ll look down the highway and they’ll see a city. They’ll blink and the city’s gone. So there are individual people getting it already.

TM: There’s something I learned about ten years ago. It’s a very profound lyric from a country song here in the states and it goes something like this, “In heaven there ain’t no beer, that’s why we drink it here.” Well, I mean if you’re in a pub, for example, and you’re shifting into the 5th dimension, you’re holding a glass of 3rd dimensional beer, excellent beer, would you suddenly, would the beer suddenly disappear out of your hand as you enter into the 5th dimension? That’s an interesting point, but I don’t know, but...

SP: It is an interesting point. I think the thing is it’s what we create and what’s unique. There are certain things in the 5th dimension that you wouldn’t tolerate in the 4th, vice versa. So I think what we should be looking at is our feelings and our values. That’s going to change. What we believe and what we think we need, that is what’s got to be reassessed.

TM: Right, right. A psychic told me recently that they thought that the energy would be increasing by 500 times by July of next month, and then 5000 times by December of this year, and then 50,000 times by 2020, and another half-a-million times by the end of 2020 December with the result that everything would be shifting into this 5th dimension by the end of 2020 to 2021 on a rolling basis. Certain sectors would be coming in, so it’s an interesting time to be alive, and I know all of us volunteered to be here. We’ve got about a minute-and-a-half left Simon, and I want to give you the rest of the time to wrap up your wonderful interview today.

SP: Well thank you Ted. So basically what I would say is that it really is important what’s going to happen in America. America will be sitting the trend. It’s vital that whatever happens on Capitol Hill is reported widely. I don’t have any faith in most of the established media, so may be some of these people who will be arrested will be very soon yet in the media. So if very senior media people are arrested that sends a big signal to everyone else to be a bit more open and a bit more truthful. So let’s see over the coming weeks some of these arrests which I’m sure are gonna take place, and they will be public perhaps. Let’s see in the media and the entertainment industry who gets a hit, and let’s see then the media changing and becoming much more open and honest news broadcasting.

TM: Well that would be a refreshing change of pace wouldn’t it, for the mainstream media to tell the truth about what’s actually going on in the world.

SP: Yes it would be and you know, it’s just a part of what’s taking place. I just ask your listeners to be patient. Give it a few more weeks. Let’s see what’s gonna develop Ted.

TM: Okay wonderful Simon. Well Simon thank you so much for coming on again today and I know everyone has really enjoyed what you had to say.


Transcribed by GSC June 12, 2019

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